Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PF Secretary general Davis Chama mobilising the Party in Southern Province


Davies Chama addressing PF Members at the mobilisation meeting
Davies Chama addressing PF Members at the mobilisation meeting

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) secretary general Davis Chama is on a marathon tour of Southern Province in a bid to cut the political dominance of the United Party for National Development (UPND) in the region ahead of the 2016 general elections.

He is also in Southern Province to mend his relationship with the people of the region following controversy earlier this year that he had insulted Tongas which compelled President Edgar Lungu to meet with the traditional leadership in the area.

Mr Chama told the Daily Nation in Sinazongwe that he had undertaken a tour of Southern Province to resuscitate the PF structures at all levels ahead of the 2016 general elections.

He said he had met with several chiefs in Southern Province and that it was pleasing that the messages from the chiefs were about forgiveness, reconciliation, tolerance and unity.

Mr Chama said he met Chiefs Chongo in Monze, Sinazongwe, Mweemba and other traditional leaders who have warned against the risk of changing Government next year because such an act would have serious economic and political ramifications.

He said the chiefs were aware that there was a particular media house in the country that was propagating hatred, tribalism and politics of malice and were concerned with the agenda of some politicians to divide the country on the basis of ethnicity.

“We have been on tour of Southern Province and have had encouraging meetings with our traditional leaders. We are receiving overwhelming reception from the people and the message from our chiefs is all about forgiveness, reconciliation, unity and development.

‘‘The traditional leaders are happy with the selfless leadership President Lungu is providing and have warned against the risk of changing government next year. They have cautioned against experimenting leadership because they understand the ramifications of such acts,” Mr Chama said.

Mr Chama explained that the chiefs in Southern Province did not want to dwell on the artificial differences which were negating development and that he was happy that Chief Sinazongwe candidly emphasized the need to support President Lungu.

He said the four years the PF was in Government was not enough to judge the leadership of President Lungu and it was only prudent that the Head of State should be given a new mandate to continue with his vision.

Mr Chama explained that the people of Southern Province supported UNIP for 27 years and gave the MMD 20 years and were now willing to ensure that the PF term should run the full course.

He stated that the PF Government was not going to be voted out next year and predicted that the ruling party was going to be in Government for a long time to come because Zambians had developed a lot of confidence in President Lungu.

“For the first time in history, all farmers have been paid all their money and they have received their seed and fertilizer. The farmers are only worried about the weather which we have no control over.

‘‘This Government is here to stay and it is amazing how much development has come to Southern Province despite the people not voting for the PF,” Mr Chama said.

PF entourage of Davies Chama
PF entourage of Davies Chama
Davies Chama being welcomed at a PF mobilization event
Davies Chama being welcomed at a PF mobilization event
Members of PF gathered to Listen to Davies Chama
Members of PF gathered to Listen to Davies Chama
Davies Chama with Senior PF party Officials in Southern Province
Davies Chama with Senior PF party Officials in Southern Province
Davies Chama addressing PF Members at the mobilisation meeting
Davies Chama addressing PF Members at the mobilisation meeting
PF Secretary General Davies Chama (far left) receives a UPND defector Aggefrey Brill (far right) as PF members of the Central Committee Paul Moonga (next to Mr Chama) and Siacheye Madyankuku looks on
PF Secretary General Davies Chama (far left) receives a UPND defector Aggefrey Brill (far right) as PF members of the Central Committee Paul Moonga (next to Mr Chama) and Siacheye Madyankuku looks
PF Secretary General Davies Chama (far left) receives a UPND defector Aggefrey Brill (far right) as PF members of the Central Committee Paul Moonga (next to Mr Chama) and Siacheye Madyankuku looks on
PF Secretary General Davies Chama (far left) receives a UPND
defector Aggefrey Brill (far right) as PF members of the Central
Committee Paul Moonga (next to Mr Chama) and Siacheye Madyankuku looks


    • Curious on lookers and a normal traffic jam were photoshopped for maximum effect
      Add the PF media ” what they should hear story” made the SG feel he had done his job yet he is still too arrogant to mend his relationship by a simple sorry for the misunderstanding; If that is what it was, when he called the region’s population polygamous.

    • Yavundumu that’s the spirit. In addition ranng mate clause marks the bgining of the end of HH/UPND considering the fact that HH ll favor GBM for tribal n financial reasons at the expense of competent n experienced long serving members. HH 50%+1 ll not favor u coz u have never shown consistency in pacts with PF n MMD in the past. So nawakwi or chipimo can never trust u after o they ll not accept to be appointed ministers koz u oredy heve a ranng mate as veep. U ar finished

    • Congratulations PF. But Chama should have waited until burial of UPND’s D. Secretary General.
      So it is now OPEN for all. UPND need go back to Copperbelt especially Luanshya

    • So why won’t Edgar and his Police Force let HH mobilize freely as well. They even tried to stop HH from visiting sick friends and relatives at UTH. Honestly, what kind of people are these? They deny opposition access to public media and people say Edgar is humble! my foot!

  1. Its good PF was well received in the Southern Province! The crowds were sizable. keep mobilizing ba PF.

    NOW, can you also release the Kachema from house arrrest and let him mobilise UPND freely as well? All politicians like Nevers, Nawakwi, Lungu etc are very happy and freely mobilizing.

    RELEASE HH and let him mobilize also!

    • UPND are free to hold rallies anywhere – the govt was worried for opposition parties going to politic on the Copperbelt considering what the mines are going through. It was it too soon for politicking. It is of course very unfair but you must also understand that that is a recipe for unrest and the government of the day has the responsibility to maintain peace.

  2. PF members are too few. It is really disappointing and a clear waste of resources wether government or party money. I am convinced, PF will terrible losein 2016. HH has huge support in Lusaka and on the Copperbelt while Edgar Lungu has only got more support in Luapula and Eastern Province.
    Despite being PF i think i conqure with Edgar Lungu’s image builders that PF is on its way out.
    In way iam sad, but what can i do? PF is only popular on ZNBC, Times of Zambia, Daily Nations, Daily Mail, Zambia Reports and on Chilufya Tayali’s facebook, but on the ground, it is always not existing no wonder the president has just decided to block UPND officials from mobilising their party and pay huge allowances to carders to beat up opposition members. PF IS INDEED DEAD LIKE MMD.

  3. President Edagr Lungu and the Patriotic Front still maintain immense influence on the Copperbelt ahead of next years General Elections.

    And a seasoned political scientist says it is impossibly hard for the Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) and its leader Hakainde Hichilema to win the forth coming polls in 2016.

    Peter Mpande, a respected academician on the Copperbelt says statistical evidence shows President Lungu is well ahead of his opponents in the race for the keys to State House next year.

    Giving his analysis, Mpande says the ruling Patriotic Front will win the polls even if the UPND has made some noticeable gains in recent months.

    “PF gained 19 new seats in addition to the 42 won at the 2006 general election, while UPND gained 12 more seats than it…

    • You are correct. The Copperbelt Bashi mine are used to the suffering lifestyle and willing to continue the same under PF.

      Now that PF has given the shi mines their 18 pins($1,600) considered big money by the way ( which they will spend within 2 months and go back to being broke)they will give HH his permits to visit the area.

      Meanwhile Aleisa HH

  4. I am happy that they received him well. I, for one, thought Chama would never set foot in Southern province without a large police guard. But there he is freely moving around and nobody attacking him. That is the way it should be. Talk about issues, resolve them and move on. Viva One Zambia, One Nation

    • “I, for one, thought Chama would never set foot in Southern province without a large police guard”

      Ok let us not deceive ourselves. Davis is moving with enough fire power to fight off perceived attackers. There are GRZ security operatives in his entourage to cover his sorry ass. Guess who is footing the bill?

      And by the way, he will not be stopped by the police. POA does not apply to the ruling elite.

  5. PF goes to Southern and they are moving freely, UPND goes to copperbelt they chase them – surely what type of politics is this? when MMD did this to PF i decided never to support them thinking that the PF would set a better standard, how wrong i was – we are back to the MMD days

    • Tongas are peaceful but never forget their past treatment. Be on the look out. It is not all that glitters that is gold. They read what is happening in the country where other politicians are arrested when they go to other Provinces to campaign or mobilise their parties. Silence is not everything.

  6. Ba Chama don’t cheat yourself that you were well received, just wait for voting day and you will receive the biggest shock of your life, I am that is when you will hate politics.

  7. People can’t wait for election season to kick in. It’s the time prices go down and they can breathe. Sadly true. Gov should be too busy delivering results to worry about stuff but the non stop politicking is damaging beyond repair. Sadly true…

  8. so you guys you wanted him to be harassed?it is good that they pretended that they had welcomed him which is fine,you seem to enjoy seeing headlines in newspapers that upnd cadres did this and that good behaviour ba muntu

  9. Ba Chama Only one defector to show for and a coloured chap he must be a nephew to Lawarence fimofimo. The whole southern province sure?This shows that Souther province is really a UPND strong hold.

  10. We wil bomb on you tribal blackassi nigga, as l cant wait for 2016 general elections. lndeed this tribal blackassi chama wil then learn thus that zed politics are a pure sku of hard knocks all the way! Ifintu ni foward fye mukwasu with a team of pact vissionary & selfless UPND leaders.

  11. Well done SG Chama.Us the people of Southern have seen the massive development PF has done in the province.We can assure you that in 2016,it will be real…….no more nega nega formula.

  12. Its good that Chama has been well received in South Zambia despite his proposal to construct a Chama urinary pipeline into Kariba dam.Now people should be objective and know which people are tribal and violent.Which people are peaceful despite being shot at with impunity,hit with iron bars and cut by pangas as endangered species but still welcome you?I hope this man has no option but to his mobilization with great shame.If he was looking for violence ,then he has found the situation boring.In Southern there is no spirit of darkness but light.

  13. He is doing his mobilization with great shame coz he’s forgotten that he will at one point need the people of South Zambia as elections are nearing.Continue receiving him well to shame him and the devil.Let his guns go back fully loaded as he brought them.


  15. If the opposite happened that, a person from southern province insulted the bembas and then later go to the bemba land the way Chama has done, I can tell you those people (bembas) would never tolerate that person. I know what I’m talking about, I’m bemba. Sorry to say this, but the fact is we (bembas) are tribal and can never tolerate somebody who insulted us! Honest bembas will agree with me. That’s just the way it is!

  16. If the opposite happened that, a person from southern province insulted the bembas and then later go to the bemba land the way Chama has done, I can tell you those people (bembas) would never tolerate that person. I know what I’m talking about, I’m bemba. Sorry to say this, but the fact is we (bembas) are tribal and can never tolerate somebody who insulted us! Honest bembas will agree with me. That’s just the way it is!!

  17. Thank you Southern Province for receiving Chama gracefully ……not an iota of violence !!!

    Now EC Lungu release HH from house arrest so that he mobilizes in Chinsali (PF helicopter attack) and Kitwe (PF jerabo attack).

    Ba Police where is Chama permit to hold meetings ??!!!

  18. You have no conscience,no shame,HH and GBM are not allowed to mobilize ,but you allow this chap called Chama ,the worst SG in recent memory,Easter,and Tasila to go round.Why are you not leveling the playing field.I was a PF supporter but I don’t like this unfairness yaba Lungu.Iam embarrassed .vZambia is for all,let the others also go round,they are using their own resources not unexplained resources
    Iam ashamed of this PF.Chalibipa Ba Sata ukutusha nababantu Twachula,
    Why has Lungu removed parastal chiefs appointed by Ba Sata,was Lungu not part of PF,and why has he embraced all those that fought so all along Lungu was on a different page,why did he not resign if he did not agree with Sata.Hypocrisy at plu.Most pictures of
    Lungu with Sata show him humble but he was merely acting ,his…

    • Don’t worry Zambians are not doormats to be trumped on as they like. Let them Zunguluka Zambia as much as they care to do, but come voting day they will shed tears of blood.

  19. What a shame Tongas! So, you can be fooled this much and still stomach it? Why can’t you beat this *****? He insults you and then he comes into your bedroom mocking you.What was your Monze meeting about, if I may ask? I thought you met in Monze to express anger at Chama’s tantrums? So, why the hell is he there now? He defied your Chiefs and defied an entire population and here you are, allow stupid Moonga and Madyenkuku to bring you the ***** chap. Beat him up!

  20. May God deal with the PF party. They don’t follow the law of love your nieghbour as you love yourself . If they are they would have allowed even HH and UPND to mobilize their party as well in PF stronghold . Madyenkuku and mwananjiti are the one who said only a Tonga can lead UPND after Mazoka’s death. HH fired them but PF who claim to be not the tribalist party accepted them. If they are against tribalism they would not have accepted these two men as upnd has done . The ignorant PF say UPND said only Tonga should lead it.These two men are not supposed to be in politics if the pf meant well on tribal politics. VIVA UPND for chasing these two men. As for Chama, he should be ashamed of himself as he just want to subject the tongas only to other tribal leadership. Tongas have helped…

  21. Ba UPND are a problematic party.Why do you like insulting in the name of democracy ? Chama told you the truth that if you had the capacity to urinate and fill up the Kariba,you should have done so because you were unjustifiably blaming PF for the water shortage as if PF is the one that creates rain.Stop soliciting cheap popularity out of nothing.You are now feeling the heat because Southern is now pro PF.

    • @ “… Southern is now pro PF.” Poor Jane. Any defectors to PF other than that one individual, who from his looks, doesn’t even seem to have a voting age family.

  22. 50+1 for PF will be automatic going by the support they are commanding due to the robust infrastructure development country wide unless Zambians do not understand the importance of credible infrastructure in national building.

  23. i thought Lungu mentioned no more wastage of resources….look at all the cars in the convoy
    God help us……
    ati development?

  24. Chama in southern province on party mobilization! Well different levels of civility among peoples in different regions of the country. Compare to what happens when UPND or indeed Rainbow parties try to do the same in Northern and other provinces regarded as PF strongholds, worse still had an insult against a tribe in PF stronghold been attributed to an UPND party functionary! Opposition parties cadres in southern province proved to Chama that they are non violent as Zambia is for all to enjoy personal freedoms

  25. in the SP paying bribes to all the chiefs by building new houses for them……JANE the authorities are to blame for water shortage in kariba if the had not pumped out all the water then we would not have this problem there was enough water in kariba.

  26. Seriously Brill the coloured guy in the picture is not a UPND member. He was sacked sometime back. If I stood on PF ticket the most unpopular party in Livingstone and him on UPND he can still lose because he is not a factor. Kwena ye ukwisa loba mo fye Brill mwatemwa. This is truly “picture of the day.

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