Saturday, March 15, 2025

President Lungu commissions the setup of the $190m Bio fuel plant in Kawambwa


President Edgar Lungu with Mr Richard Bennett CEO SunBird Bioenegry Africa during the ground breaking ceremony at Kawambwa Cassava farm and biorefinery plant which will Produce Bioethonol (biofuel)- PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.16-12-2015
President Edgar Lungu with Mr Richard Bennett CEO SunBird Bioenegry Africa during the ground breaking ceremony at Kawambwa Cassava farm and biorefinery plant which will Produce Bioethonol (biofuel)- PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.16-12-2015

President Edgar Lungu has commissioned the 190 million US dollar Bio Fuel Plant in Kawambwa , Luapula Province.

The Project which is scheduled to start production in 2017 will produce 120 Million litres of bio- ethanol annually and create over 600 New Jobs for locals.

And President Lungu says the project is poised to create a market for cassava for over 20 thousand Local farmers under its out grower scheme.

The Head of State says the project will enable Zambia substitute imported fuel with bio fuel.

And President Lungu has praised the investors Sunbird Bio-energy Africa and its partners China New Energy and China State Construction for investing in the project.

He said the investors have a good track record as evidenced by the more than 1- Hundred projects that they have successfully constructed across Asia.

Earlier, Sunbird Bio Energy Africa Chief Executive Officer Richard Bannett said the plant will be producing 120 million litres of fuel per year.

Below is the President’s Speech


I am greatly humbled to be here today to grace this ground breaking ceremony to commence the first ever Cassava Ethanol project in Kawambwa.

This is an important development for our country and it is in line with government policy to diversify away from the mining sector.

This project will enable us to substitute imported fuel with Biofuel to serve on the huge outlay on imported petroleum products. In addition, the project is poised to create a market for cassava for over 20,000 local farmers. This is besides, the direct job opportunities for our own people in the surrounding area.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to note that Sunbird Bioenergy Africa have
committed themselves to establish this important processing plant which at its full capacity will be able to produce 120 million litres of Bio-ethanol equivalent to 20 percent of Zambia’s petrol requirements.

I am reliably informed that Sunbird Bioenergy Africa and its partners China New Energy and China State Construction have an impressive track record of developing projects such as this. This is evidenced by more than 100 projects that the companies have successfully constructed across Asia.

Prior to this, a Government team was sent to appreciate the success story of the similar project in Thailand. Among the successes recorded on this project in Thailand includes:

1) Creation of thousands of jobs for rural farmers with production levels in excess of 600,000 tonnes of cassava each year;

2) Production of over 120 million litres of Bioethanol each year and
3) Creation of more than 500 direct employment opportunities in management, engineering, accounts and other fields.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Sunbird Bioenergy has committed itself to replicating the project in Thailand, here in Kawambwa.

As Government we are extremely grateful that management of Sunbird Bioenergy Africa chose Kawambwa district for this critical project.

To this effect, my Government has allocated 20,000 Ha of land on the Luena farm block for the development of a nucleus farm and out-grower programme which will produce more than 600,000 tonnes of Cassava each year for the plant.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
With this new project, there is need for Ministry of Agriculture to work with Sunbird Bioenergy Africa to design an out-grower programme aimed at maximising participation of as many rural farmers as possible.

I am informed that the construction of the plant will commence in 2016 while production is expected to begin 2017. I wish to urge management to ensure that the implementation programme is expedited and adhered to for us to quickly see the benefits of this project.

With increased power supply in the northern circuit, I am hopeful that more investment such as this will be attracted to set up in this region.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In conclusion I wish to once more commend Sunbird Bioenergy Africa and its partners for taking economic development to the rural part of our country. This will tremendously improve the lives of our people.

May I also take this opportunity to thank your royal highness for embracing this project in your area. My sincere hope is that your counterparts in other parts of the country will emulate your resolve to open up your area to development.

It is now my singular honour and privilege to declare the commencement of this project.

May the Almighty God bless you all.
I thank you.

President Edgar Lungu with Mr Richard Bennett CEO SunBird Bioenegry Africa plants Cassava Cutting at Kawambwa Cassava farm and biorefinery plant which will Produce Bioethonol (biofuel)- PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.16-12-2015
President Edgar Lungu with Mr Richard Bennett CEO SunBird Bioenegry Africa plants Cassava Cutting at Kawambwa Cassava farm and biorefinery plant which will Produce Bioethonol (biofuel)- PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.16-12-2015
President Edgar Lungu with Mr Richard Bennett CEO SunBird Bioenegry Africa and other Officials at Kawambwa Cassava farm and biorefinery plant which will Produce Bioethonol (biofuel)- PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.16-12-2015
President Edgar Lungu with Mr Richard Bennett CEO SunBird Bioenegry Africa and other Officials at Kawambwa Cassava farm and biorefinery plant which will Produce Bioethonol (biofuel)- PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.16-12-2015
President Edgar Lungu with Mr Richard Bennett CEO SunBird Bioenegry Africa and other Officials at Kawambwa Cassava farm and biorefinery plant which will Produce Bioethonol (biofuel)- PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.16-12-2015
President Edgar Lungu with Mr Richard Bennett CEO SunBird Bioenegry Africa and other Officials at Kawambwa Cassava farm and biorefinery plant which will Produce Bioethonol (biofuel)- PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.16-12-2015


  1. Like any project of this nature, the venture will have to conduct a feasibility study and an environmental impact assessment – neither of which have yet commenced. The company will also have to raise financing for the project but the company has said construction could start in 2016 with production potentially starting in “late 2017”.

    Source: LSE 4.12.15

    So that was Zim. Have they found the money?

    • Sunbird Bioenergy’s website is very clear and the only track record it has is the background of the three directors and there is our dull president promoting this selfsame company as if GRZ has shares in it. Zambian leaders are very dull, they would not promote their own local investors without physical evidence but he is quick to waste jet fuel to fly all the to Kawambwa district and smile like a big f**l.

    • Cheap political thinking, The EIA was done along time ago for this project, ECL is smart enought not to participate in iligality, as for the money its for the investor to answer that question however, logic will tell that its imprudential to start a project and some funds (sunken costs) will not be recovred if the abandone the project at the last hour.

    • Got facts right and dont be contaminated by self styled and paid bloggers on LT.

      checkout the activities of sunbirdbioenergy



  3. It seems this lazy bum Edgar has too much time on his hands for flying around….this selfsame Sunbird Bioenergy is a three man team and most projects around the world are still at investigative stage or development stage; the man talks about similar projects in Thailand with job projections yet on the website it says the project is at investigative stage. Lazy Lungu should be careful not to be jumping on the bandwagon and let his ministers handle such issues as he will embarrass himself and that office. This bum needs new advisers.

    • @Larry
      Praise what?? This is why you will remain poor and only be forever work as farm hands in your own land…if you study this company its basically just financing from China Energy to these 3 white guys…when look at the initial ZDA advert for Luena Farm Block on; GRZ was seeking the participation of private sector investors to partner with to develop the farm block into an integrated sugar plantation and processing unit but now we can conclude that this is not a PPP project as CNE is involved, this is not sugar plantation and simply land acquisition…instead of us negotiating a stake in this energy deal we will merely be customers as always.

      Wake up!!

    • @ Larry

      Give praise for what?

      Investment idea? Bio-fuel from cassava? It has been there for ages and Zambia is not FIRST one

      Project? When IMPLEMENTATION start (if it start) then I will be first one to praise FINANCIERS for assuming huge risk and promoters for securing the Loan, ECL for what?

      As to “sadists”, more likely realist.

      On the other hand, how is your masochism progressing? Accelerating? To bad. Shame that after 4 billion US$ borrowing, still no medical cure in Zambia. Well, at least you got what you voted for.

    • The heat is on ELC is delivering UNPD cadrs are feeling, the Boo sh1t posted by Jay Jay, a will known fully – Paid UPND cadre on LT are coming to a Not.
      2016 Vote ECL

    • My boy Jay Jay the heat is on, the lies you have been spreading (typical of UPND clones and minions) wont work. Give praise were its due, all the nonsence about the credability of the investor are unfounded. Zambians are seeing only paid bloggers like you are blind to the realities on the ground.
      2016 my vote is still for ECL.

    • A cadre will always lead the debate to character assassination that’s his/her biggest strength, issues are unimportant to them….if you have been blogging on this site from MMD era you would known better than pigeon hole as an opposition cadre.

  4. please can someone pumo some sense into this lazy president who is costing the country alot of money thru these commissions. The entrourages that travel with him and security teams are very big. Just in december he has made 10 trips each costing k1 billion and above for allowances. When does he have time to sit in his office and work. Useless lazy bum

  5. Fortunately the other guy will be disappointed again and disillusionment here will reach an all time low! Go Mr. President, please do not listen to these detractors, bakafwa kucikonko!

  6. RB in his last days commissioned many projects to hookwick the would be voters but was still defeated and among those were Kafue gorge hydro Ecl was relaunching last month. These are just some of the tricks that won’t take PF into power beyond 2016.

  7. This is the way to go, your are crying of jet fuel not reailezing the importance of the project . Well done mr president . Some Zambians have no idea about divecation, at one point cooper will have unending

    • @ Raphael

      Can you please clarify when bio-fuel has been approved by engine manufacturers and certifying authorities to be used as jet-fuel?
      Please, stop dreaming. Even in Brazil (biggest producer of bio-fuel) there is no approval to use bio-fuel as replacement for Jet-A1

  8. To all those who seem bitter in their comments, why not just be happy if you feel that ECL will lose instead of pouring your envy all over Lusaka Times?

    Truth is ECL is still with us for a long long time to come. I’m sure you are hoping that history repeat itself . Well back yourselves ECL is here for another 10 yrs!!!

    If you know anything about politics then must already have accepted that fact and hence the whinnimg

    • Rb said if he had won ,he strongly feels he will have been dead by now , why,I doubt very much that lungu can rule for another 10 yrs. But five years , it’s possible ,

  9. Zambia is an embarrassment at the world stage,private investment can not be commissioned by a president but can be opened by a president , what type of mentality is this Kashi ?the whole presidential entourage going in the bush and putting his hands on a stone and then fly back , in a normal society the president will come in when the plant is fully functioning and s/he will see the whole process and then that’s when s/he can give a speech , but this is a reflection of 90% of Zambian mentality , Zambia is doomed ,

  10. With this project, Edgar, your critics will have nothing say. Continue hitting them hard! Am voting for you including all my family members, we have already discussed it.

  11. Its a mistake by ba under 5 cadres to compare MMD to pf, Let me remind you under 5 cadres MMD was in power for 20year and people want change, Knowing Zambians pf is winning in 2016. Even next year its haleya halenya.

  12. You will insult , name calling the man, He is in state house, period and that is a reality…..
    Agony is the one wanting to get into state house.
    Viva ECL viva pf….

  13. Great Prject.mayo kuya mukulima tute nomba.UPND supporters now u can feel the heat.Chapwa guys yo tribal president won’t win 1n 2016.We’ll vote like nega nega next year.PF has really worked.I have never seen roads like this in Zambian history .i can go everywhere now.Great job ba PF.Let UPND sees that we are working.Kwashala ukokotolola ka kwacha.if the kwacha stabilizes then finish ba tribal party

  14. Mr President is leading . whether they have done it before elsewhere or not as long as the concept is viable lets lead and be the first ones. Let Zambia lead regarding the production of Bioethanol so that the rest of world can learnt from us.

  15. Tuma PF cadres, the only time we would start worrying that HH will not make it is when your dull president and his useless ministers manage to bring down the cost of living because that is what determines who a voter will choose. Seeing you jumping up and down like monkeys over a project that is not even in it’s infancy stage makes me laugh and also makes me question your mental faculties because as far as I know, the destitute people on the copperbelt are not affected in anyway by this project which begs the question, what the heck are you numb skulls excited about?

    • The heat is on, PF is delivering the mere fact that such projects are being lunched implies investor confidence high and sufficient under the PF govt.

      2016 vote ECL.

    • Ba Vizungu, the way you PF chaps over-praise Lungu based on projects whose feasibility is questionable is very worrisome. look at the comments of praise above, one woudl think the whole country was at the commissioning and they screamed in joy and wonder and pledged to keep Lungu in office.

  16. Get facts right and dont be contaminated by self styled and paid bloggers on LT.

    checkout the activities of sunbirdbioenergy a repulable firm in the energy sector.



  18. This was the news in 2009 (during MMD rule)

    “A combined team of Chinese and Zambian investors is currently conducting feasibility studies in Northern Province on the possibilities of establishing a US$ 3 billion bio-diesel joint venture project.

    Traditional rulers in Northern Province have expressed willingness to provide large portions of land for the project, which is likely to create employment for the local people.
    Speaking in Kasama recently during a meeting with heads of Government departments attended by the investors; Commence Minister Felix Mutati said there was need to attract more investors to create job opportunities for the local people.”

  19. The appointment of Maureen Mwanawasa as HH’s right hand woman or advisor obliterates all other issues — UPND is almost entirely about Bantu Botatwe. With all the back-and-forth discussion by Chilufya Tayali accusing UPND of being entirely a Bantu Botatwe, I am inclined to agree with Tayali on this issue.that is why na ubupuba bwafulisha ba Haleya Halenya

  20. 2012 December, 18 | Lagos, Nigeria

    Sunbird Bioenergy completes pre-feasibility for a new 50,000 tonne bioethanol project in Nigeria. The biorefinery will use cassava as a feedstock is expected to enter production in 2015. The environmental impact assessment will be completed by Q2 2013 and building is expected to commence in Q4.

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