Friday, March 7, 2025

Entire Patriotic Front Leadership is a bunch of plunderers-James Lukuku


Leftist Progressive Party general secretary James Lukuku during the launch of the party in Lusaka
Leftist Progressive Party general secretary James Lukuku during the launch of the party in Lusaka

Opposition Republican Progressive party (RPP) President James Lukuku has branded the entire Patriotic Front Leadership as a bunch of plunderers who have mutilated the country’s economy, reports Pan African Radio journalist Hermit Hachilonde.

Speaking when he featured on Pan African Radio’s “OFF the CUFF programme, Mr. Lukuku explained that the damage the PF led Government has caused on Zambia’s economy in the four years they have been in power is beyond comprehension.

Mr. Lukuku further accused the ruling PF of preoccupying themselves with amassing mammon at the expense of national development and poverty alleviation.

He added that the country has now been turned into a banana republic as a result of lack of visionary leadership.

The vocal opposition RPP leader said the ruling PF leaders will be held accountable for their wanton destruction of the country’s economy which they have caused with impunity.

He warns there will be massive prosecutions of PF members after the 2016 general elections for the various crimes committed including that of initiating what he termed “phantom projects” as conduits of diverting public funds.

“Tell me, after 2016 the Patriotic Front leadership, they will scamper like rats from a house that is under demolition, “bakakakwa” because you know what it is, everything that the Patriotic Front has done, has pointed to the destruction of this nation, they have stolen to much money, and such kind of individuals don’t think they will live in the midst of the citizens when their term come to an end next year. Balekakwa! And what am telling you is that places like Chimbokaila, kwisa nakwisa, maybe we should find ways of extending these remand prisons because there are not cells that will be filled up by ordinary people, these are going to be jail cells for the PF, am telling you the PF has got no escaping root and it is like all of them they will be arrested”, James Lukuku said

Meanwhile, PF central committee member Father Frank Bwalya when reached for a comment, he dismissed Mr. Lukuku’s claims and described him as an unscrupulous and disgruntled politician who is also an attention-seeker.

The controversial catholic cleric said contrary to Mr. Lukuku’s wild assertions, the Governing PF is on the right path to Zambia’s economic recovery as evidenced by the massive projects across the country.

“I don’t comment on what a destitute says, James Lukuku is just a destitute who comes out every now and then to attract the PF and the Zambian people, he survives on that, but that will not add any value to our party because as PF we are working very well, Father Bwalya said


    • I personally dont know this boy called James Lukuku, but i think the boy has some valid points there, PF is a big MESS,,,,, This seems to be a bright boy, am offerring to pay for his school fees in 2016, buy him books and school shoes, ,,,, these are future leaders of Zambia who need everyone`s support

    • @Ndobo, Lukuku is proposing that PF extend prison blocks for themselves, the “outstanding” citizens.
      I don’t want any of PF to be jailed at all, only 1 = Kaizer, that one escaped prison twice.

  1. He has a point once some of these are locked up we will set an example for the future and Zambians in government will respect the resources that belong to the nation. I do not know who Lukuku is but he is speaking sense.

    • Tinta iwe, I really doubt your IQ, you can’t see that the man was waffling through & through, he doesn’t even have confidence to say when he becomes President next year.

  2. who is this guy? if you have nothing to say just shut up. while the global situation has been bad everywhere, PF govt has made the most visible development since the return of political pluralism.

  3. Lukuku represents one of those seasonal parties that surface at election time to seek attention and gain some of the corrupt mammon he is talking about! In the past he alleged that Ruphia Banda paid him corruption money and now he is on the PF and has seen corruption barely 8 months from elections so that he can be recruited by some opposition parties. He may have some truth in what he is saying but I think it could be coming from some form of sour grapes since he has been quiet all along since the PF came to power.

  4. Let this man do the talking. Will see him during nominations when he will be required to bring 100 supporters from each of the 10 provinces

  5. mwe bena lusaka naimwe nowafumafye mukupeepa ifyamba at platform. this is another mulyokela and desrv to be exiled. we dont know him mayb thez ar the graduates now UNZA can produce as the institution has less time in the acdemic calendar for serious learning than it has to cntrol the chaotic bhavior for its students. from nowhr one can just mushroom lik that and star vomitng nosense. it doesnt only amazez the public but leave nany annoyed.

  6. He’s got a point, these THIEVES will be prosecuted and jailed after next years elections! They have lined their with stolen money. They are just bent on stealing.

  7. Don’t know him but the PF has taken us ten years back. The only thing they can point at is roads using nkongole and come 2022 they will be crying ati please mwebantu I didn’t know ati borrowing money pa katondo and using it to pave the yard to impress my in laws was a bad idea.

  8. …we definitely need a TRUMP alike on Zambian scene….someone who can talk his mind off without fear or favour…..if only we had a renowned investigate journalism, Panorama or proper watchdogs like that of UK….this Lukuku’s outburst could easily be substantiated….if a forensic audit can be done on ALL the people Lukuku is referring to…from their pre-2011 wealthy status to their current wealth status…Zambians would have a rude shock of what would be revealed….
    ….recently, there was a smouldering case involving George Chellar…it was quickly stamped on after realising the guy was just a pawn behind the alleged unexplained wealth…..if our journalist were nosy they could have dug deeper for the truth…..

  9. Ki ki ki ! a destitute who emerges when elections are around the corner to earn a living ? Some politicians in Zambia are amazing and they are not worth wasting time on indeed.

  10. The projects the PF is singing about will investigated. Even at State House where Willie Nsanda ripped RDA funds amounting to over K6,000,000.00 which was discovered in suitcases during his funeral will come on board. And ECL will be jailed.

  11. As a citizen, am concerned by the abuse of authority in Central Province.TIZ should investigate why politically appointed senior government officials and PF cadres are drawing huge quanties of fuel from the Kabwe contractor doing urban roads and from ZESCO Kapiri. I am sure this is just a tip of an iceberg. How are the travels undertaken by these cadres connected to the mandates of ZESCO and the contractor. And how is ZESCO and the contractor going to account for this fuel??

  12. Not sure whether when in power he would act differently from those he is accusing, going by how Zambian politicians change when in power. Who would ever think Fr. Bwalya would label other political contenders destitutes!

  13. Umm. James Lukuku, sounds like a name of a footballer from Congo DR. Anyway he has a point. The big plunderers will be sent to the Hague.

  14. Be warned,
    James Lukuku is a mental patient. He suffers from delusions of grandiosity. He has a paranoid personality disorder. He can even sound normal. Be careful with him. If you are doubting ask another mental patient Cosmo Mumba although for him kwati nifwaka.

  15. If you are a UPMD cadre, obviously all manner of nonsense makes sense, including Lukuku and Urinal Post…..awe mwe, kwena mwe Lesa, ninshi mwabapelele amano ayepi aba abanensu?

  16. I am surprised with the length that Mr Frank Bwalya can go with his insults targeted at me. what is he going to do wen i become president next year. I personally dont know of a land owner like me that can be refered to the way he has done. but i can understand his pain. every priest that leaves the priesthood goes mad.

    • What is your strategy for dealing with the IMF? Which after all is setting Zambia’s internal and external policies. How would you achieve independence from IMF conditionalities, and deal with the debt created by the PF?

  17. Aren’t most people in the country ‘destitutes’? Maybe that is why they are not being represented by the wealthy and, including the wealthy politicians.

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