Monday, March 17, 2025

Netflix now available in Zambia



Netflix, the popular American multinational subscription-based internet streaming media service provider was launched across Africa on Wednesday 6th January as part of its mission to extend its services to almost every country in the world. The subscription video on demand (SVoD) provider has been on a global expansion spree, having entered the Asian market with a launch in Japan last September, and another in Italy in October.

While its expansion to Africa is a welcome development, as SVoD services are growing exponentially across the globe, the American multinational might not record as much success in the continent as it did in other parts of the world due to the lack of excellent broadband infrastructure and the high cost of internet mobile data for their streaming services.

Save these obvious impediments, Netflix is bound to garner quite an audience, as Africans are already major fans of most of its content, particularly its original programmes and series. The world’s leading internet TV service providers also stands the chance of ousting Multichoice’s digital satellite TV service, DSTV, as users have constantly complained about the company’s high monthly subscription fee.

But as it appears, Netflix, like DSTV, would be providing services targeted mainly at elite viewers who in spite of the high cost of mobile data, can afford streaming services.

In terms of content, the US based streaming media might begin streaming more African content as they recently featured “October 1st” by Nigerian film maker, Kunle Afolayan.  This is definitely a great step towards improving the visibility of Nollywood to the rest of the world. As of October 2015, Netflix had 69.17 million subscribers globally, including more than 43 million in the United States of America.

Popular US TV shows that you can watch on Netflix include hits such as SuitsDareDevil and Arrow. Meanwhile original Netflix content like Narcos and Marco Polo are also available .

Netflix, which started its streaming service in the US in 2007, last year expressed a goal to expand to an extra 150 countries across the globe.

Monthly charges are as follows :

Basic-      US$7.99



  1. Interesting times. I think Data providers also need to move away from the archaic pricing of per Megs consumed and move to a flat rate. This is not 1998 for goodness sake. I think ZICTA and Government need to intervene and force this change.

    Indeed this will be a game changer. Just get live sports and DSTV can K I s s my a s s . Their premium is 62 dollars and full of useless programs which are years behind

  2. Nice,, there comes the future,, To hell with DSTV, to hell with TV-Levy (K3)… now we be using our hard arned money to buy movies on demand..

  3. nomba this will require unlimited data subcriptions from ISPs plus they should also increase the data transfer speeds to a minimum of 5Mb/s. Other than that ninshi chapwa. sad thing is that another african company DSTV will be killed by this american future giant company. soon crave tv,shomi will also creep in ninshi chapwa twashika DSTV. they will only hang by a thread because of the sports channels.

  4. I dont think that there is any threat to DSTv. These two have different ways of giving services to their clients and if anything DSTv can even start something like that in addition to its ordinary services.

    • You are right, DSTv already has Box Office for movies and DSTv Now for movies and series on the go – the problem is the internet costs and slow speeds!

  5. You need unlimited broadband though ..their collection is weak though but their exclusive series packages has improved like Nacos. If I had DSTV I would downgrade it and use Netflix..makes sense especially with all this loadshedding business…DSTV is ridiculously expensive!!

  6. Ala mwandi , our prayers have been answered, its about time. Out with the old in with the new.
    These are exciting times indeed.
    How i wish they can advertise big time with a bang on the market. Death nail for the rest. Shape up or ship out.

  7. Netflix Shares have also Spiked 9% as It moves into 130 New Countries…time to invest money in these shares if you can afford them!!

  8. And then comes Azam Tv originally from Tanzania, but spreading like wind fire. Already in East Africa and Malawi. They have nice channels though. In Malawi for instane you buy the Azam tv box kit- decoder, dish at MK 25,000 or in ZMK 357 for 80 channels anv you wtach for free for 3 months. Premium monthly is only MK 6500 or ZK 9. Hahahaha good deal.

  9. Netflix will need to acquire live soccer to really challenge DSTV. For those that subscribe to only watch movies and series then Netflix makes sense. But you like to watch soccer, news and sports then DSTV is for you.

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