Thursday, January 2, 2025

Earthquake strikes in Chirundu



A light earthquake of magnitude 4.6 struck 31 kilometers from Chirundu this Saturday morning. The epicenter was at a depth of 10 km. The 4.6-magnitude earthquake occurred at 5:05 am (local time epicenter). The tremor was felt in most parts of Lusaka and Southern provinces of Zambia.

The epicenter was 59 km from Kariba, 50 km from Kafue, 77 km from Lusaka, 81 km from Chongwe and 89 km from Mazabuka according to Earthquakes today.There have been no reports of structural damage so far.


    • @Chils,
      The Bible says and I quote in Matthew 24 : 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
      We continue in the verse below
      32 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.
      I end with verse
      42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

      Read the whole chapter.

    • @GUNDIXY, who are you asking? Me or @Chils?

      If it is me I will say I WISH I was joking.

      Prophecy in fulfilment.

      War – Syria,
      Rumours of war – North Korea
      Drought – Parts of Southern Africa
      Floods – Parts of the USA, UK
      Earthquakes – Zambia has joined the list.

      Read Mt. 24 my friend.

    • Utter folly…Keep believing in a novel that was written by white men who thought the world was flat and written in third person….your poor great Grand Parents were lied to and spent their whole lives waiting for this fictitious chap called Jesus to come and reading one contradictory book that promoted slavery. Meanwhile the white man was doing the opposite stealing all your knowledge and resources and using it to their advantage. Go to Timbuktu and Egypt find out what your ancestors were doing way before this evil religions were created 2000 years ago to brainwash you.

      Wake up from your DOCILITY and stupor… about self, African consciousness and set your minds FREE!!

    • @Pretty, I get it. People have always taken advantage of natural events to advance agendas—yours seems to be religious. Maybe you should move to the USA (California in particular) or Japan.

      Here in California we experience these smaller earthquakes many times a year. And once in a while a major one hits. Even religious zealots around here stopped connecting these natural events/phenomena to anything religious or what the Bible says. Because if these were a sign of the Lords coming, then God has been “knocking” at the door here in California for millennia. Maybe you Zambians should bring some of that prayer here so He (the Lord) can finally show up.

      As for wars, humans have been fighting each other since the time man appeared on this earth. If you want to religiously spin this…

    • Continue…

      If you want to religiously spin this one also; you would say since Creation. The Bible itself is filled with war stories and famine due to drought, extra. And yet we are still waiting for the “END”.

      It is perfectly OK to believe and have religious faith (which I do too) but please let us keep natural phenomena or man made catastrophes into their rightful perspectives!

    • @Jay Jay, See from your flag that you LIVE in the land of the white man who brought the folly of the HOLY Bible to your ancestors. Why not go back to Zambia? and continue studying about SELF. How hypocritical that you live in a country of the same people you condemn.
      @Yambayamba. I will try to summarise events before the coming of the Lord.
      1. What did Jesus say would not be the sign?
      – Some events and occurences i.e. False christs, wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes,
      persecution, lawlessness (Mt.24:4-28)
      2.What would happen before the “end” would come?
      The gospel preached in all the world (Mk.16:15)
      Mt.24:42 Be alert my friends.
      I implore you to…

    • The Event is SERIOUS ENOUGH considering the STATE OF THE DAM. We haven’t been informed of the full extent of the problem by the authorities, the Dam’s foundation is at risk, as some of it has been eroded by the sluice flows. An URGENT ASSESSMENT NEEDS TO BE DONE FOLLOWING THIS EVENT WITHOUT FAIL!!!!!
      A dam collapse will result in catastrophe – Zambia will have no way of recovering from it, if urgent works are not done, like “YESTERDAY!!”

    • I implore you @JayJay and @Yambayamba to read the whole of Mt.24. Please repent and receive the Lord Jesus as your personal savior before it is too late.


      And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony unto all nations, and then the end will come. Mt.24:14

    • @Ba Pretty
      I don’t have a problem with white people we live in a global village…why should I not travel and explore the world? What I have a problem with and conscious of is the existence of White Supremacy which benefits the white man in fact Christianity is an effective tool for it. It’s so effective that it has TRAINED Afrikans to DEFEND White Supremacy…they more you defend it they more you destroy your own culture…do you know what impact you have on your child’s mind by hanging a portrait of a white blond haired blue eyed man in your church and homes. You have been subconsciously training your mind to ignore evidence, logic, and reason, while being able to believe in fairy-tales based on Faith alone…and being proud of rather than utterly ASHAMED.

    • Really laughable indeed that you make references to a book that itself is written in third person as basis for fact …its utter folly to use bible verses to prove that bible verses are true. They lied to you that they can enslave you, rape you, molest your children, steal from the poor in the name of Christianity THEN simply repent.
      How can you ask me to repent when I am not even a Christian and not a believer in your folly…now you relies how your religious wars began or begin and why people were burned to a steak in the name of religion in their millions because they were accused of witchcraft for being non believers.

    • @JayJay, I don’t see the correlation between believing in the Bible and white supremacy. And for your own info I don’t believe in white supremacy just as I don’t buy into some tribes thinking they are more superior than others. We are all created equal.

      Moreover, I don’t hang pics of what is portrayed as Jesus in my house neither do we have it in our church.

      Bottomline is we make choices and we have to live with the consequences of the choices we make here on earth.

      God Bless.

    • There you have it..honestly I am not surprised you can not see it and I was deliberately touching the surface of this selfsame issue; simply keep churning out those good bible versus from your “holy book” that you have memorized and enjoy your sleep!!
      Enjoy your weekend!!

    • Comment: That tremour was no big deal except for the fact it occured in an area not commonly associated. Such occurences are common between Lakes tanganyika, Mwerus and Bangweulu in the north

  1. one thing i like with u upnd cadres z how u respond to issue which shows total dullness in u and u make Lungu popular every time u comment thru dat u ‘ll never win any vote from wise pipo like me i rest my case

    • @kwena, @Chils is speaking politics. Don’t allow such things get your temper to flare. Politics we are discussing is nothing compared to the hard times which lay ahead. Mark my words.

      Anyway, the scripture which says “nation will rise against nation” is being fulfilled. Isn’t it?

  2. Were the earthquake struck is were the devils are residing, preventing the rains to even drop with their
    satanic powers. Thank God today we even have the rains.

  3. Interested to see how the gullible fundamentalist religious bible botherers will interpret this. Am sure some enterprising pastor will claim to have predicted the earthwork and will ask for more kwachas to pray to stop god from punishing the country. The pastor’s political affiliation will determine whether ECL or HH is to blame.

  4. Fear God you people Christ reigns above what’s remaining is to put all his enermies under his feet.
    Daniel 2:44. Turn away from bad or you be swept away on his day for his day will come just like a thief .Who of you knows when a thief will come?Keep on the watch for you do not know neither the day nor the time.

  5. Thank God no structural concerns, especially on the Kariba dam wall. The African tectonic plate is the most stable of all plates, we are fortunate.

    • @Charles Zulu. This has nothing to do with the African tectonic plate but with the Kariba Dam reservoir. It is called reservoir induced seismicity, RIS. I however find it odd that it has happened at a time when the reservoir is almost empty. The construction of the Kariba Dam has been associated with increased seismicity. Please do not bring in politics in a natural event although man-made through the construction of the dam. RIS was first at Koyna Dam in India and it has occurred even at Aswan Dam in Egypt.

  6. Lungu and his incompetent PF Government is directly to blame for this!

    Now watch all the PF supporters shout how it is not true. After thy have demonstrated just how ignorant and dull they are I will prove to them that it is PF at fault!

  7. The city is loadshedded for 12 hours everyday. With the poor rainfall being experienced this season one wonders what will happen this year.

  8. look, if the rainbow around the sun was Gods answers to PF prayers, why cant the earthquake be Gods anger at the PF?

  9. Earthquakes are normal in that area,nothing about end times,droughts maybe,because in 1959 drought kafue river became very shallow and we were scooping fish,then a big tremor occurred,don’t argue you were not there.

  10. Surely 4.6-magnitude on the Richter scale is not even classified as moderate but is light hence causes none to minimal damage.

  11. Hope it’s not the result of some clever guy’s secret mines blasting away without our knowledge… or someone testing nukes in the depths of our grounds. Kidding.

    Do we monitor seismic activity in Zed? Powers that be should be able to tell us whether to expect a few more like it. A reminder that nature is a force of its own and another area for potential job creation. Plan your towns and cities well. Buffer up emergency services. This one was light. My heart prefers it to remain a random episode.

  12. @alfred hambaye! How do u jst blot out so ignorantly bro? Did u jst mean in chilundu\kariba where the earthquake struck its where devilish pipo stay? My bro shud ask for forgiveness from God for yo utterences. If u didn’t know these divisive remarks can cause the rest of us be pernalised forever in this beautiful nation according to Proverbs 18:21. Be so careful, becoz kariba is part of this nation & if any thing we all depend for this kariba dam if you didn’t know my brother! & please don envolve President HH in this matter. So pliz I emplore u to reverse your words because they wil just haunt u.. Happy new new year brethelens & remember to really vote wisely this august! I love u all, its raining here in luapula.

    • This is what happens when you are brainwashed with one book called the bible anything that whats the end is near…go and live in Japan the is every 12 months there..its no wonder clever businessmen are profiting buying private jets over your fear of heaven and hell…knowledge is free you don’t have to be a member of a religious cult to obtain it.

      Wake up!!

  13. Because of the reservoir induced seismicity experienced at Kariba Dam it was decided to construct a number of seismograph stations at Itezhitezhi dam reservoir to study this phenomenom. If this set up was done in Europe it would have spawned a number of studies some culminating even in PHDs. But in Zambia the last time I heard of these stations is that a battery was stolen in one of them and I doubt if they still exist. And we wonder why Africa and Zambia in particular cannot develop. Science and technology are sidelined in preference to politics. You find politicians whether under UNIP, MMD or PF heading technical institutions. Even here on this forum a purely scientific topic has been turned into a political one.

  14. Next time these religious preachers says, “That must be the work of the devil” remind them of Isaiah 45:7 from their contradictory silly bible since the love dropping these selfsame verses.

    ” I form the light, and create the darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.”

    • Just be careful how far you go with this. It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God – God is not man that you can hide in the anonymity of the internet and blaspheme. God forbid that you should reap the whirlwind on account of your postings!

    • I’m neither an atheist nor a f**l, I know a higher power exists just like my ancestors did before you were duped….you simply can not SUPPRESS me with religion!!

      God and Religion are two different things let that sink in deep in your skull.

      Wake up!!

    • No need for hysterics or muddying the waters – no one is trying to suppress anyone here. Anyway, what the heck! I am not going to throw pearls at you….. I will hold my counsel.

  15. These seismic events were common in the 60s and early 70s when the Kariba dam was filling up and the water imposing an additional load on the underlying rock bed. One can assume that with the reduction in the water, the superincumbent load has eased and the rocks are de-stressing to attain some equilibrium. By extrapolation, the seismic events will continue as the dam fills up again with increasing water inflows.

    • That’s exactly my assumption too. I doubt whether we have 3D sensors in the Dam Wall itself. Just wondering about the effects of induced stress in the wall due to this seismic movement in the strata. How do we know the wall will still take the same lateral load as before, hence how safe are the people and infrastructure downstream? Scary.

    • @cactus. I hope the powers that be are considering these issues; I hope they have the appropriate monitoring systems in and around the dam including some early warning systems downstream, in the event the dam gives way.

  16. The scientific explanation of the cause of the tremors is reservoir induced seismicity. But here is an explanation based on indigenous knowledge of the Gwembe Tonga people. They believed in Nyaminyami, their River God and that He would not allow the white man to remove them from their tribal lands and would also not allow the great Zambezi River to be blocked. It would anger Him so much that He would cause the water to boil and destroy the “white man’s bridge” with floods. In 1957, a year into the building of the Kariba Dam, the river rose to flood level, flowing through the gorge with immense power, destroying some equipment and the access roads and another flood (1 in 10,000 years flood) occurred the following year 3m higher this time destroying the access bridge, the coffer dam and…

  17. I have given you the scientific explanation of the cause of the tremorsi.e. reservoir induced seismicity. But here is an explanation based on indigenous knowledge of the Gwembe Tonga people. They believed in Nyaminyami, their River God and that He would not allow the white man to remove them from their tribal lands and would also not allow the great Zambezi River to be blocked. It would anger Him so much that He would cause the water to boil and destroy the “white man’s bridge” with floods. In 1957, a year into the building of the Kariba Dam, the river rose to flood level, flowing through the gorge with immense power, destroying some equipment and the access roads and another flood (1 in 10,000 years flood) occurred the following year 3m higher this time destroying the access bridge, the…

  18. @pretty. That’s pretty cool. We Zambia should. be wary of things starting with the letter E, E.g El nino, ECL, Electricity tariffs, Economy now Earthquake, soon ECZ.

    All these have the potential to destroy the country, if left unchecked.

    Some of these can be stopped using the same E, elections on eleventh. Vote wisely, power is in your hands.

  19. @pretty. That’s pretty cool. We Zambians should be wary of things starting with the letter E, E.g El nino, ECL, Electricity tariffs, Economy now Earthquake, soon ECZ.

    All these have the potential to destroy the country, if left unchecked.

    Some of these can be stopped using the same E, elections on eleventh. Vote wisely, power is in your hands.

  20. Latest reports smuggled from uPMD Secretariat indicate that HH will soon issue a Press statement in which he accuses President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the PF of causing the earth quake in southern province in order to rig the general elections by scaring voters in southern province from turning out in large numbers on polling day.

    Okay come on guys, it’s just a joke as I imitate and illustrate some of the lies of some prominent urinal mmembers.


  22. Yambayamba this for you. The end cannot come yet the right message is preached that includes yours here of unbelief. That very book you condemning also says man shall die indeed he has been dying- probably you will die and perish. Ready Matthew 24:14 to get your answer to what you doubt. Live a life if purpose. Know why you here and where you are going.

  23. Jayjay if you God exist why then do you abuse his name? The bible is not religion. Its word of God. Let me advise you 2 Timothy 3: 16. The Bible is good for training than your scientific books.

    • Some of you people are better left asleep…how can you advise me with a book that was written in third person and is based on fairy tales? What is the word of God…simply listen to yourself!!

  24. @Jay Jay… I can prove to u beyond a shadow of doubt that the bible is the true inspired word of God. but only if u r willing to learn. if not then I ll just caution u not be so careless in your utterances.
    please, don’t insult the word of God simply because u v no full knowledge.

  25. Comment:@pretty,I salute u 4 ur faith bt some of thse pipo no matter hw u explain de truth 2 dem they won’t jst listen coz dey hv hearts of a beast/stone only God Himself cn change dem by dealing wit dem accordng 2 dere foolishness.remembr Saul b4 he bcam paul.dis Jay Jay he’s bn commentng on evry post on Lsk Times nd his comments so re so disgustng.

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