![Paramount Chief Chitimukulu Henry Kanyanta Sosala](https://i0.wp.com/www.lusakatimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/chitimukulu.jpg?resize=650%2C433&ssl=1)
By Henry Kanyanta Sosala
Eckhart Tolle wrote: ‘’Whatever you fight, you ignite and whatever you resist, persists.’’
Every ethics, whether theological or philosophical depends upon two postulates in order to be possible, namely: freedom of will and accountability. And indeed being the most senior member in the hierarchy of the Bemba royal family, I am therefore bound to speak out in the strongest possible terms against Bemba people who have abandoned their role of protecting the interests of their tribe.
And indeed traditional rulers should step in when politics touches upon morals and students of society regard politics and sociology as cognate disciplines. Clearly, a science of society cannot ignore the political context and the political theorist cannot ignore social problems and possibilities. Ideas and truths must be linked to purposes and tangible facts on the ground otherwise they are useless and sterile. It is therefore not difficult to understand how this has furthered the links between political science and sociology, especially in the ameliorative roles.
It was in 1967 and we were in Kabwe at the residence of Mr. Robinson Puta, then Chairman of Zambia Railways and after persuading and threatening Mr. Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe to stand for UNIP’s position of Vice-President in order to save us from the UNIP tyranny, Mr. Kapwepwe, the Bemba political hero slowly said,
‘’We as Bemba must never take any political regime for granted, we must always be on the defensive.’’
These words have since stood like mountain peaks in my mind. And four years later the colossus resigned as Zambia’s Republican Vice-President in the UNIP regime because the Bemba people were being subjected to unbearable persecutions. He later formed the phoenix-like UPP (United Progressive Party), which later forced UNIP to declare a one party state.
However, as you read this article, we at the tail-end of history are able to realize that future has proved the colossus right! President Sata censured Honourable Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba for having visited me since there was a national policy drawn up after I was de-gazetted as Senior Chief Mwamba of the Bemba people by cabinet at the instigation of President Sata ‘’to totally hate and isolate me.’’
Honourable Mwamba being a member of the Bemba royal family failed to betray his tribe for the sake of money and position. In fact before Honourable Mwamba had paid a courtesy call on me in Kasama, he even took a precaution measure by inviting two officers from the Office of the President to monitor our meeting. And yet President Sata rebuked him ‘’for failing to show collective responsibility on his part as a Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament for the ruling party.’’ (The Post 24th December 2013).
Honourable Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba resigned as Defence Minister.
‘’ …it’s important for Zambians to know that I hail from the Bemba royal family and it is therefore unacceptable for President Sata to stop me from visiting my grandfather. There is no way I am going to forsake my own blood for the sake of politics. So for me as GBM, I am sorry. I am a very principled person and I resign from government.’’
I now strongly believe that sometimes the best attitude to have in life is a stubborn attitude. I know that it may sound strange, because most of us have been raised to think that stubbornness is a negative trait. But sometimes it is the stubborn mind that gets the blessing. What do I mean by that? When the enemy shows up to do harm and destroy, the stubborn mind refuses to bow to the gigantic state power and machinery. But sometimes it is the stubborn mind that perseveres both physical and mental torture.American President Theodore Roosevelt once said,
‘’Patriotic men do not shrink from danger when conscience points the path.’’
And when some people who had managed to secure my exit from Zambia were insisting that I grab the opportunity offered by two countries to flee into exile because of the great threat on my life, since the regime was in the process of installing ‘’a fake parallel Chitimukulu,’’ the stubborn mind was saying, ‘’keep praying and believing. No power in heaven or earth can shut the door that the Lord has opened.’’
In human creation we come in all shapes and sizes, but we are all equal human beings before and God and before human institutions. I say so because there are some people in this country with shoddy thinking who might misinterpret my article as if I am trying to establish hegemony or ascendancy of the Bemba tribe over others. I strongly believe that all Zambian tribes are equal and this can be clearly seen on successful inter-tribal marriages.
I strongly believe that all Zambian tribes are equal and this can be clearly seen on successful inter-tribal marriages.
And I do not think we should fear to mirror historic fluctuations between ethnic and civic conceptions of identity, but instead they should fall in a middle ground where each cultural group should scope for the maintenance of cultural and ethnic differences, but which are all harmoniously embedded in a broader Zambian identity. And therefore the new and natural Zambian identity must be forward-looking, but rooted in the past and that would finally engrave Zambianness in our daily landscape.
A British social worker, Tarq Modood working among immigrants said: ‘’Equality is not having to hide or apologize for one’s origins, family or community, but to expect others to respect them and adapt public attitudes and arrangements so that the heritage they represent is encouraged, rather than contemptuously expected to wither away.’’ (Newsweek 15th December 1997).
Professor Mubanga Kashoki in Factor of Language in Zambia wrote: ‘’I believe in our diversity despite its problems lies our national strength, greatness and riches but only if we recognize diversity as a national asset and consciously encourage its positive exploitation. I also believe that so far, in our preoccupation with its negative manifestations of ethnic particularism, referred to in Africa as tribalism, we have tended to give greater weight to the negative aspect of our diversity at the expense of its more positive attributes. Nobody would deny the dangers that are inherent in diversity particularly in a society where negative attitudes are assiduously cultivated and consciously build into political and cultural philosophies that are involved to guide those societies.’’
However, instead of being aggrieved and complaining just write your own story. And by the way, I am a free-thinker and one of the tenets of being a free-think is to tell people what they need to know rather than what they want to hear. I want also to make it abundantly clear to political opportunists and job seekers that I am a traditional ruler and as such in every situation I must always be focused and take a superior moral ‘’stand’’ than politicians. As far as the political game is concerned ‘’there are no permanent enemies,’’ and I must never therefore take an aggressive stance against one side, when politicians are in conflict because when as usual they ‘’politically reconcile’’ I can remain in a very awkward and embarrassing position.
Political and Traditional Leadership
Traditional authority refers to powers that are associated with and emanate from the institution of chieftaincy. In African societies, traditional rulers derive their authority from customs and traditions that have existed since time immemorial. Traditional rulers are custodians and repositories of traditional customs and cultural heritage. And therefore traditional leadership is inherently political. This is born out of history, custom and practice because before the present mode of governments in Africa, traditional kingship was the sole government.
I must also make it abundantly clear that any tribe is not an inert and static thing as some political demagogues think, but it is an organism which changes with time and devoted works of anthropologists, sociologists and historians bear witness to this fact and only the megalomaniacs would dismiss any tribal political system as primitive and chaotic. So it is not only political nationalism (which was birthed in Zambia after World War II), which has the monopoly of intellectual development but tradition as well and to underestimate political enlightenment of one is to make a grave and dangerous mistake. In fact with long history, chieftaincy retains a powerful genius loci.
In this respect, Professor Vincent Harris referred to a widely held view that tribal power in Africa is on the way out and he asks whether the assumption is valid: ‘’We may be misled, if we mistake revolutionary changes in tribal customs for decay. The potency of resurgent tribal power should not be underestimated, on the contrary its dynamic power should be harnessed to the task of national building.’’ (Tribalism in Africa: Journal of African Administration).
The African nation-state called Northern Rhodesia was created by the European colonizer for his own administrative convenience.
[pullquote]The African nation-state called Northern Rhodesia was created by the European colonizer for his own administrative convenience.[/pullquote]
These groupings of chiefdoms today form the immutable geopolitical boundaries. And Zambia today as a nation is a federation of chiefdoms voluntarily united to meet their common economic, social, cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled central government which is run by tribes women and men from various chiefdoms within the territorial boundaries. And that is why one of the founders and father of this new nation, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda in applauding this wonderful unification of various chiefdoms came up with the motto: One Zambia, One Nation.
Many years ago I read in a book of biology about the eresid spiders which upon reaching maturity devour their mothers. And in the same way, cyber-greed has crept into the hearts of our tribal representatives at the national level, normally called ‘’politicians’’ who have now become cannibals ready to devour their parental leaders, called ‘’chiefs.’’
Many people are puzzled as to why politicians who have become superhuman beings; they have awarded themselves colossal salaries, allowances and other fringe benefits; they are chauffer-driven in posh air-conditioned vehicles; they live in mansions and have everything within their easy reach at a mere spoken word, but why should they make such desperate attempts to sum-zero and push simple chiefs into disrepute? And why has the eresidian judgement passed upon chiefs?
Indeed, many people can never understand what is behind these political manoeuvres, but students of politics have learned the subtleties of politics especially from the 16th century philosopher, Machiavelli who inspired tyrants like Mussolini, Hitler. And his advice on how best to maintain power is to take into account of the classes out of which power springs. Machiavelli followed strict classical precedents in describing a cycle of constitutional changes from monarchy, through necessary stages, to popular government, which in turn led to license and anarchy and back to monarchy, such is the cycle which all republics are destined to run through
And Adolf Hitler in his famous book, Mein Kampf (which is a must for every student of politics) wrote:
’’Popular support is the first element which is necessary for the creation of authority. But an authority resting on that foundation alone is still quite frail, uncertain and vacillating. Hence everyone who finds himself vested with an authority that is based only on popular support must take measures to improve and consolidate the foundations of that authority by the creation of force. Accordingly, we must look upon power, that is to say, the capacity to use force, as the second foundation on which all authority is based. This foundation is more stable and secure, but not always stronger, than the first. If popular support and power are united together and can endure for a certain time, then an authority may arise which is based on a still stronger foundation, namely, the authority of tradition. And, finally, if popular support, power and tradition are united together, then the authority based on them may be looked upon as invincible.’’
An English man Walter Begehat said:
‘’Royalty (tradition) is a government in which the attention is concentrated in one person doing interesting actions. A Republic (politics) is a government in which that attention is divided among many, who are doing interesting actions. Accordingly, so long as the human heart is strong and human reason weak, Royalty (tradition) will be strong because it appeals to diffused feelings and Republic (politics) weak because it appeals to the understanding.’’ And besides, traditional rulers stand on a more superior moral ground than politicians. And in fact tradition authorities have a longer span of life than political regimes.
…To be continued…..
There’s a wrong impression that seeking favours from traditional leaders would enhance one’s chances of being voted into political office. That’s not always the case. People these days are free-thinkers. Their votes are not based on directives from their chiefs. In 2006 Mwata Kazembe caned his subjects who were pro Levy Mwanawasa, but in the end, his preferred candidate, Sata lost. In 2011, he supported Chriticles Mwansa when the latter stood as MP for Mwansabombwe on MMD ticket, but Mwansa lost lamentably. In Southern, Chiefs endorsed Levy in 2006, RB in 2008 & 2011, but still UPND got more votes there. The perception therefore that Chiefs can influence electorates to vote for their (Chiefs’) preferred candidate is highly erroneous
point of correction @choosen one , mwata kazembe canned his subjects who were supporting sata and not mwanawasa
Thanks mate for the correction. That means Mwata’s subjects defied his orders by voting for SATA en masse because Sata actually polled more votes in Mwansabombwe than Levy.
True, chiefs have very little influence on the voting pattern citizens decide to take even in their chiefdom’s, we sow this happen in 1991 the then ruling party UNIP fielded chiefs at parliamentarian level and they all lost their seats. that is way latter on it was decided that chiefs should no take part in active politics as custodian of tradition and culture. In the 2016 constitutional amendments this clause is still intact, thought the wording has changed. If you want to stand in any election other than counsilorship, renounce your chieftainship Period
Barotseland +-Northern Rhodesia =Zambia!
This Agreement is made this eighteenth day of May, 1964 between KENNETH DAVID KAUNDA, Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia of the one part and SIR MWANAWINA LEWANIKA THE THIRD ,K.B.E., Litunga of Barotseland, acting on behalf of himself, his heirs and successors, his council, and the chiefs and people of Barotseland of the other party is signed by the Right Honourable Duncan Sandys, M.P Her Majesty’s principal secretary of state for common wealth relations and for the colonies, to signify the approval of her majesty’s government in the united kingdom of the arrangements entered into between the parties to this agreement and recorded therein.
Whereas it was proposed that the northern Rhodesia shall become an independent sovereign state to be known…
……as the republic of Zambia.
And where as it is the wish of the government of northern Rhodesia and of the Litunga of Barotseland,his council and the chiefs and people of Barotseland that northern Rhodesia should proceed to independence as one country and that all its peoples should be one nation:
And where , as having regard to the fact that all treaties and other agreements subsisting between her majesty the queen of the United Kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland and The Litunga of Barotseland will terminate when Northern Rhodesia becomes an independent sovereign republic and her majesty’s government in the United Kingdom will there upon cease to have any responsibility for the government of Rhodesia including Barotseland. It is the wish of the government of northern…
….Rhodesia and of The Litunga of Barotseland to enter into arrangements concerning the position of Barotseland as part of the republic of Zambia to the place of the treaties and other agreements hitherto subsisting between Her Majesty the Queen and The Litunga of Barotseland:
And whereas on the sixteenth day of April,1964 a provisional agreement was concluded at Lusaka with purpose and it is the desire of the government of northern Rhodesia and The Litunga, acting after consultation with his council to conclude a permanent agreement with this purpose:
NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH and it is hereby agreed between the said Kenneth David Kaunda, Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia, on behalf of the government of Northern Rhodesia and the said Sir Mwanawina Lewanika the Third, K.B.E.,…
.Litunga of Barotseland on behalf of himself, his heirs and successors ,his Council and the chiefs and the people of Barotseland as follows:-
1. Citation and commencement
This agreement may be cited as the Barotseland Agreement 1964 and shall come into force on the day on which Northern Rhodesia, including Barotseland, becomes the independent sovereign Republic of Zambia.
2. The Constitution of Zambia
The constitution of the republic of Zambia shall include the provisions agreed upon for the inclusion herein at the constitutional conference held in London in May, 1964 relating to:-
(a) the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the individual;
(b) the judiciary; and
(c) the public service
and those provisions shall have full force and effect in Barotseland…
..3. Administration of Justice
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the people of Barotseland shall be accorded the same rights of access to the high court of the republic of Zambia as are accorded to other citizens of the Republic under the laws for the time being in force in the Republic and a judge or judges of the high court selected from among the judges who normally sit in Lusaka shall regularly proceed on circuit in Barotseland at each intervals as the due administration of justice may require.
(2) The people of Barotseland shall be accorded the same rights of appeal from the decisions of the courts of the Republic of Zambia as are accorded to other citizens of the Republic under the laws for the time being in force in the Republic.
4. The Litunga and His…
(1) The government of the republic of Zambia will accord recognition as such to the person who is for the time The Litunga of Barotseland under the customary law of Barotseland.
(2) The Litunga of Barotseland, acting after consultation with his Council as constituted for the time being under the customary law of Barotseland shall be the principal local authority for the government and administration of Barotseland.
(3) The Litunga of Barotseland, acting after consultation with his Council, shall be authorised and empowered to make laws for Barotseland in relation to the following matters, that is to say-
(a) The Litungaship;
(b) The authority at present known as the Barotse Native Government (which shall hereafter be known as the Barotse Government);
(c) The…
..The authorities at present known as Barotse Native Authorities;
(d) The courts at present known as Barotse Native Courts;
(e) The status of the members of the Litunga’s Council;
(f) matters relating to local government;
(g) land;
(h) forests;
(i) traditional and customary matters relating to Barotseland alone;
(j) fishing;
(k) control of hunting;
(l) game preservation;
(m) control of bush fires;
(n) the institution at present known as the Barotse native treasury;
(o) the supply of beer;
(p) reservation of trees for canoes;
(q) local taxation and matters relating thereto; and
(r) Barotse local festivals.
5. Land
(1) In relation to land in Barotseland the arrangements set out in the annex hereto shall have effect.
(2) In particular, the Litunga of…
..the Litunga of Barotseland and his Council shall continue to have the powers hitherto enjoyed by them in respect of land matters under customary law and practice.
(3) The courts at present known as the Barotse Native Courts shall have original jurisdiction(to the exclusion of any other court in the republic of Zambia)in respect of matters concerning rights over or interests in land in Barotseland to the extent that those matters are governed by the customary law of Barotseland:
Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as limiting the jurisdiction and powers of the High Court of the Republic of Zambia in relation to writs or orders of the kind at present known as prerogative of writs or orders.
(4) Save with the leave of the court at present known as the Saa-…
..known as the Saa- Sikalo Kuta, no appeal shall lie from any decision of the courts at present known as the Barotse Native Courts given in exercise of the jurisdiction referred to in paragraph (3) of this article to the High Court of the Republic of Zambia.
6. Civil Servants
All public officers of the Government the Republic of Zambia who may from time to time be situated in Barotseland shall be officers serving on permanent and pensionable terms.
7. Financial Responsibility
The Government of the Republic of Zambia shall have the same general responsibility for providing financial support for the administration and economic development of Barotseland as it has for other parts of the Republic and shall ensure that, in discharge of this responsibility, Barotseland is treated fairly…
..and equitably in relation to other parts of the Republic.
8. Implementation
The Government of the Republic of Zambia shall take such steps as may be necessary to ensure that the laws for the time being in force in the Republic are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
9. Interpretation
Any question concerning the interpretation of this Agreement may be referred by the Government of the Republic of Zambia to the High Court of the Republic for consideration (in which case the opinion thereon of the Court shall be communicated to that Government and to the Litunga of Barotseland and his Council) and any such question shall be so referred if the Litunga, acting after consultation with his Council, so requests.
10. Revocation
The herein before recited Agreement…
..of sixteenth day of April, 1964 is hereby revoked(BA’64).
And where as it is the wish of the government of northern Rhodesia and of the Litunga of Barotseland,his council and the chiefs and people of Barotseland that northern Rhodesia should proceed to independence as one country and that all its peoples should be one nation.
The Skeleton Key
Emmanuel Mwamba finally discarded by Sosala.
Mwamba should continue liking Edgar’s boots because he saved him from Fr. Bwalya, who has fired all his fellow PF kaponya information fimofimo. His 2 best friends Hapunda and Sunday Chanda are thrown away by Fr. Bwalya.
absolutely brilliant. This man is a very intelligent, humble, chilled out gent. #modernchief
popular support is the first element which is necessary for the creation of authority.but an authority resting on that foundation alone is still quite frail, uncertain and vacillating. @adolf hitler. lesa twafweni
I have a feeling Chitimukulu will take no prisoners on this one. Any preamble that quotes Machiavelli, Mussolini, Hitler is building up to something. Why not just publish entire article LT, than piece meal or is Mwine Lubemba still writing?
Mwine Lubemba still writing. I am eagerly waiting for the next part
Willy nilly quotations from this source and that source again, Chief. I’m struggling to find the coherence in the article that, on one hand, endorses Bemba domination in the the form of UPP ; endorses Hitler’s Mein Kampf (Which the Economist described as incoherent rambling – and not really recommended discourse) and elevates the man made parasitic and Tribalistic institutions called chiefs on the other hand. The thing about op-eds is that you need to get to the point very quickly as people are squeezed for time to go through lengthy articles.
I tend to agree with you. With all due respect the Chitimukulu, he needs to get to the point and use less references, otherwise his message may be lost. He starts by praising GBM and then goes on and on incoherently.
Of course the Bemba folks will praise the Mwine Lubemba, until he turns around and say he did not author the article.
Misleading part is where he tries to give reasons why KK came up with a slogan of ‘One Zambia, One Nation’. The slogan was due to the unification of Barotseland and N/Rhodesia. Failure to acknowledge the very genesis of Zambia is hypocritical.
The author slams Europeans and their boundaries, and yet he praises the coming together of many different chiefdoms, which unification was created by the very Europeans being bashed. make up your mind…
Yes chiefdoms existed by they never saw eye to eye… the co-existed without people from one chiefdom stepping into another and mixing with people from that chiefdom, until Europeans arrived to form districts, provinces and countries (including Zambia).
I have concurred several times with Mwinelubemba and here it is again – DO NOT DIVEST YOUR AFRICANNESS, ZAMBIANNESS, always keep in mind where u are coming from and u’ll always know who you are. Remove this africannes from african politics and u are doomed – simple as that. Life is the art of taming the secular world and ist Events for common good – UBUNTU ! can’t wait for the continuation…Chief
There is objectivity in this article,but direct quotations are with a lot of words have ruined it.
One modern chief!!!
Interesting!!! someone quoting Machiavelli, Mussolini and Hitler mmmmmmh in the same article, waiting for the gist of the story.
Thats My Chief! Always a wonder. Waiting for more Bashikulu
Indirectly blasting kambwili and chama for being so tribal moving in posh airconditioned cars.these sons of bi.tches.
Cool Chief
The genesis of the toxic relationship with MCS was really the consequence of having been summoned to some court of the Bemba traditional set up whose mandate and authority MCS did not recognise.
And it probably cost him his life. traditional leaders have been there long before politics.
This chief is too loquacious AND PUBLICLY POLITICALLY BIASED for my liking. I agree with Truth @ 13. He is a political chancer. His going to bed with RB’s MMD and summoning a Bisa MCS to a Bemba kangaroo court is what sparked the toxic relationship with late Sata. As a traditional leader, (more like a religious leader) ba Chitimukulu ought to be counselled to be apolitical (at least in public) because NOT all his subjects ascribe to his political inclinations. QUOTE: “I am therefore bound to speak out in the strongest possible terms against Bemba people who have abandoned their role of protecting the interests of their tribe” ISNT THIS STATEMENT IN ITSELF A DEPARTURE FROM ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION AND A PROMOTION OF TRIBALISM?. He alone picked up the fight with MCS a Bisa but wanted the…
H writing is somewhat inherent; what does he mean “I am therefore bound to speak out in the strongest possible terms against Bemba people who have abandoned their role of protecting the interests of their tribe?”
CONTINUED: entire Bemba tribe to spring to defence for his political misadventures! If he was aplolitical then YES. But if brought it upon himself by reducing himself/involving himself in political inter party squabbles. He should fight for himself. QED!
one cheif one vote
This Chief is a genius. For the first time in this country, I am feeling like I am being educated by a chief. All we hear from other chiefs are statements praising politicians so that they can get something from them at the end of the day. But here is a chief articulating issues so accurately that I am inclined to listen to him. I am humbled. Viva ba mwine Lubemba!!
This article is suspect, since when did this chief become a researcher, in politics for that matter? Maybe I don’t know his background, was he a lecturer before?
yes university lecturer boss
I write with a feel of urgency because I am disturbed to see Paramount Chief Chitimukulu, whom I hold in high esteem quote from Mein Kampf, a book written by Hitler, the world’s worst murderer and loudmouthed racist. Hitler, a tyrant and megalomaniac, used his dreams and aspirations contained in his book to send more than 4 million Jews to their most painful deaths and attempted to destroy the black race. His 560 pages of irrationality cannot be “a must read” for a rational mind. To see the chief propagating such extreme paranoid, and garbage leaves me in awe. Since the book was released in 1925, it has never been a must read. If anything, it has been used by dictators around the world to commit atrocities. The Chief’s endorsement of Hitler reaps through his article and renders it…
Interesting point though I would rather read for myself what trash someone writes (including) Hitler rather than someone telling me second hand. There are plenty evil publications out there and mein kampf is but one. I think evil characters like Islamic State are not using Hitlers book as motivation but still causing untold misery and looking forward to the apocalypse. I would agree with the chief that its a must read.
@ Field Ruwe.
I also hold you in high esteem and I enjoy reading your articles. Personally I don’t see anything wrong with the chief quoting Hitler’s book. I think his reason for doing this is so that we can learn something from Hitler’s thinking. Like it or not, there’re important lessons to learn from Hitler and the only way we can do this is by getting into his mind to know what he was thinking by reading his book. I am not a fun of the guy and to be honest with you, I hate Hitler but people need to read his mind so that they learn what made a man from a humble background become such a powerful racist and mass murderer. This way, mistakes made by Hitler can be avoided in the future.
@field ruwe -that right there shows how ignorant you are!!!!! You are a sheep, wait let me not be so impolite to the sheep, because you have outsheeped the sheep. You are told what to read and write based on the opinions of right and wrong as seen by others? You are being controlled Ruwe, if thats the attitude you wish to take. True scholarship, which i might add you lack, requires of you to be impartial in the material your read or do research on. Next thing, they will tell you is that your traditions and culture are not good, therefore dont follow them or read anything about them. instead read the bible because we approve of it and change your ways to our ways by becoming christians,muslims,democrats,capitalists etc,adopt our names too like Field, Henry and not Kanyanta or Sosala.
@Bang bang.
Chief Chitimukulu has written a lot of interesting and educative articles on different subjects except that maybe you’ve never read them. Some time back before MC Sata became president, there was a weekly (not sure about the period) article written by Chief Chitimukulu in the Post newspaper and was then known by his original names of ‘ Henry Kanyanta and as ‘Chief Mwamba’. These articles only stopped being published by the Post after Sata degazetted the chief and the Post newspaper had to choose between Sata and the chief.
This chief is an oasis of wisdom and a blessing to Zambia.I am Bemba on my mother’s side this make me proud and happy for the first time.This Bemba Tonga thing was making me sick.I did not chose to have a father howz Tonga or a mother howz Bemba but god did.Both tribes have good things and bad but non is superior to the other.Bravo chief and one Zambia one nation.Viva HH 2016.
were is my beutifull posting .I love my chief.one Zambia one nation.Viva HH 2016.
@14 Quest – Chitimukulu was right to summon Sata because to what you call a Bemba kangaroo court. In case you don’t know Sata was Chitimukulu’ s subject because Chief Chikwanda (who is a Bemba chief by the way) was Sata’s chief and hus boss is Chitimukulu. Chikwanda area is part of Lubemba not Bisaland.
@ 21 … I meant to say Chitimukulu was right to summon Sata to what you call a Bemba kangaroo court………..Chief Chikwanda was Sata’s chief and chief Chikwanda’s boss is Chitimukulu.
What exactly is the point. Ba mwinelubemba mwine chalo..fikenipo fye tata. Mulepita mumbali.
Mbuya wanga naye. Awe mulekeni abauzye bamabala!!
Couldn’t agree with you more.
@21.Ulubemba is the area around the Mungwi, and does not include the far-flung area of Chi kwanda in Mpika, the majority of whose inhabitants are the Bisa people anyway.
@26 Truth there’s no need to be ignorant in this day and age when information is so readily available. Ulubemba covers Mporokoso, Luwingu, Kasama, Mungwi, most part of Chinsali and parts of Mpika (Chikwanda, Mpepo and Luccombe). Do your research bwana. A website like umubemba.org where even Mwine Lubemba contributes articles may help you .
@27 Luccombe should be Luchembe.
That’s why he’s called mwine lubemba because Sata being a Bisa wanted to impose a junior tribesman on the royal hierarchy of the bemba chiefdom since Kola from Mwata Yamvwo. I think it helps to keep one’s mouth shut if you don’t understand ulubemba and how far flung it is. Ask Mwata Kazembe for clarification.
Confirm you received an expensive gift of a car from HH Kanabesa?
I tend to agree with you. With all due respect the Chitimukulu, he needs to get to the point and use less references, otherwise his message may be lost. He starts by praising GBM and then goes on and on incoherently.
Of course the Bemba folks will praise the Mwine Lubemba, until he turns around and say he did not author the article.
Misleading part is where he tries to give reasons why KK came up with a slogan of ‘One Zambia, One Nation’. The slogan was due to the unification of Bar0tseland and N/Rhodesia. Failure to acknowledge the very genesis of Zambia is hyp0critical.
The author sl@ms Europeans and their boundaries, and yet he praises the coming together of many different chiefdoms, which unification was created by the very Europeans being b@shed. make up your mind…