National Biosafety Authority to officially launch the National
Biosafety Authority
Minister of Higher Education Michael Kaingu has instructed the provincial administration in Southern Province to find land for construction of a university in Choma.
Dr. Kaingu said that Government is committed to ensuring that there is a university in all the provincial headquarters.
He said that the university cannot be constructed in Livingstone despite land being available because Choma is the provincial headquarters.
Dr. Kaingu said that there was need to cement the declaration of Choma as the new provincial headquarters by putting up infrastructure.
The Minister was speaking when he called on Southern Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Douglas Ng’imbu who represented the provincial Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu.
And Mr. Ng’imbu assured the Minister that they will look for land to enable the construction of the University in the province.
Mr. Ng’imbu said that it has been the cry of the people in the province to have a university.
And Dr Kaingu has said that it is disappointing that some Zambian contractors have often times failed to undertake their tasks diligently despite Government having tried to empower them
Dr Kaingu said it was a pity that local contractors had been a let-down in most of the construction works the Government had been giving them.
Speaking during the tour and inspection of TEVETA affiliated colleges in Southern Province, Dr Kaingu said Government had tried its best to empower local contractors, but had been disappointed with the manner contractors had performed.
“It is a pity that despite efforts made by the Government to empower local contractors, their have been a let down, we have tried our level best as Government to ensure our local people are given contracts but instead we have been disappointed,” he said.
A local contractor, Liwanga Contractors that was engaged to construct and renovate Kasiya College in Pemba deserted the college.
Dr Kaingu said in 2009, Government awarded a contract to Liwanga Contractors to renovate Kasiya college in Pemba district at a cost of K7 million but up to now nothing was completed as per agreement.
But one of the surviving worker for the contracts said workers deserted the place because of lack of funds.
Dr Kaingu visited Kasiya Business and Secretarial College and Choma Trades in Choma district.
And Kasiya college principal White Chisi said the college had for years continued to produce quality secretaries, adding that more courses had been introduced to accommodate a number of school leavers.
When are you going to finish constructing the ones you already started?
PF minions are dreamers. They think Southerners are as gullible as people from other provinces.
Two Universities that Sata started in home land are on hold due to lack of money. How they hell will PF construct that University. Sata launched Universities in all provinces but non has been constructed apart from those in his home land.
By the way Chikwanda says the treasury has now run dry. So the kwacha subsidies will soon be over and the result of which the kwacha will be K100 to £1 by December.
PF bandits are back with their own sickness illusions of donchi kubeba syndrome! Or is it “King Cobra” recorded echoes of pathological hypocrisy & lies?
PF should take this university to Muchinga were bandits of Davies Chama, Kambwili & Mumbi Phiri reigns supreme in tribalism!
Vote PF out, & Load Shedding tears will be history. Vote wisely says,
The Skeleton Key
PF is illucinating as usual!
Livingstone can be the exception to the provincial capital requirement. It is a matter of exercising utmost caution and flexibility in the politics of regional consideration. At a provincial meeting of district representatives, would Livingstone be rejected or adopted? That is what matters in these political balancing acts.
My Vote goes to PF and ECL
2016 my card are Ready
I thank You
Better vote for a Stone than PF.
Too little too late. Do not make promises in the last hour. No more 90s songs please. Should have considered building this when Sata declared Choma the Provincial Capital in 2011 and started building it before or conjunction with the two in Chinsali – Makasa and Mupikilwa (?) the upgrading the COSECO into the Mukuba University in Kitwe, Kwame Nkurumah College of education. By the way when is the King Lewanika University in Mongu starting?
Even if you hate the idea of a University in Choma, who stands to lose? We will take the project to Luapula or Central Province.
These are the consequences of having a Clown called Sata in State House. These things are all interrelated and need careful thinking and planning before being implemented.
A Nation cannot be run by an uneducated asshole who wakes up one morning and just decides on his own to rename all the airports without any consultation. Or create new districts. These things have financial implications. And such capriciousness does not inspire any confidence in investors.
Sata and his PF legacy will be remembered as the biggest MAN-MADE DISASTER ever to befall the Nation.
Vote wisely this time!
These are the consequences of having a Clown called Sata in State House. These things are all interrelated and need careful thinking and planning before being implemented.
A Nation cannot be run by an uneducated asshole who wakes up one morning and just decides on his own to rename all the airports without any consultation. Or create new districts. These things have financial implications. And such capriciousness does not inspire any confidence in investors.
Sata and his PF legacy will be remembered as the biggest MAN-MADE DISASTER ever to befall the Nation.
Vote wisely this time!
Hon Kaingu have you finished constructing the Lewanika University in Mongu or you are trying to do another Donchi Kubeba on tongas? i remember seing land cleared in mongu but few months late it was all grass shrubs again
Just a donchi kubeba thing to try and f00l Zambians after realizing that what Kambwili said has really angered the people of southern and all well meaning patriotic Zambians who does not only say the one Zambia one nation on their lips but walk the talk
Do you know that a nuniversity brings with it employment.
Why not use the funds if you have any to fixed the delapedated ones….what is wrong with this empty tins? It no wonder they have misappropriated funds for children’s textbooks!!
There are no funds
build schools first and repair the existing ones
This guy can bring a university to the province on his own? Was this approved by cabinet? Sometime last year, Kaingu announced a number of universities to be built country wide. Southern province was missing from that list. He even said that two universities would be constructed in western province. Much earlier on, his late boss Sata went to Mongu for a ground breaking ceremony for a stadium. Trees have now grown at the site. Who the hell do these guys take the zambian people for?
Kaingu is making this pronouncement for a university in Choma due to guilt pangs. He feels ashamed that he had left out the southerners in his original list, people who gave him land to develop farms and lodges and has been staying with them for ages. When a wild fire swept his lodge, he accused the people of Choma of foul play. What gratitude! Does this guy not see on CNN and other news channels fires decimating whole towns in USA, Europe and Australia? Who is he impressing? But of course, it is very hard for him to come down to earth. Remember when he tore Sata’s speech to shreds in parliament? Now he is busy enjoying the late dictator’s efforts.
He simply wants to steal money so he can rebuild his lodge !!
We don’t need it,maybe after 2016 boss we shall consider it.
Much as the idea of building health and higher institutions of learning, technical colleges or otherwise is welcome, their location should be carefully considered and I am of the view placing them away from the metropolis in the fashion missionaries started their settlements in rural areas with ample land would change lives of rural populations and create employment also putting in check urban drifting! University departments (schools) could be extended according to practical strengths of the environment i.e. Agriculture focussing Grains, Horticulture (tree crops), Livestock.
If you don’t need it we will take it to Luapula. Period.
Come on guys,pf wants to something positive,you either deny or condemn.Then you turn around and and say pf is failing.
Why keep building new ones when the existing ones cannot be maintained.