Government has today announced the indefinite closure of the University of Zambia Great East road campus and the Copperbelt University.
Higher Education Minister Dr Michael Kaingu announced the closure of the country’s two highest learning institutions at a news briefing in Lusaka this afternoon.
Dr Kaingu observed that the situation at UNZA Great East Road Campus and CBU in Kitwe has deteriorated to levels posing a threat to life and property.
He disclosed that all students are expected to leave the two main campuses by midnight tonight.
Dr Kaingu said the only students exempted from the closure are those from the school of medicine Ridgeway and Ndola campuses, graduate schools, evening, distance and parallel programmes.
He said the criminal behavior by students and known opposition activists has forced Government to take decisive steps to restore law and order.
Dr Kaingu claimed that two opposition leaders were spotted distributing t-shirts and pamphlets at several higher learning institutions including the two universities in recent weeks.
Below is Dr Kaingu’s statement in full
Good afternoon friends from the media
The situation at the University of Zambia Great East Road Campus and the Copperbelt University in Kitwe has deteriorated to levels posing a threat to life and property.
The criminal behaviour by students and known opposition activists has forced Government to take decisive steps to restore law and order.
Two opposition leaders were spotted distributing t-shirts and pamphlets at several higher learning institutions including the two universities in recent weeks. At Luanshya Trades Institute, known lecturers are actively distributing inflammatory literature and engaging in conduct inimical to the wellbeing of the academic life at the college. These and many other actions threatening law and order at higher learning institutions cannot be tolerated any longer.
As you may all be aware by now, there have been some disturbances at our two public universities, namely the Copper belt University and the University of Zambia purportedly emanating from delayed payment of meal allowances.
As a matter of background, you may wish to note that as a way of promoting access to university education, the Government provides support to vulnerable students in form of payment of the following:
- Tuition and accommodation fees;
- Accommodation refunds for students not accommodated by the universities;
- Meal allowances;
- Book allowances; and
- Project allowances.
Modes of Payment
Tuition and accommodation fees are paid to the universities at the beginning of every academic year while other allowances are paid directly to the students.
Meal allowances are paid to the students at the beginning of every term. Book allowances are paid to students at the beginning of every academic year. Project and accommodation refunds are paid to entitled students upon receipt of information from the universities.
Payments to Students at the Copperbelt University
The Copperbelt University students were paid book and term one meal allowances on 10th June 2015 (at beginning of term one); term 2 allowances were paid on 9th November 2015 while project and accommodation refunds were paid on 18th January 2016. Part of the term 3 meal allowances were paid yesterday on 2nd February 2016. The allowance paid was K1, 317.50 per student. This is meal allowance for 59 days out of the 97 days for term 3.
Payments to students at the University of Zambia
The University of Zambia students were paid book and term one meal allowances on 18th November 2015 (at beginning of term one), while part of the term 2 meal allowances were paid yesterday on 2nd February 2016. The allowance paid was K1,192.50 per student. This is meal allowance for 53 days out of the 90 days for term 2.
On Friday 29th January 2016, students at the University of Zambia protested against delayed term 2 meal allowances for the 2015/2016 academic year. On Monday 1st February 2016, students at the Copperbelt University also protested against delayed term 3 meal allowances for the 2015/2016 academic year.
It is important to note that so far all allowances have been paid. The only allowance that was delayed was the meal allowance.
Despite assurances that students would be paid the meal allowance as soon as the Ministry of Finance releases funds for that purpose, students chose to take to the streets to disturb the general public and destroy property.
The delayed allowances were paid yesterday but the students have chosen to continue with their violent protests.
I am extremely saddened to note that students who are supposed to be vulnerable and are receiving this government support as a privilege have chosen to behave like thugs.
Due to the lack of a conducive environment for learning at the two public universities, it has been decided that the two universities close indefinitely. All students are expected to leave the two main campuses, namely CBU and UNZA by midnight tonight.
Regrettably, the disturbances at the two universities have been driven by known opposition elements seeking to extract perceived political gain out of the ongoing chaos.
A real and eminent danger to life and property now exists at the two universities and surrounding areas and, therefore, government has decided to act to prevent possible loss of life. Police will take necessary steps to restore law and order.
At CBU, the nation may wish to know that ten of the offenders arrested on campus who appeared in court yesterday are in fact not students but opposition activists. We question the involvement of these people in protests for students’ meal allowances.
The only students exempted from this closure are those from the school of medicine Ridgeway and Ndola campuses, graduate schools, evening, distance and parallel programmes.
Lastly, I wish to reiterate that Government will not tolerate rogue behaviour among university students. The nation looks up to university students as future leaders and it is unacceptable to see them behave like criminals.
I thank you.
I this good news or bad news??
An age long culture of indiscipline at Zambia’s Institutions of Higher Learning, the same kind of violence we see in the political arena. Unza aud CBU are the seedbed of it.
Good news. Students need to be responsible enough to realise what a privilege they have. Why should they protest when they have been paid part of the allowances??? We support students when they have genuine cause for protest but this time around, they have misbehaved and deserve the punishment. In this day and age, how many countries still provide free education!!!!
Oops lol!
MMS MP Michael Kaingu a “useful cadre” under PF the visionless Lungu of PF is now closing the two highest universities in the country.
People 3 months left to voting PF lunatics with their MMD bandits out of power by democracy. Shame on PF govt of blind Lungu.
Viva UPND & abash lumped minions in Kaingu.
The Skeleton Key
Useless PF+MMD.
Only cadres and those who have never been to these institutions will praise the minister. Get the other side of the story before you start praising the MMD, sorry is it PF minister. Those of us who have gained education from UNZA or CBU will empathize and the only thing I can condemn the students for is the damage to private property.
Go and sleep with your pro.stitute daughter!
PF has destroyed UNZA and CBU completely while their children are being sent abroad at a huge cost. One PF student sent to abroad needs money equivalent to bursaries for 20 students at either UNZA or CBU. If such is not selfishness of the highest order then I would doubt the sanity of anyone supporting PF when things are like this.
PF ni bachimbwi no plan as HH said from the onset. HH made accurate prediction of how pathetic PF would be in running the Zambian enterprise on behalf of its citizens. People called him all names except a few of us who know his career expertise that his ability to predict is what made him rich in the first place. HH is able to make good predictions and that’s why and how his investments have grown exponentially. He does not invest in some business he…
He does not invest in some business he knows will collapse soon.
Zambian students my advice to you is to go out there and campaign vigorously against the PF and for UPND the only party with the capacity to rectify what PF has destroyed.
Imagine a Zambia where you go school undisturbed and walk out of school with a credible qualification with a job guaranteed.
Now is not the time to imagine but act so that your imagination is turned into reality by voting for UPND.
2016 Vote UPN and the HH team.
Who acres about this- I know Mr Miles Sampa should be and will be – Our Next presdeint
I ahve NEVER been wrong in my whole life and I am 27
They may as well stay closed forever. CBU and UNZA are useless schools for dullards. I wouldn’t even take my dog to be trained there!
the problem with these protests is the mode used.
why assault innocent people and damage their properties instead of university lecturers’ and employees’ who you live with in campuses and are party to the problem..
why stone vehicles of innocent tax payers? why?
close them campuses, close them and throw away the keys…
@Mushota they are talking about UNZA/CBU and here is some who talk about a certain political party. This is a real issue for our young students! You are still walking in BB2014 how long ago is that? Wake up boyi!
One would have thought students would have learnt from history that riotous behaviour leads to closure and that they are the biggest losers when the university closes. My 5-year engineering degree spilled over into the sixth year because UNZA was closed as a result of students demonstrating at the French Embassy against France for selling arms to apartheid S.A. There was Kapumpa climbing the flag pole to remove the French flag. We did not realize this demo against apartheid would result in UNZA closure. But today you find students blocking GT East RD smashing cars belonging to innocent people instead of demonstrating at offices responsible for allowances. Instead of completing the studies on time they put a strain on their parents’ finances who partly or wholly fund their education.
Mushota has serious dyslexia. What is ‘acres’? You mean ‘cares’?
These disruptive closures hugely affect the international recognition/credibility of our universities in that our undergraduate studies lose their worth as prerequisite credentials for international postgraduate programmes. Those wishing to pursue their careers beyond the borders of our country with UNZA or CBU qualifications may also be equated to holders of diplomas or higher national certificates. So, these students shouldn’t unreasonably go beyond the bounds of their legitimate grievances, most of which, according to Dr Kaingu, have been addressed or being attended to. Mob psychology also blindfolds some hardworking students f On my way! the reality of them being used by those who may either not be making progress in their studies or be ill prepar d for their exams or assignment….
Eh! This Kaingu has no shoulders! Everything is concentrated around the tummy indicating its always full thus how can he convince the students! By the way Kaingu the sooner you start regarding the students in all institutions of higher learning as adults and potential future leaders the better, mutual respect will install itself!
This is GOOD NEWS FOR UPND as main opposition, JUST RECRUIT THESE KIDS to CAMPAIGN ON THE GROUND – DOOR TO DOOR – Kuya Bebele ba PamaFI!! Denying our children an education because ba PamaFi have pocketed all our money instead of paying Lecturers & students their dues, which are a fraction of all monies spent on flying our local chakolwa abroad so that he can enjoy more whisky – the solution isn’t kicking our kids out of universities & keeping their lecturers unpaid!!!!
Kids don on your campaign hats & campaign for a progessive party & Govt!! YES YOU CAN, & INDEED YES WE CAN TOGETHER!!!
Lets get one thing clear here, how is it the opposition’s problem if these students were not paid meal allowances. I think students are much smarter than that to be influenced by someone. I think their motivation for these riots is hunger. They read/watch the news and can see that government officials are buying private jets, the President is flying everywhere, millions of Dollars are disappearing, Government is spending on useless dinner Galas, etc., and the Government says it has no money for allowances.
I dont support the riots, but I cant blame the students either. If the Government has enough money to sponsor Mr Kambwili to visit the entire country to deliver hate speech and tribal talk, them the students deserve better.
“Senior Engineer RTD”, thanks for revealing your true colors – you are atypical sheep, always led by others, following without thinking!! So you protested outside French embassy, & you never thought there would be consequences? As an ENGINEER you should know thw laws of PHYSICS better than anyone else – “TO EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL & OPPOSITE REACTION!!!”
It seems as far as you were concerned – if you knew UNZA would be closed, you would have stayed in the ruins pounding!! You seem not to appreciate the protest against Apartheid!
You also seem to forget that the kids you are talking about are NOT that same ones who would have learnt from previous episodes – So it is very good for them to experience militance – for a cause that is right at the heart of their welfare -…
“Senior Engineer RTD”, thanks for revealing your true colors – you are atypical sheep, always led by others, following without thinking!! So you protested outside French embassy, & you never thought there would be consequences? As an ENGINEER you should know thw laws of PHYSICS better than anyone else – “TO EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL & OPPOSITE REACTION!!!”
It seems as far as you were concerned – if you knew UNZA would be closed, you would have stayed in the ruins pounding!! You seem not to appreciate the protest against Apartheid!
You also seem to forget that the kids you are talking about are NOT that same ones who would have learnt from previous episodes – So it is very good for them to experience militancy- for a cause that is right at the heart of their welfare -…
“Senior Engineer RTD”, thanks for revealing your true colors – you are atypical sheep, always led by others, following without thinking!! So you protested outside French embassy, & you never thought there would be consequences? As an ENGINEER you should know the laws of PHYSICS better than anyone else – “TO EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL & OPPOSITE REACTION!”
It seems as far as you were concerned – if you knew UNZA would be closed, you would have stayed in the ruins pounding! You seem not to appreciate the protest against Apartheid!
You also seem to forget that the kids you are talking about are NOT that same ones who would have learnt from previous episodes – So it is very good for them to experience militancy- for a cause that is right at the heart of their welfare – Chakolwa is…
This PF gov don’t ‘F’ care because their children are either in private or foreign learning institutions.
ba mushota, sampa cant even win a ward election if he stood as a counselor.
This behavior is completely unacceptable. We expect civilized behavior from university students, instead of this hooliganism. Follow proper channels to have your grievances addressed, rather than resorting to the destruction of private citizens’ property, who have nothing to do with your beef with the government. Use peaceful demonstrations. And also the government helping you with funding for your meals is not an entitlement. It’s a privilege, a big sacrifice by tax payers who want to see you get educated and be leaders of tomorrow. The government should also cut down on bureaucracy, and prioritize the disbursement of these funds to the needy students on time. It’s impossible for anyone to concentrate on lectures on an empty stomach. Furthermore, closing the universities…
As expected from Edgar and his cabinet..no vision, no plan. They have money to dish out to cadres but not pay meal allowance for students. Shame
In case, you didn’t read the statement, they were paid, in some cases all of it, in other cases part of it but they still chose to protest. That is indiscipline of the highest order. I hope you will have the same attitude when they protest under HH’s rule.
@my Zambia
In case YOU didn’t read, he admits that they WERE NOT PAID.
USELESS PF. And they are saying they are providing new university’s but they cannot even run the ones that are there already.
Dr Kaingu, how come students are being paid in installments when they are budgeted for through Bursaries Committee while Marketeers are are received “hands free loans” by Presidential empowerment which is not even in the budget? 2 days ago some civil servant was announcing that K2 million had been dished out through arrangement?
Don’t be foolish this was there in unip, mmd,now pf and it wil be there even in upnd. Students are kids they only realise when they growup. Rember ICHIMBANGU MBANGU at CBU in 1991 the guy suffered al is life until death when he was black listed by KK for burning the zambian flag.
“Senior Engineer RTD”, thanks for revealing your true colors – you are atypical sheep, always led by others, following without thinking!! So you protested outside French embassy, & you never thought there would be consequences? As an ENGINEER you should know thw laws of PHYSICS better than anyone else – “TO EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL & OPPOSITE REACTION!!”
It seems as far as you were concerned – if you knew UNZA would be closed, you would have stayed in the ruins pounding!! You seem not to appreciate the protest against Apartheid!
You also seem to forget that the kids you are talking about are NOT that same ones who would have learnt from previous episodes – So it is very good for them to experience militancy- for a cause that is right at the heart of their welfare – Chakolwa…
For just once see in the mirror and see how useless you are
What has the behavior of students this time have to do with Lungu
Hate hate hate you will die with it.
Lungu is wining 2016 with huge margin
There will be no rerun
What a bunch of ……….this PF government.
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Get up, stand up, don’t give up the fight
Preacher man don’t tell me heaven is under the earth
I know you don’t know what life is really worth
Is not all that glitters in gold and
Half the story has never been told
So now you see the light, aay
Stand up for your right. Come on
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Get up, stand up, don’t give up the fight
Most people think great God will come from the sky
Take away ev’rything, and make ev’rybody feel high
But if you know what life is worth
You would look for yours on earth
And now you see the light
You stand up for your right, yeah!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your…
“Senior Engineer RTD”, thanks for revealing your true colors – you are atypical sheep, always led by others, following without thinking!! So you protested outside French embassy, & you never thought there would be consequences? As an ENGINEER you should know thw laws of PHYSICS better than anyone else – “TO EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL & OPPOSITE REACTION!!!”
It seems as far as you were concerned – if you knew UNZA would be closed, you would have stayed in the ruins pounding!! You seem not to appreciate the protest against Apartheid!
You also seem to forget that the kids you are talking about are NOT that same ones who would have learnt from previous episodes – So it is very good for them to experience militancy- for a cause that is right at the heart of their welfare – Chakolwa…
“Senior Engineer RTD”, thanks for revealing your true colors – you are a typical sheep, always led by others, following without thinking!! So you protested outside French embassy, & you never thought there would be consequences? As an ENGINEER you should know thw laws of PHYSICS better than anyone else – “TO EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL & OPPOSITE REACTION!!!”
It seems as far as you were concerned – if you knew UNZA would be closed, you would have stayed in the ruins pounding!! You seem not to appreciate the protest against Apartheid!
You also seem to forget that the kids you are talking about are NOT that same ones who would have learnt from previous episodes – So it is very good for them to experience militancy- for a cause that is right at the heart of their welfare – Chakolwa…
In Zambia, everything bad is blamed on the opposition
Good move Minister!!!!
Cheap thinking, How can all the students be influenced by a political party, PF and EL are the worse things to have happened to Zambia. Vote them out, please.
You are welcome to UniLus.
The University for all who want to progress!
And will Unilus give them meal allowances? We take it it’s a Private institution that will put up with broken windows if you delay student services?
I don’t know who to blame for this state of affairs.Either the government which is broke or the students who damage innocent citizens properties.
Two wrongs never make a right. Students of higher learning should know better than throw stones to resolve an issue.
But our government leaders should be serious.How does someone who depends on tax payers money neglect his health like that?Just look at him.And when he gets sick we shall foot the bill?
That is the only way to go, these students behave on impulse and mob psychology. Close them for not less than six months as they go to vote for the opposition parties and see how they will lose. And you opposition parties it is so cheap to use students to bring chaos in the country just to win elections, it tells me you lack a sense of direction and you are not fit to govern this country.
Very quick to provide ‘his own side of the story’. The failure to meet obligations is a perennial thing. If you haven’t thought of a better and fair system, at least honour the one that is in place. For the moment bursaries are there to ensure that even students from disadvantaged families are able to attain a higher education. Not all parents can afford to provide for the weeks when meal allowances fail to be paid. Some people will just criticize the students from the hip, so to say (of course I condemn destruction of innocent peoples property) but it is time there was an objective debate about successive govt. failures to appreciate, value and recognize education. Otherwise we are on the sure way (for a poor country) of making education a preserve of the elitist, privileged and…
political mafias
Out of context, I am afraid.
What good move you SM?
Police should arrest those chaps who grabbed guns and helmets from weak police officers. Equally weak police officers should be relieved of their duties.
police officers or PF cadre police?
If government had paid the allowances on time All this wouldn’t have happened. The government didn’t act on its obligation, the students reacted and the government has now overreacted. If the opposition has influenced these students then of are in trouble in August 2016
too bad the so called intellectuals really sympathizes with you guys
Holding the government to ransom is bad tactic by the students. They need to learn to dialogue, not throw stones. It’s the reason we have grown-up toddlers handling the affairs of the country today.
those political activits shud be visited with the full force of the law……its justifiable that these 2 institutions be put on care and mainatnance like the mines of the law…..gud move minister and now get to the bottom of the matter…………..UNIVERSITY IS NOT A POLITICAL PARTY….pls deal with those thugs called students who are not actually students but UPND cadres…..
Comment:some pipo are fools, sure is it only the civil servants who pay tax? when yo father who is not a civil a servant comes home with a pacel of bublegums don’t u think that’s part of paying tax to the government? wake up! which skul did u go to?
truth be told which opposition ar u talking about?you sue that opp party if at all its truth you juat want to hide in the name of acccusing opposition.chip talk.you av just failed period.
Pliz pipo take it dat day ur only car u ve these guys damage it r u sure u wil say let dem do dat lets nt blame da govt every tym sum of u who r in opposition u real support these guys dat’s a wrng way wait u wil b in power nt nw mayb after 20ys
15 000 students plus their parents/guardians is approximately 45 000 votes. That PF won’t get. Watch while someone blames this bad decision on opposition. smh. No wonder Sata described them as dull. The jokes never end. Its sad for Zambia though. We currently have no higher education system to speak of. Shame on Kaingu. Shame on Lungu.
….he(Kaingu) is short of saying….’ the opposition made sure that the govt coffers are empty for the govt to delay the student’s payment so that the student riot to discredit the govt…we have evidence that the opposition infiltrated the Ministry of Finance and govt coffers leaving them empty….the public must blame the opposition for the delays in meal allowance payments and hence the subsequent riots which the govt is left with no alternative but to close the two institutions…as you can see, the govt has nothing to do with the cause of the student riots…the opposition are behind it..’
….I thank you all
@ the truth is that
its not the first time UNZA and CBU are rioting over meals allowances and other allowances…..and we wont tolerate opposition UPND to be taking advantange of these situationas and even the students will be dealt bcoz surely if they wea paid yesterday and they continue to riot surely there is something amis here……espe CBU……..they have been told the remaining shall be paid next week….wats the big deal???????? opposition it seems they enjoy wen the country facing challenges bt trust me WE LOVE ECL and YES HE WILL CARRY THE DAY……..NI KOLOPA NAFUTI…….BA ***** OR SOREEE BA WESU
This is a great move.Go and riot at your homes you charlatans.We see if you shall break the mug of your mother for giving you lunch late.a bunch of *****s.Close it until september if you can.let them feel the wrath of the society. Too bad that some innocent students will suffer because of a few rotten imbeciles.But sometimes it takes such decisions to calm the the storm.Go and stone your guardians vehicles for the late nshima that you’ll be eating and for no breakfast….You’ll remember tuma rolls twapa october .Wether opposition was involved or not,the students should act like the civilized people we perceive them to be.I now perceive them to be MAD.
It’s a gd move minister dats da way u shud open it on 13 August 2016
truth be told, the only person PF can’t blame is themselves. What has the opposition got to do with payments due to students? Who controls government resources? They are quick to claim praise from the infrastructure development but deny to take responsibility for the effect of pumping caused by money in roads at the expense of the economy that supports businesses which pay taxes. Now the government is broke and all the blame is on everybody else but themselves. I like leaders who make decision and take responsibility for their action, otherwise, they should not be leaders.
Has Mumbi Phiri seen this man? I think his weapon can not be located of late with that developing tummy.
correction “They are quick to claim praise from the infrastructure development but deny to take responsibility for the effect caused by pumping money in roads at the expense of the economy that supports businesses which pay taxes. Now the government is broke and all the blame is on everybody else but themselves. I like leaders who make decision and take responsibility for their action, otherwise, they should not be leaders
Kaingu and friend (Chagwa) has decided to take money for UNZA/CBU to markets coz 11/08/16 lelo at twaisala with these, sure even beyond 11/08/16.
Good move minister. let them use the first installment for accomodation for tonite.These buffoons are being used by GBM,HH and corporate mecerneries hell bent to disturbilise our country.Dont opent untill next year January,2017
Koma eeh! Dziko ya onongeka.
Bakambwanga aba. We are in problems gentlemen and ladies!
Is there anything these students won’t riot over? They probably thought that government would not shut the Universities. What a work of shear brilliance. They should stop acting like spoilt children and face the hardships with reason and dialogue. The sooner they make dissent at these Universities illegal the better.
Have a good break!
This is good firm action in a country where violence is bubbling on the surface. Praise to Hon. Kaingu for this uncompromising step. Honestly, I have never seen such nonsense even in Europe where delays in student finances happen during processing. Damaging other people’s property is unacceptable. Why don’t these students earn pocket money before terms begin? Can’t parents arrange a small food package to take to school. Please don’t keep saying they are poor. There are other poor people who don’t even take such self righteous criminal conduct.
Pliz not all students are against the govt, its only some stupid students paid by this guy who claims to be rich and yet he has even failed to build not even a toilet for public use …
Well the good students will vote against troublesome opposition. We have trouble with these parties because they have no hope of winning and try every game in the book to enter gov’t under shadow of violence. Sorry for the good students.
You go to school to learn how to read books, not to throw stones. You deserve the bite.
Let’s see what he will do when his salary is delayed!!
Do you expect him to start throwing stones? That would be unthinkable.
The whole system of paying these allowances is wrong…they pay them like salaries; why do they pay them one time at the beginning of semester and this job should be given to a quasi govt organisation that also collects student loans everything going into one pot.
GRAND you’ve probably never been to these universities. We used to be accused of the same thing by the MMD government when I was there. Just pay them what they are owed and they will be peace. Giving us a break down of peace meal payments is ridiculous. We were paid the whole amount at one go and we remained peaceful. I was at CBU for four years and we had a demonstration just once because MMD paid us the money when it was due. Now your PF characters giving us a useless breakdown here and you start condemning the students. Enroll there and experience the life there instead of condemning from a distance and things you barely understand.
…you are right…pay the guys on time, peace prevails….but I have an issue with you…at the time you did your demonstration, my car had a rear windscreen shattered…..what goes thru your mind as an intellectual when you pick a stone and throw it at random to innocent passer-by…who may be equally sympathetic to you and actually contributes to govt coffers in terms of taxes for you to be paid….since you were one of them please tells…I fell to understand the reasoning behind such barbaric acts from people who are perceived to be the intelligent lot….??????
…yaba this site also…if you don’t proof read….meant …tell us….I fail to understand…..
Fellow Zambians, the behaviour of the students is a microcosm of a disenchanted public. Whenever there is mis-governance in any country, students, by virtue of group-think behavior react first. They are the conscience of society; responding to deteriorating economic and social standards. Government has not learned how to manage student interests. By pushing money at the heat of the moment does not solve the bigger picture. They want assurance government support will not be hand-to-mouth so that they do not have to be on the streets each time they are hungry. Why does government only respond when there are riots? Is this not the highest form of leadership lapse and negligence that creates a suitable environment for opposition parties to have a foothold (assuming the allegation is true).
UNZA and CBU have a legacy, not a good one, when it comes to violence, protests, strikes, etc. I don’t believe they are the only two poorly managed public universities in Africa.
In your own sense stoning the private property is ok ? Just because the meal allowences has delayed ?
You think any zambian thats has never been to this two universities can not think ?
From a neutral point of view, its a sad day for the Education system in Zambia. This move by the Minister, though being supported by some comments above, further degrades our Universities as compared to other stable Universities in the region. Zambia can not develop without ensuring that our citizens receive quality uninterrupted education. Govt is not solving the root cause of these unrests at our Universities by closing them. Most of the affected are innocent students from poor families who might not even participated in the riots.
You are in denial and oblivious to reality.
Explain to us how the two Universities ran smoothly under UNIP. MMD did better than what we are seeing now. What is the reality apart from erratic Govt funding? Remember, not all us can afford to send our children abroad. Please note: Im not a cadre of any party, just a concerned parent/ citizen.
To my recollection, these two universities have been like spoiled kids. They have never run smoothly under any government. Check their history. You will find repeated riots, closures etc. And that is reflected in the kind of leaders we have in the country today. No mature person will opt to throw stones in order to solve a money problem.
There are about five people wearing white shirts in that picture ba LT
..I advice you not to read such articles under the influence of alcohol..or is it Jameson…you end up with double vision….there is only one distinctive white ‘T’ shirt in the picture….revisit it when you get sober please….
Easy to spot…only ministers have pot bellies …so big they cannot see their trousers zips!!
…exactly..Jay Jay….one cannot miss a politician in a picture… nearly all have funny structures….pot belly being prominent and symbolic….
Who said these fellows can manage a kinder garden?
During student protests in 2012, police picked up everyone they found walking by Mashlands area. One man packed the vehicle by the bus stop and hopped off to buy talk time across Great East Road leaving a four year old daughter in the car. Police saw him, bundled him violently into the police vehicle ignoring his pleas. They took him to Woodlanda leaving his daughter in the car with a running engine. These are the people Kaingu claims were not students.
One more FAILURE to add to the long list of PF failures.
Time to take responsibility instead of blaming the opposition. Who is in Government? Is it not PF.
Lies cannot hide the facts.
Government , job well done. We can’t support students breaking innocent people’s property. We all know the PF government has lamentably failed to govern but that does not warrant indiscpline by students
Keep stones out of the arena of education and politics.
Such used to be during the stone age era. It no longer should be.
You fools have you ever read the Bursaries letter its say meal allowance shall be paid as and when funds are available. So these fool called students should read the conditions.
well done minster,indiscipline has no place in Zambia. proffessional student don’t behave like that because they have ethics,but these i wonder if they have any.Infact revoke the barsary from these burstards they don’t deserve it at all at all.
I regetably support you.Why should we pay 1diots who stone us when they don’t receive our money?And most of them are too proud to do odd jobs.How many of them even try to get jobs like waiters etc,but when they go abroad the 1diots start flipping beggars for a living.
Good political move. In fact the 2 institutions should only be opened in June . Let the opposition have something to talk about . The govt should by then have put its house in order. pay the students on time and in full. and bang, the opposition will have no campaign material and Govt wins.
The President should consider to reshuffle the Education ministry, he is not operating like an academician. Also remove the vice chancellor too ….
Eyes shut them all and don’t reopen until after the ballots are counted and announced. We don’t want to conduct our elections in a state of emergency. We want to vote peacefully and send underfive into deserved eternal retirement peacefully so that he does not claim violent atmosphere or rigging. And once you have removed the source of potential riots, Charity can then give him a permit to campaign. But how can he campaign without riots mwebantu?
I can’t imagine my Harvard university being closed for such reasons. No wonder we are so behind in development of this country. When will we ever realise that there cannot be any meaningful development without developing people? Meal allowances sure! I’ve never even heard of prisoners complaining about meal allowances here in the USA. I suggest the Government set up an independent body to look after student affairs so that this becomes a thing of the past. Otherwise I see another generation of unemployable graduates.
this act of resoting to riots can not be tolerated…jst imagine the civil servant who are the rtax payers and others people in the private sector wen salalries are delayed the resort to rioting ….they have neva done that..these are tax payers…and now these guys who are not even tax payes come and destroy yo car or property delaying yo payment of tax which is used as their allowances…u knw this act is like wen a parent delays to pay for go tv or dstv then u resort to rioting in the and calling him names…very childish indeed from these guys who are the future leaders of 2moro…..what a shame
yes and employers can recruit from Mulungushi, Copperstone, catholic universities, and others where parents and students sacrifice for their education. But don’t worry there will be enough jobs digging drainages on Chinese road projects for the unza and cbu students. That’s what UPND wants them to be so be it if they agree.there will be enough managers like HH from the peaceful universities while unza and cbu will provide the labourers.
The PF only applies excessive measures on students for their violent actions but when PF cadres take over an international airport violently and even threatening the security and safety of an airborne air craft and its passengers they turn a blind eye to that and remain mute.
Students from poor families will continue to suffer while those of PF leaders are sent abroad for their uninterrupted studies. The only solution is to kick out the PF in August.
… Meant to say there will be enough managers like HH and his children…….
There is anew degree just introduced at unza and cbu, it’s called bachelor of cadres and labourers with UPND. They are trained to work at the ranch.
Mr. ECL please can you instruct the Civil Service Pension Fund to pay us our little money do we also need to strike and run riot before we are paid. We worked for the money unlike the MPs who will get ‘gratuity’ even before their term is over every month its the same story are you sure GRZ cannot find 500zmw to pay me…its not much money but its mine….
HH and UPND will pay dearly by inciting these twits. Let the two universities remain closed for as long as it takes so that the whole institution can be fully rehabilitated, cleaned up and admission conditions reviewed to take care of many gaps that have existed at these institutions for so long. After all the students coming out of these two institutions of late add very little value to the real world after graduating in other words Zambia can.do without these thieves and drunkards for the next 4 years. We have enough and serious people who can do better than these thags who think University is just another ghetto.
This Kaingu even sent his small ‘professor’ daughter to an outside University because he knows he runs the local ones uses the Dora bottom
@meimatungu, yes it reflects in the type of leaders we have today, you see the same behavoiur in the lecturers we have today. Look at the recent lecturers strikes, the only difference is that they don’t throw stones themselves but they do incite students to do that for them.
Point well taken. How I wish your name wasn’t “Terrible.” I would not have been scared…:LOL.
Kaingu was booed at CBU yesterday and students walked out on him that’s why he has closed the institutions.
Time has come to stop giving meal,project and book allowances but instead the parents or guardians should be loaned this money to give to their children at these universities. Those who don’t have parents or guardians should sign an undertaking to pay back when they complete and begin working. This should be done through a bank. The only thing government should pay is tuition and accommodation.This will bring normalcy to the heads of these students. Also seeing these institutions are becoming a threat to peace Unions should be abolished and replaced with house leaders, access restricted to guardians or parents.
Do not open the two Universities till students pay the cost of the damage, period.Next time they will not riot.
Dominion you are spot on can you move a private bill please, these chaps have become useless.Let them feel the pain themselves.We are tired of evil vices.We should not allow those students who took part in these riots enter Uni.again.I hope police have enough evidence (video footage).
The pf govt always wants to blame the opposition because they have failed to manage this country they had better start counting down to leaving state house..Nonsense!
These chaps need to grow. Times have changed and time is seriously not on their side. I mean the Tuma Universities in Zambia are coming up day in, day out. Whereas sometime back only CBU and UNZA students used to get all the jobs calling for undergraduates, today the number of job seekers from Mulungushi, Northrise, Mukuba, Nkuruma, Lusaka, Zambia Open, Cavendish Universities etc are adding up and seriously competing with these rioters. Then a graduate from UNZA lifts up a ka placard with “Government must provide Jobs for me” slogan. Riotous mentality and behavour. Chaps are now playing politics instead of studying. Ni Univerity ya Nyoko? Sha!!!!
They are waiting for Government to fulfill its promise of either 2 million or half-million jobs
To those who have deliberately chose to put their intelligence on pause and opt to support the behavior of students bcoz it can help with voting out the current government,I pity you because you are encouraging a monster you will still be dealing with when your party comes into power because PF will not remain in power forever. By the way when did government borrow money from these students. Its like your Uncle promises to give you school fees and he delays, will you begin to smash the windows of his house. Thats why in developed countries they loan these students money to pay for their education.To those still living in old glory, UNZA and CBU are no longer the only institutions in Zambia producing graduates, there are other universities and colleges with high caliber of lecturers…
@ Dominion,
You forgot to switch your “intelligence” (LOL) on before commenting
These rioters should not even be employed by the private sector, they should all wait for government jobs. Why should someone who paid for their education through taxes have their property destroyed because of food. How many people are going without eating in Zambia. Who gave you the right to smash cars at will. Wait very soon you will learn that money should be worked for before you can claim someone owes you money. We will push hard for reforms to have you carry heavy loans on both your heads and that of your parents. To be admitted you should prove that you have your own meal, book and project allowance. Even civil servants will no longer get free cars from government its loans bane. Its a season of personal responsibility.
Sad day. It will just make PF more unpopular, even if the students have not conducted themselves properly. The government’s action here is suggestive of lack of care and an inability to analyse the consequences. I always doubted the calibre of Mr Kaingu, especially when he began to be called `Dr’, without explanation. This is a man without proper credentials to be the minister of higher education. You need someone the students and universities will respect in such positions. Abuse of authority is not going to resolve an issue clearly a problem. How can a student survive on ZMK1350 for 59 days? Let’s learn to be calm and educate our students on the merits of proper conduct through our own actions. Closing universities is a third world uncaring and expensive way of dealing with issues…
You pf canders nd grade sevens drop out can you close your mouths with your so called foolish kaingu. Do you knw hard is here in schl. Only those wu hve bn here can empathize wth us. Follow the truth coz the statement above seems to be favouring the failed pf govrn. lst week ireen Chilwa addressed us nd promised to gve de money in full nd jst less money. Ths iz nt jst de only issue students at UNZA ar rioting abt bt also the Mecer issue of nt bringing the laptops for the money thy store frm us students. Ths hz got nothn todo wth the opposition bt us students coz we ar jst frustrated for visionless leaders lyk lungu nd bena kaingu nt thinking properly. You closed our school and we shall close you in August
You pf canders nd grade sevens drop out can you close your mouths with your so called foolish kaingu. Do you knw hw hard life is here in schl. Only those wu hve bn here can empathize wth us. Follow the truth coz the statement above seems to be favouring the failed pf govrn. lst week ireen Chilwa addressed us nd promised to gve de money in full nd jst less money. Ths iz nt jst de only issue students at UNZA ar rioting abt bt also the Mecer issue of nt bringing the laptops for the money thy store frm us students. Ths hz got nothn todo wth the opposition bt us students coz we ar jst frustrated for visionless leaders lyk lungu nd bena kaingu nt thinking properly. You closed our school and we shall close you in August
Closing CBU & UNZA is welcome. These boys are very stupid. Honestly, can such be future leaders? Who cannot dialogue but resort to destroying other peoples property. Shame on you criminals. Those criminals should not be returned but send them to Mukobeko. There are a lot of school leavers who are languishing in compounds bring them CBU & UNZA. Atleast they can appreciate this privilege of government paying for them. Atase ukutumpa!
There can never be a more convincing indicator that we have misfits governing a republic than this lot in govt. They have failed to reason with kids at university.
Sale these two universities to the lowest bidder to solve this issue once and for all. Govt can leave certain courses and retain 30% shares. Spoon feeding is long overdue, the system being used is not compartible to modern times when 80% go to private univerties where no allowances are not paid but instead students have to pay for all the mentioned.
Sale it we need cash not distruction.
@ jackasslusa
Do you know anybody who wants to go in to partnership with Government?
The only lasting solution is just to privitase these institutions and all these nonsense will stop…..all beta still remove busaries and let th students strt payn for themselves and make the fees affordable
to be honest, Kaingu has never solved a problem at any of the two institutions, never. it shows how incompetent he is. he has failed the lecturers , he has failed the students. i cant just fanthom how my ECL is keeping him. ask RB he gave him a less active ministry ‘ community development’, atleast there he tried because he was dealing with the elderly and street kids giving them food and social cash transfer
Don’t believe these PF liers. These characters are failures and the entire Govt is a mess and collapsed. Meanwhile chagwa wastes more money by taking another useless trip to Europe whose business only him knows. That money could cleared all the students allowances.
Those in full support of the Minister’s decision to close the two Universities will soon be dissapointed when our listening President over-rules this decision and re-opens the two Universities. It might happen by next month. Just watch the space.
I do not support riots, but closing the two Universities is the most expensive way of solving this problem (both to Govt and also to Parents/ Guardians).
“known opposition activists” so all government poor planning are blamed on the opposition.Awe kwena
UNZA is ranked at number 70 in Africa while CBU is not even in top 100, what do you expect from such indiscipline mercenary students? Good move minister.
you are like comparing your father and your 5 year son ati my father hardly sleeps or takes naps during the day but my son everyday during the day he sleeps. UNZA started in 1966 CBU started in 1989 thereabout. CBU is basically a child of UNZA, most lecturers at CBU had a stint in one way or the other at UNZA; either thats where they or their first degree or second degree. so why even compare them? secondly do you know what is considered in ranking a university. am certain you dont know, if you knew you cant compare the two. for your own info, CBU will begin getting ranked maybe 5 or so years from now. even UNZA, at the age of CBU was not ranked. mulejoba ba gayi ..
“Senior Engineer RTD”, thanks for revealing your true colors – you are atypical sheep, always led by others, following without thinking!! So you protested outside French embassy, & you never thought there would be consequences? As an ENGINEER you should know thw laws of PHYSICS better than anyone else – “TO EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL & OPPOSITE REACTION!!!”
It seems as far as you were concerned – if you knew UNZA would be closed, you would have stayed in the ruins pounding!! You seem not to appreciate the protest against Apartheid!
You also seem to forget that the kids you are talking about are NOT that same ones who would have learnt from previous episodes – So it is very good for them to experience militancy- for a cause that is right at the heart of their welfare – Chakolwa…
That is the point. This was the first closure of UNZA. I had no history to learn from but these students have heard and witnessed countless closures resulting from riotous behaviour and yet they can not figure out what the REACTION will be from their ACTION. My secondary physics teacher was pushing the wall and told the class that the wall was also pushing him. I thought he was mad until later when I realized that a bulldozer can push the wall down. Did I touch a raw nerve, Fota Nkonde?
Cadres supported to insult citizens by PF. Contractors not paid, shortage of this and that, govt institutions not funded monthly, University student paid in bits, Govt borrowed so much… money not used promptly.
Admit we have administrative challenges. You have failed to govern.
I do not however, support hooliganism.
Vote wisely
PF has destroyed these institutions further. Imagine if had students from overseas at these institutions? Imagin the inconvenience to them. PF has wasted money on by elections and a bloated cabinet doing nothing than on the students. Shame.
Most of these stupid riotious students are those who entered universities through lakages at grade 12 so they are very lazy and dull chaps, even the stupid allowances they were rioting for are just squandered on beer and prostitutes in kalingalinga and musonda compounds. Some of us who have sent children to private universities are paying thru our noses and we dont hear such nonses from our children even if we delay in givin them money. Why should we have these unappreciative *****s from CBU and UNZA harassing and inconviniencing innocent pipo?, Kaingu has done well maybe they will learn a lesson and start being reasonable *****s.
The indefinite closure of the two universities does not aim at making PF popular or unpopular. The behaviour of students at the two institutions should be scrutinized whether it is externally driven or not. The students’ behaviour of damaging property of innocent people should be condemned at all costs because for one to earn the property suffers and foregoes luxury and other amenities! It is unreasonable for one just to destroy or damage the property with impunity! This is the reason why people look for means and ways of protecting and safeguarding their hard earned or acquired property that some student find it easy to destroy! My word of advise to all students who think that the only way to air out their grievances is to damage property of innocent people to refrain from such…
Students , government is doing u a huge favor but u r been very ungrateful. Maybe government should remove all these meal allowances. Most of us our parents sacrificed a lot n everything from tuition fees to food they will provide for us. Atleast they will hv their much needed meals at their homes so problem solved. Congrats Intellectuals
Sir you should step down on moral grounds, either you all the people that report toy you have failed to run the ministry. This is not acceptable.
Anyways on a lighter note, how is Iris?
The riots taking place at UNZA and CBU explains it all why, these two institutions are no longer preferred learning insttitutions for anybody. Look Unza is ranked 2627 in the world and 70 in Africa. CBU is 12,613 in the world and not ranked at all in Africa. GRZ must abolish all bursaries. College students in Zambia don’t receive those monies like students at the two institutions get. Whreever vamahla is given there is no respect. Remember during Unip era , when mealie meal coupons were being given, therewas mayhem,killing one another.For those who could afford a K37 to buy a 25kg bag it was all smooth d smiles. Vamahala should come to an end. A real student can’t disarm a police officer, those are thugs.
People naturally appreciate that, which they have laboured and paid for than things or services given for free. We have witnessed these riots since the UNIP era and now is the time to act or find answers. Here is a simple and very effective solution. GRZ must abolish all student sponsorship or financing in any form. This has brought laziness to many of our people. GRZ should become a partner in business of runnnig these schools who should be paying taxes to government. In short privatize these schools as is the case in the Western world. Let everyone seeking University education fund themselves, only then will sanity return to these schools. A beggar can’t be the chooser and be dictating to be master. How can a student from a disadvantaged back ground be the one in the forefront…
Campaign strategy which will backfire. Oh it has already backfired. The President will overturn decision by Minister to try and raise his profile that he is humble. Students don’t be dumb for once. Learn something and act as professionals. Shape the destiny of this country in Aug. Otherwise more problems and stress await you after graduation. Don’t say we were not told.
Look at this UGLY minister….very small head, no brains but EXPANDED stomack and walks like a Duck!! Is Kaingu an Alien and not FULLY human??
Two wrongs do not make a right. Govt was wrong to delay their allowances which should not be the case. Indeed only persons who have never be to CBU or UNZA can find it difficult to side with the students. To you my friends(students) let us not destroy innocent property when we are aggrieved. To govt you know your obligation about student welfare, when they are due your duty is to pay to avoid the blame game we are hearing. I for one I actually blame govt for whatever damage the students have caused.
Food for thought no money for students more money for marketeers. Poor economics re-capitalizing a sector that does not even pay tax. We are sitting on a time bomb which will only favor those implementing it. Lets wait and see. As we look at this issue we should remove self and look at…
This issue will never end until serious measure are take care of. What the government need to do is to remove meals and book allawances instead divert that money to build more libraries and more books .students don’t even books.
The money meant for the food should go to more bursaries. Students and Guardian should find other means of meals. Maybe a problem where students can do some work within the campus and then pay them. Otherwise they will always be a reason to make noise.
UPND Kuwayawaya fye. EL and Kaingu are very correct on this issue. Why should students be behaving like rebels or Boko Haram. Lungu will sweep the ploe in August 2016. We are campaigning for him very seriously. The under five will cry and that will be the end of his political career. What wrong has PF done for us to vote them out? Look at the development dotted around the country.
We said and described to be criminal, immature and unteachable.
What it the best term to describe him following what he is insulting the US
Also the best term to use on her daughter over her behaviour????
Ansa we iwe wine Mr,,,,
We both have to apologize starting with him and her daughter
Funny how some greedy pipo r trying to use this right move made by govt to get some political Mileage. This students r supposed to b our future leaders and this is how they seek to resolve matters. The 2 Universities Should stay closed until these students grow up. Seriously @ this day and age how many countries offer FREE education… Don’t take ur Privilege for granted.