Sunday, March 16, 2025

President Lungu meets Pope Francis


President Lungu’s motorcade arrive at Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu’s motorcade arrive at Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

PRESIDENT Lungu has assured Pope Francis that he will continue promoting dialogue among different political players as Zambia heads for tripartite elections.

The President told the Pope that he believes in peace and co-existence and that he will continue to promote dialogue with all political players.

President Lungu made the assurance during private talks with the Pope at the Vatican City yesterday.

Briefing the press at Hotel Westin Excelsior on the talks, President Lungu’s special assistant for press and public relations, Amos Chanda, said during the meeting, the Pope said Zambia is a beacon of peace.

“The President assured the Holy Father that as Zambia goes to elections this year, he is going to try as much as possible to promote dialogue among political parties,” Mr Chanda said.

And the Pope has appealed to President Lungu to promote dialogue and peace ahead of the elections.
Pope Francis said Zambia is known for holding peaceful elections and that he is looking forward to peaceful polls in August.

President Lungu has always called for peace and co-existence ahead of the August 11 tripartite elections.
Pope Francis wished Zambia peace before, during and after the tripartite elections and urged President Lungu to continue promoting dialogue among different sections of society.

Pope Francis also urged President Lungu to help resolve conflicts in Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo.

Mr Chanda said it is for this reason the Vatican regards Zambia as a credible mediator which can help the parties in Burundi and DRC to resolve their political differences peacefully.

“The Pope urged President Lungu that he is greatly concerned about the political violence in Burundi and appealed to President Lungu to intervene,” Mr Chanda said.

“The Pope said Zambia can be a credible mediator in the crises in Burundi and DR Congo.”

He said the Pope emphasised that there is need for President Lungu to ensure there are credible elections in DR Congo.

The two leaders also pledged to work together to mitigate the impact of climate change on Zambia and the entire southern Africa.

Pope Francis expressed concern about the possibility of crop failure in Zambia and the region because of poor rainfall, and called for closer collaboration.

President Lungu also held private talks with Vatican Secretary of State of His Holiness Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

President Lungu and First Lady Esther Lungu being ushered by Bishop Ganswein on arrival Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu and First Lady Esther Lungu being ushered by Bishop Ganswein on arrival Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu greets Vatican staff on arrival at Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu greets Vatican staff on arrival at Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu greets Vatican staff on arrival at Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu greets Vatican staff on arrival at Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu greets Vatican staff on arrival at Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu greets Vatican staff on arrival at Vatican where he met the Pope on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

President Lungu


President Lungu leaves after visiting the Pope at Vatican on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu leaves after visiting the Pope at Vatican on Feb 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


    • What peace can Lungu promise to promote when he does not condemn or discipline his cadres that breached security and occupied Ndola airport

      Lungu is a deceitful crook that appears humble to hoodwink Zambians who do not know his true nature.

      Lungu is behind all this violence perpetrated by PF cadres. Miles Sampa watch out, Lungu will dribble you once again with legal tactics and you will not be able to file in your nomination papers

      Viva HH

    • No black people or chinese or arab or indian in the Vatican all white people.
      Also what was the pope telling our president on that small table. Mr Lungu has noticed something strange just look at his look??????

    • whilst others are busy trying to jump from one party to the other,,,,meanwhile we are busy showing proper leadership,,,,

      “requestdockingcoordinates” and very soon in August it will be “recalldockinginstructions”

      what more can i say,,,,munjeleleko ba Zambia munjeleleko

      2016 vote (PF) Edgar

      i thank you

    • UPND cadres are full of imaginations, your outbursts just portrays how much frustrated you guys are. Continue day dreaming, God is on our side.

    • Audience with the Pope is a rarity that has to be cherished especially for the guidance provided! Its okay for our president to wallow in the joy of pictures that he’ll keep for a lifetime but that he got and understood the message and counsel the Pope gave is much more important for himself and the leadership he wants to give the nation. Will Lungu come back having picked cardinal points from the Holy See? Natulolekeshepo! Mind you when the Pope visited the USA and had opportunity to address Congress, did we not learn that not long afterwards the Speaker of the House stepped down? I think the Pope’s message struck a nerve and someone on reflection did the right thing!

    • Why was Lungu looking at the Pope like that?? His body posture looks like he was drunk or scared. I wished the Pope laid hands on him to remove the PF demons

    • The Pope meets everybody even evil Mugabe was welcomed by the Pope. The Pope not meddle in a country ‘s politics but is well informed of what is happening in Zambia and the rest of the world by his Jesuit Brothers.

      I hope PF minions won’t sink low to start claiming that the Pope has endorsed Lungu to lead Zambia again.

      VIVA HH and HH team

  1. Lungu looked dazed the way he was starting at the Pope. Was he drunk again? Did he think he was meeting another Bishop Chomba? Lungu cannot mediate in Burundi because he is scheming something similar for Zambia. He will learn worse tricks from Kurunziza.

    • Pic 7 pope hitting on the table and emphasizing to him to stop tribal talk and violence, his eyes almost popping out as result the papal scolding, he looks spooked.

    • He was saying to the pope “then 2 weeks ago when i was sinda our cadres gouged out of someone’s eye hahaha then then then some weeks before that the other group urinated in the mouth of some poor reporter kkkkkkk otherwise Zambia is fine, how have you been hin i’s the eternal city trearing you”

  2. What kind of reporting is this? The substance in this article can be covered in two, at most three sentences instead of the repetition in four paragraphs. The bottom line is that your Lungu went for a dressing down and your attempts at spinning this have fallen flat

  3. ” I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things” Daniel 7:8. The question is who will rule this world?

  4. He looks disoriented.. Am sure the Pope heard so much about use of pangas by pf, threatening zambia’s peace..He was peacefully warned by the Holly Father.

  5. Pic two, whose the old lady behind chagwa? And that bishop Ganswein is a luck man flashing a UPND symbol against chagwa in Zambia is a criminal offense, ask the people in kalomo ba bishop. Am sure he was telling him that naku Vatican ni forward chabe.

  6. whilst others are busy trying to jump from one party to the other,,,,meanwhile we are busy showing proper leadership,,,,

    “requestdockingcoordinates” and very soon in August it will be “recalldockinginstructions”

    what more can i say,,,,munjeleleko ba Zambia munjeleleko

    2016 vote (PF) Edgar

    i thank you,,,,,,,,,,twalya again

    • @katonbo boys aka Emmanuel Mwamba, Focus on your mandate as high commissioner not ukulaumfwika sana mu ma local newspapers

    • DOCKING STATION: vessel PF, your vehicle requested by state house is ready for collection.
      VESSEL PF: (after collection) docking station, this vehicle is of the wrong configuration, state house requested 1 forward gear and 5 for reverse, not 5 forward and one reverse!!.
      DOCKING STATION: why would state house ever need 5 reverse gears and only one going forward??
      PF VESSEL: that is for policy reversals, instead of u turns on statements and policies issued we just put in reverse gear, and don’t forget the swivel chair for the president, he won’t have to u turn the whole vehicle. The 1 gear forward is to show that it is “grobo calamities” affecting zambians economy.

  7. Yes we have welcome our president to visit the Pope in Vatican. The fact is that we WANT change. See how pathetic every ones life is, imagine if he wins how will it be? Vote wisely.

  8. all you UPND cadres just wait till August,,,,we will finish you once and for all……too much bla bla bla Lungu this Lungu that,,,the man is doing a very good Job go ask the Pope,,,,,,,

    2016 The POPE says,,,,,”recalldockinginstructions” “all clear,approach”

    i thank you

  9. UPND cadres busy trying to scrutinize and find faults even in still images,,,,just give credit where its due,,,having audience with the Pope is not kids play

    2016 vote (PF)Edgar

    i thank you

    • Wonderful farewell prayers we are praying with you, kuya denial is the most predictable response to trauma we understand how difficult it must be for you especially that it has been too short a ride I will be opening a counselling Centre in August because there will be money to be made

  10. So they couldn’t have discussed this over the phone? I hope there was some financial talk too to benefit the masses.

    • People can’t make allowances over he phone and emails so there is no benefit for Zambia there. Can’t you see some are even leaving range rovers on the runway. The financial and economic benefit is that some people have gotten allowances and will pay builders and hardwares for their many many properties thus turning the Zambian economy into a sub saharan powerhouse. Those not benefitting are just tribal and violent and wearing our regalia by the way this is global even Obama met the pope

  11. How many african presidents hav meet the pope privitly even many UPND see it uncless i see it as a blessing .I see your presidency as God calling.even many chellages we faces as country u have abitity to overcome them .Dont lie to yourself that you own your presidency to anyone leadership come from God rebarate your from worry element such as MMD even without them you can sill win 50+1 if God say yes.My humble apply to you is be original dont be photocopy because of power.

  12. i know this wont sit well with UPND cadres,,,,just with this visit,,,we are now slightly over 50%+1,,,,Just ask the one billion roman catholics around the world

    2016 the Pope says “all clear! approach”

    i thank you,,,,

    • Bwana High Commissioner aka Manweli Mwmba, in your dreams. There is now way Kabotolo Kadansa Jameson Lungu can get more than 50% of the vote

  13. Vatican City staff and Pope DO NOT VOTE IN Zambia, so what “peace” are we assuring the Pope who has NO ROLE whatsoever in Zambian Politics….

  14. The President is visibly stunned by what the Pope is telling him. Don’t play with the Catholic church. They rule the world – not ka Zambia you are busy fighting for fulltime.

  15. The prophetic comfirmation of lungu’s winning. The pope holds the world in his hands. He has imformation about who wins August elections. congratulation HE Edgar chagwa lungu.

    • That’s people he resides over one of the wealthiest organisation in the world…its wealth can be traced back to the days of slavery when your ancestors were being sold like cattle..even you would have been sold…but since you are so ill informed anyone can spoon-feed you your own **** and you will say thank you!!

  16. Look at that slave submitting to the rich devil..he can not even look him in the eye. When are Africans going to wake up from their folly…these photos are skin cringing…I wonder what Sankara and Lumumba could have made of such dull silly leaders like this bum Edgar.

    • kikikiki you have killed me nenseko kwena ati “look at that slave submitting to the rich devil.” Awe the second last picture is just terrible.

  17. Are there some still believing in those clueless preaching that the Pope is the beast? I lost track of such things because its a long time I interacted with hungry pastors. I have lost count which Pope actually that is the beast. I remember those day when the catholic church campaigned for debt cancelation in the Jubilee year of Mercy 2000 and many were asked to sign in support and lot of clueless people refused to do so because many pastors went round preaching the about the end of the world and the rule of the then Pope John Paul II. Lungu did well and he knows how to play his cards. He is becoming a politician, at least he cant buy what cheap preachers that are divisive preaches about the devil

  18. Lungu has failed to deliver to the expectation of Zambians. He must go in August 16. He is killing SMEs through high electrify tariffs. How can a normal government increase electricity by 300-400%. Is it madness or lack of entrepreneurship skills? A small business that was paying K3,000 per month for electricity is now required to pay about K12,000. I cannot believe this.
    HH please come and help SMEs by reducing electricity tariffs as you have promised. We have suffered in the hands of these baggers.

  19. Lungu has failed to deliver to the expectation of Zambians. He must go in August 16. He is killing SMEs through high electrify tariffs. How can a normal government increase electricity by 300-400%. Is it madness or lack of entrepreneurship skills? A small business that was paying K3,000 per month for electricity is now required to pay about K12,000. I cannot believe this.
    HH please come and help SMEs by reducing electricity tariffs as you have promised. We have suffered in the hands of these baggers.

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