Friday, March 7, 2025

43 Prospective Zambia Universities fail to meet the University Standards -Professor Stephen Simukanga


University of Zambia Vice Chancellor, Professor Stephen Simukanga, makes a speech at the first graduation ceremony of diploma teachers of Chipata College of Education in Chipata
Professor Stephen Simukanga

FORTY-THREE universities which applied to be recognised as institutions of higher learning have failed to meet the required standards of registration and accreditation, Professor Stephen Simukanga, the Higher Education Authority director general, has said.

Professor Simukanga has said Higher Education Authority would soon publish a list of legally registered public and private higher institutions of education.

He said at the close of December last year, the authority received 53 applications out of which 10 universities were approved.

Prof Simukanga said the list which shall be published in the Government Gazette and media at the monthend of February, would reveal the institutions which are supposed to be operating.

“This comes following a process of reviewing applications from existing and new private colleges and universities, which are now required by law to register with the authority. “It is a requirement according to law that both public and private universities and colleges must register with the higher education authority, hence the process of receiving and reviewing applications,” he said.

Prof Simukanga said Government would soon issue an ultimatum to all higher institutions to either register with the authority or face the law.

He said at the month end of this month a list of legally registered universities and colleges will be released in order to notify the public on which universities and colleges were recognised.

“It is for this reason that we shall also embark on a sensitisation campaign of the public and the proprietors of universities and colleges,” Prof Simukanga said.

He urged higher education institutions to improve their standards according to the regulations to enable them continue operating.

In the recent past, there have been concerns on the numerous mushrooming colleges and universities in the country and the higher education authority started working to correct the situation.

The authority which was instituted in 2014 through an Act of Parliament had been preparing frameworks which it has since started implementing.


  1. So among those ten we should have UNZA, CBU, Mulungushi, UniLus, Cavendish, Rusangu-SDA. Wonder which other four have made it on the list

  2. Long over due. University education has hit mickey mouse standards in this country and very soon we shall be a laughing stock of the outside world. One only wonders why it has taken this long for authorities to act.

  3. Dear LusakaTimes,
    May I introduce you to Grammarly? (grammarly dot com). This is a FREE online software program that can help you with your grammar. I love you LT but you are like a spouse who speaks broken English at a table with guests and embarrasses their mate.
    As you know, you come up on searches as ‘Zambian online news’ which means that you are representing Zambia on the world news scene. Please do not embarrass us with things like ‘the month end of this month’ which is just ‘at the end of February’ or ‘at the end of this month of February.’

  4. The 10 should include:
    UniLus, UNZA, CBU, Mulungushi, Mukuba (COSETCO), Cavendish, Zambia Open, Nkhuruma, Rusangu and DMI St. Eugene.

    • It is Globle…….it is tribal……. it is my ZNBC……One man commission on the Grade qualification in the amended constitution…..Copper stone of UNZA………..oooooh Copper Stone University found in DRC…………hahahahahaha

    • I was part-time lecturer at UNILUS. I left in protest because the Vice Chancellor was interfering in my grading of students. During one academic year, a considerable number of students failed my course because they didn’t just measure up to university standards. The VC demanded that the results should be moderated. When I expressed reluctance, he moderated, even though the course was not his specialty, and they were all passed. That’s how I left. Where are we headed as a country if this is Zambia’s top university? At least at UNZA, CBU, and Mulungushi, if you don’t meet university standards, they show you the door.

    • @facts, if the majority of your students failed then the problem was with the delivery of your lectures. If you are a good lecturer, i.e you have the ability to share knowledge and guide your students in the acquisition of the same, the fruit of your work is the student you produce. Its sad that you pride yourself in that kind of performance.

  5. How do you rate a university which admits people without G12 or its equivalent… Only UNZA, CBU, MU and RUSANGU meet standards …. the rest kuwayawayafye!

  6. yeah thus what i know about you prof Simukanga,the truth will help our university then you getting money from these same university.Thus the only way to stop this kind of lowering our education standard.For me THESE are,UNZA,CBU,MULUNGUSHI,NKHURUMA,ZAMBIA OPEN,UNILUS,CAVENDISH, APEX,LUSANGU and DMI.ST EUGINE.

  7. Most graduates from Zamnan universities have no clue. Gone are the days when graduates form UNZA could stand out in the crowd. The lectures were excellent, students well mannered and motivated. Above al all went through the front door. UNZA employees have also damaged this institution. Too many flavours for unqualified relatives. Meanwhile hijacking places for those who qualify. Nonsense!

  8. Wanita u ve hit the nail on its head most so called lecturers dnt wnt to impart knowledge in a clear and comprehensible manner emano twa kwata utu ma cbu lecturers. They wnt us to go through the same agony they went through of perpetually failin wich aint good. Hw about catholic university does it meet the standards

  9. Move long overdue. Create an Examing Body too so that the public can know where quality hides. Atonomous/indendence given to foolish Lecturers not helping matters.
    Second Task, Deregister UNZA, CBU and Open Universities for awarding fake degrees

  10. Education is a key to development of any nation. Therefore any country that does not regulate education risks having ill prepared workforce at the expense of development. In countries that take education seriously, those so called Universities, colleges or any higher learning institution offering qualifications without registration are closed and their captains (Proprietors) prosecuted. It is for this reason that I would like to support my fellow professor Steven Simukanga for embarking on this important road-map to ensure that our educational standards are improved in the country and also protect our young people who need proper education for their future careers.

  11. Education should start at pre-school. The lowering of standards began with MDD lowering the standards, believing that as long as their children went broad for education, the standards at home would not affect them. Those standards have affected the current crop of lecturers, professors and politicians. Hardly any can speak properly constructed English and put together a decent analysis. UNZA qualifications have become so low that good universities in the developed world are querying their validity. Yes, this is a good stand, but we have to get the education right from the foundation stage. The debate about grade 12 qualifications as a baseline testifies to the low standards in the country. Everyone seems to think that calling yourself a Dr without due process is all you need to get…

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