Friday, March 7, 2025

UPND MP Highvie Hamududu rejected the position of Deputy Finance Minister-President Lungu


President Lungu shows party symbol on his arrival at Itezhi Itezhi grounds
President Lungu shows party symbol on his arrival at Itezhi Itezhi grounds

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu says he has tried hard to appoint people from Southern Province to Government.

Speaking during a rally in Bweengwa in Monze yesterday, President Lungu said he even appointed Highvie Hamududu as Deputy Finance Minister but he declined the appointment.

“I approached Highvie when we were campaigning, and when we won I wrote an appointment letter to him and he refused, I also approached others in opposition but they refused,” the President said.

Mr Lungu said the PF Government was ready to work with people from Southern Province who were willing to work with him.

“Where is all this coming from, it’s up to you to work with us and you are welcome,” he said.

The President said from the time he was elected, he had been able to deliver development to all parts of Zambia and would instruct the Minister of General Education to rehabilitate Bweengwa Basic School.

He expressed disappointment with one opposition leader who had not done anything about the school he attended.

“If one opposition leader cared about this school, then it would have been upgraded by now,” he said.

The President urged Zambians to give the PF another mandate because there were a lot of plans the Government had put in place.
He said the Government had been able to pay farmers on time and also distributed the inputs on time.

The President was accompanied by Defence Minister Richwell Siamunene, Livestock Minister Grayford Monde, PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri and Southern Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu.

Earlier, the President met with chiefs Hamusonde and Sinazongwe before the rally.

President Lungu said he was preaching the message of unity of one Zambia one Nation.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has commissioned the mothers shelter at Namwala District Hospital.

President Lungu was also taken on a tour of the newly built hospital.

After the rally, some unknown people blocked the Monze/ Niko Road with stones.

The President has since left Namwala to Itezhi tezhi where he is expected to hold another rally today.

 President Lungu looks at the cows after passing through the deep tank at Namwala Agriculture offices
President Lungu looks at the cows after passing through the deep tank at Namwala Agriculture offices
President Lungu officially launch the Mother’s shelter at Namwala District Hospital
President Lungu officially launch the Mother’s shelter at Namwala District Hospital
President Lungu and Southern Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu show party symbol on his arrival at Namwala ground
President Lungu and Southern Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu show party symbol on his arrival at Namwala ground
The Ila traditional dance welcomes President Edgar Lungu in Namwala
The Ila traditional dance welcomes President Edgar Lungu in Namwala
President Lungu receives from a ten year old Lushomo Mutanga on his arrival at Namwala grounds
President Lungu receives from a ten year old Lushomo Mutanga on his arrival at Namwala grounds
President Lungu speaks to chief Hamusonda and chief Sinazongwe in Bweengwa
President Lungu speaks to chief Hamusonda and chief Sinazongwe in Bweengwa
President Lungu speaks to chief Hamusonda in Bweengwa
President Lungu speaks to chief Hamusonda in Bweengwa
President Lungu speaks to chief Hamusonda in Bweengwa
President Lungu speaks to chief Hamusonda in Bweengwa
President Lungu and livestock Minister Greyford Monde being receive at Itezhi Itezhi grounds
President Lungu and livestock Minister Greyford Monde being receive at Itezhi Itezhi grounds


    • At least one MP understand what a multi party democracy is…not those grade 9s with dubious qualifications like Richwell an MP with certificate in Marketing from an unknown college as his highest qualification being appointed as Defence Minister and equally dull school leaver Greyford Monde.

    • Tongas – they would win a lottery an still refuse it..wait enough… itsnot about this loser no its not

      This is not about this TOnga man who clearly needs help, we all realise the interactions between PF and UPND is just a mere passing of time.

      Here is what ST Valentine sends a message all in the unity of love from Nick , Jasmine and i- Be careful

      Thats right be careful of false prophets.

      Behold a man will come that will revolutionize Zambia,

      That man is Miles Sampa

      he is ready – are you



    • Miles will not be stopped will he?

      Miles is winning the election because he has to

      Preserving the MS legacy with a an MS version II

      St valentine reminds you that

      Valentine is about love, acceptance and change

      Miles Sampa typifies all of that.

      Accept him- he is coming

      He is ready are you?

      August 11 is the date- Miles Sampa is the Name

      What are you waiting for?



    • We ve been wondering all these years who Mushota was, So it’s MILES SAMPA> YABA! I remember he was once photographed reading the Watchdog Dog online. Shame!

    • A raised fist is a symbol for violence- I am going to fight or beat you. No wonder PF is a violent party. Support the party of PEACE. The symbol speaks for itself. Janza- Kwanja- ukuboko – an offer of friendship , love and peace.

  1. I was thinking that lungu is ‘born again’ and changed since meeting the pope,….. but What is Mumbai phiri doing following him everywhere.???
    ba PF! I told you not to laugh at ba kachema ,, you see now lungu and mumbi phiri have enrolled in a kachema course

    • Ndobo
      You never contribute anything meaningful. you sound a broken man and someone who has missed a childhood it seems, faeces after faces you tok about

    • Lungu is just arming himself with ammunition to lob at farmers as bakachema when he gets back to Lusaka. Lungu is the most divisive President we have ever had. He sneers as farmers as bakachema and then he claims that we need diversification from mining. How if he sees farming as lowlife?

    • Ndobo is intellectually bankrupt. He has never contributed anything meaningful together with Nostrudum or whatever.

    • Just wait until he becomes President and calls Africans lazy and full of flies! Then you can say that!! It’s a Mad man, the only good is that again we can start laughing behind our hands at USA Presidential antics, we have’nt laughed much since our dear W Bush!

  2. Kadansa will never stop his divisive politics. If the lazy bum has delivered anything then why talk about individuals. Some wise saying bbwana: great men discuss ideas, average fellas discuss events and idiyots bena ni petty & personal lyonse.

  3. So the Tongas are not tribal. here they are dancing for PF and not HH. Is it fair to continue condemning Tongas. can the bembas dance for HH? Who is tribal?

  4. “The President has since left Namwala to Itezhi tezhi where he is expected to hold another rally today.”

    We have been made to understand it’s not campaign time, but he is holding a rally to supervise development projects?! And he expects HH to build schools on behalf of the govt? I mean he is saying you pay tax so govt can build infrastructure but you must also spend the little money left after tax to build schools?

    • When did it become the responsibility of opposition leaders to build schools in their home areas? These are not the words of reasonably intelligent person. These are gutter politics. In one breathe you claim to have taken development to all parts of the country, In another you say somebody should have built tha school and for the other a minister will be instructed to upgrade it. Utter nonsense!

    • @Wantanshi, you’re spot-on about ECL’s frivolity in expecting HH to build or “upgrade” schools on behalf of GRZ. Hey fellas, does anyone remember the images of what was termed the “home” of ECL’s mother back in the bayous? Why didn’t he “upgrade” his own mother’s dwelling place when he was a “successful” lawyer, MP, govt minister, before he became Republican Presidend, huh?

  5. If lungu can use siamunene and Monde it doesn’t mean he can use hamududu as well
    Hamududu is one of the most intelligent MPs in parliament today. He is just a cut above anyone else and has impeccable integrity so he can’t work with corrupt people
    Zambians must know that it’s not only being on gvt that one can serve his nation

    • In fact Pres Lungu has indirectly campaigned for Highvie Hamududu. Everyone now knows Hamududu is principled to show allegiance to his party by rejecting such a high profile portfolio.

      Come Aug 12, Highvie may be the last UPND MP standing if all others were to fall.

  6. Looks like campaigns are in full swing while the opposition bite the dust with a hint of tear gas. Humble man indeed

  7. Primitive upnd minions blocking the road with stones for someone using a chopper. Wake up tongas development which you have being crying for is right with you and you are now blocking the wheels to deliver you from village life. Trully laughable. Some people are either brain washed or bewitched to think hh is the only one they can support. Come out from the shell of regionalism. You are the only ones remaining to be civilised in Zambia.

  8. One should one opposition leader work on Bwengwa school which he attended. Is he the MP for the area? Don’t apportion people jobs they are not supposed to

    • From your post it’s clear you have never helped your old school which is probably in a deplorable state. Ever heard of alumni? Guess what they do? Help better their old schools that made them! Akaso!!!

    • So PF can continue stealing all monies for Educational development, whilst you expect Alumni to pick up the pieces???
      Alumni will feel obliged when they see Govt doing something serious & meaningful – NOT JUST A ST.U.P.ID CAMPAIGN GIMMICK!!!

  9. I congratulate the President for campaigning in Namwala, the citadel of HH.

    The President is sending a message that Zambians are one. The Ila responded with overwhelming enthusiastic welcome.

    Such visits are important as they help break stereotypes, assumptions, lies and instead build understanding, harmony and tolerance.

    I urge the President when visiting a province accompanied by Ministers, MPs, and party officials from other provinces. For instance Chama, Kambwili, Kampyongo, Mwenya, Chitotela, Mbulu, and others who deride ba kachema should have been part of the entourage.

    One.thing though, after a visit from Namwala cattle plains they would have forever been silent on thinking kachema is an insult. And isn’t God the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent…

    • One.thing though, after a visit from Namwala cattle plains they would have forever been silent on thinking kachema is an insult. And isn’t God the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent everlasting KACHEMA?

      My knowledge of the Tonga is that they are most accommodating but hate theft and corruption. Mr.President to win them over stop looting.of government resources and corruption. Build them dams and.dips for.their livestock and you will be their darling.

    • One.thing though, after a visit from Namwala cattle plains they would have forever been silent on thinking kachema is an insult. And isn’t God the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent everlasting KACHEMA?

      My knowledge of the Tonga is that they are most accommodating but hate theft and corruption. Mr.President to win them over stop looting.of government resources and corruption. Build them dams and.dips for.their livestock and you will be their darling.

      Sir, why don’t you.allow your opponent to campaign in Muchinga, Chipata or.Mwansabombwe?

    • They don’t go there because these thieves think that being a farmer and a kachema is lowlife. That is why they continue to decimate farming with their useless agricultural policies. They wish that we were all traders or thieves.

  10. Hamududu missed an opportunity to serve the Zambians at a higher level. As things stand he will be never have another opportunity. His cv will only end at ‘honorable mp’.

  11. Hete is this lazy bum Edgar who just returned from Europe and remember he was in Eastern Province before that yet again he is away to Southern Province. ..when does this lazy man work? Are you telling us Bo Inonge who is also getting paid as National Planning minister acts in his absence. ..something is seriously wrong here?

    • Seems to me you are debunking your now worn mantra of “Lazy Bum” by your comment. Think before you trot out your usual talking point – sometimes it just isn’t applicable. Maybe you should ask your spin doctors to give you a few more talking points to improve your repertoire.

  12. Who is this opposition leader who went to Bweengwa,primary school? We people of Bweengwa are not aware. As far as we know the current leader of the leading opposition party HH did not attend that school.

    • Lungu will always find somebody else to blame. Instead of doing the right thing by maintaining all schools at a good standard, he wants HH to upgrade schools in Southern Province using his own personal money. That’s why Lungu sneers at farmers as bakachema.

  13. the DC for itezhi-tezhi walking next to President Lungu while waving the PF symbol, though he is a civil servant on one side, will anyone question me if i wave the DF symbol

  14. Until he fires Kambwili, Chama and now Kaingu, Lungu will remain the weakest and the most useless President ever to preside over the country’s affairs.

  15. It would have been better if President Lungu adopted the following approach:
    1. Speak to HH about the intention to appoint some UPND MPs to government;
    2. HH would then discuss the proposal with his team and respond accordingly.
    The approach of going directly to the MPs is divisive, arrogant and not right!

  16. Very embarrassing, this Aisha HH freemanson can’t even donate or do something to his former school and he wants to be President for Zambia. maybe it is another satanic Bweenga school under the sea of the dark continent where he was. Lungu show this TONGA HH ifontini that you have a vision for Zambia and zambians, that you can do a lot in his territory Tongist Land where they can even vote against Jesus. Shame he doesn’t even know how his former school looks like today. Viva ECL 2016, Abash HH 2016 & for ever

  17. Ba LT why have you joined political gobble talk? You are supposed to be journalists. You can’t be reporting ati:
    He expressed disappointment with one opposition leader who had not done anything about the school he attended. Just mention them!

  18. Mushota dont even know who and what to support. Few months she was singing Kabimba Winter. Now Sampa Sampa Sampa, u are just useless. Instead of guiding people on how to make health choices, u r supporting dirtness in the country and u say u r educated, foolish.


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