Friday, March 14, 2025

It’s a joke to think UPND will win August 11 elections, Mukanga tells Parliament


Minister of Works and Supply Yafwa Mukanga cuts the ribbon to officially launch the Training Manual National Council for Construction whilst Executive Director Charles Mushota looks on at Golden Peacock
FILE: Minister of Works and Supply Yafwa Mukanga cuts the ribbon to officially launch the Training Manual National Council  for Construction whilst Executive Director Charles Mushota looks on at Golden Peacock

PARLIAMENT heard yesterday that opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) are losers, used to losing elections and will not win the August 11 general elections.

Works and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga told the House that come August 11 President Edgar Lungu would be the republican President.

Responding to UPND Katombola Member of Parliament Derrick Livune who alleged that PF government would be voted out of office in August and UPND would be the one to finish all its developmental projects, Mr Mukanga said that UPND was joking if it thought it could win the general elections.

Mr Livune had asked Mr Mukanga, in a follow-up question after he delivered a ministerial statement, how PF would finish the projects he was talking about when PF would be voted out of power in the next few months.

But Mr Mukanga said Mr Livune’s statement was a joke if he thought UPND would win the elections in August.

Mr Mukanga justified his statement by stating that UPND lost general elections in 2001, 2006, 2008, 2011 and the presidential by-election last year and that nothing will stop the opposition party from losing again this year.

He said President Lungu and the Patriotic Front had been mandated by people from all the 10 provinces of Zambia to deliver development across the country.

Mr Mukanga said the Patriotic Front had come to stay in government for the next 50 years.

In his statement to Parliament, Mr Mukanga said Government had recognized that infrastructure development was key to national development by facilitating growth in productive sectors such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing and tourism.

“Accordingly, the Government through the Ministry of Works and Supply, has embarked on a number of infrastructure development projects around the country,” Mr Mukanga said.


    • 2015 this sorry excuse of a corrupt lazy president called kaminamisa Lungu won by hair thin margin even with the sympathy vote. This time there will be no sympathy vote to hide behind, only dissent, suffering and poverty among Zambians. Kuya bebele

      Aleisa HH

    • Where is Miles Sampa, Eric Chanda and Chipimo? Guys don’t be lazy, you got to work!!
      Fixing the messed up Zambia is not UPND’s job alone… even Nawakwi is doing a better job that you 3 extremely capable youngmen.
      If you Orange Alliance need more, just tell us, there is no problem


    • How can ECL win elections when upon getting reigns on control of the State as it’s Chief Executive, he has driven it into a ditch of corruption , criminal incomprehensible incompetence, procurement fraud, unprecedented borrowings, shrinking of real GDP by 50%, runaway inflation , skyrocketing prices, mealie meal prices now over K120/bag, bread costing over K8, impending increase in fuel and electricity,presiding and championing PF violence, molesting marketeers and forcing them to buy PF cards and flying PF Chitenge.

      How and why elect these bandits?!

    • Mukanga, YOU are the joke!

      Wake up and smell the coffee. Your comment just shows how out of touch with reality you are!

      We will laugh, and have the last laugh, at your dullness in August!

    • The BIG FAT Joke was the joker himself – we all know that he is “ichi puba chesu”, as described by “St. chilufya Sata” himself!! For all his education & pride , he happily accepted that honour!!!

      VOTE UPND 11/8/2016!!


      I thank you!

    • There are some interesting jokes this year I keep hearing .. Do these sound familiar …. It’s a joke to think Leicester will go on to challenge the EPL tiitle … They are still number one…… It’s a joke to say Donald trump will win the Republican nomination …. Guess what the Trump keeps winning in the primaries …’s a joke to think UPND will win ….hehehe just wait you are in your Air-conditioned GRZ cars while we smell the stench outside of poverty…. Once the ballots hit u will have the laughter of disbelief

    • When PF won in 2011 was it a joke?? Don’t forget how you got there? the same way MMD lost, PF will be kicked out. Very strange how people easily forget. Your sense of Comfort has made You?? I mean PF dull ministers, so unrealistic because their interest is them and their families.

      Look at Yafwa? a young guy so obese because of corruption. Sata classified him as the dullest minister. Now telling everyone that PF losing is a Joke. Live in your dreams as you wait to die of heart attack on August 11th.

    • The biggest joke was electing you jokers be be rulers of this nation. You promised using the 90days theory and not you have gone the prayers route. You have nothing to offer bwana minister. Now the inflation is at 22.5% (yet the truth it is around 35%). What is holding this inflation is reduced liquidity in the economy, a sure way of sending many children to bed on empty stomachs.

  1. This joker Mukanga is merely expressing his fears and anxiety about losing his job and all the fringe benefits come August 2016.
    Just wake up and smell the crap you made when you were in power boy.

    We the Zambian pepo ain’t giving no thieves and visionless misleaders another 5 years, forget about 50 yrs.

  2. Continuity is the key word. For the things that have been done right by a predecessor, the next government should always be able to continue and complete. For the things that have gone wrong… the next government has the responsibility of amending, cutting, probing, adjusting etc in a damage limitation excercise no one wants to take on but ultimately rights the ship and sets a new course. Sadly it is those on the ground who will always feel the burden of past errors done in their name.

    PF’s ED rode in on the NO VISION platform so one should not be surprised to find there is no plan in place for continuity. Thankfully as much as they may not say it to his face, the civil service by nature is designed to provide a stop gap for non vision to be replaced by vision. No matter what…

    • @A Phiri ana bwera: You are rather confused and cant make sense of what you want to say. Can you be a little bit more sensible and say something straight forward instead of your woolly and incoherent statement!!

    • @Chilyata… I kinda like that the civil service is designed to cater for the next government. I find it reassuring. That helps with continuity. Anything else you need to know has been said. Reading without prejudice stops that woolly blockage in one’s head.

  3. It’s only the collective vote that will determine who wins. Not Mukanga or Livune. And be assured, there will be gnashing of teeth either way!

  4. lungu and HH had a chance of meeting God . Lungu asked for wisdom while HH asked for money. God gave them what they wanted. lungu is building God a house HH is training militia and picked red as his favourt kala. If solomon finished building the house of God lungu will also finish

    • at Mrtn
      The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and our Lord Jesus Christ does NOT and will Not reside in a house/church/building built with human hands. Remember, the Bible says ‘the heart of man is desperately wicked, who can know it’ The truth of the matter is that man thinks he can outwit God, but the day of reckoning is coming. We should be careful not to reduce God to what we think he should be. only God knows the intentions of these men

    • @Mrtn

      Lungu built taverns in Chawama.

      I notice that you don’t know the Bible cos in there David offered all he had for the house of God. How muchPERSONAL money has Lungu pledged to the State church?

      There is no way you can compare Lungu to HH , stripped of State power. No even any comparison is sensible. One is successful, the other is a violent con gangster who failed to run a law firm and pocketed clients cash. Go check records at LAZ.

    • @ Skodogoi

      Why LAZ? Check @ Registrar of the High Court instead. Two convictions for embezzlement!!!

  5. Comment:now when are you (PF)going to deliver?5years mwaonaula naicepa?nililali fikawama?mwebantu natucinjeko.uwakalema PF katusheni namufilwa.if things were as they were when you came into power ngaefilyako.nomba nafyonauka,chansoni ba kateka wesu

    • PF has already deliver what is within theirs intellectual capacity:
      – Debit;
      – Botched Constitution;
      – Institutional Corruption;
      – Hunger;
      – Militia;
      – Nepotism;
      – Disregard for basic Human Rights;
      – Destitution;
      – Destruction of the Rule of Law;
      – Biggest Cabinet with smallest collective IQ ………………………….
      And all that in short four and half years. You must give credit, when the credit is due.

  6. Iwe tea car ra mukanga actually Kantashi constituence has already rejected you and ka clueless,visionless,brainless,hopeless,useless and a drunkard Wrungu. We are voting Upnd

  7. FAILURE IS NOT PERMANENT. If you take failure for granted then you will never succeed in life. PERSEVERANCE IS GOLDEN. All past governments before they lost, used Mukanga’s words and some of us are used to such words but we don’t take them for granted.FAILURE MAY BE TO PREPARE SOMEONE FOR THE POSITION BEING ASPIRED FOR, SO THAT HE/SHE PERFORMS PERFECTLY.

    • @Eagle Spotight, you omitted the reminder that MCS, founder of the origional PF, which Kaminamisa is working overtime to obliterate, was ten (10) years in the opposition and suffered his fair share of election losses in that period. But come Sept 20, 2011, well, as they say, the rest is now history!

  8. We here in the copperbelt will turn in large numbers to vote for that we see who are many between southern and coperbelt. Remember eastern province also has over 900 000 will cry forever .

  9. hon pls put sense in these thugs so called MPz who have only felt the wind of change in southern province……tel them infact PF will be here for the coming 100yrs………even those who defected are now coming back…..we are waiting for GBM and Sampa to officially come bak home

    • Thank God you’ll be dead by that 100 years you’re talking about and so will PF.

  10. I am a Zambian and a registered voter. In 2011 I was encouraged and convinced we needed change I voted against RB and danced in the streets as HE MCS took office. I recalled also that in 1990 I believed ‘old munshumfwa’ needed to be kicked out. I voted UNIP was out and then I danced in the streets… both occasions I discovered that we had been duped. From deals, corruption to family forest. So here I am again at a cross road. I do want change but HH is not the type of change I need. I have a sinking feeling he will not do a better job. Why first the people who surround him, second the desperate measures he has exhibited of late including embracing the Past, GBM, Bashi-Nono etc….so I want change and I believe it will be revealed in 2021….Better the devil I know

    • #ellen, Are you Kabwili’s wife hiding in the UK while chewing free Zambian tax payer’s money looted by yr hipp(sorry, ran out breath to finish bane)opotanous husband?
      Only an insane individual would give the chipatepate party a vote looking at the lack of direction they have exhibited….their only consisted is borrowing, thus more debts slapped on Zambian populous!

  11. @ MR REAL

    wilabepa abantu ati u have turned in numbers wen only a few of u militia cadres are there……and yo VP is roting in jail bcoz of his mouth which has put him in trouble…..and so we knw ifintu ni………u can finish bcoz even yo god hh knows this development come 11th august……remember we have FDD, MMD and THE MIGHTY PF to finish yo god completely

  12. Ba paya family u hv failed us.Just accept tht come August u r going back to Chawama to drink iemason nd some of u u rot in jail.Viva UPND Viva HH nd mother Zambia.Abashi panga family

  13. This man was publicly humiliated by Sata calling him an id!ot. He swallowed that insult with the grace of a seasoned sebana elyo wikute fye politician. A normal person would have punched the president for that insult but he didn’t. Anyway Sata knew what he was doing when he organised a bunch of absolutely “useless” people to help him get the presidency. Now these same clueless, visionless, violent and of course “useless” ministers are now in charge of government, ensuring we don’t get anywhere. They are doing a good job of work in this respect.

    • @Wantanshi, the beauty of it all is that we, the Zambian voters, must congratulate ourselves most heartly for our matchless ability of giving ourselves the kind of leaders we eventually end up with: bafoons, visionless, down-right crooks, you name them!

  14. Their president Hichilema is himself a big joke. Come August the chap will be repatriated to India where they worship cows like him

  15. its okay to keep on living a lie as long as you are happy with it, remember UNIP, MMD? and guess who’s next…
    the voters will decide, not your mouths

  16. Fools fools fools….and all fools all over, are for sure Pathetic Fools; not worth the free oxygen they misuse very 24hrs. Pathetic Failures for sure; who have brought the economic and social fabric of this nation to its knees. If Zambia was a commercial farm under the Poor Fools, all livestock and living matter could have perished due to poor management of ECL and Paya Farmer. Thanks for opening our eyes and brains for us to make a better choice on 0811.


    • Ba SEMEKI i like that, Edigar is Team Saul annointed but a troubled soul, while HH is team David annointed, a president in waiting, actually what Edigar is doing to UPND at the moment is what Saul was doing to team David.

    • Nowonder unpd has lost elections already. How do u embrace kaponyas like Gbm, william banda etc & claim ati change government? Malabishi yeka yeka. Only bitter fuz from that known region can vote for unpd. We are better off with PF than these desperate maffiaz

  18. Semeki are you familiar with the term donchi kubeba? Pipo know HH flashes money when he is in town so the crowds will always go for that but when it comes to voting they do a donchi kubeba.

    • So what?
      If you have it then you should pretend you don’t have it?
      That’s a VERY s t u p i d rationale.

    • @ 1mbecile # 22

      Are you talking about HH or ECL? By the way, just look at the official photo of your humble, wise, anointed (by Antichrist FB) and visionary leader. That is him before punting his dirty fingers on tax-payers money.

  19. @ ellen, those are exactly my thoughrs too. I simply dont see HH and UPND as an alternative government. I think Lungu and his team have kearnt spmething good from these hard times, some vakuable experience. And UPND? They would have to start learning and experimenting. If HH was an accomplished former minister I would give him a chance with my votebut as it is forme it is Edgar all thevway to 2021. Hardships will soon go its not permanent.

    • Your debt ceiling has been raised to K160billion. You think that was done as a joke? Your government has a date with IMF on 11 March where they will negotiate al own worth billions which will not make it to intended or named projects. They are getting ready for a final orgy of theft before parliament is dissolved. An IMF debt is not going to advance your economy. By 2021 Zambia will be struggling if this goes ahead while you sit there saying this govt has learnt something.

  20. Wantanshi you dont solve anything by violence. When you are wrong you just apologise. Are you telling me every time your mini god hh rebukes someone you will be punching him

    • But we are going to vote for PF in big numbers this time. Wako ni wako the tonga way. So keep dreaming till 2026

  21. What’s a joke is for a fool to think that Lungu will have it smoth in this hush economy he has subject us too

    • @TC, of course it’s gonna be a walk-in- the-park for ECL in this election because Timor Consulting will ensure that they give him value for his ill-gotten money! They just did it in Costa Rica and they sure will replicate their success here unchecked! What with the opposition gone to sleep over this serious matter that, in my considered opinion, actually threatens our peace and national security far more than GBM’s political rhetoric. Watch this space.

  22. As a Zambian Difficult to move with head high as was when Mwanawasa was president. Alot of integrity issues around ECL, is it fine with our President that he is is so exposed?

  23. My objective assessment is that Government will change in 2016. Let us be realistic. The voting pattern will overwhelmingly favour UPND who narrowly (through Totalling centre manipulation) lost in 2015. The party with supporters deeply hungry for change will vote in numbers. Those not wanting UPND but unhappy with PF will vote in smaller numbers. PF leadership is fully aware of the coming change that is why their supporters have turned to psychological war of words and physical persecution.

    • Dont cheat yourself of changing government,that will surely happen in Southern Province and not in Zambia.Dont think everyone thinks like you Hyenas from Cowthern province.Dont think Zambians are as naive and gullible as you think.They ve understood the causes of these challenges and re not thinking of Regime change!So keep on dreaming about Change which will come after 50years!Its ECL all the way to 2021!!!

    • @JJP and all who make this same assumption, I still insist that ECL, being well alive to his waning electoral fortunes, has made a really good investment in hiring Timor Consulting and come Aug 11 it’s us the Zambian voters who crave emancipation from this murderous mismanagement of our economy who will emerge the biggest loser, not HH and the UPND!

    • Bastad its u a bitter & tribal cowthener. Hh only in Southern province. Zambia ni Lungu all the way. if u want go to hell.

    • @ Kolopo.reloaded

      Can you and tj meet in private and agree which one has more fathers?

      As to going to Hell, who appointed Antichrist FB as the official voice of Permanent Failures?

  24. PF cronies are really morons!One need not to argue with such people whose grey matter is poverty crippled & can not see tomorrow!These Devils live as if there’s no tomorrow!we are really tired of their diabolical & irrational activities.We can’t wait for 11 th August. Moreover,we will institute a task force on all their corrupt activities.They must pay back all the loans that they contracted & shared corruptly.All their corrupt deals in employing their cadres & relatives will be revealed!

  25. If PF is as popular as it claims, let it even the playing field; allow for open election campaigns, open coverage by public media and stop harassing opponents. What is the PF scared of if it has a strong cushion of so called ‘development projects’?

  26. Its a pity that some Pathetic Fools party ministers,bloggers,members and thugs are still living in a bad dream and notion that PF can form government in August 2016.Please stop conforting yourselves in such a dangerous manner.You will die of shock after PF’s miserable defeat.

    PF has done nothing to earn people’s votes.For the sake of drawing you closer to reality,these are the factors which will send Edgar Lungu back to chawama as a common man or to chimbokaila as an inmate after losing elections;
    1.massive load-shedding
    2.Job losses by miners
    3.failure to control the economy
    4.high levels of corruption
    5.manipulating the constitution
    6.high levels of poverty
    7.failure to create jobs
    8.promoting violence
    9.intimidating opposition leaders
    10.violating POA

    2016 is a year…

  27. Ba Mukanga, be like Davies Chama. He has been keeping a low profile because he is preparing to be in the opposition. If I were you, I’d close my mouth and be at peace with HH’s incoming government

  28. Mukanga and company should not live in denial. That is all I can advise. Zambia is an interesting country.

  29. Mukanga’s thinking is completely illogical. How many attempts did Zambia make to finally win AfCON? If a string of lossesis what defines success, there would be no competition by teams like Leicester who have never, in the Century long history of English football, won anything. Unfortunately, this is the thinking that is deceiving many PF cadres even when the reality now points otherwise. The texture of UPND in terms of support base has drastically shifted. Who thought some of us would today be talking about HH? That is how life is. PF created its own path of destruction.

    • @musole musole,its a misplacement and unreasonable to compare a sport of football to a game of politics.These re two different ventures by a gulf,hence incomparable.You must be a gullible Hyena from Cowthern Province.HH has been losing because people dont like him and that his massege doe snt make sense to the masses.He is a misplaced Hyena.ECL is thumping him again come 11th August whether you like or not!!!

  30. as a matter of fact @ellen’s views are representative of those of many zambians. in a poor country like ours a leader chosen on the basis of money should seemingly have a lot of moral aspersions to contend with.many wrongly believe money can buy people. not so much with the poor coz the more you enrich the more they become suspicious and actually alienate you.and does hh really have control over his mps? because of moneyy? that’s not enough!

  31. How do you change a working govt? Those supporting HH are doing so becoz they want their tribe to rule. Pliz no job on training. Take HH to school if you want him president.

    • The only reason you have all the time is TRIBAL……This will not help you because people are really suffering now in our compounds and villages. RB was even better comparatively than this Ifintu. We are really suffering. Do not jump onto tribal all the time when you fail to explain the poverty in Zambia today. CB province has already decided to vote Ifintu out and you are busy depending and using tribal to win votes. WE ARE HUNGRY BRA. This Timor will not survive the pressure to stay in Zambia after Parliament is dissolved if that is the one you are hoping on and continuing being arrogant and not respecting the people who put you into power. Be honest and serve your country very well.


    • Stop dreaming malabishi naimwe. U will just faint with depreciation after august 11. Hh as president of what??? Certainly not Zambia. Mayb u meant hh being president of southern province.

    • Its not only a big joke that unpd would win elections but also dullness by unpd kaponya cadres who are mostly cowtheners. They are clever. They want to use other tribes to support them to put their fellow cowthener as president. But Zambians be careful with this tribe. Am sure everyone knows they are very selfish pipo. Especially u dull easterners and northeners who are blindly following ati hh. They will just use u as ladder but they will just be helping fellow cowtheners. Dont say u were not warned.

  33. This minister by the name of yafwa mukongo or mukanga is still living in a dream just like chimbwi kambwili.These lunatics are distancing themselves from reality by comforting fellow PF cadres that they will emerge victorious after the August 2016 polls.

    PF has failed terribly in so many ways to earn people’s votes.This year zambia will experience a political revolution & transition of power from the hands of visionless dictators and corrupt leaders to wise and democratic leaders.

    Its time for HH to redeem zambia and restore economical and political sanity.

    • Hh to redeem Zambia?? Tongas plz how??? hh has no idea of how government works because he has no experience. Running government is not similar to selling cattle. Where is his experience??? Hh is Under 5 with mere theories. No job on training at presidential

  34. @ ‘Lynch Mob Misleader’ et al, you seem to me to be so terribly oblivious to the sole reason ECL and his parasitic minions are so arrogantly confident of winning the Aug 11 poll: It’s the Adi Timor factor! Like it or not, Timor Consulting will make ECL and PF stay in power for another 5 years!! And, as Zambians suffering at the hands of these bandits in government, what are we doing to route out these members of the Synagogue of Satan whom ECL has hired?

    • This Timor business has to be sorted out or should I say settled……non violently now than after the elections please. People are really suffering at the moment and change MUST come and really come peacefully………Please God help because your children are really suffering. RB be was even better than this Ifintu….trust me people because the pain and suffering by our people is really massive.

  35. Its so sad that you can’t see that no amount of votes can make UPND win. The PF has the rigging machine in play already. Lungu is determine not to loose power at all costs. He is going to snooker. HH will continue to cry like a baby. Wake up smell the coffee and play the adult game or simply become (Nevers or other political protitutes) we have enough stupidity mentorship should not be a problem in this country.

  36. UPND call PF supporters f00ls, mad, id1ots, dull yet forgetting that even votes of all those people count and will contribute to making HH lose. Lungu is on firm ground. He shall win by a big margin.

  37. Call me names I won’t vote popularism ever again I am voting fir the devil I know …. I never ever thought I would miss RB

    • Sorrowful soul from team Saul, and you will vote for mediocrity, umwana ashenda atasha nyina ukunaya, don’t be contented with the little you have try to explore further, step out of your village, take a hike further south or west, you won’t fall into a bottomless pit, get onto that ocean, cross the sea there ain’t monsters to swallow you, go further up the sky you won’t get burnt by the sun, this the same the devil i know mentality that our forefathers had, their village was where their world started and ended, such mentality has costed Africa alot, that’s why they ended up selling their souls for a mirror and muzzle gun, because they didn’t have any idea on what the rest of the world can offer, easily failed for the first offer.

  38. Extremely basic description of foolishness repeating something lots of times hoping for a different results.

  39. No wonder SATA called you CHIPUBA. How can you dismiss a party that lost the previous election by a mere 1% (28000 votes)?

  40. Zamleaks last year revealed that Pf candidate Lungu would win.This year the situation is different. First round pf will win but not to amass 50+1,second round upnd will carry the day

  41. Keep on dreaming PF. Don’t think people are fools. People want change. PF kuya bebele. Nepotism yachila.

  42. Just level the political playing field so that we see who a front runner is. Intimidating opposition will not help PF because people decide themselves in the booth who to vote. So Mr Mukanga don’t be in your own world. PF will be clobbered massively come 11 the August

    • Do you really feel the pain and hunger in your stomach???? Surely are you ready again and in fact for FIVE years to suffer the way we have suffered in the last 12months?? I can not understand your thinking bra. Even RB tried better than this Ifintu of yours……

    • Why…..why…..give reasons for your fintu………..Surely are you honest with yourself?? If we change and put a leadership that will not put us into trouble and Kaloba for the rest of our lives will it be a sin????? These Ifintu guys have tried but not good enough………….Ziko nilatu tonse…….Icalo chesu boonse………It is our country and let us be nationalistic.

  43. Dont kubeba has turned against them thy will see ,if Pf goe through then I will know that Zambians dont think

  44. We are going tell the opposition to take pictures for all projects which you have failed to fund so that you can be exposed because you are cheating people.Which infrastructure are you talking about?

  45. The bravado of PF is amazing. These guys listen to their pay-per-view crowd shouting their praises. Every meeting gathering and party function is a stage managed event of hungry people that want a meal and favour. The women are willing to drop their knickers at the drop of a hat. The guys are looking for the some little money. Its funny as hell watching them .

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