Sunday, September 8, 2024

Vice President Inonge Wina visits homes of firefighters who died over the weekend


Vice President Inonge Wina(r) comforts mourners at one of the victims  from the fire fighters accident funeral house in Chirundu District
Vice President Inonge Wina(r) comforts mourners at one of the
victims from the fire fighters accident funeral house in Chirundu

Vice President Inonge Wina says the death of the five Chirundu firefighters is devastating and great loss to the country. And Mrs. Wina says President Edgar Lungu is shocked with the news of the Chirundu accident.

Mrs. Wina who visited the survivors and the funeral homes today described the five firefighters as heroes. She said government will do everything possible to support the families of the deceased.

Mrs. Wina has however, requested the Road Development Agency to put up measures to curb accidents on the Chirundu road. She said it is disheartening to continue recording fatalities on the same road.

Meanwhile Chirundu District Commissioner, Alfred Haamunjo said the district records accidents almost every week at the spot where the fire fighters met their fate.

The five firefighters died on Saturday night when their Fire-Engine loaded with seven thousand litres of water rammed into a hill on the Chirundu road.

And Government is saddened by the death of five Chirundu district council fire fighters who died after their fire tender lost control and overturned as they returned from a rescue mission of trapped people in a vehicle that was earlier involved in an accident along the same road.

Speaking during a press brief Minister of Local Government and housing Deputy Minister, Nicholas Banda, said government is shock and conveys condolences to the families of the deceased employees who lost their lives in the course of duty.

Mr Banda said it is disheartening for government to learn of the death of four on the spot in the road mishap after they had just rescued a person trapped in another accident.

He said news of the accident which occurred around 19:00 hours along the Chirundu-Kafue Road at Kapiligonzi area is a great loss to government and the families.

He said the vehicle hit into a hill and over turned after reportedly losing breaks on its descent of a steep decline.

Mr Banda said government has since got on the ground to assist the respective families with funeral procession arrangements and health care of the surviving two.

The Deputy Minister said the deceased have been identified as Godfrey Kamalondo, Lackson Simukonda, Oscar Kaula, Happy Mwansa and Lackson Sinkamba while the two others that sustained injuries and were admitted at Mtendere mission hospital in Chirundu are in stable condition.

Vice President Inonge Wina(r) comforts mourners at one of the victims  from the fire fighters accident funeral house in Chirundu District
Vice President Inonge Wina(r) comforts mourners at one of the
victims from the fire fighters accident funeral house in Chirundu
Vice President Inonge Wina(r) comforts mourners at one of the victims  from the fire fighters accident funeral house in Chirundu District
Vice President Inonge Wina(r) comforts mourners at one of the
victims from the fire fighters accident funeral house in Chirundu
Vice President Inonge Wina comforts one of the victim from the fire fighters accident Kapambwe Phiri at Mtendere Mission Hospital in Chirundu District
Vice President Inonge Wina comforts one of the victim from the
fire fighters accident Kapambwe Phiri at Mtendere Mission Hospital in
Chirundu District
Vice President Inonge Wina comforts one of the victim from the fire fighters accident Kapambwe Phiri at Mtendere Mission Hospital in Chirundu District
Vice President Inonge Wina comforts one of the victim from the
fire fighters accident Kapambwe Phiri at Mtendere Mission Hospital in
Chirundu District


    • Still no comment from this lady about youth day bruhaha, your silence is deafening and speaks volumes about your leadership, yu were in the front row wih a full view so don’t pretend you didn’t see. 1. Did she visit he victims at UTH? I guess not since the victims were UPND 2. not even a comment on your fellow stripped woman. They say respect elders so I will end there before I appear to accuse someone of being a witch

  1. It is time we made roads safe. Please make dual carriage ways on all main roads. Chirundu to Lusaka and Lusaka to Nakonde, Lusaka to CB; CB to Minilunga, Lusaka to Chipata, Lusaka to Mongu and Livingstone to Sesheke, Mansa to Serenje, etc will help curb accidents. Also, please paint all center lines and sides of the roads and put good readable signs. Make “them” roads wide too. Condolences to all families.

  2. We should also improve on our driving lessons, the lessons should have safety as a major part of the teaching… its not just how to control the car but the dangers /responsibility that goes with anyone on the driving seat.

  3. Editor,
    1. They claim to be pro-poor people, yet PF removed subsidies on food and fuel in the early months of attaining power.
    2. They followed this by increasing their salaries twice before imposing a wage freeze on civil servants.
    3. They call other parties tribal but their cabinet in the last four years has been dominated by same region and so have their recent filing of applications for nominations for 2016.
    4. They claim to be consultative but keep changing and reversing policies when stakeholders complain.
    5. They claim to be distributing development equitably but built two universities in one district.
    6. Edgar Lungu wants to empower women to leadership positions, but he is the one who instructed his MPs to shoot down the proportionate representation clause in the new…

  4. These politicians are lucky they are in Africa, elsewhere families would be asking questions…those Fire Fighters are poorly trained in driving those Fire-trucks at high speeds..its the same with police and Ambulance drivers!!

  5. Govt should call for a state funeral for the gallant men in uniform who died and not honouring politicians when they die. We need equity even in death, those men were serving the country just as politicians do…..

    • State funeral for overspeeding…do u even know what a state funeral is? This what happens when shambolic leadership has become the norm.

  6. Condolences to the families. Safely in Zambia is taken for granted. We only react after after loss of many lives. We produce copper & we fail to secure our dangerous roads with strong protective barriers. #Mushota, for once you have shown a human heart. Thank you.

  7. How people love to politicise everything,even and including death.May their souls rest in peace gallant fighters.Sometimes its gd to remain mute if one has nothing to say,pliz!!!Am hurt i guess.

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