Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Juvenile misses school for sex


Court hammer

A 15-YEAR-OLD girl of Kitwe’s Chimwemwe township narrated before the Buchi Local Court how a 29-year-old man made her abscond school as he allegedly had sex with her at his aunt’s place.
Senior magistrate Nsama Mutono, however, closed the case on grounds that the girl was under the age of 16 and referred the matter to the Subordinate Court so that the man can be prosecuted for defilement on a child.
This is in a case in which Vivian Muyumba, the girl’s aunt, sued Hilda Chilela to reveal the whereabouts of her brother, Mathews Chilela, who has failed to pay damage.
The girl told the court that Mathews proposed love to her in 2014 and that she accepted.
She narrated to the court that she gave in to Mathew’s demands following his promise to marry her and that whenever he had sex with her, he gave her K5.
“He used to ask me to miss class so that we have sex. We also had oral sex,” she said.
She said she had sex with Mathews on four different occasions at his sister’s house without her knowledge.
The girl told the court that she confessed to her aunt about the affair after she fell ill.
“My aunt was suspecting that I was pregnant but it turned out otherwise. Mathews was fined K16,000 for defilement by my guardians but he has failed to pay despite agreeing to do so,” she said.
But Hilda informed the court that her brother Mathews is in Kabwe to raise money to pay for the damage.
Magistrate Nsama Mutono advised the girl’s aunt to report the case to the police and have her examined by a doctor to prove that there was penetration.



  1. Money is the root of all evil, so says the world’s most respected book. This animal must be caged immediately. Like i always say there are, so many older bitches to go round!

    • The Bible does not say Money is the root of all evil but the ‘love of money’ is,1 Timothy 6:10. On the other hand money is the answer for everything, Ecclesiastes 10:19. Work hard and earn enough money but never should you love it or let it change you.

    • It’s amazing how omitting part of what a verse actually says can dramatically change what the bible is saying. @correction you are correct. These ommisions and remixes are what are leading to annointend panties and taking little girls up a mountain to drink “annointed milk”

  2. Money is the root of all evil. So many b*tches to go round yet we still have cases of old men running around with with little school girls.

  3. The headline ‘Juvenile misses School for Sex’ implies that the young girl is the one under scrutiny for promiscuity when this should have been about defilement!!

  4. Why allow this to happen?If it were general kanene you would sentence him to 18 years in jail
    selective justice pa Zambia

  5. I thought this is what you guys mean by “One Zambia…ONE NATION”? My compatriots in Luanshya do this every weekend when they have parties at the Baluba Mine there.

  6. Comment:
    The. girl voluntarily agreed so she was enjoying it let the guy marry her as he promissed becos she has been exposed to sex..she will be uncontrolled…that stuff is good please.mwe bantu.

  7. Sure, there’s no defilement here as the girl accepted Matthews proposal and she even told her auntie about the relationship, chuupo fye apa, just cos muntu has delayed to pay yaba ni defilement, no no no.

  8. I totally agree with everyone blaming this man for going after an under-age girl. This is indeed very wrong in every way you liik at the problem. On the other hand, this is just a reminder that we must work extra hard in imparting strong life skills in our children, both girls and boys. Our girls must learn to say NO to such *****s demands. This man however, need to be kept where he belongs, because I am sure he has been doing this for a very long time!

  9. she accepted and probably mathews didnot know the actual age. the girl didnot complain of any pain and no injuries sustained it means she waz ready for the act. let them get married as they promise

  10. Magistrate Nsama Mutono advised the girl’s aunt to report the case to the police and have her examined by a doctor to prove that there was penetration.

    Stop wasting the Court’s time, this penetration could be from someone else and not the guy in question, this girl might not be under age, she seems to know a lot including oral sex.

  11. Time heals wounds. This case stands no chance in court. The girl could have been with anyone since the last time they had sex. This is an open and shut case in favour of the man. Let the two parties sort it outside court. Otherwise the girl should also be taken to task for not using her power to say NO and for leading the guy on. All this defilement nonsense must be reviewed for mature girls who are old enough to say No!

  12. The question is, was it her first sexual encounter? for her to accept Mathews implies she must have been having sex with other men before Mathews.

  13. m******mwe fikolwe fyamupanga ubucende mwapena ficimbwi imwe misula yenu ninshi teti mwakonkakofye size yenu ebu mbulamano ubutulanda

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