Friday, March 7, 2025

Chanda Kabwe calls on Police to arrest anyone in military regalia in Kitwe


INFORMATION and Broadcasting Minister Chihimba Kambwili(left) confers with Kitwe DC Chanda Kabwe before the PF rally started at Mukuba grounds in Kitwe .Picture by KENNEDY MUPESENI
INFORMATION and Broadcasting Minister Chihimba Kambwili(left) confers with Kitwe DC Chanda Kabwe before the PF rally started at Mukuba grounds in Kitwe .Picture by KENNEDY MUPESENI

Kitwe District Commissioner Chanda Kabwe has asked the police in the district to arrest anyone wearing military regalia.

Mr. Kabwe says he has observed with concern a growing trend of people from a named opposition political party wearing military regalia.

He said criminals in Kitwe are taking advantage of this situation and are terrorizing residents using the military uniforms.

Mr. Kabwe said it is against the law for civilians to wear military uniform and has appealed to those doing so to stop.

He said those wearing military regalia are instilling fear in residents especially marketeers who are complaining of being intimidated by the same people.

Mr. Kabwe was speaking in a walk in interview with ZNBC News in Kitwe.


  1. koma some guys are ugly kashimba nimbwili looks like a cross between a hippo and an orangutan gorilla yoh yoh horror movie! Freddie on luansha street kikiki
    And chanda kabwe your statement is empty if you refer to a known opposition as the ones wearing military regalia excluding your PF vigilantes as a district administrator you represent the people of kitwe it just goes to show that you are a staunch carder

    • But iwe chikamba, YOU harbour so much hatred for Chishimba!!
      And you call yourself Christian. Awe let Jesus come fast for people like you

    • …@makwingo…
      ….imagine someone describing your papa or mama the way you done to someone’s father and husband..??..grow up man..
      …overzealous policemen will end up bringing commotion by apprehending real soldiers…our police operate like robots….or like a PC keyboard

    • imagine someones daughter or mother being stripped in public or a brother, father ,friend being hacked just for having divergent views and the powers that be selectively ignoring those things.utter hypocrisy, Jesus should come fast and rid society of mongrels that have got means to stop this carnage i will call an angel and angel according to deeds and a orangutan and orangutan.

    • Kwati cipushi tabatekele bwino mu garden and from which global planet do you find this kind of gorrilas?

  2. The only party that has murdered people is PF using police, military regalia, pangas and machetes.
    Evidence: PF cadres have been prosecuted and sentenced for murder in courts of law and currently serving sentence with hard labour.

    • Raiding airports, gouging eyes, urinating in people’s mouths, raiding radio stations, baptising fake bwalya in chibuku, killing fellow members, stripping naked women, illigally controlling traffic etc etc and so on and so on

  3. Kambwili is ugly, you are right makwingo. He will make my kids cry. He is busy gaining weight while ordinary citizens Look malnourished. That big head is full of water no brains at all, spokesman who can’t articulate things in a professional manner.

    • …spokesman who can’t articulate things in a professional manner….

      And the clown Lungu appoints him “Chief Government Spokesman” …. !!!!

      Do we really need any more PROOF just how incompetent and dull the visionless drunkard is?

    • Kwati cipushi tabatekele bwino mu garden and from what global planet do you find this kind of gorrilas.

  4. Jerabos should continue to sort out ba up and down on the copperbelt.Let them continue campaigning in their so called monze and see if they will win in August.

    • This proves who us violent, this proves which party is thuggery personified, so so pangafied so so pangafied. You should change party symbol from punching fist to a shiny panga or a stripped woman or a Rosa bus full of chibuku filled thugs or an image of one of your thugs urinating in the mouth of a reporter. Ati sort out ni Zambia ya ny0k0

    • Coward, sending your friends to do your dreams. The Jarebos gang have no balls to carry out any feasible stunts on the CB. Soon they will be extinct come August 12.

    • Lol, but the fact that you’ve commented means you’ve joined the band wagon. Kikikiki. On a serious note; the language above is a bit crude

  5. But zoona chanda kabwe litole..taishiba abafwala military fatigue? Ati opposition …..Have police so *****ic that they have to be told everything by politicians in Paya Farmer

  6. How can Chanda say a known party when his party the PF were seen in the media guarding GBM s gym wearing military fatigue with a PF beret. Chanda if you have nothing to say, please keep quiet rather than exposing your ignorance.

  7. Sata is the worst thing that ever happened to Zambia.How did he mange to surround himself with so many id0ts?Even the educated ons are pathetic,look at Nkandu Luo,Simbyakula,Kabimba John Phiri etc.How did Sata manage to find such *****s and surround himself with them?

  8. If a self confessed lawyer can’t follow this law whatmo those pf hoodlums, there a lot of pictures of him on social media putting on a baret and saluting and another one of him in a coumoflage cap written pf in front, this ka stone chanda has a memory of a chicken, let me remind that he has promised marketeers loans, upto now there is nothing, now we have heard that instead of the promised cash loans people are now been given bicycle loans, where is the cash for the marketeers?

  9. Imwe leave Kambwili alone with his looks. God was very busy and tired when he made him. At least he is still in Gods image!

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