Thursday, March 6, 2025

Opening of Mumbwa Gold Mine to create jobs


Mumbwa District Commissioner Felix Ndopu has assured Mumbwa residents of more jobs when a Gold Mine is commissioned in the district next year.

Mr Ndopu said the opening of the gold mine to be run by South African based Dan Reuben Goldmine company will create employment for local people especially youths and women.

He said the gold mine will be opened once construction of a substation in the district is completed to tap power from Itezhi Tezhi hydro power station and power the mining industry in the district.

Mr Ndopu was speaking when he addressed Journalism students from the Zambia Institute of Mass Communication (ZAMCOM) on an education tour of the district.

The District Commissioner said in addition to the Copper and Cobalt Mine, the Gold mine will increase the number of investments coming into Mumbwa.

Mr Ndopu said increased large scale investments in Mumbwa will spur the much needed development in the district.


  1. You are even proud…” to be run by South African based Dan Reuben Goldmine company will create employment for local people especially youths and women”…Why cant Zambians run that Gold mine?…This is the zoo and wildlife political system running our economic affairs today.. They must be rid off this August

    • “increased large scale investments in Mumbwa will spur the much needed development in the district”….How is that going to be achieved….This id!ot, Ndopu is just a super prototype of midiocrity in PF Zoo and Wildlife government


    • After closing mines and sending thousands on the streets, this govt tells us that they’re opening a gold mine??? Too late for silly promises. August ka-Lungu uleya!!!

    • Truth, what guarantee do you have that HH will be transparent with the management of national affairs when he made a fortune out of the sale of mines . His wealth is laundered money from the mines. He is now fight more to get more because he knows how stupid and dull Zambians are. Greed is at the centre of his life.

    • Suntwe Wa ……. is it the Government that closed the mines or it is the Investors halting their investment in the mines due to the falling of copper prices. Unfortunately this a platform where ignorance is paraded. Leading through what the bloggers write makes my day. It confirms why as Zambians we are very behind. Politicians find it very easy to dribble us because we take whatever they say as gospel truth. Zambians have fallen in love with lies. They would rather accept a trickster than a prudent man as their leader.

  2. Ba mentalist and your friend Truth as you call yourselves. It’s this poor mentality of blaming everything on the President that has killed your minds and have stopped thinking. Everyone including kadansa knows that Gold and other precious minerals were discovered in Mumbwa way back in the 70’s or 80’s before Lungu and PF came to power. It’s short sightedness that make you not think and provide answers. Everything ati Lungu has failed. It is people like you who are failures in life not Lungu who has been President for just over 1 year. Mmmm sure? Why can’t you take up the mine and perform wonders. The foreigners are taking up our resources because of people like you who are good for nothing but criticising and blaming Lungu for everything including your pit latrine being full. This is…

    • If this Gold mine is at the old shift in Mumbwa, I actually know where it is located. It is right before the turn-off to Mumbwa Air Force Base, a little to the South-East of that.

      You are right, this mine has been lying dormant for decades. If I am not mistaken it even predates the Kaunda administration. Many prospectors have looked at the possibilities of reviving this mine for years. I am not sure if it’s the projected amount of Gold to be gotten that has been the problem to investors, but many have come and gone without any tangible results. So if South Africans are willing to do it, what is wrong with that?

      Despite all the BRAVADO from people like @Illuminati…, we all know Zambia currently has no capacity to adequately invest in mining. South Africans probably have both the…

  3. Dan Reuben?…Its Dan Robin?… This is an old dormant Mine, as far back as 1904?. Operated up to 1934, then re-opened in 1997 to 2001. The DC is speculating!!!…

    • Politicians should first consult before giving out half truths. Gold has been mining at Dunrobin for a very long time. It is unfortunate that the ‘mine’ should only be opening now and by foreigners for that matter. Government should have empowered locals to open the mine with financing from local banks. Zambia has a lot of capable people that can open and profitably run the mine, problem is capital financing.

  4. To him the first thought is…casual jobs; not the tax they will pay or funds pumped back in the community or the envirnmentally friendly technics they will employ…this why education is important!!

  5. If you have millions of Kwachas like HH, you could as well invest in the mining instead of making thoughtless noise. Otherwise, wake up and start reasoning with your brains, not just blaming the government for even things you don’t understand. You mean you want the government to invest in the gold mining, or it should be the rich GBM and HH alike to invest in the Zambian businesses? Will the opposition parties give you money to invest in mines? There are some things we can blame government for but blaming it for this shows how serious most of our youth are lacking in reasoning.

  6. He got the job because no Zambian was interested in the position. Zambians are naturally lazy people , good for nothing buddies who expects everything including toilet to come from Lungu and Pf.

  7. Great Scientists of this world or indeed those who considered themselves intellectuals, never waited for change of government in order for them to provide solutions or kept those solutions as secrets. The world would not have benefited from from the knowledge of Sir Isaac Newton, Elijah McCoy, George Stevenson and many others if they had waited for change governments. In Zambia people think that change of government is the solutions to Zambia’s historical problems it’s not. We changed government in 2011, the same people who were in the last government( mmd) jumped ship to PF because didn’t get what they expected are again jumping ship to where they think they will get something. The fake politicians good for nothing, are about themselves and NOT about Zambians in general. What are…

  8. What we need is part ownership and not slave wages. The gold is ours, why can’t we partner with investors as opposed to being enslaved by investors whose sole purpose is amass wealth our expense of giving slave wages for our resources?

  9. You guys will cry again because ECL is winning the elections again. There is no wind for change blowing, at least not towards HH because he does not appeal to many Zambians.

  10. The devil u know is better than the angel u do not know. I say so bcos ECL 4 the past 14 months since he got into power has shown to all of us his strengths ‘n weaknesses, out of which strengths dominates the opposite, knowing that every human being is like that except God alone who is perfect. Plz don’t rush in supporting those that want change b4 understanding that the same word can act on both the better ‘n the worse. Mostly the worst is the outcome of change when taken out of hatred.So lets be petient.

  11. Are we done with the oil and gas exploration in Western Province. And the oil deposits in Chama ?

    Now we onto gold ?

    Zambians never cease to amaze me. Ati Dan Reuben ??? Its Dunrobin. Owned by Luiri Gold. Listed on Australian Stock Exchange. Ticker code: LGM.AX

    Last traded price: 0,0020
    Loss per share: – 0,02 cents
    Market cap: (you work it out )

    Case closed. And some moron above thinks Zambians are capable of doing gold mining when they cant check facts before shooting off their mouths ?

  12. Busy commending the Govt only to find out its a closed case. And opposition berating govt without knowing themselves that this is a three legged horse : i.e. A non-starter.

    Luiri gold hyped up a website. Got some good loans during the commodity boom. Hyped up some assay results showing great deposits. Now they’ve siphoned off the loans and left dumbfounded investors abroad. Zambians from the DC to ordinary bloggers still celebrating a new gold mine whereas the Pump and Dump is long over.

    Call in the IMF asap and pass the popcorn. I’m waiting for politicians to promise jobs at this gold mine during their campaigns. What a joke !!!

  13. Luiri Gold Annual Financial Statements of 32 December 2015.

    Loss for 2015. $185,099
    Loss for 2014. $1,941,429

    Note 19: all zambian exploration assets sold off. The company received no consideration accept for being relieved of liabilities of $520.000

    Like they say : if you want to hide something from a black man, put it in a book. Thats the last place he will look for it

  14. One wonders why all people talk about is the copper and not the other minerals which fetch far better returns in terms of money. From as far back as 1977 Ndola Copper Refinery used to send truck loads of GOLD and SILVER to the airport for export and one wants to know whats happening to COBALT as well. Why are we so quiet on these minerals? Are they being given as Mbasela?

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