Sunday, September 8, 2024

People arrested in Showgrounds last night were not caught in a sex orgy


Zambia Police officers
Zambia Police officers

Police has clarified that the 16 people arrested last night in the Showgrounds area in Lusaka were not performing a sex orgy as it has been alleged.

Some online media reports showed images of the 16 people that were picked up last night by Police from the Showgrounds after they were alleged caught in a sex orgy in offices belonging to Jambo Tracking Ltd around 22 Hours.

Jambo Tracking Ltd is owned by suspended Zambia National Farmers Union Executive Director Ndambo Ndambo and his wife and is the centre of a corruption scandal involving millions of Kwacha at ZNFU.

Reports said security personnel in the showgrounds were alerted by noises of sexual growls and suspected ritual chants and alerted the owner of the premises, who reported the matter to Manda Hill Police.

The entire group was picked up and detained at Manda Hill Police around 2 AM.

But Police Deputy Spokesman Rae Hamoonga said the 23 comprising 12 men and four females where only partying and have been charged for conduct likely to cause a breach of peace.

Mr Hamoonga said they have all paid admission of guilt and have been released.


  1. The second last paragraph ‘the 23 comprising 12 men and 4 females’…imwe bantu, am i losing my marbles or maybe mathematics in police version has changed. When did 12 + 4 become 23? Help!!

  2. Good that that Police have clarified the truth. The propensity for mis-representing and transposing any occurrence in terms of myths and superstition is incredible in Zambia. It is this propensity to distort that resulted in Philosophers like Karl Marx and Lenin (Vladimir) to mis understand all religion.

    • I agree with you @Toma..everything now is being explained and understood in the spiritial realms which are tell tale signs of a people that have stopped thinking and cannot explain phenomenon from an empirical standpoint.Indeed Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels were right when they hypothesised about religion being the opium for the masses

  3. The police seem to be specialising in cover-ups more than anything. Despite 5 well known artists being arrested the police under pressure chose to cover-up and pervert the cause of justice.

    • But why were they covering their faces on the photo that Zambian Watchdog posted. Leaves more questions than answers.

  4. Please police solwezi/ecz kasonso solwezi west upnd mp is buying voters cards from those who support pf and giving them money in musele area. The report says he does this from morning to night time

  5. Foolish PF police always covering up. Show us pictures of the food & drinks they were having. so why then arrest a small group who were partying in a private property? What breach of peace are you talking about when you have failed to arrest those who are killing other Zambians who belong to UPND

  6. why mathematical error attracts an attack on the police why . Dont be anti- police. Free advice de police is like a Pity Latrine, wen yu do not hav a running stomach yu think de toilet is useless but wen in trouble u 4get de bad smell from de pity latrine nd quickly enter 2 pupu, so learn2 co-exist with de police as a gd citizen .

    • pity?? latrine. Come-on man!!! yu, de, wen, nd, pupu, learn2, gd. Are you for real? What is this? a text message? Si ma issues ya grade 12 certificate aya?

  7. Did they notify the police before the party? Did they have a police permit? Public order act isebenze apa. Why is the POA only applicable to opposition political parties and not group ntwenu parties?

  8. 4yo own information de police has mo degree holders than 3-4 biggest zambian orgs combine. 4get de past wen u used2 laugh or tease them . u ur still living in de past, every school leaver is heading 2 de police 4 employment

  9. it seems Peter ur still far behind, i think u went 2 a private sch with a teacher fm Bengal .De english on de net is different frm love letter writing.Its yo own problem if yu do not understand de msg. No tme wasters.

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