Friday, March 7, 2025

The Mongu-Kalabo road has been completed


The Completed Mongu-Kalabo Road
The Completed Mongu-Kalabo Road

Avic International, the contractor on the 286.9 million US dollars project is this month expected to hand over the Multi Billion Kwacha project to Government.

The Mongu-Kalabo road is a 34 Kilometres stretch built in the Baroste plains with 26 bridges across it.

The main bridge measures over 1 thousand metres across the Zambezi River.

Road Development Agency-RDA- Director Communications and Corporate Affairs Loyce Saili who inspected the road yesterday said the agency is excited that the project has been completed within the contract period.

Ms Saili has appealed to road users to respect the speed limit and guard against vandalism of road signs.

And Avic International Site Manager Chen Yiju said over 3-thousand local people were employed during the 5 year period of the road works.

Meanwhile Resident Engineer from Rankin Engineering, Salah Gad described the road as an engineering marvel which Zambia must be proud of.

Construction of the Mongu- Kalabo started in August 2011.

The Completed Mongu-Kalabo Road
The Completed Mongu-Kalabo Road


    • Very true@ Visionary. ..unlike the pedestrian we have now at State House. In Six months people will have forgotten about Edgar. There is completely nothing good to write about the the man, unprecedented cadre violence, tripling inflation in just 12 months and subjecting Zambians to unprecedented high cost of living. Abuse of Public Order Act, etc

    • Was Levy there in August 2011. Mwila bepesha abafya kale just give credit to the right grouping. The with failures is that they want to get credit even where they have not sown. You are like a spectator in the terraces claiming have scored when he did not even step in the field of play.

    • The project was started by PF and completed by PF. Give credit where it is due imwee ba Kolwe. Mwe mbwa. Levy legacy kuti? What did Levy do about this project. Monkeys.


    • Started by Levy and launched by RB

      RB flags off K1.2trn Mongu -Kalabo Road works October 18, 2010

      President Rupiah Banda yesterday flagged off the outstanding construction works on the K1.25 trillion Mongu-Tapo-Kalabo Road and underscored Government’s commitment to reducing poverty in the country through infrastructure development. Speaking in Kalabo yesterday, President Banda said his aim was to work hard to ensure that poverty was reduced in all parts of the country as soon as possible. President Banda told the crowd of people that attended the groundbreaking ceremony at Tapo, 34 kilometres from Mongu, that the financing of the road would be done through a concessional loan from China.

    • Yeah, give credit to both MMD and PF. MMD for starting the project and PF for completing it! That’s how Govt should work. Not ba UPND ati “ARE YOU GOING TO EAT ROADS!” Now you can imagine how easy it will be for people living along that road to do business and in feed their families—unfortunately UPND sycophants can’t see the connection—how sad!

      I am sure if it was UPND in Govt, given the disdain they have shown towards such long term Capital investments, they probably would have abandoned/defunded this road project. Because, according to their recipe for NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, such projects should wait or abandoned altogether until Govt provides NSHIMA to everybody and MEAL ALLOWANCES to students—that’s how shallow and myopic the self-proclaimed ‘EDUCATED ONES’ in UPND…

    • Well spoken. UPND has nothing to comment on but news headlines. Just see how HH makes predatory statements. He is always waiting for something negative about EL or the government to make his media statements.

      He lacks originality of issues to talk about. He is is always waiting for some prompts. He is not a Presidential material but a time waster and development distact.

    • continue…


      Their politics and developmental view only revolves around DAILY NEWS HEADLINES of exchange rates (which naturally fluctuates,) UNZA/CBU kids rioting (which they themselves sponsor,) Meali meal shortages (caused by their own agents,) extra. And when a project like this is completed under the leadership of PF Govt, they are quick to deflect praise to some “Phantom Deity” in yesterday regimes. But when water in a dam runs low due to a severe drought and causes load shedding, well, that is due to Edgar’s/PF’s negligence. Never about previous Govts that neglected to invest in more power generation infrastructure in line with the growing population and economy. Or even diversify from reliance on…

    • continue…

      Or even diversify from reliance on hydropower altogether. Now that several power generation investments are starting to bear fruit, the issue of load shedding and its accompanying news headlines will soon fade away. Just like the Constitution issue has, and what will our friends in UPND talk about? THIS THE DANGER OF BASING YOUR ENTIRE POLITICS ON DAILY NEWS HEADLINES THAN SOUND POLICY—you run the risk of running out of attack-material to stay relevant!

    • Is it Levy who paid for this bridge? For your information plans for construction of this bridge started with Chiluba. He tried but failed, Levy tried but the bridge was washed away, RB started it but only managed to give the tender to these Chinese. When PF took over, the first thing they did was to suspend everything that was being done and revisited the plan plus Financing. A proper building plan was done and also increased the money because the plan which was agreed upon involved putting up 26 bridges bridges which was very costly but the Mighty PF sanctioned it. This bridge has been completed by the mighty PF. Jealous down ba Mumbwe.

    • @visionary, you will be surprised to learn that the road had been on cards since UNIP days! Your visionary, a Lawyer who denounced the constitution on his swearing ceremony but failed to give us a new for seven years till his death speaks volumes about his visions. How come the visionary failed to complete this project in 10 years (7 years Levi +3 RB) which PF has done in 4 years?MMD was using that road for political gimmicks but Sata and his PF meant real business with transport infrastructure development. You would wish to subtract from PF what they have achieved but unfortunately the reality is they have constructed this road and others! Let us condemn or fault them where they have failed!

  1. Watch UPND cadres get their knickers in knots over this road project. The kind of news to make their blood boil.

    • Started by Levy and launched by RB

      RB flags off K1.2trn Mongu -Kalabo Road works October 18, 2010

      President Rupiah Banda yesterday flagged off the outstanding construction works on the K1.25 trillion Mongu-Tapo-Kalabo Road and underscored Government’s commitment to reducing poverty in the country through infrastructure development. Speaking in Kalabo yesterday, President Banda said his aim was to work hard to ensure that poverty was reduced in all parts of the country as soon as possible. President Banda told the crowd of people that attended the groundbreaking ceremony at Tapo, 34 kilometres from Mongu, that the financing of the road would be done through a concessional loan from China

  2. That is one of the Great MMD projects which the PF government will obviously want take as an advantage to campaign in western province. Thank you though for completing this great project.

    • Give credit where it’s due. Your bitterness will not take you anywhere. That road is sure recipe for development that people of Western Province must honour and cherish. Good deeds speak volumes for themselves to be appreciated by reasonable people. Unfortunately you don’t belong to that bracket. Shame on you!

    • Started by Levy and launched by RB

      RB flags off K1.2trn Mongu -Kalabo Road works October 18, 2010

      President Rupiah Banda yesterday flagged off the outstanding construction works on the K1.25 trillion Mongu-Tapo-Kalabo Road and underscored Government’s commitment to reducing poverty in the country through infrastructure development. Speaking in Kalabo yesterday, President Banda said his aim was to work hard to ensure that poverty was reduced in all parts of the country as soon as possible. President Banda told the crowd of people that attended the groundbreaking ceremony at Tapo, 34 kilometres from Mongu, that the financing of the road would be done through a concessional loan from China

  3. Very expensive project but we needed it and I hope ALL concerned citizens and users of that road will guard that infrastructure jealously because its their own.

  4. We praise Levy Patrick Mwanawasa for iniating this project and Michael Sata for ensuring that resources were made available. But ba Lusaka Times, you do realise that 1,000 metres is simply 1km right? And there are better pictures you could have used to justify a multi-million dollar project. I have seen better and more recent pictures of the finished road on social media. The road is a marvel especially if you drive on it during the rainy season

    • Sata just continue implementing the project. In August 2011, MMD was still in power and Sata was voted in, in September 2011 after the project was already under implementation. Kudos to Sata for not stopping the project.


  5. PF munchende … PF has implemented! Mwanawasa could have had an idea but we have delivered. Viva PF!!! Tulekolopa nafuti …

    • Mwanawasa’s MMD Govt awarded the contract to Consolidated Contractors Company of Kuwait in 2002 but the road was washed away during the 2003/2004 rainy season. Zambian Engineers and Contractors had advised the govt not to undertake the project because it was not practcal. However, the then govt went ahead because of its necessity to the people of Western Province and neighbouring countries. In 2012, Sata picked it up, mobilised resources and instead of going back to Kuwait, he contracted the Chinese because they had done similar project of Tuta Bridge in Luapula already and there was no need of experimenting with Consolidated Contractors Company of Kuwait


    • Started by Levy and launched by RB

      RB flags off K1.2trn Mongu -Kalabo Road works October 18, 2010

      President Rupiah Banda yesterday flagged off the outstanding construction works on the K1.25 trillion Mongu-Tapo-Kalabo Road and underscored Government’s commitment to reducing poverty in the country through infrastructure development. Speaking in Kalabo yesterday, President Banda said his aim was to work hard to ensure that poverty was reduced in all parts of the country as soon as possible. President Banda told the crowd of people that attended the groundbreaking ceremony at Tapo, 34 kilometres from Mongu, that the financing of the road would be done through a concessional loan from China

    • Mwanawasa’s MMD Govt awarded the contract to Consolidated Contractors Company of Kuwait in 2002 but the road was washed away during the 2003/2004 rainy season. Zambian Engineers and Contractors had advised the govt not to undertake the project because it was not practical. However, the then govt went ahead because of its necessity to the people of Western Province and neighbouring countries. In 2012, Sata picked it up, mobilised resources and instead of going back to Kuwait, he contracted the Chinese because they had done similar project of Tuta Bridge in Luapula already and there was no need of experimenting with Consolidated Contractors Company of Kuwait.

  6. 1 KINGS 3 vs. 5 the lord appeared to him {Solomon (Lungu)} in the dream and asked him; what would you like me to give you? Vs 9 give me wisdom to rule your pipo (Zambians). The lord was please that Solomon ( Lungu)had not asked for riches (like HH and GBM) I will do what you have asked for I will give you what you have asked for. Chapter 5 Solomon (Lungu) prepares to build the Temple. Come August 11 Solomon (Lungu) as indicated in chapter 6 is coming to build the Temple

  7. The most difficult road road ever constructed in the history of Zambia if not Africa.
    We are all seeing were the loans are spent. And some devil will say the loans were spent on consumption.

  8. The most interesting thing is that the Bible if you continue reading has indicated King Solomon’s enemy and today’s king Solomon ( Lungu) has HH as his enemy. Come August 11 King Solomon’s enemy will fall

    • I have read elsewhere that there are 30+ political parties in Zambia who are all vying to unseat ECL. But why is focus only on HH? Let’s be careful.

  9. Who is the owner of a child? You marry a wife for 20yrs but no baby. You divorce & another man marries her & in less than five years a baby is seen? MMD was in power for 20yrs but this road could not be seen but in five years of PF life has become easy for Kalabo Mongu pipo. Only unthinkable mind can say this road is Mwanawasa or MMD’s project. If you can’t understand call me 0979029595.

    • Only an impotent man will claim to be the “BIOLOGICAL” father to the child from a woman he marries who is visibly pregnant at the time of marriage.

  10. One blood, the most interesting thing is that Lungu is building the LORD’s temple like Solomon and his enemy starts with Ha. Read the Bible my dear 1 Kings 11:14-16 Solomon’s enemy was also HADAD. My question is did Hadad win? UPND (Edomites) be careful.

  11. This project was conceived by FTJ regime and started on 02/08/2002 by Consolidated Contractors of Kuwait (CCC) and was co-financed by BADEA, Kuwait, OPEC and GRZ (10%). Total contract sum at the time was US41Million (K148,697,980) at $1=K3.6 and the period performance was 30 Months. Contractor concentrated on the Kalabo Section up to Tabo (45Kms) and 0.3Kms on the Mongu Lealui Section which he completed in 2006. However, the issue of putting culverts on the plains couldn’t hold and they sank even before they finished and CCC had to abandon the project.

    • Praises should go PF coz this project started in August 2011 just a month before Mwanawasa’s govt was ousted out from power. It was a five year project and it all has been done in PF’s tenure. Kudos to mighty PF!

    • The project had to be re-designed once again and the new design constituted erecting 20 steel bridges across the plain replacing the concrete culverts which had sank and this was in 2009 (RB). The project was tendered and only two bids were received from sable Transport and a Chinese Contractor. The bid amounted to K1.1 Trillion and K795 billion respectively. These amounts at the time were quite huge and required special funding or other modes of construction such as through Public Private Partnership (PPP). However, Financing and commitment was done during the PF time. If you ask people who have supervised this road, they will tell you how problematic it has been.

    • We can give kudos to all the 2 parties but the major ones that need to be congratulated are the PF government. If you look at the Mbala- Nakonde road, it was conceived by MMD but at the time they lost the elections they had only secured financing to do upto 18kms of the total stretch until PF had to secure financing to do the full stretch. Am saying this coz am very much into monitoring of these same projects. Problem, ba MMD were just starting projects when elections are there and once elections are done, they would also demobilise

    • Homo, thanks for the enlightenment and your balanced comments. We need more of this sort of thing than the cadres’ froth that dominate this site.

    • Started by Levy and launched by RB

      RB flags off K1.2trn Mongu -Kalabo Road works October 18, 2010

      President Rupiah Banda yesterday flagged off the outstanding construction works on the K1.25 trillion Mongu-Tapo-Kalabo Road and underscored Government’s commitment to reducing poverty in the country through infrastructure development. Speaking in Kalabo yesterday, President Banda said his aim was to work hard to ensure that poverty was reduced in all parts of the country as soon as possible. President Banda told the crowd of people that attended the groundbreaking ceremony at Tapo, 34 kilometres from Mongu, that the financing of the road would be done through a concessional loan from China

  12. In a book I am reading, Zambia: the first 50 years. There is a true legacy of Mwanawasa painted. Not the sainthood, the post have made out of him. So I get surprised many people praising him. But anyway, I shouldn’t. I was of the view he was the greatest thing to happen to ZAMBIA but not. The effect of chiluba/Mwanawasa administrations’ recklessnesses are being felt today.

    • Actually if you ask some of us who have been in GRZ long, LPM didn’t do much during his term in-terms of development and the issue of $1=K3 during his time was due to the fact that we had just graduated from HIPC and we had a lot savings in our reserves as it meant that we would be spending less to service the debt. I also tend to wonder why people call Magande ati Mr. HIPC when the architects of that were bena Ronald Penza, Edith nawakwi, Katele kalumba and others including the civil servants who were made to tighten their belts as wage freeze was imposed.

    • It was during Mwanawasa’s time that KCM was sold for a mere $25Million and after 3 months with no capital injection, they made a profit before tax of more than $65Million. Zanaco was sold for a mere $8Million. We saw bena Namulambe ( Former Council Secreatry- Mpongwe) becoming big hearded when he was appointed PS and telling off senior officers. Anyway, let sleeping dogs rest. There is a lot that can be said about LPM’s rule but most of our collegues would rather bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich than hear the truth. Cant you see the way they treat Mr Ichilema as he is the know it all. To them he is their Godfather. he is an unblemished person

    • People here are praising Mwanawasa, he was just lucky in that he ruled at the time when economic factors were in his favour for the first time in history of Zambia. Copper prices & oil prices rose because the Chinese at that time stopped using bicycles and resorted to vehicles which raised world demand by almost 80% coupled with 2003 Iraq Invasion. There’s no known vision (NDP) of Mwanawasa which led to the increase of prices of copper & oil. If there was vision, there is no way copper & oil prices could drop before he left office, both RB & Sata could not have abandoned the plan. Zambians are just ignorant, some say that chiluba introduced cellphones, colour tvs in Zambia without knowing that the technology just happened at his time of rule. Lungu’s time is hard and people need to know…

  13. How much over budget? Now the cashew nuts opportunities are available. My only concern about these roads is that its a highway and its separated by a white line…this is why these head on collisions are common; you simply can not entrust your life in the next man.

  14. Mwanawasa’s MMD Govt awarded the contract to Consolidated Contractors Company of Kuwait in 2002 but the road was washed away during the 2003/2004 rainy season. Zambian Engineers and Contractors had advised the govt not to undertake the project because it was not practical. However, the then govt went ahead because of its necessity to the people of Western Province and neighbouring countries. In 2012, Sata picked it up, mobilised resources and instead of going back to Kuwait, he contracted the Chinese because they had done similar project of Tuta Bridge in Luapula already and there was no need of experimenting with Consolidated Contractors Company of Kuwait.

  15. UPND is so desperate that they cannot see clearly. What is seen here is PF working. In any organisation there should be continuity of good programs and projects. PF has and continue to demonstrate this. Good work Mr. President. Good work PF. Lets continue doing this for Zambia, for posterity.

    Let the insulting UPND do their insults, lets do the work for Zambia. Let them continue talking about their riches. Let us see how we can make Zambians live better. We should never glorify individuals. Let us glorify God.

    Unfortunately, the HH team and following seem very irritated and annoyed that this road is done by PF. It is not only this road but many roads and structures country wide. The difference between HH and EL is that HH is puffed up as the super rich and self-centered lord, while…

  16. People here are praising Mwanawasa, he was just lucky in that he ruled at the time when economic factors were in his favour for the first time in history of Zambia. Copper prices & oil prices rose because the Chinese at that time stopped using bicycles and resorted to vehicles which raised world demand by almost 80% coupled with 2003 Iraq Invasion. There’s no known vision (NDP) of Mwanawasa which led to the increase of prices of copper & oil. If there was vision, there is no way copper & oil prices could drop before he left office, both RB & Sata could not have abandoned the plan. Zambians are just ignorant, some say that chiluba introduced cellphones, colour tvs in Zambia without knowing that the technology just happened at his time of rule. Lungu’s time is hard and people need to know


  18. A president is either surrounded by luck or misfortune. Mwanawasa was largely lucky, came at a time when Zambia’s debts were written off and at a time when China embarked on copper stock-piling. On the other hand, Lungu came at a time when Sata would do anything for a legacy. Fact of the matter is that whoever will be in office in 2018 will be seen to be a success as many economic factors would have overturned and the US Federal Reserve will have normalized rates and China’s stockpile of copper would have depleted.

  19. UPND and their god know that PF is the most hard working party this country has ever had, but they cant say it becoz it will ruin their chances of being in govt. Are you saying HH does not know govt efforts in making sure that meal meal is affordable to all Zambians? We are not foolish to change this govt. we shall vote like Tongas this time to defend what is right.

  20. I am not a govt spokesman, surely Hon. Kambwili is there and is equal to the task. The initial loan amount expended on the road in 2002 was US$ 350 Million (then K1.3 trillion or ZMW 3.6 Billion going by today’s BOZ exchange rates) minus interest. This amount was washed away together with the road in 2003/2004. 2012 loan amount is US$ 286.9 Million (ZMW 2.9 Billion going by today’s BOZ exchange rates minus interest). The total cost for both is US$ 636.9 Million (ZMW 6.5 Billion minus interest). The initial cost per kilometer for washed away road was ZMW 48.7 Million against ZMW 39.9 Million for solid and long standing project. In my view it was better to construct the rail line or airport for operators with planes to operate the route because in 10 years time we have to re-construct again…

    • Good stats, but with focus, vision and determination, PF has made a dream come true despite all odds. That is why we PF to continue because it is a doer party than a talking party.

      Good work PF.

    • Stop cheating iwe TRUE ZAMBIAN coz the initial contract sum in 2002 was $41 Million and not that figure you have cooked. Why not just continue farting if you have no data.

    • True Zambian, do not worry about their insults. That is why we beat them in elections. The end up not appealing to the majority Zambians. Imagine this simple debate, Homo Heidelbergrnrsis is already doing what UPND does better, insulting. Shame in you.

      It seems its HH and all UPND who are farting because PF is scoring and will continue to score, not by insults but delivering results. Just look how neat our road network is taking shape. How can reasonable people insult this good work.

  21. @Jay Jay
    I am not a govt spokesman, surely Hon. Kambwili is there and is equal to the task. The initial loan amount expended on the road in 2002 was US$ 350 Million (then K1.3 trillion or ZMW 3.6 Billion going by today’s BOZ exchange rates) minus interest. This amount was washed away together with the road in 2003/2004. 2012 loan amount is US$ 286.9 Million (ZMW 2.9 Billion going by today’s BOZ exchange rates minus interest). The total cost for both is US$ 636.9 Million (ZMW 6.5 Billion minus interest). The initial cost per kilometer for washed away road was ZMW 48.7 Million against ZMW 39.9 Million for solid and long standing project. In my view it was better to construct the rail line or airport for operators with planes to operate the route because in 10 years time we are to…

    • Well, thak you very much for putting the record straight, these UPND minions would have gone on and on praising pipo who did not do the job.Well done mighty PF.

  22. Project was funded by KUWAIT FUND. Agreement was signed in 2000. Its not a PF Project. Heres the link to website.

  23. ..hold your fire you guyz…this road was not built by neither MMD nor PF, Zambian people..yes taxpayers built it….if I give a contract to someone to build me a house at the end of the day…its me who built it because I funded the entire project….PF are just the main contractors in this regard who subcontracted the works to Avic Int…
    ..don’t make it sound like PF as a party organised fund raising ventures and the proceedings from that was used to build this road or any other infrastructure for that matter….

    • In a democracy political Parties organize campaigns, recruit candidates and mobilize the political community to participate in the selection of office bearers. The goal of party activism is to build institutions and shape public politics, policies and laws that impact the rights and welfare of the political community. In competitive multi-party politics, the party that is elected to form government seeks to enact into law a number of policies and programs (oftentimes consistent with their election manifesto). Opposition parties are free to criticize the ruling party’s policies, ideas and programs and offer alternatives. Democratic parties recognize and respect the authority of the elected government even when their party leaders are not in power.

      PF has therefore stood by its…

  24. Assage you the foolest person i have ever seen!You are even comparing your fellow fool to the word of God and the wise Solomon you?Lungu bushe eukulile bridge you crocodile?We mpaapa we,am gonna smash your dirty body into a million pieces and send you to hello and follow you again then finish you forever.Bastard stop insulting my PRESIDENT HH before i send strangers in your midst.Do you want strangers to write you 3-3 messages?Do you believe in fate?Mind your comments mwana,wewe mtoto sana.Acha ivo kama unataka kuongeza miaka yako.okokokokokbrabra-brah-brah-brah.You will chew stones very soon!

  25. I don’t think that man on the bicycle cares who funded it or where the contract is sitting. He’s cycling home.

  26. The surprising thing is that PF wont even a get a vote from that part of the country due to biased and tribal voting.

    • That’s very true my dear. Our colleagues don’t appreciate no wonder KK neglected the place

  27. Firstly, Its a road – nothing more. Its great that it has been completed. Just something that governments are supposed to do or facilitate, anyway. There are many vital roads we would have built in the last 50 years. In any case, there has been ample concern that the PF realized from the time they came into power that the road construction area is one of the easiest through which to siphon monies corruptly. We would probably have built twice as many roads if it wasn’t for the kick backs involved.
    Secondly, there are areas of very urgent infrastructure development that are directly connected to human development and better quality of life – that are currently being neglected. Namely; energy (electricity), railways overhaul – including rolling stock, proper communication (information…

  28. …. (information systems), water and sewerage systems, sanitation and a manufacturing industry base (which includes a proper linkage with a sound agricultural policy) Without these, we are doomed regardless of how many super highways we build. Zimbabwe had great roads long before we did. Its current state tells you that there is more to it than just roads.

  29. Moving forward is the motto.. We voted these people in power in order for them to work. Whether we will vote them again into power is another issue..Its good that finally we have seen the completion of the road..

  30. Why this fuss about Mwanawasa being a saint and the initiator of all that glitters in Zambia? The man had plenty defects like all of us. For instance, he allowed Lumwana to steal our gold under cover of copper mining. But RB compelled them to come clean and reveal their true colors, hence the current name Lumwana Copper and Gold Mining. Remember that Lumwana blocked Mwanawasa’s vice called RB from visiting impromptly and Levy ignored this impropriety of those bazungus. As ill luck would have it, their protector Levy passed on and the instruments of power passed to RB. The rest is history. RB forced Lumwana to allow ZRA operatives to evaluate the Gold worthiness for Value for Duty Purposes. The last time I checked the VDP value was around $315m. That’s your true Levy for you. Kudos to RB…

  31. @Homo Heidelbergensis Dna – The study of Zemuntu Resurrection,Chalo Nkanza and others, thanks for correcting the thinking of some of these lost Zambians who think Levy was a marvel!?? This is a Lawyer who even failed in his 7 years to give us a good constitution because he was pre-occupied with his survival in state house. The HIPC completion was a brainchild of FTJ and his colleagues (with IMF,World Bank,other lenders and international civil society). The jobs he was cheating NWesterners from the Mines came from investment done under FTJ that matured under his tenure but he claimed all that! Yes PF has put us into debt but some of that debt has worked well for Zambians like this Mongu – Kalabo project and sensible people should just give credit to late Sata and his party,PF.

    • Thanks man. LPM didn’t do much and for some of us wit Ministry of Finance we know the details but our colleagues on just resort to name calling from an uninformed point of view. So Palast naifwe kulapolekafye

  32. Congratulations Ba Sata and PF. God bless you all and well done! I wish it were dual. It is time we started to make all interprovincial roads dual roads and bridges.

  33. A toll bridge should be set up to recover the investment! $8.5million per kilometre is a lot of money for the tax payer. The economic activities between Mongu and Kalabo certainly do not justify the rest of the country funding this project!

  34. I am so pleased to read the comments on this blog… Lets give credit where it is due for sure! As a patriotic Zambian, I give credit to all that participated in the realisation of this project but most importantly, credit to the incumbent and the late President Michael Chilufya Sata for his commitment towards the implementation of this Project. Bashi Chilufya, your legacy shall live on.

  35. it is wrong to attribute this road to Mwanawasa; the Zambian Watchdog has shown us the evidence that it was indeed President Rupiah Banda who started the project. It is only fair to call it RB’s legacy

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