Thursday, March 13, 2025

Joyce Nonde labels defectors as unprincipled political migrants


Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia (FFTUZ) president Joyce Nonde-Simukoko
Joyce Nonde-Simukoko

PF Chairperson for Labour and Social Security Joyce Nonde Simukoko has described as unprincipled the politicians who have continued to move from one party to another.

Ms Simukoko said those defecting from the PF are the people who harboured ambitions of becoming President after the death of President Sata but failed and are now frustrated hence their moving to the UPND.

Blow is a full statement issued to the media.


Whenever a new election cycle approaches it has become fashionable for Zambians to be entertained to “migration or nomadic politics” when unprincipled politicians jump from one political party to another in highly publicized staged defections. During this silly season of unprincipled politics, these opportunistic politicians who have lost a sense of purpose in their respective parties, always try to figure out in which party they can push their selfish political agenda at the expense of serving loyal members of that party.

Opportunistic staged defections of some of our unprincipled leaders to the opposition are simply frustrated people who had harboured presidential ambitions in PF following the tragic death of President Michael Sata but miserably lost to President Lungu. The President, despite their negative attitude towards him still honoured by giving them positions they did not deserve. \they will soon regret their ingratitude and colossal political mistakes. Zambians of today are not that of yesterday, where politicians would cheat them that they used to be “sour grapes” in PF and now are “sweet oranges” in UPND. A traitor like Judas Iscariot will always be a traitor. We appeal to Zambians to ignore and stop supporting these selfish unprincipled “migrant or nomad politicians.”

Late President Sata was a principled man. When he differed with MMD in 2001 he resigned on principle and did not take the easy route of jumping onto another existing party but instead single handedly formed the Patriotic Front and laboured to make it into a large political party. Principles cannot be reconciled and neither can they be sacrificed on the altar of expediency as the opportunistic defectors are doing. President Sata has left a legacy of hard work while these defectors will soon be consigned to the dustbin of history. We would like to have leaders who are original not those copycats who have ridden either on the back of their father, spouse, tribe or race. The late President Sata was original. He worked his way through to be President, just as President Lungu has done.

Defectors have not taken along the PF structures, and some of these defectors were merely nominated MPs with no constituency. That is why they are not political factors. We have seen those who defect ending up frustrated and sometimes even going back to the same political parties they had run away from – what a shame! And, as President Lungu stated already, we expect more such staged defections next week when Parliament is about to be dissolved. We therefore ask all outgoing MPs to seriously evaluate themselves with a clear conscience and judge for themselves whether they performed to the expectations of the people or failed them.

Zambians shall not be duped by leaders who have become rich overnight and cannot explain the origin of their ill-gotten riches. These unprincipled rich politicians are today regrouping in UPND to fight President Edgar Lungu, a God-chosen leader who came from very humble beginnings in Chawama township and not from among the rich elites. UPND is for the rich clique (“ba some-of-us”). Zambian voters know that if they elect them then the common people will be cast out when they least expect it. They are well known capitalists who believe in the “weak must die” principle. are alive to the fact that

President Sata knew that PF was not for sale to the highest bidders and political crooks, that is why he showed great confidence in President Lungu whom he entrusted with huge national responsibilities –Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Justice, Minister of Defence, PF Secretary General and Acting President who presided over Zambia’s 50th Jubilee independence celebrations when the late president was sick in London. The same way these political enemies who fought President Lungu failed when President Sata died is the same way they will be defeated again in the August 2016 elections.



    • This woman used to be a powerful voice those days. But now it’s like everybody is compromised.

    • Let’s see: did Mwaliteta and Mukata want to take over the PF Presidency? Nonde’s statement is just so arrogant. Why are northerners so uncouth, so insulting? Why are PF fighting everybody – the Sata family, the farmers (bakachema), and Tongas? Why is it that every time a Bemba speaks, there’s just rubbish and utter balderdash coming out? What a cursed lot!

    • This woman is just as ARROGANT as ka shorty, FTJ, elected by Union members, as their leader, THAT POWER HAS GOTTEN TO HER HEAD!! She is OBVIOUSLY NOT MAKING THIS LONG HOGWASH OF A STATEMENT IN THE NAME OF THE UNION, but nevertheless carries on with a blanket statement – obviously she now smells like PamaFi – hence condemning all those that have left – pity she has just emerged from her hibernation, she missed the different reasons given by different individuals – YOU CAN”T BLAME THEM FOR LEAVING THE CESS-PIT, the stench has become overbearing madam – it may smell good to you, as they say one man’s poison is one man’s meat!!

      Vote wisely 11/8/2016!! Vote Zambia Forward!! Vote UPND!! Abantu baya!!

      #chagwamustfall!! PamaFikuyabebele!!

      I thank you!!

    • I expected this woman to have a reasoning that’s higher than this gibberish. Now what’s people like Dora Siliti, Micheal Kaingu, Siamunene, Monde, et al done for her to take such a dig at them.
      It’s such a shame when once wise people end up as numskulls.
      Madam we expect better from you.

  1. Why do defections call for reactions like this, kanshi? It hurts when someone leaves your party, right? But every Zambian has this basic right: the right of association. Nobody complains when a poor villager / komboni guy somewhere in Zambia defects, since he has no following but let a former minister defects. So when there are a lot of reactions, it means that the former party is affected. Maturity is to accept that the other person has decided to move on based on what he thinks is better for him now, after all, even those who remain in the party have reasons for staying.


    • She is even using the word “unprincipled” when she is a former union leader who fought for the poor workers whose livelihood has deteriorated as a result of the leadership of PF.In my view if she defected or just resigned from PF she would be considered principled.And why is it that in PF anyone can say anything?As Labour committee chair why talk about defections,why not leave that to spokesmen.No discipline whatsoever.

  3. Don’t tell me even after dangling and telling them to hold on to ministerial positions they still want to leave your pf?

  4. Kapembwa Simbao,Dora Siliya ,Stephen Masumba are all unprincipled? Zambia is small you can only grow by getting from your competitors.

  5. Market Penetration-Ansoff growth matrix
    When companies enter markets with their existing products or services it is called market penetration.
    This is done by taking part or all of a competitor’s market share.
    Other ways to penetrate the market could be by finding new customers for your product or by getting current customers to use more of your products.
    Market penetration is considered a low risk method to grow the business.

  6. People need to be principled. You need to believe in the goals of the party you join and defend it strenuously. If you keep jumping ship, it means you believe in nothing but your own personal enrichment. Today, they are defecting to UPND, I can assure in five years time, if UPND is not flavour of the month, they will be jumping ship again. We do not need such people.

  7. It beats simple logic that even when things are bad in a party, ruling or opposition, one should stay put and never move to where their ideologies are met. I thought madam Simukoko you were smart! Talking of defections, can’t that be said of political parties that exist today save for UNIP? Almost everyone had to defect at one point or another at one time. That’s politics for you madam. Even you had to defect from the labour movement into active politics. Why aren’t you condemning those that defected from other parties to PF? Chiwamila galu kuluma mbuzi ka? You’re just dead scared you are losing too many people. Politics is a game of numbers. Dream on! Izula bayangana

  8. I am equally dissappointed.Ba Joyce should have shut her mouth.She has form this moment lost alll the respect I had for her.She seems to have blossomed into a useless cadre,making the very people(DEFECTORS)she is condeming look like angles.Shame on her!

  9. Madam Nonde, We would have been happy to hear you talk about how you are going to recapitalise the pension scheme which you said was broke. Those who retired some three years ago are yet to get their benefits.

  10. Madam Nonde, We would have been happy to hear you talk about how you are going to recapitalise the pension scheme which you said was broke( insolvent). Those who retired some three years ago are yet to get their benefits.

  11. We’re dealing with vision-less people who see a ministerial job as their meal ticket. For things to start moving in Zambia, the old way of thinking needs to go. Things are stagnant and although those who see ahead and have a vision want things to start moving, the old way of thinking will keep fighting so they remain in power. Education especially global education in a globalized world is key. Those in possession of grade 12 certificates who have done nothing to upgrade themselves in getting higher education such as a degree need to be left behind. No negotiations on this one its either you have something to offer in terms of new learned skills and education in building the economy or go you back to whichever village you came from.

  12. According to Joyce,all the people that have defected from MMD and UPND to PF are unprincipled?? These include Siamunene, Greyford, Kaingu, Siliya, Rupiah, Njeule. Careful Joyce with what you utter from those big lips.

  13. What Joyce is saying is that only a coward and an immoral person would run away without cleaning the mess they caused. You don’t do that. The best time to resign is when you still have value but not in this style. To day people are educated and they are aware of who is trying to run away and what they are scared of. Wait and watch the space. Time is about to come and no one will run away anymore as time catches up.

  14. why complain, dont they always say so and so is not a factor when they defect? so whats changed? Chiwamila galu?

  15. People who are defecting from PF have realized that PF has no capacity to address the challenges the country is facing! Truth be told: PF has failed the Zambians!

  16. Defecting this time after receiving gratuity just proves that the monkeys are not after serving the nation but their selfish agenda. I wouldn’t celebrate to see my party receive such monkeys at this hour.

  17. Nonde is correct.Scott,mulenga,GBM and miles were Ministers in PF and today they want to cheat Zambians that they are now hard workers in UPND.This is the hypocrisy Erick is talking about and we shall not listen to them.

  18. Nonde is very correct, UPND have been singing of real change, what real change are you going to bring with the likes of GBM, Sampa, Scott, Bashinono and all those political nomads who have migrated to you? The problem with UPND cadres is that you like condemning every statement that comes from PF leaders even if they make sence. She is talking of principals here, the same pipo you are receiving will dump you immidiately you loose elections and will start talking boubledutch about you so be careful with who you recieve.

  19. Spot on madam!All those going to hh are just useful *****s to him , to be used and discarded like a tissue that has just wiped his rear orifice! Upnd is nothing but a regional party that is now been garnished by political clowns, jackals and spineless cowards, some who almost drowned in the past running from monkeys- and those are the characters these myopic ethnicists expect the smart people of Zambia to follow? Come August 11, the customary land millionaire will go back to his trade that suits him best- Ifintu NiLungu!!!Sonta opowabomba!!

  20. She is right …… including herself who left workers in the cold and joined politics so as to line her pocket. Menopause ni nchito.

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