Monday, March 10, 2025

Only 5 Parties to take party in the Presidential Elections as Frank Bwalya mocks Eric Chanda


FDD's Edith Nakwakwi sanwiched between other male candidates
FDD’s Edith Nakwakwi sanwiched between other male candidates

ONLY five out of the 46 registered political parties have successfully paid the presidential nominations fees ahead of the August 11, 2016 general elections.

A survey conducted by the Daily Nation yesterday revealed that those that had paid were the Patriotic Front (PF), United Party for National Development (UPND), United National Independence Party (UNIP), Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) and Green Party (GP).

Yesterday, May 17, 2016, was the deadline set by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) for political parties to pay their presidential nominations fees or be excluded from the election.

Meanwhile, all the political parties who failed to deposit at least half of the K75, 000 in the stipulated ECZ account have automatically been disqualified from standing in the August 11 general elections.

On Saturday, ECZ public relations manager Cris Akufuna said if any of the presidential aspiring candidates failed to deposit K37, 500 by yesterday such a candidate would be disqualified.

“It is clear. If you don’t deposit half of the nomination fee in the stipulated ECZ account by the deadline, then you won’t stand,” he said.

According to the ECZ, the electoral body does not want to handle cash as the case was in the past. The Commission prescribed 10th May, 2016 to 17th May, 2016 as dates during which to deposit at least half of the K75, 000.

‘‘Aspiring presidential candidates should present to the Commission a bank deposit slip as proof of payment for inclusion on the nomination timetable. The balance should be deposited in the Electoral Commission bank account before nomination day,” Mr Afukuna said.

He said all aspiring presidential candidates should ensure that they presented to the returning officer a bank deposit slip as proof of full payment with their nomination papers on the nomination day.

FDD spokesperson Antonio Mwanza said Ms Edith Nawakwi’s nomination fees were paid a long time ago. UPND secretary general Stephen Katuka confirmed that his party had equally paid the nomination fees for president Hakainde Hichilema.

Meanwhile, PF Deputy Spokesperson Frank Bwalya says Fourth Revolution Party President Erick Chanda should tell the nation the real reason why he is not running in the fourth coming elections as opposed to accusing the PF government of persecuting him.

Mr Bwalya said Mr Chanda has failed to raise the K75,000 required as nomination fee for the presidential candidate.

He said Mr Chanda should be honest enough and tell the nation that he has failed to raise nomination fees as there is no government persecuting him.

“The statement by Erick Chanda that he is not running in this years election due to political persecution can not go without comment. The truth of the matter is that Mr Erick Chanda has failed to raise the filing fee which has been put at K75,000.

“Mr Chanda should be honest enough and tell the people that he has failed to raise the money independently because even in the past Mr Chanda was pleading with the PF Secretary General to give him money for campaigns that was in 2015 so we do know that he doesn’t have the money to pay in order for him to file his nomination papers as presidential candidate,” he said.

He said the Court case against him was due to his careless talk.

“Regarding the so called persecution, no government under the sun is persecuting Mr Chanda. His own careless talk landed him into problems he got arrested for branding the President as a person who likes clubbing and other things he said which I wouldn’t want to repeat because I will be repeating defamatory material about our own President.

“Mr Chanda should acknowledge the fact that Zambia is a country were the various institutions of government are operating autonomously and independently and there is the rule of law is obtaining in our country. He has not been locked up before a competent Court finds him guilty,” he said.

Mr said is quoted in one of the tabloids as having said that he is being politically persecuted by the PF government.


    • Good riddance. They just waste space on ballot papers and increase the cost of printing them. The remaining 3 parties should drop out and leave it to the most useless party and its thieving leader in the name of HH and the most progressive party ( I can even sontapo) and its visionary leader in the name of Mr walk the talk, Edigar Chagwa Lungu. Come August 11 its PF again.

    • Fr. Bwalta, Absolutely no need to lampoon his fate. I find it highly inappropriate to lampoon victims of economic ills. I think silence would be smart clear politics on this one. We all know that the youngman is belaboring to create an alibii on an obvious issue confronting him. We must continue fostering democracy. If not too late I could fuel his full nomination bill immediately in the spirit of demicracy should have some appetite. It’s his choice to participate, andrumble with all the noise even if its a case of just escorting ECL to the final innauguration.

    • The more political actors, the better for legimacy in democracy. Realitt is that the state should have a covert fund to support the candidacy of struggling parties interested in giving our democracy credence. This is why we private citizens come in with a democracy fund to generously support as many players as possible interested in adding their names to the ballot even if we patently know it’s a Lungu’ s republican Presidency to inaugurate. The goodwill is for promoting legitimacy period. A sinking fund is inevitable in a young democracy.

    • Its good that this time there is no cash, because in the past all cash was distributed at the same nomination day.


    • I dont see MMD on the list above. Have they also given up? Then why do they want to hold a convention to elect a new president when their candidate wont even participate this August?

      Mr Frank Bwalya, its very childish of you to mock Eric Chanda like that. By the way, what happened to your little party that you failed to maintain?

    • Let the battle of the giants commence…..see latest from the Post:
      UPND adopts Charlotte for Lusaka Central seat By Mukosha Funga | Updated: 18 May,2016
      THE UPND has settled for former vice-president Dr Guy Scott’s wife Charlotte as its candidate for the Lusaka Central parliamentary seat.

    • We need decency in politics. I don’t like the way Bembas insult and Nick each other and everybody else. It makes Zambians look like a bunch of chaotic lunatics every day.

  1. Very very Sad for the once Mighty MMD. Nevers Mumba needs to take the blame and take this as a sign of failure. Surely even dead wood UNIP managed but the mighty MMD has failed. Awe sure yakosa mu MMD

    • It’s RB who has destroyed the MMD. The man instead of helping the party that sent him into state house decided to back PF after he failed to restle power from Mumba. Since then MMD has never been the same. The next party he has destroyed in his usual fashion wherever he has been is the PF. Wait and see what will happen to PF after 11th August.

  2. This is very interesting. At least those small political parties that cause congestion on the ballot papers will not be there. This is also a clear indication that should there be a re-run, then UPND is history.

  3. Good riddance. They just waste space on ballot papers and increase the cost of printing them. The remaining 3 parties should drop out and leave it to the most useless party and its thieving leader in the name of HH and the most progressive party ( I can even sontapo) and its visionary leader in the name of Mr walk the talk, Edigar Chagwa Lungu. Come August 11 its PF again.

  4. Fr. Bwalta, it’s inappropriate to lampoon victims of economic ills. I think silence would be smart clear politics on this one. We all know that the youngman is belaboring to create an alibii or cover within a cover over an obvious issue confronting him.

  5. Glad to see Godfrey Miyanda and his nashala party out of the race because the man is just always there to make numbers

    • You mean Nashala Neka party for Miyanda? The man is a joker just like HH. If not only for the tribal support he enjoys, UPND could have been silenced along time ago because of his poor leadership

    • Don’t rule out the General yet, he may just come up with “Participating in the election is our right protected by the constitution. What the ECZ is doing is breach of this right and therefore illegal”. He maybe allowed to make late payment. At the moment, he is still going through the pages of the constitution. He always comes late on the scene and he will make a statement to that effect. I hope he has chosen to support the opposition to give them more teeth.

  6. This silly boy Bwalya will soon be on the streets if his party is voted out as he has no transferable skills…the only option will going back to Fatherhood or TV evangilism as thats were crooks end up.

  7. The Cost of Democracy!!! Even when FDD, Green Party and UNIP know they are losing and may force a rerun costing Zambia Resources, they still go ahead to participate just to pocket Donor money. Africa my Africa!! Ninshi twalufyanya?

    • @Kafwanka

      “Ninshi twalufyanya?” In Zambia particularly, it appears kwati buloshi ubwa kuilowa fyebene. How do you explain why people knowingly, aware that the person they want as president is a thief and not intelligent and a drunkard but they cold-bloodedly go ahead waving spears to get him the post?

  8. It feels great to eliminate you opponents on financial front. Frank Bwalya is celebrating now to confirm that politics is now only for the educated rich.

    On the other hand he will turn around to condemn the fich opponents. He wants to have it both ways. I look forward to a day when the uneducated and poor can boycott these sham elections full of corruption, tribalism, and daylight vote buying by Lungu and his wife.

  9. Father God, any evil thing, word and thought programmed into the sun, the moon and the stars against HH, dismantle and obliterate, in the name of Jesus. I shake off every mendacity, lying, calculated deception, gang and cyber warfare, incantation, oppression, wickedness, abuse and violence, in the name of Jesus. I terminate forever, every evil agreement, plan and cabal amongst HH’s opponents and the heavenlies, in the name of Jesus. I retrench and frustrate forever every satanic priest ministering enchantment into the sun, the moon, and the star against HH, in Jesus’ name. Lord, bless HH, and cause Your face to shine upon him and let HH be known and favoured in each household. Father favour HH with triumph over his opponents. In Your favor, Lord, make his mountain stand strong and cause…

    • In Your favor, Lord, make his mountain stand strong and cause his horn to be exalted. Lord, this is HH’s set time for favor.

      I break and smash the strongholds of Satan formed against the mind, emotions, and destiny of this your great people and Zambia. I rejoice in Your mercy and goodness.

      I effect and enforce God’s original plans and purposes over HH and against the plans and purposes of Satan. I decree and declare that in this election battle no intrinsic (internal) or extrinsic (external) weapon, be it emotional, financial, social, physical, psychological, interpersonal, spiritual, or organizational, formed against HH shall prosper. I place upon HH the armor of light and of the Lord.


  11. What is happening to socialist party of Zambia and their secretary General Winter Kabimba who is also a presidential candidate in 2016 general elections?. Politics teyabana guys. Talk is cheap. Failure to contest national elections implies failure of the policies of that party. Sorry for RainBow Party members. Your party is just as useless as MMD.

  12. Finally the wayward alleged coup ploterous Meanderigone has finally realised he is wasting time running for president of Zambi because we all know he poses a serious menace to society. For re-enacting the Public Order Act after it was outlawed by te Supreme Court, I shall never forgive the idle silly soldier. No wonder Chitomfwa brought him buddled in the boot of a Pegeot 504, the soldier is just too idle and equall menacing.

  13. No MMD? No poor people’s party–with much emphasis on the ‘poor’ in the case of the latter. I guess chitimukulu is not as loaded as mr. Muliyokela had hoped.

  14. HH and team will go through in the first round.
    Wait and see.
    Bwalya Fwaka after selling his party to join pf thinks he is clever than Eric? But in actual fact he is a political refugee there.
    It is the same fate that forced him to seek refuge from the same persecutors.
    He should just invite his friend to join him.

  15. Kanshi Miles Sampa echo alepalamina ku upnd takwete ishakulipila ayi, apya apapene? Elo alapilako nomba.

  16. HH copies everything Edgar Chagwa Lungu does, the latest being the ball hut which does not suit him. See how the similar hut fits HE President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. In short, President Lungu is an Original leader whilst Ichilema is fake, use it once and its destroyed.
    Its ECL and PF on 11 August 2016, NO ONE CAN STOP THIS DEVELOPMENT PHENOMENA BROUGHT BY PF AND PRESIDENT LUNGU, NO ONE. Nipa bwatooooooooooooooooo fye!!!!!!

  17. Paying the fee is one thing but there is another huddle requirement of presenting 1000 supports from the provinces. Some of these parties will fall out of the Nomination. Only two are likely to feature at the end of the day.

  18. Muzungu wopusa wants to come back behind the skirts of his wife ka….lol…bring it open ni-biscuit..Sontapo!

  19. I agree with Bwalya. I congratulate him for throwing in the towel before the league even started and rules were set. Now, we cannot mock him, can we+

  20. This is sad for our democracy. ECZ should have put money requirement last in all fairness. This is not a business but social tender where money issues come last. If not they should have arranged for financing or bonds. Yes, parties can be disqualified for failing to comply but not on money issues unless the money being raised is for printing ballot papers. What this has done has disqualified King Solomons of today, “That night God appeared to Solomon and asked, “What would you like me to give you?”8 Solomon answered, “You always showed great love for my father David, and now you have let me succeed him as king. 9 O Lord God, fulfill the promise you made to my father. You have made me king over a people who are so many that they cannot be counted, 10 so give me the wisdom and knowledge…

    • You have made me king over a people who are so many that they cannot be counted, 10 so give me the wisdom and knowledge I need to rule over them.” 2 Chronicles 7:10. Please, allow everybody including Eric Chanda, to fail on their own on other technicalities not money. Money is not knowledge or skill though knowledge or skill of raising money is needed for one not be just borrowing or asking for donations on behalf of the nation like an NGO.

    • ECZ please them to two parties only to avoid a re-run on other technicalities but not money please.

    • ECZ please REDUCE them to 2 parties only to avoid a re-run on other technicalities but not money, please, please.

  21. I read somewhere that Nevers also managed to raise the required amount but MMD is not mentioned above. So if MMD is not mentioned is Nevers going to stand on Green Party? Having said this, I am very impressed with Edith Nawakwi who has managed to raise the required money to stand. This is the lady who should be given a second glance. She is certainly a more serious candidates than people like Kabimba, Miyanda, Sondashi, Magande, Mulongoti, Sampa, Chipimo, Msoni, Sakala etc. I hope she manages to raise the required supporters to run on August 11. She deserves a second look by Zambians. Aside from PF and UPND, she needs support by normal thinking people. Her cadres are peaceful. One can only fault her mouth at times. But she is a formidable politician!

  22. Frank Bwalya, hard to believe your background is priesthood, but then again your actions betrays you as a mamon worshiper, a satanist and you sacrificed a chicken’s life to drive the point home. Eric has pulled out of the race, does that still warrant your satanic venom?

  23. What happened to the Fatherless father’s party which weathered like a waterless plant? What about president Coamo who faints like a headless chicken ‘s party? Has it also weathered like a waterless plant to give way to HH. That is good then so that upnd can have less completion, because Pfool is a walk over especially that we will guard against the illegal Malawians ,Tanzanians and Mozambiquans from voting illegally.

  24. So only 5 parties will contest? Anyway after 11 August I want to appeal to TILYENJI AND ANAMELA to call for a convention to elect vibrant leaders to revamp the almighty party. UNIP is stiil strong at grass root and we want the funds coming from the Investments, Companies, Properties not to be shared by just the two Tilyenji and Anamela. Let us light the FLAME once again in order for ZAMBIA to BLOSSOM AND PROSPER ONCE AGAIN.
    If WEZI was around UNIP would have been in POWER but alas the assassins are equally no more. VIVA VIVA UNIP.

  25. Imwe even if the ballot papers were being printed at HH’s house, the experienced losing party would still complain. Why should ECZ gun down a genuine printer based on the rantings of one Senile Vernon ‘ Tshala Muana’ Mwaanga !!

  26. Talk about putting the Cart before the horse. I submit that Presidential nomination fees should have been stage TWO.
    Stage ONE should have been about merging Political Parties with same ideology into one. As it is, 46 Political Parties does not represent 46 ideologies to choose from, but rather 46 personalities. And therein lies the problem and a recipe for future disaster. Once voted in, that personality becomes a reference point, a standard, and a deity. Anyone who says “No” to a deity is blasphemous in the minds of people.
    On the other hand, anyone can debate, share, add to, or oppose an ideology. And therein lies progress.

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