Friday, December 27, 2024

Rainbow Party is a strong contender in this year’s general elections-Kabimba


Wynter Kabimba stresses a point during the launch of the Rainbow Party's national campaigns
Wynter Kabimba stresses a point during the launch of the Rainbow Party’s national campaigns

Rainbow Party leader Wynter Kabimba has charged that his party should not be written off in this year’s general elections.

Mr Kabimba who is also the Rainbow Party presidential candidate said the party is a strong contender going into this year’s elections.

He was speaking Sunday afternoon during the launch of the national campaign for the Rainbow Party in Lumano village in Mwembeshi constituency.

Mr Kabimba said people should forget the notion that this year’s election is about the UPND and the PF alone.

He said the Rainbow is the third force and should be taken seriously ahead of the polls.

Mr Kabimba said the Rainbow as a socialist party is the only party that is offering a distinct message to Zambians in this year’s election.

Mr Kabimba said the Rainbow decided to take of launch of its campaigns to Mwembeshi in order to be with the peasant farmers as a symbol of the party’s ideas of socialism which is a party for the peasants and poor of the country.

He said most of the contenders in this year’s elections are promising heaven on earth without elaborating where they will get resources to bring about the said development.

“They are telling you they will create jobs, to create employment, you have to get the economy productive by getting our people productive. At the moment, the Zambian economy is moribund, it is producing nothing,” Mr Kabimba said.

“August 11 is the day of redemption for the Zambian people. And Rainbow Party is the alternative and the future.”

People that attended the launch of the Rainbow Party's national campaigns
People that attended the launch of the Rainbow Party’s national campaigns


    • Now I believe that even me people can sit for me and believe what I tell them, if people like frank bwalya, kabimba, cosmo mumba can be listened to.

    • Don’t worry about the crowds that you saw in Lusaka. Actually PF should have scored not less than a million people considering that Lusaka only is more than 2million population and that they ferried cadres from all over the country to Lusaka using marcopollo coaches. Who wouldn’t go to Lusaka for free in a marcopollo coach with promises of money and food with this hunger and poverty that PF has brought? It is the hunger and poverty levels that will decide who goes to plot one and not the crowds.

    • @Nubian that is a serious one hahahahahaha…its funny because it true!!!

      But seriously Ba Kabimba I hope you actually take time to read these blogs, please check your calender Ba Kabimba today isn’t 1st of April.

      2016 ECL nafuti

    • HH has a huge task to bring on board a running mate.
      I hope he is having good sleep.
      Have you guys ever found yourself trying to solve a problem, then you start to dream sensational solutions in your sleep only to work up and find that it was after all just a mere dream.
      I hope this is not happening to HH at this time.
      GBM is helping to destroy UPND, and sad that HH is not aware – so sad.
      But anyway, HH is not a political leader – he does well in private practice, something some Zambians are not able to distinguish. Success in the kitchen does not mean you can success at a farm, neither does success at a farm mean you can succeed as a leader.
      After 11 August UPND will not be the same again, it will disintegrate to many fine particles.

  1. Sounds like you are castigating Kaponya (HH) and his Utopian promises. Join the winning team Wynter Sonta po!

    • Wynter, you were kicked out of PF because of aiming for the Presidency while the late MC Sata was suffering. Forming your own party was a dull move as you can see Scott Mmebe has abandoned you for UPND. but We are Peaceful Friends and very forgiving. You can join us at the grass roots and contribute to the winning team of Sonta po! But first you should strip yourself of those dangerous blood red regalia and the same shall apply for UPND members who are joining PF this week we don’t want your blood tainted red hands you must first wash them. Meanwhile Kaponya (HH) is failing to name a Running Mate and is panicking. Forward forward (HH) beyond State House you’ve missed the target again. August 11, the people of Zambia will show you what you did last year in Nega-Nega.

    • You are always here blogging instead of working–Zambian taxpayers deserve better. Mark my words, your days of plundering public resources are numbered!

  2. Hired crowd- with buses parked behind @ we chose Mwembeshi to be with peasant farmers, truth be told, scared of meeting PF’s Heroes stadium litmus test- Ifintu NiLungu-Mpaka Litente!

  3. Kabimba will come before Lungu in the elections. Lungu just got excited with the fake heroes stadium opening. LT, how can you report 120,000 people for a stadium that has a 30,000 – 60,000 capacity. That is a lie because there was not going to any for you to even take photo let alone the presidential motorcade to come in. Most of these people came for the show and were probably more interested in the music/show than Lungu. I don’t think anyone even paid attention to what Lungu said which is why he got away without talking about the manifesto – saying it will be online is not an excuse. How many people in Zambia have internet access to read. The man had no manifesto and has no plan for Zambia.

    • You are not sure, “…30,000 to 60,000 capacity…”. Really!? What kind of an estimate is that? With this kind of thinking, I guess you must be about 30 to 60 years old..!

    • The stadium was full, people were outside surrounding the whole stadium in multitudes and you want to deny what you could see. That is really burying ones head in sand. Lungu will beat the day dreamer HH and his violent GBM. No mood for change of government. It is sonta apo wabomba and paka litente all the way to 11 August 2016.

  4. The only way Lungu thinks he can win is through cheating and he is banking on judge Chulu and disgraced Isaccs. Why can’t opposition ask the court for forcible removal of chulu and Isacc for gross incompetent and negligence. These two must be removed as soon as possible.

    • Wise commentator surely you are not wise. Look why ECL will win
      1. ECL Councillor, HH 0
      2. ECL ward chairman, HH 0
      3. ECL MP, HH 02
      4. ECL Deputy Minister, HH 0
      5. ECL Home affairs Minister, HH 0
      6. ECL Defence Minister, HH 0
      7. ECL Justice Minster, HH 0
      8. ECL Party SG, HH 0
      9. ECL Acting Republican President, HH 0
      10 ECL Republican President, HH 0
      11 ECL discards appoints Inonge running mate, HH running mate GBM arrested and charged
      12 Mutati endorse ECL. Garry Nkombo threatens violence with Police Chief CB
      The list is endless. This is why mr wise commentator, you are not wise

    • Donald Trump too meets all the above which HH meets but he will win the elections in the world number super power one country in the whole world.

    • Housefly, don’t be so delusional. It’s going to Hillary. Trump is a rubber stamp. When it tilts, it’s going to hillary. You read the signs wrong, just like you are doing with HH. I feel for you.

    • @The Game

      I submit that Lungu should not be voted back into power. Na sonta:

      1. ECL raised debt by US$10 bn
      2. ECL increased unga to K120+
      3. ECL body size doubled in one year
      4. ECL refused people driven constitution
      5. ECL robs marketeers using violent ccadres
      6. ECL has quadrupled corruption
      7. ECL increased inflation to 22%
      8. ECL big stick, ton of bricks dictator
      9. ECL panga violently won PF and Zed Presidency
      10. ECL abusing state resources with illegal ministers
      11. ECL sold PF to Sata critics – RB, Dora and Kaingu
      13. ECL printing ballots at $4m instead of offered $2m cos of corruption
      14 ECL increased grocery, clothes, power, airtime, food prices by over 300%
      15. ECL expels UNZA students, refuses salary increase to junior defence personnel.

    • @The Game

      Nshilapwisha ukusonta:

      16. ECL selectively maintaining inside streets in Chawama and Kabwata leaving cholera prone shanty compounds of Misisi, Chibolya, and 300 other shanty townships around Zambia.
      17. ECL neglects completing UTH and other major hospitals cos they were started by Sata
      18. ECL chases PF founders
      19. ECL abandons Sata family
      20. ECL neglects farmers by not doubling maize price
      21. ECL increases taxes and adds toll gates
      22. ECL increases interest rates

      The list is endless. This is why, this year Lungu is not game!

  5. And now it is me too ba PF….. I thought it was the izula bayangana who started mpaka litente?…. yours is Infintu or umuntu ni Lungu? Grow up ba PF and SONTA your originality not ma copy and paste

  6. Only Lungu makes sense. Kabimba is just spent cartel material. And HH does not even understand his economics well. Anyway, lets not waste time on red lips.
    HH ten point plan:
    HH has lifted the second phase of PF development plan and adopted it as his so called ten point plan. The PF manifesto 1 &2 has those all those things but PF recognised that good sounding things like HHs 10 point cannot work before infrasturcture like roads, hospitals and schools are put in place. For example if farmers produce maize how do do you transport it efficiently to markets or consumption areas without good roads? Tourism, how do you expand tourism without good facilities for tourists? How do you increase tourist arrivals? How do you access the hidden or untapped tourism treasures of Zambia? Sp PF…

  7. Wynter ua one of the most hated political maguam in Zambia. U missed an opportunity while in PF. Your petty arrogance has haunted u. People are aware of the political terrain, is to vote a winning team, one Edgar Lungu. Of late u ve been factual about dteamers bakachema. Who are promising fake manna. Unfortunately yo flaccid pal, mmembe has abandoned u. By attaching PF is campaigning them. People ate no longet interested in Posts’ lies and malicious headlines. Wina azlila.

  8. So PF prioritised development of tourism infrastucture, roads, airports etc. Now PF is ready to move to the next phase, Phase 2. As for HH, he now wants to use the same infrastructure that he condemned PF for, otherwise how else can he implement his 10 point plan? Is he going to airlift maize to consumption centres? If so how does he lower the price of mealie meal? Ahre tourists going to vist the tourist sites by witchcraft night planes which dont need airports and roads? Come on HH, nangu ni copy and paste, ir should make sense. For God’s sake you are an economist aren’t you? Give us a break HH!
    Nga wafilwa ukusontapo, sela a bombepo Edgar Chagwa Lungu, the man of real, practical, and relevant economics!

    • Whoever wins these elections will have to redo some of these badly done roads. I was surprised to find a bunch of birds “bathing” in a pothole filled with rainy water a few months ago. I had to slam the ka vitz breaks so as to save it’s life, my life and those of the birds. This was on one of the Sonta projects

  9. I think Kabimba has learnt and is a good guy. But he was extremely arrogant in government, at some point even ferrying bus loads of cadres to ACC and causing commotion

  10. Sonta pali
    (i) Load shedding (vii) Ba minister bachili balefola elo ifwe tulefondeke nsala
    (ii) Imitengo sha fintu (viii) Ukwisala ama universities ( Universty closures)
    (ii) Ubu lofwa nama retrenchment (ix) More money in our pockets
    (iii) Corruption index Thank you PF well done.
    (iv) Kwacha Depreciation
    (v) High bank interest (kaloba)
    (vi) Constitution iya pena

    • Iwe tauli Kambwili. Listen ECL will win because of the following
      1. ECL Councillor, HH 0
      2. ECL ward chairman, HH 0
      3. ECL MP, HH 0
      4. ECL Deputy Minister, HH 0
      5. ECL Home affairs Minister, HH 0
      6. ECL Defence Minister, HH 0
      7. ECL Justice Minster, HH 0
      8. ECL Party SG, HH 0
      9. ECL Acting Republican President, HH 0
      10 ECL Republican President, HH 0
      11 ECL appoints Inonge running mate, HH running mate GBM arrested and charged
      12 Mutati endorse ECL. Garry Nkombo threatens violence with Police Chief CB
      13 Kavindele endorses ECL, Kilometer miles aletomba Maroads MASEBO
      14. RB endorses ECL, Scot anya amasishi. Wina azalila, neganega
      The list is endless. This is why mr wise commentator, you are not wis

    • @The Game

      Na sonta ifi:

      1. ECL raised debt by US$10 bn
      2. ECL increased unga to K120+
      3. ECL body size doubled in one year
      4. ECL refused people driven constitution
      5. ECL robs marketeers using violent ccadres
      6. ECL has quadrupled corruption
      7. ECL increased inflation to 22%
      8. ECL big stick, ton of bricks dictator
      9. ECL panga violently won PF and Zed Presidency
      10. ECL abusing state resources with illegal ministers
      11. ECL sold PF to Sata critics – RB, Dora and Kaingu
      13. ECL printing ballots at $4m instead of offered $2m cos of corruption
      14 ECL increased grocery, clothes, power, airtime, food prices by over 300%
      15. ECL expels UNZA students, refuses salary increase to junior defence personnel.

  11. mr wise u find reasons for everything,has pf worked?
    more than 10 universities country wide
    road works
    more 650 health posts which has attracted more than 1800 new nurses,vima ambulance ni all over
    military homes
    now building 2000 homes for police
    paying retirees
    salary increments for government works
    easy access to government loans
    farmers supplied with fertilizers country wide
    and planning now to build you another dam for another power plant,I mean it wen I say the list goes on,sonta

  12. There seems to be no competent leader in this years elections. Most competent and well meaning leaders are no more. Its a pity we have visionless and selfish contenders in these years elctions…..!

  13. Was that his birthday party or something? sure as hell doesn’t look like a campaign rally. Cant help but feel for this man who is living in denial.

  14. It is a sonta apo wabomba year and the PF will simply point. When others argue about other areas, we will simply specify how we are going to work again to address those bottleneck in our economy that have lead to the depreciation of the Kwacha and expensive mealie meal. Some of the rural areas that have received solar powered milling plants are already enjoying the cheaper mealie meal. For me and my household it is PF all the way to 11 August 2016 and beyond! ECL, SONTA APO WABOMBA!

  15. It is very clear that ECL is winning these elections.Kabimba should just humble himself and get back to PF by reconciling with ECL…..I look forward to that day and it will surely come.The so called Rainbow is not making sense to Zambians.


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