Sunday, March 9, 2025

HH bemoans the ripping of UPND campaign billboards


UPND posters destroyed in Lusaka
UPND posters destroyed in Lusaka

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has come out strongly to condemn the damage being done to the party’s campaign materials by PF cadres.

Mr Hichilema said the damage being done to UPND billboards and posters has never been seen before.

He said, “There is a lot of provocation going on. We fully understand the anger and frustration of our supporters but we want to reiterate the importance of restraint at all times.”

Mr Hichilema said this call is not a sign of weakness but a show of strength that UPND members can bare such pain and not lower themselves as the party has the positive and clear message for the people.

“In such matters we take solace and wisdom from Jesus Christ who still found room in his heart to forgive those who tormented him. Our billboards, posters and other campaign materials are being savagely ripped to pieces by opponents in a manner never seen before in the history of our great nation,” he said.

Mr Hichilema said part of the UPND’s 10 Point Plan for Zambia is to leave this thuggery behind through good governance and bringing order and peace to the nation once again.

“We want a country and a democracy where it will not be a crime to hold divergent views. We want a country where people are held to answer for such criminal acts, which not only violate the electoral code of conduct but vandalism of public property which is also a crime.”

Mr Hichilema said these billboard companies do not belong to the UPND but to Zambian companies and entrepreneurs who are being paid and who in turn create jobs for our people under difficult economic situation.

“Our message to our people once more is let’s be civil and forgiving. God is watching and sees all. Matthew 6:14-15 NIV. For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. [15] But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Meanwhile, Police have warned political party cadres to desist from removing their opponents’ campaign posters.

Deputy Police Spokesperson Ray Hamoonga said that political cadres should allow candidates of all political parties’ equal space to disseminate their campaign messages in the interest of peace.

Mr. Hamoonga said that all validly nominated candidates of the various political parties must have the same level playing ground that will ensure the credibility of the electoral process.

He said that the Police will arrest anybody found remove any billboard or poster of any candidate will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

UPND cadres carrying UPND banners
UPND cadres carrying UPND banners
Destroyed UPND supporters in Lusaka
Destroyed UPND supporters in Lusaka
Defaced UPND posters in Lusaka
Defaced UPND posters in Lusaka


  1. Lukewarm response from the Police. Criminals do know they are commiting a crime. The duty of the police is to arrest those that have committed a crime and not warm or remind them after the act.

    • This is unacceptable behavior in a growing democracy. We want growth of idea politics and divergency. Tolerate and love one another. I thought this spirit of corrossive hatred we had let it go with Tekere William Banda, Guy Scott, GBM and Winter Kabimba to wherever. If indeed PF members are doing it, its time to stop hurting opponents you already know that they aren’t trouncing you. This election is for the common man to win and you know who presents the commonman with simplicity, meekness, inclusiveness, patriotism and reality. Leave thuggery to GBM and just watch what it does to him as he schemes to see HH fail again and kick him out instead.


    • The more campaign materials are destroyed, the more resolved we become in removing this PF Government.

    • Mr Hichilema said these billboard companies do not belong to the UPND but to Zambian companies and entrepreneurs who are being paid and who in turn create jobs for our people under difficult economic situation.

      The above statement unfortunately is too loaded for most kaponya supporters of the political failure (PF) party, hence the troubles this country is in.


    • Yes PF, go ahead and destroy the billboards. The more you do this, the more you are convincing us to vote in numbers! Even without campaigning, we shall still vote HH. PF is disgusting!!!!!!!!!

    • Be reminded that the UPND rally was disrupted by irate PF cadres. Burning the PF office was in response to this provocative move. Ifwe ni pa kuboko. Forward chabe!!!!

    • All this thugery has come back with RB’s influence because he believes in that. PF does not stand for such. Remember in the 2011 election, there was peace, only the RB led MMD were behaving like barbarians

    • These poor souls are hired by politicians, but what is sad is that they do not know that they are only making their lives even worse. It’s sad. It’s said that when you are in a hole stop digging.

      Ignorance is bliss.

    • Those two walking with ripped posters are UPND cadres. I know those chaps well. Why sending your cadres in PF attire all in the name of making some cheap political capital? This desperation by UPND is sickening.

    • Come on man, be serious! These billboards cost money, why would our civilized people remove them? Cheap political gimmicks are frank bwalya–such barbaric behavior is the preserve of pf. Saulosi, warn your people before we deploy stringent security measures.


    • Guy Scott can today talk of corruption in the Patriotic Front! When did that corruption in the Patriotic Front start? It was there even when he was vice-president of that party and the Republic. But Guy was one of the most defensive elements when it came to attacks on the Patriotic Front and exposure of the wrongdoings of its leaders and members. But today, Guy can talk about corruption in the Patriotic Front. What nonsense is this? What hypocrisy is this? It is important to pay a lot of attention to the characters comprising the UPND today. This is not the UPND of 2001, which comprised many decent human beings. Today, we have all sorts of crooks pushing the UPND agenda. What is driving them? It is nothing but the possibility of getting the government contracts they have lost, the…

    • PF has no message, now thy want to frustrate the opposition. I guess these actions are sanctioned by the PF leadership. They have no class, they`re losers. This is a modern world, compete on ideas and not uncivilized practices and hatred.

    • Where is the Police, this is unacceptable in a democratic Country. Sad to see that PF leadership are quite on this?? It can lead to unnecessary war?? it’s stupi..d and they shout stop..

  2. Many people think rigging is the art of stuffing extra ballot papers in ballot boxes. Rigging is making the playing field so uneven like what is above. It starts before voting. In Zambia it starts with the issuance of NRCs where certain areas perceived to be opposition strongholds. Excuses like shortage of films, laminating plastics etc are used. Then comes the registration of voters which appears normal until verification. Opposition strongholds experience too many errors which despite being reported at verification still appear in the final voters roll.
    Then comes campaigns, posters are torn, gatherings restricted and intimidation of opposition supporters. When all the above happen without the rulers condemning them then know that rigging is at play. For this reason, I would love…

    • With all that you have mentioned PF managed to unseat the then mighty MMD by convincing the people that they were better. Stop whining you cry babies

    • @John Chandwe the issues @kayaman has raised are true and relevant to the 2016 voter registration and you dismissing them is rather unfortunate and sadFor your info. there were not such malpractices in 2011.

  3. Look at those PF dogs..the scourge of the earth.They have no power of reasoning to differentiate good from evil.They live nasty and brutish lives.When they die poor after having lived a life of no purpose,they will be buried in dirty unmarked graves.

    • Even though those carrying UPND campain material are totally wrong, look at them as simply misguided youths and not animals to bury in unmarked graves. That is an extremely inlfammatory statement.
      Sorryoooh UPND for this terrible action by unruly cadres. 🙁 I am PF, but this action I don’t condon!

  4. that is conduct likely to cause breach of peace can someone come in and deployee 220 officers to arrest that man in the picture before he cause more damage to property

  5. There are thousands of UPND youths out there who can volunteer to guard these billboards for 24 hours on a shift basis daily, make use of them….this can be achieved as its only 2 full months before 11th August.

    Alternatively give contracts to security firms to guard them for you.

    So people of God, all this is happening while someone is sited at State House dwiiiii (giving death ear) , and you say Chagwa is a humble and God fearing man-most of us are far from being convinced. There is too hypocrisy going on among PF top politicians

    • Why should the upnd employ people to protect public property? For your own information, the first picture with those pf thugs is in Ndola, just a few metre from the police camp. And this is broad daylight!

  6. Zambia has never experienced such levels of political hatred. This so called “humble” man is the devil in disgust. Indeed we have an imposter in state house!

  7. Lungu knows the PF team tasked with this vandalism. If he wanted it to stop, he just has to disband that team of hooligans.

  8. I thought upnd cadres defaced and ripped PF posters in Kafue? And no one said anything, not even the Police- upnd posters are in the wrong place at the wrong political momentous time!

  9. Upnd…., have u forgotten that u destroyed pf office in matero…? U started the game…don’t complain…!

  10. Where is the peace and humility of the Lungu administration if they can condone such evil acts ? Has it been the cadres from the opposition doing such evil things, they could have been arrested already and this time around they would have been behind the bars. But simply because they are from the ruling party despite the fact that they are well known by the police, no arrests have been made. What kind of a country does the PF government with its cadres want Zambians to live in ? May be some people do not know that whatever is happening in this country, the Almighty God is watching and He knows which camp consists of evil minded people whose main agenda is to deceive and loot the country’ s economic wealth. I am optimistic that He’ s got a good and genuine answer for this.

  11. Clearly PF and its Leadership are lawless and they want to drive Zambia into anarchy.Lungu and RB are the architects of this chaos and election rigging strategies. We hope God will help us thru this trying period. Lungu’s illegal Ministers are there to give a helping hand to this rigging and chaos.

  12. I agree with that guy up thier,I know pf has had some beatings,it was recently in matero where upnd burnt down a pf office,blocked roads,burnt tyres,started rioting behaviors,looting some shops,beating some of the opposers,etc but I too do not believe an eye for an eye,such behavior is uncalled for,we know pf has won by a massive gap,not by violence but by votes,with great power comes great responsibility, we the pf are the power,the big giant,the bigger team and so we dont step on insects because we can,instead we show maturity through being responsible because politics is just a game of numbers and after upnd loses they will still be our brothers and sisters,lets just sonta for now

  13. Hungry Homosexual says one of his 10points plan was to eliminate the thuggery behaviour. How is he going to do it with chief thug GBM on his back. Can someone among Upnd 1mbeciles help HH to think properly please.


  15. Chiwamila galu kuluma mbuzi not mbuzi kuluma? Uuuuuu cry babies! Keep crying while your friends are winning in your face!!!!!
    We don’t a message of posters we want a message of you intend to change Zambia and the palns u have In place not petty plans.

  16. Chiwamila galu kuluma mbuzi not mbuzi kuluma? Uuuuuu cry babies! Keep crying while your friends are winning in your face!!!!!
    We don’t want a message of posters we want a message of how you intend to change Zambia and the palns u have In place not petty issues.

  17. Keeping quite is not that we are not seeing what’s going on, we are just watching you closely and very much ready to harm all you mother f**kers provoking us. UPND is a peaceful party but if you continue pushing & poking us, am scared coz you might just ignite the fire that will consume you as well. Watch the space, the battle lines have already been drawn, remember it’s campaign period……
    Viva UPND
    VIVA HH, GYM, CB, MN, MBS, MS…….


    • Which battle grounds??? ZP will simply whip your arse and you will end up in one of our hospitals in great pain while some leaders are at their mansions in new Kasama, Kabulonga and state house having dinner with frence red wine.
      Stop inflamming an already bad situation. The reaping of PF posters in Kafue & Mazabuka is being paid for in PF strongholds. This is wrong as 2 wrongs don’t make a right!
      Both PF & UPND need to grow up and allow each other campaign freely in their strongholds. Voters will not change their mind over posters, naimwe!

  18. Please don’t do this let HH campaign freely the ballot should speak not tearing of posters this is not right…please tell your forces to stop this lets not be defeated before we vote

  19. @ wanya wanya, HH Techilema, Jo Breaker & Top cat.
    You are all I’diots & most immoral zambians i have never seen. Seriously how do support such kind of insanity?who knows maybe you’re the one doing that dirt job for PF to bring food on the table for your children. You’re all cursed. Don’t you all forget that violence bgts violence, he who live by the sword, will die by the sword.

    • Is that language you have used of peace yourself? Very easy to see the log in another persons’ eye than yours. Quit insulting and demeaning other people as the circle of insults will be endless even after elections, the vanquished will complain, insult and throw tantrums.
      How immature!!!

  20. We dont want Satanic Masonist billboards littered all over town. What will the ADB delegates think of Zambia especially that we have declared ourselves as a Christian Nation. Shonongo panse !!!

    • And you think the ADB is Anglican Development Bank to care whether u are a Christian nation or not? Ba PF BWAFYA

    • They have already tampered with the voters registers in opposition strongholds. Names are appearing in wrong constituencies. God have mercy.

  21. If your banner says “mpaka chitulike”, it must be agonising and frustrating to complain after the banner has actually “perforated” …

  22. HH has already won ..he does not need posters. That’s why we council is removing his posters… It is not PF… By the way HH and Co did not get permit to put any posters. I’m told the council is still deliberating on the request.

    It takes 90 days to approve any posters in public places.

    Please UPND follow the procedure.

  23. Lungu is a criminal masquerading as a god fearing man. That is the worst type of criminal, one who dupes god fearing people into believing he is one of them when infact he is a thug of the worst kind watching and directing violence from state house, his conviction on fraud charges are not a coincidence.

    Under lungu Zambia has been turned into a cadre state where citizens are harassed and even girls stripped naked at bus stops and in markets for holding divergent political views.

    PF and Lungu rule by fear and intimidation, that is the only way they can win an election. Despite having spent close to 10 billion US and using tax payers money, they still need fear and intimidation to win. This is a sad indictment of a failed incumbent party.
    Shame on PF.

  24. If it’s PF doing that, that is bad. Biblical Saying: “Do unto others as you want them do unto you”
    But if its UPND doing this, to gain sympathy, Shame on you! You’re not going to win elections by playing Victims. Cry Babies. I don’t see why you are always on top of hill crying foul.
    That said, ECZ is not working, FODEP has gone to the dogs, The police is sleeping, SACORD is dosing, The media is too biased, TIZ is looking the other way, the Church is mute and Voter education campaigners are not behaving right. Guys work up. If really UPND has a point, condemn the perpetrators of this vice!CONDEMN until you drive the point home.

  25. We need to feed our families and PF is paying us K50,000 for each billboard we destroy. So please let us do our job its not personal. Next anyone we see with a UPND outfit we shall undress them and paint them in green. Infintu ni Money

  26. You copy a slogan “Mpaka Litente” and you complain why your posters are demolished? Come on- copyrights…you are educated this is not rocket science!


  28. Even the upnd supporters did the same when you had rally In kafue,first clean your house before coming strongly like you have done.zambians are watching you,don’t take them as old fools,wishing you a good fight.

  29. BEHOLD the definition of Anarchy
    Anarchy is the condition of a society, entity, group of people, or a single person that rejects hierarchy. Now election times are supposed to be sober with few and isolated incidences of anarchy. Behold one leader preaches peace and tranquility in the name of ECL, while the other is the sponsor of violence in the name of HH. Owe to you HH and your UPND of today. HH’s UPND is a terror group, mark my words. Those UPND cadres are staged and LT is playing to the gallery. We know the tricks of UPND and today Radio Phoenix is HH’s sympathizer. HH has managed to buy the private media houses. Watch out! This all thing is Staged!

  30. kikik UPND cadres and radio regular callers u’re wrong.In southern province all PF billboards are burnt and why crying over billbords in Lsk n CB?U’re hypocrites no wonder Mmembe in today’s editorial is telling u that u can’t fight corruption bcoz u’re surrounded by Pipo who won contracts in govt under PF(GBM Masebo,Mulenga ect) and MMD(Musokaotwane,Mpande ect).Therefore u can’t fight corruption bcoz u’re a party driven by corrupt chaps and tribal groupings.U insulted Sata but lelo ati Sata was great.what kind of a party?Pipo will teach u lesson u tribal party ba UPND.In southern province u can’t even wear PF tshirt otherwise u’ll be burnt alive.Kwaliba abantu bamusango uyu?Nooo UPND can bring tribal war if it won an election.It’s supporters are too bitter and violent.Vote…

  31. Ba Lusaka Times please be careful when writting.
    Is it the UPND or PF carrying the banners.
    PF are the ones removing banners.

  32. Great Father of glory, in the name and blood of Jesus, I come to your throne with praise and thanks giving. Lord I stand in the gap for HH’s campaign. Jehovah Gibbor, man of war, arm and load Your instruments of death and arrows of destruction to ferociously attack all HH’s campaign PF enemies. God you are a man of war, fight against those ordering, financing and executing delay, destruction of HH’s campaign. God of my Lord Jesus Christ, let Your Fire be a wall of protection that surrounds HH’s campaign. Lord of Glory, You are HH’s Rock, Shield, and Strong Tower. Your right hand establishes HH as a victor in this battle. Beat down HH’s enemy and give HH the neck of PF. Cause HH to pursue and overtake PF until they are consumed, falling at his feet, never to rise. Now to the King…

    • Heavenly Father, I ask You to execute divine judgment against satanic/demonic activities and help us war in the spirit of Elijah and Jehu according to 1 Kings 18:1-46, 9-10:2. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I bind all of satan’s evil, wicked, lying, manipulation, dupery, violence, intimidation and strongmen along with all their works, roots, fruits, and tentacles. Father and my Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You to place HH’s name and campaign on the hearts of all prayer warriors, intercessors, and prophetic watchmen to pray for him. I ask You to let them not cease or come down from their watchtowers until their assignments have been completed. Great Father of glory, pure Father of light, I ask You to destroy all ill spoken words, all ill wishes, all enchantments, all…

    • Great Father of glory, pure Father of light, I ask You to destroy all ill spoken words, all ill wishes, all enchantments, all spells, hexes, curses, all witchcraft prayers, psychic prayers, witchcraft spells, voodoo spells, satanic spells, and every idle word spoken against HH and his campaign contrary to God’s original plans and purposes. Lord Jesus, I ask that You destroy the curses associated with these utterances and decree and declare that: they shall not stand; they shall not come to pass; they shall not take root; and their violent verbal dealings are returned to them double-fold according to Isaiah 54:17. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

    • Dear Ms Sinkala,

      I am the Prayer Warrior for HH. I went with him to ZNS, Mushili Military Camp in 1980/81 and we out in 1981 after six months military training and went to University. We worked hard and each attained by grace of God the wealth our children enjoy today.
      I had know HH as a devout SDA, although I am a mountain stomping and satan attacking spirit filled Pentecostal who doesn’t leave the works and agents of the devil alive, in the spirit. I rain brimstone, Sulphur and holy Ghost fire on demons.
      And I now decree: any agent of wickedness cursing HH, I send you the annihilating fire of God, I speak death to you!!

    • I am the Prayer Warrior for HH. I went with him to ZNS, Mushili Military Camp (Ndola) in 1980/81 and we passed out in 1981 after six months of grueling military training and went to University. We worked hard and each attained by grace of God the wealth our children enjoy today.
      I have know HH as a devout SDA, and he from our childhoold days has only been married to his long time love, Mutinta.

  33. How many billboards where destroyed by MMD for 10 years when SATA was in the opposition?remember if GOD say YES no one can say NO.stop crying like thirsty cows.

    • @Panda

      Your advice to UPND is correct….if God has already said yes to HH and UPND, the ripping, burning, destruction and defacing of bill boards by PF hoolingans led by ECL is proof positive that ba HH and UPND are on your way to victory!! Rejoice!! Lungu cannot contain you and his only solution is unleash violence to intimidate you. He wont say anything to condemn what he has sanctioned. But don’t kutina…fisanga abaume!!

      You cannot go to war and not suffer casualties….this is war. It’s a war to liberate Zambia economically.

  34. The seed of violence was planted in January 2015. By August 2016, it will be harvesting time unless this field is set on fire now. ECL and HH should have a live interview in which each should highlight the good things in the manifesto of the other.

  35. Those who are destroying other peoples items must stop the rot now and not later. It is criminal. HH has the right to campaign within the law and must be given that chance because he may use the excuse as a pillow for his loss.

  36. Only bantustans want to see the face of this known tribal1st hh!!SO WELL DONE.KEEP ON DESTROYING THEM ON DAILY BASIS AS WE REALLY DO NOT NEED HH TO RULE US!!

  37. Eddy should be hunted and destroyed too for being sadist. We don’t need such characters in christian nation

    • @ # 42 Soft, please no killing each other at all! Billboards are just that billboards, they are not worthy anyones’ life, not even your enermy. If you catch one redhanded, drag him/her to the nearest police station. No murdrers,we have just come out of serial murders, no more, please!!!

  38. Political outfits are like mainstream media. Mostly they will stage-manage a situation to gain mileage. If we had good detectives or agile journalists (not mainstream) we would actually get the facts behind those shreds. @A Phiri Anabwera, where are you on this one? Say something, mate.

  39. Nearly all pf flags and billboards in southern province have been pulled down by upnd..but hh is quite about this…! Allow others to campaign freely in southern province and u shall be allowed to campaign in other provinces..!

    • PF Edgar is a factory of violence. Edgar has militia to wreak havoc. Edgar like Mu7 and Mugabe is a warlord.

  40. And here is confirmation of the POST Story on Malawian Voters
    Search the Provisional (2016) Register of Voters
    AddThis Sharing Buttons902
    Download Register Search Android App

    We have found the following records;

    Voter ID Status Surname First Name(s) Age/DOB Polling Station Constituency District
    *****396 Eligible ZULU MOSES 03-01-1990 Mzigawa School VUBWI VUBWI

  41. weldone comrades keep on ripping such filthy posters out. hh stop using the name of God in vain. You are real hypocricy

  42. At least pff supporters calls a spade a spade. Unlike our friends who likens every thing to intimidation even when their caught pants down.
    My advise is please leave their bill boards bakamibepesha ati efyo balushila when people have already made up their minds.

    • Like me; I have made up my mind to vote for HH and UPND team.

      Those who want selfishness. violence, theft, corruption will vote PF.

  43. Guy Scott can today talk of corruption in the Patriotic Front! When did that corruption in the Patriotic Front start? It was there even when he was vice-president of that party and the Republic. But Guy was one of the most defensive elements when it came to attacks on the Patriotic Front and exposure of the wrongdoings of its leaders and members. But today, Guy can talk about corruption in the Patriotic Front. What nonsense is this? What hypocrisy is this? It is important to pay a lot of attention to the characters comprising the UPND today. This is not the UPND of 2001, which comprised many decent human beings. Today, we have all sorts of crooks pushing the UPND agenda. What is driving them? It is nothing but the possibility of getting the government contracts they have lost, the…

  44. Today, the UPND is dominated by elements that were running government business in the successive MMD and PF governments. There are people in the leadership of the UPND today who had appropriated the business of entire ministries to themselves and their associates. Given this situation, it is understandable why the UPND can hardly talk about corruption or include the fight against it in their election manifesto. – See more at:

  45. Ninety two former BP Zambia workers, who won a court case regarding final salary pension scheme have issued a 7 day ultimatum to Saturnia Regna Pension Trust Fund.

    The pension fund is owned by opposition UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema and the workers are demanding for pay up of the outstanding K457m.

    Group representative and lead plaintiff Expendito Chipalo said the representatives of the 92 workers will deliver the Petition at 09:30hrs at Hichilema’s home on Tuesday 24th May 2016.

    The 92 workers who have been battling in court with Mr Hichilema’s pension fund for 20-years for their pension benefits to be paid said they could not wait any longer as many of their members had even died.

    Recently the former BP workers won the case in the Supreme Court ordering Saturnia Regna…

  46. When upnd attacked reporters in cowthern province, it was all good. But because their posters are destroyed, they cry the loudest. Typical of cowtherners

  47. Every genuine Zambian should condemn these acts in their strongest terms. We are all Zambians and the only difference is that we think differently and feel we can solve the many challenges our nation is facing in a different way from what other fellow citizens are saying they handle the situation. We are not enemies. That’s why you find that our current president was first a UPND member, most ministers and MPs in PF were first UNIP, MMD and now PF. The founding president for UPND was first MMD. FDD president was first MMD. This is a pure demonic act. The police must fully investigate this and ask around am sure they can get one and make him or her as an example. We are one Zambia one nation. The candidate who gets more votes, wins simple.

  48. UPND campaign strategy is admittedly classic; above board and if this kind of organization is what lies ahead in terms of economic leadership, Zambians will for the first time ever taste first world lifestyles. We should understand the changanya mentality is currently at the helm. PF and its cadres never think in terms of the head. A corrupt regime that must be ousted. They have used every means possible to frustrate UPND but God is faithful. Keep at it and one day you will look back and appreciate how you defied all odds.

  49. Dear my brethren,
    here is just my opinion and I am asking you to also just look at my opinion, whoever condemn this one, he/she is a violence.
    1. The person tears any advert of UPND, must be jailed because he/she is spoiling the PF and name of the president.
    2. If the police this up, it will be discovered that he is a UPND, there is a lot of criminality in this party. They may want to excuse themselves that it was because banners were toned down. Why pictured
    3. This must be strategic and well planned by the actors.
    4. Those guys are a paid up guys……….. to turnish the name of PF and the Head of state
    5. You may mention who is in UPND, use to be violent in MMD, and PF, u will find a lot are that way.

    Take it or Leave it.

  50. I feel sorry for those ripping the UPND billbords. It is clear they dont have jobs, are not educated and poverty stricken. Well let them chose to remain uneducated, unemployed, poor and suffering under PF. It is a democracy now.
    UPND brings a ray of hope for Zambia. President Chiluba is turning in his grave because he fought for multiparty in Zambia and achieved it. Today PF is busy to say NO to multiparty and using foolish caders.The law should be swift to teach these lawless cadres a lesson. They need to be arrested by the ruling government to show impartiality against any wrong dores. Alas PF is enjoying it.

  51. What these people pulling down campaign materials don’t realize is that the more they do such bad things the more popular they are making their opponents.Infact such things are supposed to be treated as criminal offence since this is the official campaign period.Let every contestant’s message be heard loud and clear so people can make informed decisions. It’s even no use asking the police to move on such bad practices as we know they won’t for very well known reasons.


  53. Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. Its difficult, though to understand this level of intolerance. Can we please remain civil and allow for co-existence? I can tell you, this is not the democracy we fought for in 1991. Are we suggesting that anything not PF should not be seen anywhere in this country? Should these posters be mounted in Tanzania and elsewhere not in Zambia. This is very shameful!

  54. Mr Chagwa Edgar Lungu
    Please sir before this country is plunged into a much more dangerous situation, please address the nation on the importance of restraint , peace and respect for other human beings. Please stop turning a blind eye to these atrocities that are being perpetrated by some disgruntled citizens.Please Mr President come on national television and issue a serious statement. Some of us love our country please protect us. You can stop this lunacy exhibited by these so called carders. Save our country’s reputation of peace and love.Help us Mr Lungu.

  55. Too sad that the opponents decided to literally “shake the net (posters) until it was puncture through!” This is the translation from the poster of wanting to shake the net with a football until a hole is made through! Anyway, boys let them advertise and don’t destroy the posters just campaign and defeat them at the ballot. They are children!

  56. I have recognised those two in the picture, they are UPND cadres in my neighbourhood. Since when dod wearing PF regalia make you PF cadres?

  57. I hear that today HH is a very worried man. Just when he thought he would be the focus of news mefia, that chi fat albert is stealing the show. It was an open secret that HH was tonight expected to issue a statement in order to attract attention to himself.
    But then the Post today has run an editorial in which they call the Upnd leadership as corrupt, as tenderpreneurs presenting themselves as businessmen. The Post asks why HH does not mention corruption in his ten point plan. But then imwe ba Mmembe, are you dumb? What else do you expect Upnd leadership to be apart from stinking corruption? Even you Mmembe, you are only jealous because you cannot shate the spoils of corrupt? You and HH are the epitome of corruption.

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