Police in Lusaka are holding a 30-year-old woman for killing her husband after shooting him five times.
The woman identified as Precious Longwe Liteebele aged 30 shoot her husband Mr Akakanda Lubinda Liteebele also aged 30 years in cold blood after a domestic dispute around 03:00 Hours on Wednesday at unknown House number off Buluwe Road, Woodlands Extension.
They two were employees of Banc ABC in Lusaka and are believed to have attended the launch of Banc ABC MaraMentor mobile app at Pamodzi Hotel
Police Deputy Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said Precious has been arrested and charged with murder.
She used a pistol and the deceased sustained five bullet wounds, on the chest, left rib side, right rib side, lower back and on the right arm.
Police also found at the scene four empty cartilages, one projectile and one ammunition.
The pistol has been retrieved by the police.
The deceased body is lying in UTH mortuary.

She’s a wicked!!! Poor little children.
thats the way to go…these boys with womanising.
Why PF importing so many pistols? Who sold that gun, Kaizer Zulu or Davies Chama?
How foolish this Nasty Nostradamus! This is loss of life and you should keep politics to yourself. Akakanda has parents and family members who are extremely injured right now. They can’y figure out why their son had to die in such un unnecessary way.
Women, please divorce your cheating husbands if you are fed up, but please don’t kill them!
This is really terrible, how narcissitic for this woman to just think of herself! What about the little children?
May His Soul Rest In peace!
That’s a mess Precious, next time use poison. When husbands don’t respect you get rid of them!
Murder??? Headline is misleading. Was the man shot and killed? Yes. Is this murder? That will be for the prosecution to argue before court.
Another motherf$ckn negro, if you think bullet holes will get you out of trouble, you must be a PF cadre. You are going to jail, and that’s not a weekend, its years in jail, minimum for such a clear intention to kill (exhibit, not 1 shot, 5 straight shots). This will not win you manslaughet which can be 15-25…this is life…98 years…how many menopuases???? All of negroz here copy that!
A crime of passion no less.
But, the story may come out differently.
This is what happens when there is social and economic breakdown in a country. She was probably with another man and the husband found out.
This has nothing to do with economic melt down or a poor country. In America this wouldn’t be national news but local for this is normal and rarely reported. It’s time we stopped trashing our country and started loving it with positive comments. The nations we praise will never regard as one of their own however well we speak their language or partake in their way of life. It’s a sad outcome for all involved.
Why Kill? Infidelity can be resolved without body harm. A PROBLEM SHARED IS HALF SOLVED!
@Dont care…The thing is that if you really f$ck that good (like me who f$cks above international standards) and you happen to say hi to any slutty girl, your wife or any girl friend you have given spontaneous orgasmic magnet thinks, thats the slut who is, or is just about to feel what I feel…and women do no like that, so hell breaks loose all the time..Copy that…mulenyenga kwati ni ba Tayali…no power, you will leave long…If you want to emmulate us who are above international level, well and good, but at you own risk
comments made in our languages are heavily censored here on LT. It doesnt matter if you are saying good or bad things. This is pure evidence of the self hate we suffer from as africans. but english yena it goes quickly
Its because people like you Zagaze think everyone knows or should know your language. Lusaka times is an English link so if you can’t communicate in the language then use Tunfweko.
Cheating must be the reason behind the murder! Otherwise there’s no reason you would get a wife to kill you. Now people are arming themselves due to the rise of crime in the country. Waiting to hear the actual truth!
Not even cheating is a good enough reason for killing a spouse. Now there are two small children without a father (dead) and a mother (to be incarcerated for a very long time). These kids will grow up in foster homes (being brought up by an uncle, aunt or granny is never the same as by biological parents). What wasted lives!
every time its politics hh wont give u food on the silver plate wake up and do something to yo life. can’t u see tt both were employees at bank ABC this is wat happens wem devil inflicts pipos mind
This is really a total mess, what was she thinking! And now those beautiful kids are as good as orphaned because she also wont be there to bring them up because she will be in Jail. What a selfish act this woman has done!! Only her and her late husband could possibly be the best placed people to look after those two little beautiful kids and in just one stroke of personal rage she decides to take both their parent away. This is a real mess.
And why are guns now being so easily licensed out to ordinary people ..is Zambia now that dangerous. Looks like it is becoming a fashion to own guns. And these are the consequences
Apparently you kids have become more westinized by just watching social media than us that live in these developed nations. Only the grandparents will take of those two innocent babies. Otherwise, they are destined for death because of their mother.
She kept shooting even if she knew he was dead.What rage,what fury,what anger,what a horrible act.Watch behind you whenever you come from those drnk outings,get rid of perfume by eating a lot of mbunzi.Damn!
I ALWAYS find comedy in LT’s gaffes!!!! They found CARTILAGES!!! Was the shooting so bad that cartilage spilled out or what? Or did you want to say CARTRIDGES!??? This is funny!!!!!!!!
Or was that a reference to condoms?
But you got the message in your fuc.kin dic.k head – so what’s the problem? Use your brain decipher you *****!!
[25/05 1:10 PM] She got home at
[25/05 1:10 PM] Like 2 in the morning
[25/05 1:11 PM] Husband and brother (my mate) were already home
[25/05 1:11 PM] Brother wasn’t supposed to spend night but he felt lazy to go home so stayed the night
[25/05 1:11 PM] Husband went and opened gate for her she came in. Went to bed
[25/05 1:12 PM] Later brother just heard scream and 5 gun shots after
[25/05 1:13 PM] : He thought it was a robbery. So stayed in his room. He stood behind the door in case of anything and kept lights off.
[25/05 1:13 PM] She came to his room and said where are you Iv killed your brother and I’m going to kill you too
[25/05 1:14 PM] She walked in and he jumped on her and they struggled with the gun until he managed to let all the bullets…
Our Police Officers need urgent training and equipment in handling such cases …its clearly evident here..do these guys have ballistic reports?
She is a brave woman guys. Imagine she loaded the gun and fired five times after a trial in the house. She was the prosecutor and judge. She found the guy guilty and carried out the sentence. Hahaha
So sad! There must have been burning issues which led to such action
There can never be any burning issues to justify murder in a home, even if the guy was on top of another woman. We are human beings, not illogical beasts. They could have divorced instead of killing the husband.
You will be suprised that it wasn’t even a burning issue. It could even be that the man wanted to watch football and she wanted to watch Telemundo and man refused to give her the remote. If you want to buy a Gun at home, Watch the tempers and rages of poeple you are keeping at home and of cause you own temper. I wanted to buy a one but my wifes temper stopped me. She almost through herself from the car when I joked that I wasn’t coming to pick her but should use public transport only to find me out side waiting for her. she hauled all sorts of insult on me. After realizing I was not going to answer back she attempted to threw herself from the car. Then I decided not to have a gun at home.
Longwe and Liteebele? No match. Stick to what you know.
I met the cool looking gentleman in PickNpay the evening before his death. How sad!
Thats what happens when bad meets Evil.
SINKAMBA WISDOM – Clearly these are marriages of beggars. They beg for pots and plates at beggars parties [ kitchen parties] and get married after being in courtship for six months. Without knowing each other. I feel bad for the boy and the two kids left behind. I pray that the judge wont change the murder case to manslaughter to serve this devil woman. I feel pity to the young men who think marrying working class women will make them happy. Marriage is all about love not to look at material things that you can acquire when both are called “starved working couples’ A cultured woman could have not resorted to this barbaric act to have a solution over their differences in their stupid marriage. I can say so because if it was a happy marriage the stupid wicked woman could have not acted…
This has nothing to do with marrying working class women,where have you been sir?;recently a woman stabed her husband somewhere in the compound in lusaka.Such crimes are commited on impulse.This woman just snapped or she was under the influence.Stop steryotyping just because some one prefers working class to housewife.Career women are here to stay and it is the current trend.I know you are nolstalgic about our old parents time but times have changed everyone including you want their daughters to be educated and working.
Mudala wanga sivintu honestly how bad can it be to do such a thing to your friend and 03 hrs what were they doing out so late no wonder the old folks say Masiku ta abanwa Nyama (You don’t share meat at night).This business of running funny errands at night i just dont get it.MHSRIP
Arrest the ***** and through the keys. she has made us lose one vote from 50% +1, which will lead to a rerun.
U crazy
These ZP are useless has she confessed she did it…even if its obvious you still need to prove it: ZP needs more investment!!
This man is thinking
She Wasting Shoot Shoot like Oscar pretentious There are too many peaches in banks bonking each other as it gets viral it ends up like this
All she needs is a good lawyer and he can expose the incompetence of police and DPP….and she can also plead self defence.
ZP needs urgent training and investment!+
@ Jay Jay 20.1
For sure with good lawyer against our corrupt & half baked prosecuters, she can easily escape to freedom on other technicalities which have already manifested from @ PM 11 & do it again to someone else because most men are after beauty & the way she is, no man can resist even if she forewarns him of his death. On self defense this may not hold considering that she fired 5 gun shots. Looking at her mens rea, she planned to kill him before she even came home, may be 2 years before & she was just waiting for an opportunity like this one to come. She made sure he died on the spot & she never left any chance for God, & doctors to rescue him.
She acting Shoot Shoot like in the movie and wasted the friend 5 times Its murder and intentional one
Comment: Whatever it was this is tripple tragedy. It ain’t that easy to lose a loved one. Loved one in the sense that poor mother to this man could be without word and left in wonderland having raised him with so much struggle or whoever raised him. Now he is gone, no good health care for the poor innocent kids, no one will raise them the way he would have loved them grow. No quality education up to scratch would match what he would have loved them to have. Fatherless kids, motherless kids these children have become and sonless mother and father the parents to this man have become. Heartless woman! Where is the devil who used you to do this evil and wicked act? I’m sure he is standing far from near and denying being party to this. Money in the bank wont make you any happier alone, you…
Musicians must be composing songs to denounce infidelity and violence not what we people are dancing to nowadays ati ” chileshana bwino eeche”. Kikikikikikiki
Its really sad for the kids only 2pac survived 5 shoots this is Zambia let’s watch our actions no one is perfect next it will be you and you laugh at your friends mistake..
The only strange thing is that the couple look alike. They look like brother and sister. Never less, that’s the problem of knee jerk reactions. You realize after you have caused serious damage to your partner. No wonder it’s always advised that each time you are pushed to extremes by your spouse, the best is to leave and go elsewhere until tempers cools down. So sad for the young children.
We males are no longer safe. Out there they get our sets, at home is a wife with a gun or knife.
Darth Vadar…you are hilarious. My my my…hahaha! Kikikiki
Where is NGOCC and all other foreign funded NGOs on this now!! They preach GVB but go mute when its them murdering husbands! The guy was also to blame – he should have defended himself and not allow the bit.ch to harm him!!
This is the amagedon promised by that Satanist. His new friend’s son shot her girl friend and chopped off her head. What more should we expect from these cadres: chaos, havoc, insulting authorities, beating up police officers etc. She is a member of the militia trained by madimbo maliketi.
From the picture – it is clear that the little boy was from this guy BUT the big one wasn’t his child!! Wicked woman.
Very sad story indeed. There are surely many other ways to sort out problems than to terminate some one’s life.
Poor KIDS no more parental care, father dead and mum to be incarcerated as offence is non bail able!!
And some idi*ot we blame satan…you are responsible for your own action!!
Even though she is smiling, her eyes are cold… the eyes of a killer. looking at the body language, the husband”s smile is weak and shy like he was subdued, this woman used to dominate the hubby, he looks timid, no affection shown , it was like someone asked the couple to to pose for a pic at a family function.. when you are happy the the eyes sparkle and the smile is seen in the smile, this couple were not smiling but covering up their disharmony. Rest in peace son, we don’t know why she did it.
Where is the church & we call ourselves a Christian & democratic nation when all these things are happening? This is happening daily. If you ask @PM 11, he may even confirm that the marriage & wedding were blessed in the church & they continued to pay tieth. Surely the church has failed us in Zambia. I am not saying God has failed us, Men’s failure doesn’t mean God’s failure. If men & women of God are receiving tieth & offerings from people like this woman who are filled & controlled by the devil, then God may not be in their churches. Have men & women God been defeated by Prof. Nkandu Luo’s preaching that women have been marginalised, disadvantaged in all areas of life & should rise up? In future I can see just like tractors, free pistols being distributed to women to defend…
In future I can see just like tractors, free pistols being distributed to women to defend themselves. Should ministries like that of Gender come back after 11 August 2016 unlike that of Youth which promotes the rights of children who are naturally vulnerable unlike women who are naturally equal to men? Do we need revival of Ministry of Religious Affairs like the way FTJ did & have we lost FTJ vision? May the soul of our departed brother rest in peace. May God deliver our sister, open her heart & eyes of faith & contribute meaningfully to her children & society at large.
Should Lungu win in August, expect a new ministry of Biatches and Self-defense headed by Mumbwe Phiri, the master of conspiracies of how to kill a husband.
He was probably at John Chinena with another woman !…The only logical explanation
May the Almighty God keep the kids safe. May He send the Holy angels to protect the two beautiful kids, wonderfully and fearfully made in our creator’s image. May the good hearted relatives or good Samaritan come to the rescue of these two lovely kids. God our father, we pray in Jesus name and NO DEMON shall destroy the lives of these two kids left behind. I hate to see kids suffer for I was once a victim of poverty after my father’s death way back in the 80s. I know how it feels to grow up lacking, no breakfast, no lunch and no supper. If I had the means, I would get them and feed them happily and treat them as though they were mine. God forgive us our sins for you said that no one is without sin no one. No one does good. Father you know all things, we beg remove your wrath upon us…
You are one in a million. Keep it that way. The world has gone cold but with people like you, there is hope.
In some instances you find that the marriage has evidently failed but two people continue living together. Better you go separate ways than what has happened. If you find that your partner is cheating and you cannot bear the pain why not just leave? It’s a painful thing to separate but certainly better than death. So now the father of the children will be in the grave and the mother will be in prison. The children are left in destitution. So sad!!
Infidelity at work, the babies don’t look like they are for the dude, no resemblance at all. These are someones children n it was a planned move to get rid of the dude n marry the children s real father…..my opinion.
There can never be any burning issues to justify murder in a home, even if the guy was on top of another woman. We are human beings, not illogical beasts. They could have divorced instead of killing the husband.
Sad this woman killing the husband ,there is no law which allow any one to charge the other and pass a charge.That is the reason why there are courts. If some one feel grieved, take it to the court and a chargement will be passed accordingly than killing an innocent person.To me that young man was innocent because it was not taken to the court or any where and there is no case in the world mention it which can never be taken before the court.By killing that young man i feel very bad for the children i can imagine the hardships ahead these two brothers.May the ALMIGHTY God please look upon the lives of these innocent children.
Satana amabwela chabe kuba, kupaya nakusiya muntu wamene asebenzesa pa myunga. Am sure the devil is now laughing at this woman who agreed to be used in such a manner. Look, she has now been left on the thorns by the devil who is no where to be seen now. Its a lesson to us who have witnessed this sad story to find Jesus very quickly or else……
@ Country and Town planning 34.2
You have made a light moment on this sad day for me & many more even President Lungu & Mumbi should be laughing all the way for lunch. But don’t let UN aware of this idea, they may quickly come up with a protocol specifically for Zambia to ratify and form such a ministry even before August 11, 2016 elections, because our successful govts are always scared of UN, IMF, World Bank protocols & resolutions & ratify & implement them instantly without any question, eg. privitisation, Euro bonds.
Ladies, marriage requires alot of patience. It’s far from the fairy tales we experience during the kitchen party and wedding. Exercise restraint, please. Give your marriages all you can and when it doesn’t improve or someone refuses to change, leave peacefully. A divorce is painful but certainly not as painful as going to jail and leaving two innocent souls to suffer for the rest of their adolescent and teenage years. This is very sad.
I repeat, be patient, give your marriage all your best efforts. When it doesn’t change anything, pack your bags peacefully. There is still life after divorce, a happy life.
Nosedrama, UNPD sold her the gun.
Thats the reason, I do not want my sons to marry a Zambian woman. I have observed wrong behavior in adult women in Zambia and thats what they are teaching their daughters. They are so envious and rough and have no skills of improving their livelihood. The behavior of scam-sters from Eastern province who looted my belongings in abuse of state machinery, show that they are gold diggers with no love or regard for others. We don’t own each other when you are in love or marriage. Girls should be skilled enough to learn to break away from the man if they do not love him or if they are cheated and cannot forgive him. It it is proved that she is the one that murdered him, then shame but I support Jay Jay who says Police lack in such skills and they may end up losing the case. Not kill someone…
You don’t even know the full story…. You can’t just go around judging this lady. get the full story before you talk.you don’t even know if she actually killed him. Even if she did..not all Zambians go around plotting to kill someone.I’m a Zambian girl and have Zambian female relatives and we are not raised to be envious and rough. You are disrespecting Zambian women and giving them a title for what 1 women may have done.