Thursday, March 20, 2025

Now Nevers Mumba endorses HH


Drama has continued to unfold in the once might MMD as the Nevers Mumba faction has decided to back UPND President Hakainde Hichilema despite having paid half of the required presidential nomination fees.

Speaking at a media briefing the embattled MMD leader said President Hichilema was ripe for the presidency of the country.

He said the country is need of leaders who are selfless and capable of delivering economic independence and that Mr Hichilema was such a leader.

He said the country was suffering because leaders in government were more concerned with themselves and not the masses who are suffering.

He wondered how the PF hope to continue governing the country when they cannot share their vision with the people saying the “PF told the nation they would launch their manifesto last Saturday but launched everything but the manifesto.”

He also said he was not backing Mr Hichilema so that he can get a position but that he was trying to help the people of Zambia.

And speaking at the same event UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema said there is need for the people demonstrate unite of purpose and ensure that the country develops.

He said people were suffering in the land of plenty because of the poor leadership of the people in government.

He said the country needs to focus on things which are important and stop the continued political squabbles which are dividing the people.








  1. Mumba is right, we have to claim back our country from these PF drunken chimps, rogues and nincompoops…Welldone Mumba

    • Well done Nevers, welcome to progress ideas..please study the 10 Point Plan in details and help liberate the country from “Cimbwi No Plan”

    • Okey, if you had no interest in Zambian politics, this one will make you sit at the edge of your seat.

      Hard-core PF minions who claimed Mulenga Sata’s defection was nothing must be sheeting bricks and cement blocks. I will be happy to hand Kambwili two dozen rolls to bog roll.

      Elo yalila !!!!

    • Of all stoopidity, the “Umuntu ni Lungu” billboard promise by PF is the most senseless campaign slogan by any party ever in Zambia. Clearly Lungu continues to be visionless and clueless on how to run the country. The big question is why does he want to be President if he has no plan for the country???

    • Choice Mumba should have made a long time ago. PF is bent on destroying MMD. Go move for the democracy of this country.

      “we have to claim back our country from these PF drunken chimps, rogues and nincompoops…”

    • There’a party that is carrying a ‘Jonah’ (one running away from God). Read the story of Jonah in the bible and see what happened to the vessel that was carrying Jonah.

    • I feel for UPND, people that have just joined the party are hurting and emotional people. There’s no objectivity. Nevers was almost going into an Alliance with PF, so what has changed now? Guy is hurting, Mulenga is hurting, GBM is hurting, Sampa is hurting, Mwaliteta is hurting, Masebo is hurting, Mpombo is hurting (OMG) …. COme on people! There’s a bad seed being planted in UPND right now. Wait until they lose/win elections and see the in-fighting that is going going to be there. No objectivity at all.

    • 10 Symptoms of Losing Elections:

      1. Bitterness
      2. Insulting your opponents at will
      3. Recruiting even door marts
      4. Abandoning your Values as a party
      5. Cheating
      6. Desperation
      7. Violence
      8. Failure to accept your friends achievements
      9. Failure to accept your weaknesses
      10. Pretense

      The party which exhibits 80% or more of these characteristics will without doubt lose the coming elections. I suggest we all come back to this page after elections to review what I have said


    • Actually the late president Sata referred the all bunch of Pf Mp,s as useless including Edgar chakolwa kaloba wrungu so their is no way this guy can say he following Sata’s vision,some of them were even told publicly ati ulicipuba.

    • When we say “ABANTU BAYA!!” We Literally & Physically MEAN THAT!!!

      Only THIEVES, KAPONYA’s & Ba CHAKOLWA will remain wallowing mu mafi hoping that someone will drop them some of the stolen crumbs !!!
      As Mumba & MMD have said, THEY ENDORSE, (& are Not joining!!) UPND!! the Party that will TAKE ZAMBIA FORWARD & NOT EVER BACKYARDS, like we have seen & lived under these useless kaponyas, visionless Chakolwa’s & IFIPUBA FYA KWA SATA (MHSRIP) as he put it!!!
      Mumba & MMD should stick to their guns – Not withdraw their candidacy from ECZ, as a strategic move & a sacrifice – i.e. & block “Felix Muselela ukwa lola ifi shushi” from registering on a technicality of MMD already registering before the closing date – also if MMD do indeed get votes, just form a Coalition literally with UPND,…

    • …….. just form a Coalition literally with UPND, for the gunnering of votes RATHER than that of sharing governance, as it has been late for them, coming to the “party” pardon the pun!!

      Vote wisely 11/8/2016!! Vote ZAMBIA FORWARD!! Vote UPND!!! Abantu baya!!

      #chagwamustfall!! PamaFikuyabebele!!

      I thank you!!

    • Zambia is a political cesspool. Last month Mumba was crying to join PF, now that he has not been given a chance, PF has become a “corrupt” party…and HH gets excited about it…Losers joining other losers…

    • UPND will not get the presidency in this year’s elections….hey look at ECL, humble, down-to-earth leader! Sontapo uwombele…look at infrastructure projects! It’s ECL again, let this truth begin to sink in bit by bit

  2. It’s his democratic right but because it’s been done out of anger, frustration and desperation, it becomes absolutely inconsequential and disingeneous chipantepante business. The only common thing is that of threatening armagedon against Zambia. But the opposite is true to his own political career. Case of Jonah.

    • Senior citizen ignorance has definitely no defense… which school did you go to where they never taught you how to play with words for you to continue talking about Armageddon??? what HH did was to play with a word… it’s as simple as saying this constitution has been rapped ( not having s*x with it but playing with a word), UPND leaders are pregnant with data (not those pregnancies you know) this is english junior citizen

    • Awe Ba Dombwa. Amagaddon is just that. what do you want to qualify naimwe. Namupuba imwe. yalikosa for ba Mumba naba HH. no brains to see the wind politics are blowing

    • You lost your integrity a long time ago. what you rant moves no one. I met at a car wash the other time and i was like what happened to this guy? a second look told me the whole story…..Hunger can make people lose all the integrity they have. Re-align you all do without integrity or be ready to live without a government cheque.

      PF is losing no matter what you try and do. People are tired of visionless leadership and a president who seems not to know when to stand and walk and when to run. Its over.

      i am hoping Nawakwi can come on board because really now its not about winning an election and being president but its about changing the campus of this country’s direction.
      Another five years of Lungu people will be eating mango for breakfast, Lunch and supper.

      Mumba wll done…

    • Well what anger is there once someone realize that PF was not a trust worthy partner. Refer to the scandal of him being tea gassed in Petauke. He should have immediately known that PF had no intention of allowing MMD any political space to exist. The only frustrated person in this equation may be you since he has not joined your preferred failure party (PF). who should sonta where they took the money they borrowed and who will pay for them. At least one can easy point at who will pay back, our children for many years to come.

  3. Timely advice to HH: Be careful with Nevers Mumba,he’s got a history of betrayal. These politics are such a dirty game, you just jump anywhere whenever it suits you. That’s why I stopped voting. Nevers is very thirsty for power. Maybe he’s been promised to be HH’s running mate.

    • Flight ECL 2016. What right do you have to advise HH? Its like a hungry lion advising a dicker to run run faster because he (the lion) is about to catch it.

  4. Which party is being taken over by MMD now?UPND old cadres Mulipo? lol
    Nevers endorses HH,as MMD,UPND form alliance

    • Ehe balipo. And they are busy giving out keys and ushering newcomers to their respective rooms. In UPND there is room for 15 million Zambians. you are welcome Ba Dodo. We can always give you the key to your room.

  5. Yangu ba Dr. Nevers baluba nomba. Awe Insala kapondo mwee. Now voters will be so confused as UPND is made up so many alloys…..

    • Accusing Mumba of hunger is an acknowledgement that HH is winning and Mumba is positioning himself to be fed. Just come out cleanly and admit that HH is winning.

    • Ulubile niwebo who is supporting a party that is killing the country. Under PF the country’s economy is in intensive care, the country’s international standing is slowly going in jopardy, Zambia’s moral culture is lost.. Pangas, insults, stripping women on the streets is the order of the day and no punishment for offenders, Ministers say different thing on the same subject(inconsistency), The president reacts to events that threaten the country in the last minute, Tribalism is supported by the government, Debt is souring and now we will be ruled from washington DC under IMF. Really why should Zambians give Edgar Lungu and PF another mandate?

    • Yesterday when I was listening to Nevers on Hot FM, I was like Nevers my dear friend just retire from politics. Whether you have intentions of joining the party I supported or not. Just retire! I wish you all the best. My vote is on ECL.

  6. Elyo lyanya Ba Mumba. You have remained alone. What a desperate move. You are indeed UPND material and continues liking HH’s boot. That is your survivor move. Now how will HH bring together all these goons from different parties talking of the Guy, the Miles Kilometre, Sata, and now Mumba. Some are water and oil they can not mix

  7. True there is no MMD to talk about now .. Since both selfish factions have abdicated into either PF and UPND. It is so unfortunate that MMD will have zero MPs in the next parliament. Nevers Mumba has personally told me how HH betrayed him and MMD and looks like principles are out of the window now.

    Can we build a new MMD after the Polls? A party that is founded on ideology. Probably the only party making snse right now , hate him or love him is Wynter Kabimba. It is the only truly different party at the moment. Second is the Green party. These are parties that stand for something. Can we model the new MMD after the polls along such lines?

    • @ Orphaned, MMD Chief Bootlicker, I simpathise with you, but the same Mumba must have told you how he betrayed his own Christain Coalition Council, and Anderson Mazoka’s UPND in 2002 to take over vice presidency position in MMD under Levy…try join Kabimba for now with Mmembe, unfortunately socialism is crap…ask Mmembe to give up the Post Newspaper and those trucks to be run and operated by government when Wynter become president in 2031

    • @Chief, What Nevers Mumba has done is good riddance because it kills the strungledhood and gives the mother of democracy a unique opportunity to reconstitute itself by and under ideologues. MMD like UNIP had was built on strong ideologue which it passionately defended. Mumba waa a wrong substitute too alien to ideologue. Wherever he goes, it’s excess garbage.

    • “True there is no MMD to talk about now ..” ?
      From the ideology point of view, I am surprised you are realising that only NOW. As you very well know, MMD was founded on the ideology of ushering in multi-party politics in Zambia after KK’s one-party state. Once that was achieved, there was ‘no MMD to talk about from then onwards. It had a limited self-life. You must have been in denial all this time.

  8. Together we shall finish the journey which our late great leader Michael Chilufya Sata started, Zambia shall be saved from UPND a party for entrepreneurs and crooks

  9. It’s called cris crossing, January elections Mutati supported HH, while Nevers supported Edgar. Now they have swapped. May the best candidate win, no violence please.No ubupuba of removing each other’s billboards


  11. The man was desperate, the difference is that Mutati-RB led faction comes with some electoral advantage in Lunte and Eastern Province, respectively. Nevers Mumba has no political capital and has no real following.

  12. Wat will scort, sampa and sara jr say now that upnd is working with mmd..? They left pf saying Lungu has accepted to work with mmd…..! Lets see who is who now…! Viva pf…!

  13. Atleast HH needs a former Christian to sympathize with him as UPND is headed for another defeat. I that Lungu for rejecting Mumba. Now UPND is full of desperate politicians. Sonta apo wabomba nga tawa sonte Sela tubombeko.

    • Sonta apo wasangile dollar.
      Sonta apo wasangile ubunga.
      Sonta apo wasangile fertilizer.
      Sonta apo wasangile inflation.
      Abena ECL nichipante pante!

  14. Whatever nevers touches, cramble.Even in Chinsali where he comes from no body can vote for him.So ba up and dowm mwaloba ilyabola.

    • Mumba should go back to the church at least there they is free money and the people are docile and gillible…they wont question him!!

  15. As an long standing MMD sympathizer (but not a cadre) I feel greatly let down indeed by this development. The Nevers Mumba faction, to me, had greater hope of pushing the MMD forward. But with this, I’ve been given some blow for a reality check. Is there any future for MMD beyond August 11th? I’ll wait and see!

  16. I can’t wait for August 11…..Nevers Mumba sir, you can’t go against God’s will….you were very good behind a pulpit and that’s where God wanted you to be…and ever since you abandoned your calling..look at what has happened to you…you are completely lost Nevers….just a few months ago you were hugging Lungu and started “texting” him about the possibilities of being his running mate….

    Anyway Nevers Mumba, I have some bad news for you…HH is losing the elections on August 11……and UPND will be disintegrated




    August 11 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you

    • Start sobering up ….Zambia after 11th auguust will be a country of the sober and accountable. dont be found in the wrong mood baba

    • When we say “ABANTU BAYA!!” We Literally & Physically MEAN THAT!!!

      Only THIEVES, KAPONYA’s & Ba CHAKOLWA will remain wallowing mu mafi hoping that someone will drop them some of the stolen crumbs !!!
      As Mumba & MMD have said, THEY ENDORSE, (& are Not joining!!) UPND!! the Party that will TAKE ZAMBIA FORWARD & NOT EVER BACKYARDS, like we have seen & lived under these useless kaponyas, visionless Chakolwa’s & IFIPUBA FYA KWA SATA (MHSRIP) as he put it!!!
      Mumba & MMD should stick to their guns – Not withdraw their candidacy from ECZ, as a strategic move & a sacrifice – i.e. & block “Felix Muselela ukwa lola ifi shushi” from registering on a technicality of MMD already registering before the closing date – also if MMD do indeed get votes, just form a Coalition literally with UPND,…

    • …….. just form a Coalition literally with UPND, for the gunnering of votes RATHER than that of sharing governance, as it has been late for them, coming to the “party” pardon the pun!!

      Vote wisely 11/8/2016!! Vote ZAMBIA FORWARD!! Vote UPND!!! Abantu baya!!

      #chagwamustfall!! PamaFikuyabebele!!

      I thank you!!

  17. Citizens lets not forget how Dr. Mumba has been treated by both PF and RB. To refresh your memories, Mumba was given an olive branch by PF to form an alliance. Later we heard it had no blessing from RB, who currently is the god father for PF. We saw the man of God Bishop Banda try very hard to bring to the two together and even announced the cosmetic reconciliation, alas RB had other plans. MMD ruled this country for 20 years and indeed they managed to have structures in all provinces. This meant that it was going to be easy for PF to return votes in areas they were not popular had they gone with Mumba who happens to be the legitimate candidate for MMD. I feel Mumba has just done the right thing any of us could have resorted to given the situation.

  18. Upnd’s tribal ‘laundering’! So you think when you get a few frustrated failed Bemba politicians, then the rest of the voters’ll follow? Bembas ain’t as dumb as Zambian Watchdog regards them- you’re in for a jaw dropping surprise in August- NiSontapo- Ifintu NiLungu!

    • @Cactus,
      Racism and tribalism is for backward small-minded prejudiced people with self-limiting beliefs. Period.

    • Ba Virgin. Please remain is dreamland. Ba Mwine lubemba and all the progressive Bembas have moved forward. and you are still talking “Tribal”


  20. @ Katondo boys, I think he is better than some one who has no dream and can not explain how we are yet to overcome the issues our beloved country is going through. By the way where is the so much talked about manifesto?

  21. Just thinking since Nevers has taken his battle to contend that he is the president of MMD and suppose the court object to that what will happen to his MPs when it comes to adoption? Will Mutati adopt them has MMD MPs or HH will on UPND. Here comes trouble,double tragedy.

    • Yes, full of frustrated people. But who frustrated them and why? It is the minions like Nyama Soya whose machinations are so weird and corrupt that you can only believe him at your own peril. Look at the PF leadership, no one is trust worthy in this leadership. They say one thing and do the opposite. They lie in the morning, lie in the afternoon and lie and lie all the time. So, why would one wait all his life to see if one day PF and RB will mean what they say and be trustworthy…… We are all moving forward now…… Ni forward chabe nomba…. chapwa, kwsila chamana, ifelile.

  22. Ba Mumba, I wish you’d listened to my January 2015 advise to align yourself and your party with UPND, where most of your MPs had gone. Your fortunes would have been much better this time around!

    But, you’ve now gone there with no clout – and only time will tell.

  23. @ vigin angel, for goodness sake there is nothing tribal about my posting mwana. Don’t just rant here, let us exchange ideas boss. and if ask me to “SONTA” I will sonta my wife because she takes care of me and has managed to give me great kids. CHAPWA

  24. Nevers’ conditions!Upnd’ll end up a congregate of confused, desperate politicians all looking at saving their own careers, no wonder Mmembe has seen through them as tenderpreneur! Soon, there’ll be mistrust between them- too much of anything is bad!Meanwhile- Ifintu NiLungu!

    • There can only be two things Fred Mmembe is uncomfortable with HH. Firstly, he has discovered he cannot manipulate or control HH. Secondly, probably he has received a huge incentive to back off from supporting HH. Who does not know the problems at the postnewspapers? I can go on, Fred was angered that Guy Scot and Miles Sampa have endorsed HH and not Kabimba. Thus Fred is offended and feeling betrayed by these former close allies of his and knows, once HH wins this time, Fred’s socialist project will never see the light of day. Age is catching up with him ka….!

      Mr Mmembe, am I spot on?

  25. RB and Edgar lungu wanted to dribble Nevers Mumba by putting Mutati as MMD president.Instead of going by his frustration, wisely he has decided to endorse HH.Anyway, it’s not a bad move nor luck of principles.Either candidates needs numbers to win the election.

  26. @Huck Finn, indeed the saying goes “chiwamina galu kuluma mbuzi” it was ok for you when Dr. Mumba came out to support PF. Pretenders shaa!!

  27. Ba never Mumba is a lost chap.He campaigns as if he is preaching.This is an easy victory for PF.UPND is full of cadres and pack.Kabimba will be the only opposition after 2016 bcoz UPND will be dead.I pity Mulenga sata who said PF is taken by MMD.Now MMD is with UPND what he go say?Iwe mwandi how do u give positions now to GBM,Never Mumba,Scolt,Sampa,Mulenga etc.ala bwafya. It seems there is mighty power cleansing Zambian politics.I hope not to see these chaps in future maybe we can have clean politics instead of recycled politicians.Good for PF .PF n ow is gaining more grounds bcoz of these rejects joing UPND.HH is being cheated that bembas we’ll vote for him bcoz of GBM,Sampa and Mumba.Bembas can’t trust such chaps.Even now they will vote for a gud leader.They are not move by tribe…

    • Nevers, Sampa, Sata Mulenga and their wives are bemba they will vote for HH. Keep your ka selfish vote to yourself.

  28. HH should be told of the famous Bemba saying “Umulembwe wachipuba, wapwile muli tumfweko” Our once beloved UPND is now saturated by frustrated corrupt ex PF/MMD faces only seeking protection from their corrupt past ! Why are these newcomers being given too much attention leavinf those of us that have toiled for years ! Why didnt GBM realise that HH was a good leader only to appear now. I forsee mayhem in UPND after HH sidelines the poor foot soldiers in preference of his rich friend ! We shall go into this election divided and we shall blame HH for this one kaleza !

  29. Politics is a game of numbers. HH and UPND must get the numbers. When HH has formed government, the quality he demonstrated in the corporate world can be demonstrated in liberating the country economically. For now get the numbers, you need them. Remember PF has gotten even foreigners to vote for them including some unethical Dubai based company, which if not stopped, will print the ballot papers that have factored in rigging.

    • Dream on dreamers. Btw those foreigners and the Dubai company are excuses that UPND wants to use when they lose. Just campaign baba…my one vote is on ECL.

  30. So the sum total of most of the comments is this is inconsequential…it would be true if it didnt cause so much commentary. For my part is this .desperate yes… but i would like to know what other options Nevers had with the threads that were MMD once – it was just a matter of time…let the games begin. May the best man win

  31. If HH wins we have another corrupt incoming govt. Sata had too many people to pay back and i see HH having the same problem no matter how good his intentions might be. Sata found himself in a difficult situation with the likes of Gbm openly carrying out corrupt acts and declaring it was time for pay back for supporting pf.
    Zambia be warned Pf is the better devil in this case. It will be worse under upnd. Upnd is now nothing but a team of hungry vultures.

  32. Disgraced Nevers Mumba. This man has no principles. He is always been chasing after money. Zambian politics are so immature. We need a new crop of politicians in this country. People who have principles, passion to bring economical liberation, justice for the poor and freedom for all. This X-crossing business is pathetic. The last time I checked this guy was planning to go to bed with ECL after a text message. The next moment he is duped by ECL, he runs to UPND. It means there is no difference between UPND,MMD or PF. It is so sad that people of Zambia are entrusting these useless politicians to manage there national wealth but these politicians have hidden selfish motives. There motives are to live in luxury at the expense of the nation. We need to change gentlemen and have passion for…

  33. There motives are to live in luxury at the expense of the nation. We need to change gentlemen and have passion for our country instead of going into politics so that we can maintain our children in the diaspora. Imagine if we changed our country and developed it just to the level of South Africa. It would not be necessary for your children Dr Mumba to live like slaves in South Africa. I am very annoyed with all the political prostitutes. HH be very careful with these people who are just jumping in, out of desperation. There is nothing that they are bringing to the pack. All they want is to eat. If you lose the coming election they are not going to stand with you. They will do what Felix Mutati and Katele Kalumba did.

  34. Dr Nevers Mumba became confused when he said that going back to the pulpit would be like a demotion…That said, then Dr Mumba will never succeed in life unless he retracts what he said and repents and asks for forgiveness from God…

  35. After Anderson Mazoka died and HH took over,the few prominent Bembas in UPND left. Then Bembas were accused of not joining Parties formed by other tribes and that they could not vote for other tribes despite having voted Mwanawasa that time. Now UPND (HH) has a lot of Bembas in his party and so the issue that Bembas don’t join others to be led is no longer valid. The only trouble is that most of those joining HH seem to have less influence as they carry very few people with them. They have no constituencies!! How many do: Lupando,Sichinga,Nevers, even Sampa & GBMtake to UPND as additional votes? Very few indeed as in Jan 2015! Lungu seems to be gaining more by almost solidifying the whole of Eastern Province behind him which is different from jan2015.

    • @38.1 amagenge,which 7 provinces is he bringing? Look at the number of votes he had in the last elections and the fact that most of the MMD MPs that wished to support HH went to UPND long time ago when Mumba was bickering with Mutati and the same MPs! Here the winner is Mutati whose political career was almost ending as he may be adopted as MP by PF. Mutati is not bringing in any numbers to PF but neither Nevers will to UPND. At least Mutati has gone with a reasonably popular MP Mbulakulima and that may add a few more votes to PF in Luapula. The real MMD structures are with the Mutati group where Mbulakulima is. Nevers is viewed as a stranger in MMD that is why he fared so badly in last elections because structures are not with him.

    • my friend perhaps you are a man of less wisdom. beautiful oceans and seas are made of little drops of water. Little grains of sand make the beautiful beaches. So, these little defection of votes from PF to UPND, humble and inconsequential as it might appear, will make a huge difference on August 11 that will prove insurmountable by PF. Watch this space…… Muzataba pa 13th August imwe…

    • @Zambia is ours!!

      So if the Pastor Evangelist Zambia Shall Be Saved Mumba brings no numbers…..chill. He is thus not a factor (as is Guy Scott and Mulenga Sata per PF propaganda machine), so don’t worry, rather celebrate. kkkkkkkkk

    • @38.3 Pepal & @ 38.4 Kuluyupo,I am not a wrong doer hiding in the name of PF to “taaba” or run anyway if PF loses – like William Banda in 2011 now in UPND! If there is no confusion in the country after elections as some are already refusing election results before people even vote then I shall always enjoy my Zambia!I only try to look at things with reality;notable people who bring some numbers to UPND are former MPs;GBM,Masebo,Sampa and those from MMD who campaigned with UPND already in 2015 two months ahead of Lungu and failed to win. PF has notable defectors from UPND and MMD who are coming with good numbers from their constituencies. Mumba,Lupando are well known but….individuals with no following!!

  36. What Mulenga meant were some individuals from MMD who had questionable track records on account of corruption, failure to deliver development in their respective constituencies and vulgar/ violent in their behavior in short people that could no longer attract a following.

  37. I now believe that Mumba has no principles completely. Two minutes ago the man was putting on a completely different coat, saying a lot of bad things about upnd, now that there is a little bit of pressure he changes sides. What about the presidential nomination fees you paid, what now? How can you endorse your opponent when you also are in the race to win. You should be strong and face up to the internal politics in MMD, then you can prove that you are indeed a leader. Mumba you are really a demagogue, nothing to affer the people of Zambia. Have you ever asked yourself why it seems every one is against you? Just go back to church and introspect. I can imagine you and GBM and Scott on the same platform, speaking the same language. Awe mwe!

  38. I hope this time around all the presidential candidates will turn up for the debates at once. We want to hear them articulate on national issues that need answers.

    • Chagwa Lungu cannot turn for a Presidential debate. Reason is simple; he operates under dupery, lies, shenanigan and conning.

      What will he sontapo? He is dead scared to be faced with reality.

  39. Check mate!!

    The 7 provincial chairpersons and structures are with Mumba……and RB is with Mutati.

    Interesting times ahead

  40. I feel Nevers has made a very wise decision, by virtue of him contesting the elections would have split up the votes. What ever number of people he brings in surely makes a difference. However, he can make a very good president compared to what we currently have.

  41. I may be getting on a bit and might not really understand how this works. Navers has paid a deposit towards his Presidential nomination fees and hopes to contest the elections on 11 August and has also gone to court to preserve his Presidency of MMD. So why is he endorsing one of his opponent in the forthcoming elections? It sounds very desperate by Navers if you ask me.

    • Good Question….Desperate indeed if you were to look at it in the angle of him trying to get back at what RB and Mutati have done.

  42. FORECAST FOR THE COMING WEEK : 1. GBM picked as Running Mate. 2.Cornelius Mweetwa forms breakaway UPND and demand a convention. 3. Maureen refuses to recognise GBM. 4.”I deserve this position because I spent my millions”-GBM 5. Mutati can file in nomination- ECZ 6. William Banda dumps HH. 6. Livingstone UPND threaten to support PF if GBM is not removed as Running Mate. 7. Split UPND enters poll

  43. As usual sharp Bembas have have been imported to take over top positions in UPND from dull Tongas. Ati ‘umulembwe wachipuba upwila muli tumfweko’

  44. Zambians be warned! Al the corrupt elements are now sharpening their hands and regrouping in Upnd United party for national destruction. Its going to take us another 20years to see development in our land because HH will have his hands twisted by these vultures who will be demanding for their cut. Let’s all forget about Upnd because Pf has shown us the light at the end of the tunnel.

  45. NO ONE WANTS MUMBA…except a HH. a lost soul selling it to the devil.
    I quote ‘He said the country was suffering because leaders in government were more concerned with themselves and not ‘NEVERS MUMBA’ who ‘is’ suffering.
    Under the Nevers the MMD can be said to be BID.

  46. What vote is Nevers bringing when he was even beaten by spoiled ballot papers and Edith?….The organizing strength of the MMD is with RB and Mutati because Nevers does not even have a constituency…Nevers is just getting at RB and Mutati…mistake this for the love of HH at your own peril…sooth your egos but the tide is with EL evidenced by the successful mobilization for the 1st Mega Rally.

  47. HH and UPND will certainly be defeated heavily especially this time around by ONE Edgar Chagwa Lungu, if you understand or read politics you will agree with me. People havent forgotten what HH and UPND and the cartel did to President Lungu and PF in January 2015 and the mother of all rallies in Zambia by the PF have anything to go by, its time FDD started positioning itself to become the next strongest opposition.
    All these headless chickens that have gone to UPND dont mean good for the Zambians am sure the old guards in UPND are in total shock.
    What true values do people like Scott, Mulenga Sata, Miles Sampa, Silvia Masebo, Bob Sichinga, Mwaliteta honestly bring to Zambians? These are these chaps President Sata used to refer to as USELESS MPs in case you have forgotten and President…

    • So why are you PF thugs defacing, destroying and removing UPND campaign posters if you have the election wrapped in your corrupt Eurobond sonta efyowaiba bag?

  48. I honestly feel sorry for Nevers Mumba for always placing his priorities wrong. From the time he abandoned the pulpit, he has never slept a wink. He has overrated himself over the years and thinks that the only position befitting him is that of Republican Presidency. I used to revere him so much when he was a pastor of the Victory Bible Church. He added more respect from me when he said he saw joining politics as a demotion and I totally believed him. The moment he left the pulpit to join politics, things started to crumble and I haven’t got any iota of respect for him anymore. I just feel sorry for him, that’s all.

  49. Pastor Mumba, you will appreciate the fruitfulness of some people if you get down low and look up to them, rather than look down on them in stern judgment. I expected you to apply humility because it is important if we are to appreciate the giftedness of other people in our political parties. The other problem Pastor Mumba has is thinking for himself more highly and egoism with horrible tendency to engage in feats of self promotion. Humility, humility, humility lunatics have taken over politics but all roads lead to ECL and PF.

  50. Lupiah is a very useless old fool! He is the one to blame for all these unepectected endorsements. He brought MMD down to it’s knees and now he is selfishly riding on PF. PF stands a chance of losing these elections because of the same old fool.

    And from the happenings, you can tell that Lungu (ECL) has lost his stamina in lusaka, copperbelt, Luapula, Muchinga, Central and northern provinces because of this shameless old fool by the name of BWEZANI.

    Bwezani has finally manged to clean PF BY bringing in thieves and attacking some productive bembas and tongas. PF is finished with the joining of zambias two major tribes(bembas and tongas) which will support UPND.
    Indeed, PF died with the owner. You will try to rig but still that will not favor you.

    You will try to create enemity…

  51. Dig deeper
    Lupiah is a very useless old fool! He is the one to blame for all these unepectected endorsements. He brought MMD down to it’s knees and now he is selfishly riding on PF. PF stands a chance of losing these elections because of the same old fool.

    And from the happenings, you can tell that Lungu (ECL) has lost his stamina in lusaka, copperbelt, Luapula, Muchinga, Central and northern provinces because of this shameless old fool by the name of BWEZANI.

    Bwezani has finally manged to clean PF BY bringing in thieves and attacking some productive bembas and tongas. PF is finished with the joining of zambias two major tribes(bembas and tongas) which will support UPND.
    Indeed, PF died with the owner. You will try to rig but still that will not favor you.

    You will try to…

  52. My relative Nevers Mumba should call it a day in politics.

    There could be other more suitable things he could do.

    “Fupa lokakamiza silicedwa kutswa mphika”, our cousins the Chewas say.

    • I totally agree with you. He lost it when he was fired by Mwanawasa so nikachikonko chabe especially against RB. He really wanted to redeem himself. Maybe he should stand in Chinsali for MP under the UPND to test or prove his popularity.

  53. This will impact negatively on ECL AFTER 11 august 2016
    Lupiah is a very useless old fool! He is the one to blame for all these unepectected endorsements. He brought MMD down to it’s knees and now he is selfishly riding on PF. PF stands a chance of losing these elections because of the same old fool.

    And from the happenings, you can tell that Lungu (ECL) has lost his stamina in lusaka, copperbelt, Luapula, Muchinga, Central and northern provinces because of this shameless old fool by the name of BWEZANI.

    Bwezani has finally manged to clean PF BY bringing in thieves and attacking some productive bembas and tongas. PF is finished with the joining of zambias two major tribes(bembas and tongas) which will support UPND.
    Indeed, PF died with the owner. You will try to rig but still…

  54. Out going PF .Lupiah is a very useless old fool! He is the one to blame for all these unepectected endorsements. He brought MMD down to it’s knees and now he is selfishly riding on PF. PF stands a chance of losing these elections because of the same old fool.

    And from the happenings, you can tell that Lungu (ECL) has lost his stamina in lusaka, copperbelt, Luapula, Muchinga, Central and northern provinces because of this shameless old fool by the name of BWEZANI.

    Bwezani has finally manged to clean PF BY bringing in thieves and attacking some productive bembas and tongas. PF is finished with the joining of zambias two major tribes(bembas and tongas) which will support UPND.
    Indeed, PF died with the owner. You will try to rig but still that will not favor you.

    You will try to…

  55. This final nail in the MMD coffin caused by the ascendancy of RB to its leadership. What a grave mistake Late LPM made to bring this destroyer from retirement. Now he’s busy dismantling PF. That’s what RB knows best. What a grave mistake MCS made leaving a spineless, visionless ECL to take charge of PF. In this sense both LPM& MCS failed because there was poor succession planning.

  56. Tonga tribalists can never do without wise counsel from the North ! Next thing guys after Aug 11 ( As per plan) Demand for a convention so that a Bemba ( GBM) can take over ! The UPND would never entrust power to a Tonga ever again ! UPND being eaten from inside just like that !

  57. Who are tribalist between bembas and the Lungu/bwezani team? they are slicing bemba figures in PF. But the man behind all this sh1t is Bwezani-ya nyoko.
    Bwezani is suppose to be a source of wisdom and unity, but he is doing it opposite. They raise propagandas to create conflicts between the tongas and bembas. this will not help them win the elections because we removed Lupiah and his team in 2011 for change but he has resurfaced in the PF.

    ECL should start packing because even the rigging machinery will not overcome the bemba and tonga support for HH.


    • Its 30 pieces of silver (Dollar/Kwacha) power at play but not God. The test to know genuine men/women of God is to expose them to Dollar/Kwacha. If you throw the Holy Bible & Dollar /Kwacha in the air on windy day separately, the bible & Dollar/Kwacha will land on different positions. If you asked some men/women of God to pick 1 item only, they will obviously run very fast chasing the money leaving the Holy Bible to be picked by anybody or mad person. Put it the other way if there are two gifts to be offered between a prostitute & man/woman of God, then the prostitute is given first chance to pick & picks money, the man or woman of God will protest that its the prostitue who needs the bible for preaching but / she needs dollars/kwacha for preaching.

    • That is how the Almighty God has planned it. He will prove to you that you cannot do anything against the truth but for the truth. Calling HH Satanist, when God Himself has not called him such, is self-glorification. Read Phil 4:8

  58. hahahahaha,oh my gosh,this is serious drama,I wonder what the mmd followers are thinking,politics is really starting to look interesting,the bigger they are the harder they will fall elo manje mukanvele ati no rigging no shani shani, wen ecz registered more than 2000 fake registrations ku southern pro pro,awe desparation is real,patriots lets do this

  59. All of you detracters will be shocked to see Nevers turn into a quality crowd puller. What HH touches, turns into gold. GBM was written off out of hand. Look at the crowds he is pulling now. From a write off non factor to a big game changer! Little wonder GBM now has ‘wanted’ posters wherever he goes. I bet the PF big wigs are quacking in their boots that Nevers will start attracting ‘wanted’ posters too.

  60. I am not sure if people expect UPND and HH to reject the alleged bad polititians who are joining the party in this eleventh hour from other parties. I’m even Christ would welcome them. The only piece of advice one would give is that receiving party needs to be very careful in allotting future political roles to these entrants. It’s certainly a joyous moment to see lost sheep or even cattle, come home. God bless UPND and Zambia. Chakulinga.

  61. Circus, now I know that wisdom has eluded Nevers Sekwila Mumba. Not long ago you accused ECL of being dodgy over a possible collabo; after Mutati stole your MMD presidency, you became so bitter that MMD payment of nomination fees to ECZ does not mean anything. Nevers, I now believe that you are just like them, even worse. I think you have helped destroy MMD with your bare brains.
    “He also said he was not backing Mr Hichilema so that he can get a position but that he was trying to help the people of Zambia.” Zambians don’t need your help Pastor Mumba. You consort with darkness now. How can Zambia be shaved with your attitude pastor. Go back to the pulpit yama, where you belong.

  62. That said, you have the right to endorse anyone but we shall await the drama from the Mutati led faction.

  63. It is turu! The Pastor has no direction in the political arena. He has gone nuts! Politicians have really both knocked and kicked the hell out of Pastor Nevers. Here is how he worries me. Nevers formed his own party in the name of National Christian Collision which saw him nowhere. He was hoodwinked by LPM, disbanded the NCC party and joined MMD as Veep. Spat on account of foul mouth he got into an alliance with NDP claiming that NCC was still intact. He again left both the NCC and NDP to re-join MMD under RB who sent him to the US as ambassador. He became MMD boss until Mutati dribbled him. History shows that Nevers never learns. It’s a ka rich CV of failure points.

  64. At least Nevers Mumba has ended the long overdue people’s speculation. This is his smart way of handing over power to Mutati. He lost zeal for MMD when the Dora Siliya group left MMD. This meant dwindling of MMD coffers because MPs contribute ZMW 2,500.00 per month to their parties which eventually end up in the president’s wallet. What ECZ should do now is to refund him the presidential nomination fee deposit so that he can buy beef from Zambeef or caned tuna from China because I can’t see him getting a vote, not even voting for himself is possible if he is endorsing others whilst he himself is still contesting.

  65. #Ginger Bread Man (GBM) – Hurting people form party; You are very right in your analysis. Everyone going to UPND as outlined is hurting. Over 12 million Zambians are equally hurting by PF’s economic mismanagement. Just imagine who will be endorsed on 11 August by these hurting people!

  66. What cannot be doubted is that Nevers will compensate for lack of eloquence among some UPND leaders. On paper, he has no big following. However, he has the MMD structures (Provincial leaders still believe in him; so do many MPs who already moved over to join UPND). He also has financial support from a hoard of Nigerian rich Christians largely from Redeemed Church. Second, he is interesting to listen to. He inspires. Though there is not much substance in what he says, that can be an enough bait to woo crowds. Much more importantly, the North, Muchinga will support the pro-UPND faction more than they will do for Pro-Mutati faction. This is because UPND is now being moved to the North/Muchinga. In 2021, the UPND President will be from there (as UPND is winning this election; no doubt).

  67. UPND really had a chance when HH was alone with his Tongas. Those Bembas are a “Trojan Horse” destroying UPND from the inside. Why can’t HH see that?

  68. Zambians sometime amaze me.Let HH jst win these elections and will judge him accordingly jst like we have judged ecl.zambia is not short of leaders

  69. 1. Don’t celebrate Never is not stable he can change and join Muliokela. Chitimukulu said “I can not side with any politician. All those who were against Edgar are for him. He (Nevers) might be punched by GBM and run to PF
    2. This is the end of his political career and the resustaining of Spirtual Ministry
    3. Can Never Mumba add value to UPND
    4. Why is it that everyone is talking about Bemba votes not Nyanja (Ngoni, Nsenga etc) votes
    5. Does endorsing mean winning election NOOOOOHH

  70. If HH wins the elections he will have a tough battle making his cabinet. All the vultures have joined him. Who will make it in his cabinet. It must be tough for those people that have remained in UPND through thick and thin. Look at the group that has joined him, Musokotwane, Lugwangwa, Chituwo, Maureen, Charlotte, Guy, Sampa, GBM, Nevers, Lifwekelo,Political Advisor Banda, Canisius Banda, Milupi, Pande, Levy Ngoma, Mpombo, Mulenga Sata just to name but a few. All these people are looking forward to jobs, Ambassadorial, Ministerial and otherwise. I dont envy HH. What will become of these guys if HH loses and ECL wins? Azalila.

  71. Well done Nevers Mumba! Politics is about numbers. Nevers has not joined UPND he has simply endorsed HH. Everybody has to unite against Lungu/RB dictatorship. RB is the Godfather of Lungu and PF and is the architect of the planned election rigging in 2016. RB/Lungu must fail#

  72. When Nevers Mumba declared that he will in an alliance with PF,upnd cadres including hh called him all sorts of names and said he has no followers,but today upnd cadres are seeing value in him-UNDER FIVES UNDEED!!!FELIX MUTATI WHO IS MMD PRESIDENT NOW HAS TAKEN MMD TO PF!!SO ONCE MORE PF AND ECL ARE THE WINNERS HERE!!”UMUNTU NI LUNGU-2016!!!GO PF GO!!

  73. It is unbelievable how HH in his desperation has turned UPND into dust bin of rejected, dejected, deflated politicians. The stench will push away many voters from UPND. Almost all politicians that have recently joined UPND have not done so on principle but due being rejected by the people or some selfish ambitions and hatred for being defeated politically and want to use UPND to settle personal scores and not to serve the country.

  74. Mr President, Mr HH

    I am not sure if at all this comment will make sense to you even just in a small way… have a choice to take it or leave it….
    You have invited problems that are far beyond you…..I feel so sorry for you sir….All these criminals you have accommodated in your “former” party UPND wanted to become presidents where you are getting them from after the demise of King Cobra in 2014….They are power hungry creatures….do not be tricked…i am very surprised with your naivety to do with Zambian politics….Guy Scott, GBM, Miles, Bashinono, Mulenga Sata, Nervers Mumba….do you even have advisers sir??? Do you properly know these people???

    These are problems for you sir and your political future…kindly watch this space….the master of corruption in this country is GBM…..Ask…

  75. Mr President,

    ………..Ask Mutembo Nchito privately in his capacity as former DPP on the matter if it is not too late for you and your team…..You may have to think twice….his tuma companies are collapsing and praying to resuscitate them through politics….Where are the UPND members for you to foolishly just handover the party to these criminals??? In broad day light……we are all watching with shock….honestly being used just like that… are a very brave man sir…..i cant believe this..

    Are you sure???? Do you even stop and think a little about this risk you have taken??? Have asked Winter Kabimba on GBM???
    We are scared for you…..

  76. 50%+1 Yalileta kantu pa Zed. Things are sounding good. People need to work together. We do not need kitchen party politics or political parties, what we need are only 3 to 4 major parties and eventually 2 to 3 only. The two major ones then the third one for swinging votes. The third one Ba Mumba good bye have a safe trip. That is the beauty of Democracy, there is something for everyone. The Mutatis pa Bwato, the Mumbas pakuboko and so on. At the end of the day ba ECL Nafuti.

  77. Desperado Mumba pastor Reverand Dr. Mwasebaneni po mukwai! Bweleni ku church Lesa alemilolela mukalamba wandi, leave politics.

  78. Oh my HH! So naive, living up to the title of underfive!
    Snore…….snore…..snore…….please wake me up on 8/11 as we go to cheat this boy his last lessons. And where is GBM in the pictures? Oh, and Canissius?

  79. This is for those who understand prophecy. Daniel 2: 32, The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. 34 While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. UPND looks huge but its legs are mixed of iron and clay and thus it will crack from within itself because of contradicting agendas of its old and new leaders. It has heavy feet and baggage and its campaign will not be as effective as in the last election. UPND has become like the statue of Daniel 2.

  80. Ackson resurfaced to come and warn HH that UPND does not belong to him to do as he pleases. The original ideal of HH replacing Mazoka is still alive. And the true members of UPND do feel betrayed that they can no.longer recognise their UPND anymore. Watch this space.

  81. Some people are so dull, ask your Hungry Harvester to explain to Zambians how he harvested during privatisation. Bad habits die hard. This is not bitterness but alerting Zambians the leaders you opt to put in place. That pastor or bishop who has joined Hungry Harvester has disappointed the clergy. He has to much lust for wealth and that’s why he has opted to go for worldly desires than preach Christianity. He failed to continue in his ministry and ditched them, he failed in his own party and ditched it, he failed as Republican vice president and was fired, he failed as an ambassador and was fired, he failed to provider leadership in MMD and you think he will add value to upnd. He has just added chilly to acid. Reaction is yours to tell.

  82. Nevers has finally given PF the outright win.
    This means that Lungu will have an easy victory, no re-run all.
    Congratulations to ECL for Nevers’s move.
    This will make many of the MMD supporters move to Pf

    I must confess that this issue has bothered me for close to a year now and I just had to get it out of my system one way or the other. Why do they oppose Edgar Chagwa Lungu so much? I am not close to any prominent politician, and so like the majority of Zambians, I don’t really have the first-hand happenings of what goes on in the corridors of power. I am basing my sentiments on what I read and hear our politicians say in the media. I was also lucky enough to secure one or two opinions from people who personally know the president.
    According to my observations, our current president has exhibited statesmanship and tolerance of a kind unlike this nation has ever seen before. Giving us a constitution within months when previous presidents…

  84. @Mauden, thats what surprises me also. I have never seen a President put the interests of Zambians 1st like the way President Lungu has done. In 1 year he has has facilitated for ordinary Zambians to access what all past presidents combined denied us or failed including the constitution, improving agriculture even during drought years, leaving governance institutions to work independently, resolving impasse between mining companies & Zambia, listening to what Zambians want, making sure vulnerable are looked after in allocation of projects, depending on God as a true Christian, etc. He stands tall as a noble statesman. I think that is the reason some people are bitter because he turned out to be the better man than they wished. God Bless and protect Zambia!

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