Friday, March 7, 2025

Nawakwi in verbal fight with ECZ Chief after FDD candidate reported late to file in papers


FDD President Edith Nawakwi(r) having an interview with the Journalists immediately after the briefing of Aspiring Presidential Candidates,Running mates and their Agents at Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka
FDD President Edith Nawakwi(r) having an interview with the
Journalists immediately after the briefing of Aspiring Presidential
Candidates,Running mates and their Agents at Intercontinental Hotel in

Opposition Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) presidential candidate Edith Nawakwi last evening stormed Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) and told off Chairperson Esau Chulu.

Ms Nawakwi who was furious over the decision by ECZ to prevent FDD Mayoral Candidates from filing in nominations because they were late arrived after 18:00hrs at the Commission in Lusaka’s Longacres area.

She fought Justice Chulu in the car park and complained that her candidates were stopped from filing despite that they had arrived 15 minutes before close of nominations. She explained that the party had to raise nomination fees for the candidates hence the delay and asked the Justice Chulu to extend the filing in period.

But Justice Chulu refused and told Ms Nawakwi to appreciate that the Commission had even reduced the nomination fees.

He mocked the opposition leader by saying the candidates should have some change after the reduction of the fees.

Ms Nawakwi was annoyed and told Justice Chulu that he was not there to serve the people but his paymasters. She charged that Justice Chulu was going to preside over shame election.

Meanwhile the MMD suffered the same fate in Mansa after also failing to file their nomination due to logistical challenges which led to the candidate arriving at the civic centre late.


    • If indeed they arrived 15 minutes before close of nominations then they should have been allowed to file their nominations. But if in fact they arrived after the deadline, then they only have themselves to blame.

    • Ba Nawakwi you’re just embarrassing yourself, it’s not like you were informed about the nomination a day before. That’s the problem of running briefcase party’s without proper structures. You’ve got no one to blame but yourself.Thís culture of being late in Zambia must come to an end.

    • They should allow them even if they are 2 days late.
      Ba Chuulu should have just told them to come on Monday and time in the days, not at night for security reasons.

    • What time did they really arrive? If the nominations where closing at 18hrs, then they should have been allowed to come in and then doors close behind them at 18:00 hrs sharp. There is this culture in the civil service to close doors because people want to knock off at a particular time. If queues are long, then people should be served especially if it’s a once off process like nominations.

  1. Eeeeeeeeee but you have the whole day to show your face only to arrive after 1800 hrs, difficult to understand mweeeeeee.

  2. Now I understand why Judge Chulu is in charge of ECZ – he seems to be a no nonsense guy. Bravo to the judge – bowing down to one can just open the floodgates to impunity – – well done!!! Shame to madam Nawakwi – she seems to be bent on challenging men all the time.

  3. I think ECZ is being fair enough. If MMD which is in alliance with PF can be refused to file who is this Husband-Snatcher to change the rules ?

    • @ Down with the Flu

      Sorry, but when you are “down with the flu”, “alliance” between current and past plunderers has suffered serious set-back.

    • @Down with flu: This habit of portraying women as prostitutes should stop. We have imprisoned our minds. This would imply that we look down on our mothers and sisters as well. PF members are so uncouth. It is so annoying that even after they LOSE, they will be integrated into the Zambian society!

  4. But where the hell were they the whole day to arrive around 18 hrs. They knew for months what the fees will be and for days what time they need to file in. And they think they can rule Zambia like that. Nawakwi should give us a break. She wants to argue all the time like a frustrated woman

    • They were raising money. Not everyone has an opportunity to dip into national coffers or to loved by business giants. Just wait. One day PF will be out of power and HH and GBM will stop bankrolling the UPND. We shall see where their money will come from. UNIP is lucky because it has massive assets which the UPND, PF and FDD dont have

  5. If they arrived late, good for them. This is lesson that one must be serious if they what to get into public office. You want to be Mayor of the capital and you turn in you papers late?. This is a non starter.

  6. Kuli “nyonya” ni ka number 1! And she wants to blame ECZ for not being punctual atase ifya bupuba fye!

  7. If I were ECZ, I would manage a portal where all candidates will register, FILE and pay required sums online or direct bank deposits.

    On the appointed day candidates at assigned times only present their respective details and proof of payment in hard copy before the ECZ chairperson and his agents. ECZ then checks that against their records and seals the nomination as official!

    That is my Zambia!

    • 2REP…this same ECZ that you accuse has changed governments and yet you complain. Is it because your party always loses? Find a winning formula instead of playing a blame game. Talema namwe…whining and whinging all the time. Grow up and plan. Don’t plan to blame someone of your failures.

    • Nsimbi – and then on the appointed day at the appointed times, they come late — then what do you do?

  8. How is arriving 15 mins before close late…its not like they were taking a flight at the airport…this is the lazy working culture in civil service will need to rid of.

  9. Is there CCTV evidence of the arrival of the candidate? It maybe the only evidence provider of who is speaking the truth between the Justice and the president.

    It will be impossible for the rest of us to know who to trust in this particular matter without CCTV video evidence.

  10. It is with deep regret that I have learnt that FIFTEEN PF thugs murdered a UPND supporter who refused to raise the PF clenched fist symbol in Chilenje yesterday. The tragedy is that neither Government (Kudos-Lungu) nor Police are doing or saying anything.

    God you who cannot be mocked. Avenge this death.

  11. Esau Chulu is too emotional to be given such a delicate and potentially explosive task.What was needed is a calm person like Mambilima or Mumba.Election House will be reduced into WWE.

  12. Nawakwi is a useless loose cannon just like Mr Donald Trump but the difference is that while the latter has more resounding supporters,Nawakwi cannot even win in her Grandmothers Chieftainicy Nawaitwika ‘s village in Nakonde where she lost last year to the Supreme Leader HH of the UPND and the President of Zambia Mr Edgar Lungu respectively…

  13. How do you come late to file your nomination papers, are you serious madam nawakwi just blame your selves. Give us a break madam. Besides you are going nowhere as a party.

  14. A party vying to Govern the country must show exemplary behaviour and arrive on time, time is very important. How will they Govern if they are forever late. Ms Nawakwi is embarrasing some of us, if your people are late you should be ashamed and not to raise so much dust. What kind of Govt would you form in an unlikely event that FDD formed Govt? Late comers shame!!!

  15. This is a sign of things to come. In opposition strongholds, people on the voting lines at 18:00 hrs will not be allowed to vote by this corrupt Chulu. He is a danger ro society just like the Airforce commander, Lt Gen Chimese who wants to drop bombs on Zambians and shoot down opposition helicopters.

  16. We are watching the Ngosa Simbyakula and John “dizzy” Phiri late for nomination saga and will see how ECZ will manouvre themselves out of this Animal farm quagmire

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