Friday, March 7, 2025

Hippos caused panic in Zambezi Plains


Hippo Lower Zambezi National park 9534
The presence of hippos in Lyondi Community of Lyamba village has caused fear and panic among fishers along the bank of the Zambezi Flood Plains in Mongu district of Western Province.

Mubika Mubika, a Mongu resident, has told ZANIS in Mongu today that the lives of villagers, who depend largely on fish for their livelihood, are at stake, forcing some to abandon fishing in the area.

Mr Mubika has since appealed to the department of National Parks and Wildlife (NPWL) for reinforcement.

Meanwhile, National Parks and Wildlife Senior Officer, Pharoad Mooonga, has advised residents not to panic as the department was doing everything possible to ensure safety of the people in the area.

Last week, a hippo attacked a cow which was grazing by the bank of the Zambezi River leaving it dead near the Lyondi fishing camp.


  1. This is crazy! How does a cow end up near where hippos are? Who is at fault here if we know very well hippos kill people, graze and swim in the water. Human wildlife conflict as people move more and more into wildlife territory. Your dull tourism minister has no clue in the sector and will not be of help unless people read things on her behalf as always. A lack of brains from management brings such problems.

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