Sunday, February 2, 2025

PF cadres attack UPND Secretariat


Vehicles damaged at the UPND secretariate
Vehicles damaged at the UPND secretariat

PF cadres this afternoon attacked the UPND secretariat in Lusaka’s Rhodespark area and destroyed vehicles parked outside.

UPND Secretary General Katuka confirmed the attacks in a statement which happened Thursday afternoon.

Mr Katuka has since strongly condemned the violent attacks on the party secretariat and the property of UPND supporters by PF cadres, following the nomination filing of President Lungu this morning.

He has appealed to the police to quickly move to arrest the guilty parties and bring them to book so that a loud and clear message is sent that those who commit a criminal act will be punished according to the law, regardless of political affiliation.

“The PF is now acting as a party in fear. Their so-called leadership must bring its cadres under control immediately. Nomination filing should be a cause for celebration, not an excuse for violence, abuse and intimidation,” Mr Katuka said.

“Such behaviour is dragging our country and its people down. It comes from a preference by the PF to focus on personal attacks and divisive issues, rather than discuss the issues; it comes from a government that does nothing to bring the perpetrators of politically motivated criminal acts to justice; and it comes from a government that keeps its people in poverty, even while it enjoys pay increases and luxury international travel.”

He said this way of governing is hurting Zambians, financially, emotionally and physically and must be fixed come 11 August 2016 by voting for an end to such behaviour.

Smashed vehicles at the UPND Secretariate
Smashed vehicles at the UPND Secretariate

Police were not immediately available for a comment.

Some of the cadres injured in the attacks
Some of the cadres injured in the attacks
A vehicle destroyed at the UPND offices
A vehicle destroyed at the UPND offices


    • The gab in knowledge, and poor underdeveloped IQ , running away from intellectual engagement. Unfortunately this is what Zambia has become after those illiterate !diots took over government under the most tribal human being on the planet..Mr. MCS-RIP.

    • MCS and PF did not impose themselves on the people but were voted in by the majority voters. Are saying all those who voted are illiterate and *****s? What is wrong with your mind set you UPND guys, and you want the same people you call *****s and illiterate to vote for your HH? Who is tribal between MCS and HH? I think HH fits the tag very well because he is the only one allowed to lead UPND simply because he is Tonga. It is event that started the who tribal talk in Zambia.


    • @Shi Mpundu

      But that is you mother’s, it is only that she is facing the other way. Surely would you dare rock with your mum?

  1. UPND never condemned their attack on a PF motorist last month. You are getting the taste of your own medicine.

    • You son of a dog, why did you think your stoning of cars near your Secretariat was sacred? You are only getting tasting your own medicine. If you do not mature more is coming to help you get civilised!!!

    • You call uncivilised behaviour and insults as weight? It is repulsive excess baggage. UPND you famous for overrating your popularity. Zambia is big my friend and the campaigns have just started. You will shocked with the happening of next days. HH will begin to panic. Just wait and see.

      If you cannot SONTA, SELATUBOMBEKO. We are busy people with practical solutions and builders of air castles.

  2. *****ss! Where is their leader in a moment like this. He will be looking the other way hoping noone puts any pressure on him

  3. This is really barbaric!! We never saw this type of violence when we were changing from one party to multi-party system of politics and yet UNIP at that time was had so much control established over 27 years of rule! How does PF with all its Ministers still in power fail to control this type of violence? How can even President Lungu be proud that he has filed his papers for re-election when the occasion is crowned with violence?? What a shame these dirty minded creatures are pouring on our nation!! The Police must do something and immediately otherwise we are going to witness a breakdown of law and order!Just a few months ago we saw the looting and destruction of shops of innocent refugees and now this!!Shameful indeed!!

    • When stoned cars at the road near your Secretariat, you thought that was good and when you get the same treatment you cry. If those who stoned cars today are dirty creatures, so are you because you have done the same. First learn to condemn your own wrong doing!

    • @4.1,Asigai, I am not a UPND or a cadre of any political party! I am a Zambian who wants to walk proud wherever I go that I have a peaceful country I call home. I cannot fail to condemn any form of violence from any party since I have grown up in a peaceful country Zambia, I have also traveled and seen how countries that have been destroyed by civil strife struggle to bring back national cohesion. So any one damaging people’s property out a difference in political ideology becomes my enemy because I cannot agree to that which can drive my country down the lane of break down of law and order with possible civil strife!! By the way two wrongs never make a right that is why we want the police to do their job and professionally!!

  4. Lawless lawless lawless! Are we heading towards a failed state? I’d really love to hear of some arrests otherwise fear will start to grip us. GOD HELP US!

  5. But why? Did the cadres not get the memo that having drawn the hugest crowd ‘ever’ at Independence stadium when launching their campaign – its official that they will lead Zambia till the world ends?…

    I am 100 per cent certain the scarcasm will be lost on the average pf cadre

  6. Barbaric whichever party you cheer for. I thought the police would be providing security at offices of the main opposition political party.

    This country is really a stinker… with this kind of barbarism it would take a century before we move forward as a civilised society.

  7. Lungu is a very dangerous man.
    He hides behind his so called humble image and prayers in the church while directing and watching his thugs unleash barbaric acts of violence in a so called democratic Zambia.

    His barbaric reign of terror should end with the ousting of PF in August.

    God bless zambia.

    • ECL is formidable craft politician. HH, and other who have teamed up with him have underrated him before and were shocked. He will prove again that he is a full fledged politician able to move the people. HH has ability and the vibrancy to move the people. He is more like a lecturer. People get bored by his monotony of hate speech. Unfortunately, his hate speech has prove contagious as his supporters have resulted to this too.

    • Kabu,
      Lungu can end this violence with one instruction, but he lets it simmer and semi boil. Markets and bus stops are PF battle zones of intimidation with citizens mindfull of what they ware or say.

  8. Please people always carry weapons and defend yourself from Edgar chakolwa kaloba Wrungu and his PANGARIANS family. When is this tea car ra in state house going to cage ifipuba finakwe.

  9. Now where are all idio.ts who praise this tea car ra in state house and always quick to condemn when the chief propaganda Frank bukala bwalwa insinuate about the Upnd being violence.

  10. Upnd antics! They smash their own vehicles then point crooked fingers at the innocent- PF has been very peaceful.

  11. I wish I was there to teach this bafi.kala unforgetable lesson and please iwe tea car ra in state house I beg you for once cage your clueless fellows of yours we are known to be a peaceful nation now iwe chakolwa kaloba Wrungu you are driving us on the edges and when we retaliate that peaceful title nation will be no more.

  12. We condemn acts of provocation, intimidation and hooliganism.
    These evils are condemned in whatever color, tribe, party, mind, manner and style in the strongest terms possible. Can the police investigate impartially please.
    Owe to y’all PF fellaz, if this is true!
    Owe to y’all UPND fellaz if this is staged.
    Now you two parties learn to be tolerant. Remember that there will always be Zambia with or without you two groupings. Both of you groupings will some day end up like UNIP or ZADECO. Hold your guns you little pieces of chickenfeed. Leave Zambia alone and Peace! Ooooooh mwanya!

    • This is so impossible to conceive. Kindly isolate the hopeless bloody suckers! This stu.pidity is perfect recipe for absolute anarchy. Imwe bafimbwi lekeni bu shetani, merciless masons. Cane both the injured and the injury causers aka perpetrators. Twakana Armageddon imwe bapompwe.

  13. Those pipo who attacked upnd are not pf it could be df, mmd the bembas says ngawafusha impali teti wi shibe imfwa uko yafuma

  14. Those could be GBMs cadres dont pretend things are ok in your house.

    They might be UPND cadres demanding a runing mate then just to find there is nobody at the secretariat.

  15. This is the true behaviour of ECL and PF cadres. PF is a violent thuggish party and ECL is very happy and comfortable among these rogues. ECL has borrowed these violent tactics to rig and win elections from Uncle Bob and should ECL win these upcoming elections u can expect more of this thuggish rule from him. ECL wrestled Pf party leadership thru violence and he will use violence to win. This thuggish behaviour by PF cadres is understandable given ECL’s own character. As they say birds of the same feathers flock together. That is ECL for u! U vote for this thuggish behaviour then u will have more of this after 11th August 2016. Lets vote out this violent and thuggish President with her Ruining Mate#

  16. Its upnd followers who started the provocation by stonning Pf cadres on Great Road today. So, you wanted Pf to just ignore your nonsense cos you are olwez cry babies and even when the President has been preaching peace everyday?? The problem is your hh who has failed to fix his running mate.lndeed, little did he know about the cartel, hence the party has been held hostage by the former Pf cartel.Was it your nominations day to come to Great Rd and throw stones???You should have been hit hard today so that you stop your silly politics, you are not bigger than Zambia???

  17. UPND cadres funded by HH attacked PF cadres on Gt East road and then raced to Rhodespark to hide note only one car is stoned in the picture…lets be civil but if its war you want we will give it to this is just about support so why provoke us and then cry police… you want us to come to your nomination day to attack u? You tell lies that we ferry supporters to show support for our President you are jut sick with envy despite the money you have pumped in numbers keep growing….

  18. If zambians vote for lungu, you can be guaranteed that he will impose himself as life president like MU7 Of uganda or mugabe.
    He is showing dictatorial traits to force his rule on zambians by cader violence and intimidation, despite claiming to have having built Zambia with the 8 billion borrowed and thinks zambians owe him a vote.

    If lungu wanted, he could end this violence with one phone call, but instead he instructs and watches while hiding behind prayers in churches.
    If he can do this in his first year, imagine the violence, intimidation and breakdown of any democracy if lungu stays another 5 years??


    • @Asigai You are the only one supporting Lungu & PF here. To sensible people, this would register that something seems wrong.
      You are obvious one of these embassy people who couldn’t care less if Zambia went up in flames today, all you care about is that you can continue to stay away from Zambia enjoying tax payers funded life. You obviously don’t like Zambia that much if all your preoccupation in life is to ensure you don’t get recalled back to Zambia. You also fail to see that the money you are living off has been earned by all citizens in Zambia including those you want beaten up and their property destroyed. People like you are a real menace to any society, God will sort you out.

  19. More likely is that the violence is between rival Upmd cadres over the adoption.of running mate. Whoever is selected by Hh will.not accept and the result is the dyonko that you have seen to day

  20. This is one reason why PF has to go. Lungu has failed. You call him a Christian when he has unleashed such a wave of terrorists acts on Zambians. I can’t understand how the so called Lusaka Pente Bishops and Apostles like Pule can support such a man and such a party. And we call ourselves a Christian nation. What is the difference between PF cadres & ISIL? And you shame on you PF cadres who are defending such acts here.

  21. I think this looks like a punch back scenario,if u can recall not so long ago,upnd had a tally recently in matero where they managed to destroy properties of the pf,non the less an eye for an eye left the whole world blind and such barberic acts puts u and I at a lose,so on behalf of the patriotic front,We apologize,what else

  22. @jo Breaker, UPND in Matero retaliated & they did not go for innocent people’s cars. Get a life but your apology is accepted though Zambians want to see justice to prevail. Lungu has brought much evil on Zambians which did not even happen under Sata. Zambians should reject Lungu

  23. We should not cry when we destroy our own properties. UPND guys were crying for a running mate and when word around that abysmal Ba GBM has been left out those who eat from him got mad and started to destroy the sekitalio yabo and not pf

  24. God who answers prayers by thunder and fire, by the blood of Jesus, HH shall excel this year and possess the gates of his adversaries and nothing shall defile, delay, or hinder him. Lord, anoint HH with the oil of gladness above his fellows. The fire of the enemy will not burn HH and team in the name of Jesus. Every satanic checkpoint mounted against HH in the heavenlies be dismantled by the word of the Lord. Every evil altar prepared against HH and team’s breakthroughs in the heavenlies, dry lands and in the sea, be dismantled by fire, in the name of Jesus. You spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies militating against HH and team’s star, I bring the hook of the Lord against you and frustrates your activities in Jesus name

  25. The UPND asked for what happened. You cannot be bold enough to challenge the masses of people that escorted ECL, from Mulungushi International Conference Centre, by hauling insults and calling the Head of state names.
    Chakolwa Haluza!
    Chakolwa uyo!
    Chakolwa this and that!
    Even patience has a limit
    Let someone teach UPND manners so that we, as brothers and sisters, can live together in harmony.

  26. Wish they had burned down the UPND premises. . . . buy 10 litres petrol from just across at Nortmead HHHHAAAA

  27. Its very clear that HH has failed to deliver UPND to the Zambians tje way Mazoka would have loved it to be. HH has had to embrace Micheal Satas team in order to get that close to Ruling. In other words, Tongas will always rely on brainy BEMBAs in order to get into power. Morelike a Bantustan-Kolwestan marriage. Its good HH knows that the hornless tonga cows like ailing Muntanga and Nkombo have just been wasting his time !


  29. It does not matter what people say but a respectable President and leader of PF should have issued a statement condemning these acts of violence and wanton destruction of property by PF cadres. By keeping quiet Lungu is condoning this thuggish behaviour and is losing votes as a result. We must vote out this thuggish President on 11th August 2016 without fail. ECL and PF must go#

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