Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PF Releases it’s long awaited 2016-2021 Manifesto


President Lungu and Vice President Inonge Wina looking at the PF 2016-2021 manifesto at the lunch of PF Campaign in the Heroes Stadium
President Lungu and Vice President Inonge Wina looking at the PF 2016-2021 manifesto at the lunch of PF Campaign in the Heroes Stadium

The ruling PF has released the long awaited 2016-2021 manifesto which sleeps out the ruling party’s vision for the next five years if they return power in the forthcoming August 11th polls.

In a statement released by his special assistant for press and public relations Amos Chanda, President Edgar Lungu said the vision and ambition of the 2016-2021 PF Manifesto focuses on reducing the cost of living for the poor majority through the increase in agricultural productivity, enhanced job creation and accelerated diversification of the economy.

The President encouraged all party functionaries to read and disseminate as widely as possible, the revised PF Manifesto 2016-2021.

“The President has explained that the platform upon which the PF is basing its message for the second term mandate will be a continuation of the pro-poor policies, it has been implementing in the last five years,” Mr. Chanda stated.

“The vision and ambition of the 2016-2021 Manifesto will focus on reducing the cost of living for the poor majority by increasing agricultural productivity, enhanced job creation and accelerated diversification of the economy.”

President Lungu also promised to vigorously direct his efforts at reducing the price of mealie meal and other essential commodities, ending load-shedding, ensuring that there is a steady supply of medicines in hospitals as well as affordable school fees for the poor masses in the country.


  1. Yaba rhetoric chabe. ZAMBIANS DESERVE THE BEST. Travel and see how other countries are performing and learn the fact that zambians deserve better. Not these jockers.

    • We will read then responsibly critique it in a sincere spirit of building and not destroying as bitter heads do. Bravo!

    • HH has already said that. Try something else. Why didn’t you do these things in the first term.

    • Read what? Usual slogans? Tell us HOW you are going to achieve what are you promising, not what functional government should do and you have miserably failed to do.
      No mention of IMF bailout? Why?

    • Where is the manifesto Lusaka Times & PF?
      Lip service of the visionless PF. 69 days left for kicking off, come 11~8, its viva UPND.
      Vote wisely, only Forwards.
      The Skeleton Key

    • Where is your Manifesto ba UPND?? The 10 point Manifesto?? Oooh my God we have a joker in opposition

    PF PANSE!!!!
    PF OUTSIDE!!!!

  3. read again…reduce the cost of living for the poor majority.. tell us how cz you know that the majority of the people are poor..

    • @Truth, the only change that will come after August 11th is UPND removing HH from being president of the party after having lost elections for the fith time.

  4. Mr. Me too is at it again. Copying the UPND manifesto from the 10 point plan.
    PF kuwayawayafye……
    Viva UPND, HH, CB, GBM, MS, MN, MM, CKS,GN,CM, SI,GLS, CS,……………………….

    • @Prophecy,wait for your president to announce who’ll be his running mate and see the reaction that will follow, then you can safely say viva GBM, CB, CKS………..otherwise kwati mwalaba armageddon mu UPND…………pwa ha ha ha ha ha!

    • Who is more elaborate? The one giving u 10 points or the one who has given you a detailed manifesto outlining how he is going to do things. HH doesnt know how gvt works that is the biggest problem u have in UPND though u pretend as if u know it all. Some of us know u well and we know HH. Your HH is just a riffraff trick star.

  5. How can a party in power copy UPND manifesto? You think the majority of voters even care whats written in a manifesto?

  6. Our president! We shall usher him into his first five year term. I so excited about this election. Watch as we usher comrade HH into his political oblivion. I mean who wants a president at a centre of Pensioner’s plight? Who is completely disconnected with reality on the ground. A political novice and dummy. We do not want pathological liars in state house or anywhere near the reigns of our country’s affairs. We shall deny chance to some chap with no political experience whatsoever because he will be someone’s stooge in statehouse With the likes of Kabimba, Scott, Sampa, Mulenga, Obvoius and other selfish characters, PF is more poised to taking victory home. Owe to haters and envious trashbugs! Nayo nayo! PF lets go! VIVA ECL!! ABASH HH!!

    • Zambians gave a chance to the convicted fraudstar lungu, but he has failed plunging us in a 6 billion US debt with a visit by IMF due. Theives

      Time for change.

  7. Our president! We shall usher him into his first five year term. I am so excited about this election. Watch as we usher comrade HH into his political oblivion. I mean who wants a president at a centre of Pensioner’s plight? Who is completely disconnected with reality on the ground. A political novice and dummy. We do not want pathological liars in state house or anywhere near the reigns of our country’s affairs. We shall deny chance to some chap with no political experience whatsoever; because he will be someone’s stooge in statehouse. With the likes of Kabimba, Scott, Sampa, Mulenga, Obvoius and other selfish characters out of Ruling party, PF is more poised to taking victory home. Owe to haters and envious trashbugs! Nayo nayo! PF lets go! VIVA ECL!! ABASH HH!!

    • Just pay civil servants on time and ask for advise in fixing the 22% inflation, you seem to be clueless.

  8. Apart from the PF manifesto being a cut and paste from the UPND Manifesto, Edgar himself has not demonstrated competence to achieve any of the things PF is talking about. A look at the key people in PF (Mumbi Phiri, Davies Chama, Chishimba Kambwili, Yamfwa Mukanga, Margaret Mwanakatwe, Chris Yaluma, etc) shows you that these are people of mediocre to average competences! They have no clue how they can even transform Misisi from the mess it is now to a decent living place for the residents of that township!

    • I totally agree with you. Amidst that mediocrity, the best PF can produce is Lungu, a drunkard and known thief, an ex convict! Then you wonder why Zambia is doing so badly! Foo.lish Zambians prefer an ex convict to a descent and morally upright person, HH

      Vote UPND, vote wisely!

  9. So that noise at the stadium was to annouce that the old grandma Inonge will be running mate…how can you reduce the cost of living when you are constantly borrowing for consumption?

    • Jay Jay, you are too smart for such comments. Are you saying road construction is consumption? Even if we want someone else to lead the country, lets acknowledge the positives the PF have scored and criticize the negatives, then we will advance as a nation. I like what HH said about the roads, he acknowledged the road infrastructure development but said if elected he would continue in a cheaper way like 40% cheaper than what the PF are doing. Men and brethren we only have one Zambia. Imagine if war broke it means those in town you can not go home to see your family again, all the houses you have built will be bombed and insurance will pay for that. Peace upon Zambia

  10. Is there am online copy or is it only for cadres? And what do you need to use a paperclip, na nga stapler kulibe?Maybe that’s why the delay…

  11. “The ruling PF has released the long awaited 2016-2021 manifesto which sleeps out the ruling party’s vision”

    Ba LT, you should fire your editor. Should “sleeps out” not read as “spells out” ?

    • No, sleeps out is exactly what Lungu and his PF will be doing!

      If this incompetent clown is elected all Zambia will get is a sleeping Government that gets their salaries for doing NOTHING BUT SLEEPING!

  12. The manifesto is one thing and implementing the other. When it comes to implementing, PF is the best at it. They have tried to follow the manifesto as close as is possible. If it were not for global failures we would have been in heaven on earth. Ask the opposition if they are not enjoying the rides around the country and the scenery of new Districts and their Hospitals, clinics and Post Offices and not to forget houses for public workers. As at now NO ONE CAN BEAT PF’s performance.

  13. We will vote for our President ECL enmass! I need to access a copy of the manifesto so that I can explain it to my larger family and friends. We need to continue the development we have seen in the last 5 years. After laying the foundation of making the country accessible through link Zambia 8,000 and pave Zambia 400.
    We need to quickly with a great sense of agency make agriculture the mainstay of our economy. We need to have foreign agro-companies partner with Zambians whenever they apply to lease our land for agribusiness, so that we can have quick transfer of skills and techonological savvy in the agribusiness as the core driver of the Zambian economy under the able leadership of my president ECL! SONTA APO WABOMBA tumone, EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU! ALUNTA CONTINUA!

  14. How is this lazy bum going to carry out the so called manifesto when the country has a debt hangover?

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