Friday, March 7, 2025

HH pledges to improve agriculture in Chama


The UPND campaign team's grand entry into Chama
The UPND campaign team’s grand entry into Chama

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has pledged to accelerate agricultural activity in Chama South in order to increase food production.

Speaking at a mammoth rally held at Chama South market in Chama District this afternoon, Mr. Hichilema said this will be done through the timely and adequate provision of farming inputs.

Mr. Hichilema said that he will apply his experience in business and agriculture to ensure farmers are properly supported to increase their yields at a lower cost.

Meanwhile, MMD President Dr Nevers Mumba has called on all MMD members across the country to begin campaigning for Mr. Hichilema as he is the one with a clear vision to deliver their economic emancipation.

UDF President Miles Sampa added that President Hakainde Hichilema will also focus on ensuring all children can access education so they have the opportunity to learn valuable skills.

Former Commerce Minister Bob Sichinga said that the PF has no credible leaders who can effectively fight poverty.

The UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has since completed his first campaign trail of Copperbelt, Northern, and Muchinga Provinces and has now left Chama District for Lusaka.

Chama residnets respond to HH's message during the   rally
Chama residnets respond to HH’s message during the rally
Dr Nevers Mumba campaign for UPND during the Chama   rally
Dr Nevers Mumba campaign for UPND during the Chama rally
Bob Sichinga addressing the crowd in Chama
Bob Sichinga addressing the crowd in Chama
The people responding to the UPND campaign messages
The people responding to the UPND campaign messages



    • You are just cheating yourself with empty hope. It will not happen. Meanwhile your fat Albert is being investigated over forged cerificates from Zimbabwe. Be careful you dull chaps and don’t take Zambians for a ride. You freemasons.

    • Not until that chimpwena is translated into actual votes..But we all can see the desire for change. Lungu is serving money, he knows he satnds no chance this fall and he would rather keep the money to himself than spend it in an election campaign, which is actually a reasonable thing to do when you know there is no good explantion for the suffering masses during your regime

  1. I see twice more hands than people in these rallies. Whilst Kachema is wasting time making wild promises and Fat Albert insulting everyone left & right center, President Lungu is delivering to the people.
    Maize floor price is now K85 from K75. More money in farmers pockets.
    HH will never be president of Zambia never.

  2. Freemason is running for Zambia’s presidency. Hakainde Hichilema is a prominent member of the District Grand Lodge of Zambia, serving under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England. Hichilema is one of a long line of African political figures: Omar and Ali Bongo, ?Denis Sassou Nguesso, Paul Biya, François Bozizé.
    Hichilema is a leading member of the Eagle Lodge #7232 part of the District Grand Lodge of Zambia (English Constitution) which is placed under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England. Zambians beware of this plot otherwise you will soon regret. If you are in doubt read about the existence of the Grand Lodge.

  3. we have no problem we are going to vote for him come august 11 2016 he is the best man for this country continue with your minion .

  4. Ifitonga you are living in your own world. If PF was not buying maize at K75 what about now at K85. PF campaing tricks can’t work now. Its too late.

  5. Its a Red revolution even if you call HH names we know its jealousy you did the same to Sata but we voted for him this 2016 its HH we want.

  6. Political prostitutes. some of these people don’t even know what they want smh. Busy jumping from one party to the other.

  7. You can insult us all you want mwe mbwa mwe. We will still usher in HH.
    Freemason or not we will give that son of Zambia the chance to steer this country back on the path of growth and prosperity and not the current celebration of mediocrity and lack of thought. By the way, Freemasonry is an offshoot of the so called christianity which also and offshoot of a Jewish cult. So what the feck is the problem? They are all descended from the same foreign religions that you rootless people so love to lap up in your thoughtlessness.

  8. Thank you my in-laws for affording the UPND campaign team a warm reception and peaceful rally. This is how it should be for any political player this year. Say what you aim to do differently and move on to the next rally, simple. Godspeed to all campaigning and may we respect and love each other as brothers.

  9. lets wait and see what God has install for our great country Zambia.stop insulting and hating one another,we are brothers and sisters! whether HH or Lungu, it’s one Zambia one Nation.lets grow up form politics of insults.Zambia belongs to God only him knows who will go through.

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