Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional Ceremony in Pictures


WARRIORS!  Dancers demonstrate how they used to kill a lion in the old days. This was during the first ever Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo  Chiefdom in Monze District
WARRIORS! Dancers demonstrate how they used to kill a lion in the old days. This was during the first ever Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo Chiefdom in Monze District
Former First Lady Dr Maureen Mwanawasa (in the Middle) being welcomed by Chieftainess Choongo’s Ngambela Tryson Hamaamba(left) to the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony
Former First Lady Dr Maureen Mwanawasa (in the Middle) being welcomed by Chieftainess Choongo’s Ngambela Tryson Hamaamba(left) to the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony
 The Host Chieftainess Choongo of the Tonga speaking people of Monze District arrives at the inaugural event , which drew 12 traditional leaders from Namwala, Choma, and Monze Districts as well as thousands of people. Samu Lya Moomba ceremony is now an  annual event to pay homage to spirits  at the shrine where former freedom fighters sued to meet to plan for the struggle for independence.
The Host Chieftainess Choongo of the Tonga speaking people of Monze District arrives at the inaugural event , which drew 12 traditional leaders from Namwala, Choma, and Monze Districts as well as thousands of people. Samu Lya Moomba ceremony is now an annual event to pay homage to spirits at the shrine where former freedom fighters sued to meet to plan for the struggle for independence.
Southern Province permanent secretary Mr Sibanze Simuchoba (right) greets Senior Chief Monze(left) while Chief Chikanta  ( seated in the middle)of Choma District and the host Chieftainess Choongo ( seated left)looks on during the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo Chiefdom
Southern Province permanent secretary Mr Sibanze Simuchoba (right) greets Senior Chief Monze(left) while Chief Chikanta ( seated in the middle)of Choma District and the host Chieftainess Choongo ( seated left)looks on during the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo Chiefdom
Former First lady Dr Maureen Mwanawasa (seated right) and veteran politician Vernon Mwaanga( seated left) follow proceedings yesterday at the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo chiefdom.
Former First lady Dr Maureen Mwanawasa (seated right) and veteran politician Vernon Mwaanga( seated left) follow proceedings yesterday at the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo chiefdom.
 Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba (right) joins people with disabilities as they entertained guests at the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony held in Choongo chiefdom
Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba (right) joins people with disabilities as they entertained guests at the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony held in Choongo chiefdom
veteran politician Vernon Mwaanga(right) who together with former First Lady Dr Maureen Mwanawasa(left)  represented the Patron of the ceremony,  United Party for National Development(UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema,  speak after they handed over  K30,000 cash donated by the patron to the organisng committee.
veteran politician Vernon Mwaanga(right) who together with former First Lady Dr Maureen Mwanawasa(left) represented the Patron of the ceremony, United Party for National Development(UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema, speak after they handed over K30,000 cash donated by the patron to the organisng committee.
Mr. Hibene Mwiinga (seated left)special economic adviser to President Edgar Lungu,  and Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba follow proceedings at the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony held yesterday in Choongo chiefdom. Government helped in the construction of shelter, among other donations.
Mr. Hibene Mwiinga (seated left)special economic adviser to President Edgar Lungu, and Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba follow proceedings at the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony held yesterday in Choongo chiefdom. Government helped in the construction of shelter, among other donations.
 Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba delivering his speech during the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo Chiefdom
Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba delivering his speech during the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo Chiefdom
Veteran politician greets Senior chief Monze (seated left) during the first Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo chiefdom held
Veteran politician greets Senior chief Monze (seated left) during the first Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo chiefdom held
ELEVEN:EATING FIRE! Acrobats entertain the crowd at the Inaugural Samu Lya Moomba held in Choongo chiefdom
ELEVEN:EATING FIRE! Acrobats entertain the crowd at the Inaugural Samu Lya Moomba held in Choongo chiefdom
 Southern Province permanent secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba(Left) presents his gifts to the host Chieftainess Choongo  during the first  Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony
Southern Province permanent secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba(Left) presents his gifts to the host Chieftainess Choongo during the first Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi Traditional Ceremony
The Samu Lya Moomba shrine where it is believed that  former freedom fighters  including  former First Republican President Kenneth, Harry Mwanga Nkumbula among several others used to meet during the struggle for independence. During his speech at the Samu Lya Moomba Traditional Ceremony yesterday, veteran politician Vernon Mwanga called on government o consider turning the place into a national heritage site.
The Samu Lya Moomba shrine where it is believed that former freedom fighters including former First Republican President Kenneth, Harry Mwanga Nkumbula among several others used to meet during the struggle for independence. During his speech at the Samu Lya Moomba Traditional Ceremony yesterday, veteran politician Vernon Mwanga called on government o consider turning the place into a national heritage site.


  1. Very nice pictures. Zambia has diverse culture and rich traditional celebrations. Under the unifying leadership of President Edgar Lungu, it’s One Zambia, One Nation. All these are our people.

    Please allow democracy to continue flourishing in our young nation.

    Kaponya (HH) don’t claim you own Southern Province.

    Maureen and VJ, how the mighty have fallen.

  2. These tradition ceremonies need to be put in a package for tourists.
    If the tour operators in Livingstone can add a visit to these ceremonies as part of their packages, you would see how tourism would flourish in Zambia.
    One Zambia, one nation!

  3. These chiefs r blind, Maureen mwanawasa & vernom r history. These r pipo u honour at a ceremony sure? Boma brings mo than 30 pin.

  4. My heart bleeds to see how Maureen mwanawasa failed to account for 1.25 million kwacha funds for people living with HIV and AIDS.

  5. @Kudos, I wonder the hell in your head – the goodness being folly cannot be recognized by the owner who carries it in his/ her head, a definition which qualifies extensively in your case. No wonder you are just a skull, the brain in you got decomposed way back to time immemorial. Kikikiki – what substance can a ghost render to the living ? Awe mwandini citele canconkonono.

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