Monday, February 24, 2025

It’s a temporal setback says Fred M’membe as he addresses his workers


Post workers had set up a temporal office outside their  locked offices on Bwimjimfum road
Post workers had set up a temporal office outside their locked offices on Bwimjimfum road

Riot police have fired teargas to disperse some Post Newspapers workers who had set up a temporal newsroom outside their premises on Bwinjimfumu road.

And Post Newspapers Editor in Chief Fred M’membe has described the closure of the newspapers as a temporal setback.

Around 14 Hours, riot police moved in and fired teargas to disperse the Post workers who had gathered since morning and set up a makeshift newsroom outside the closed offices.

Workers had to scamper in all directions after teargas was fired as they tried to secure equipment such as laptops and cameras.

Police said they resorted to firing teargas because the continued presence of Post workers outside the premises was posing a security risk to the area.

This was after some UPND cadres held a solidarity protest outside the premises denouncing the closure of the privately run newspaper.

And addressing workers this morning, Mr M’membe maintained that the closure of the Post Newspapers is politically motivated.

He urged the workers to remain strong saying he will do everything in his powers to help those facing hardships at the firm.

“There are many other tax payers in Zambia who have got many worse problems that us, they are not treated the same way. You sacrificed especially the last two years and when we came back to you, you understood. The resources of the Post do not belong to an individual, this is not a Kantemba where somebody goes and takes what has been collected for the day. I don’t take any Ngwee from the Post coffers that is not my due,” Mr M’membe said.

“Probably I have sacrificed in terms of my salary more than anybody else in the company. Money is not an issue for us. There are bigger things in life than money. We have far worse things in life than money. Off course, you can’t walk into a super market and get food without paying for it,” he said.

“We live in a money economy. If you don’t have money, your home will be dark, if you don’t have money, you won’t have access to water and you will not have access to health services and so forth. That is the only value of money for us.”

Mr M’membe added, “We never go into this undertaking to enrich ourselves.

Everything that is here is what you yourselves and everybody who have worked here sweated for. This is not a company that was started by rich people with a lot of money, no, this is a company that has been built by humble workers over a quarter of a century.”

“Take this as a temporal set back. There is no struggle without setbacks. We are revolutionaries. We have the patience but we also have the determination and courage. For now, the situation will be what it is but if they think this is victory for them, they will realise that their victory will not last longer than a candle of lasts in a storm. What appears sweet today, will soon turn sour.”

Mr M’membe continued, “Let’s keep the discipline, let’s keep the patience, we will do everything possible within our abilities to ensure that the hardships are minimised for those with hardships. What they don’t know is that we don’t run things the way they run things. You have been aware of everything and every step that has been taken in this company.”

The Post Newspaper Editor in Chief said the Post Newspaper is the country’s most democratically run company because it encourages every staff member to have a say about the running of the company.

“There is no company in this country that holds a staff meeting every month end where every worker participates, where every worker has a voice even government institutions don’t operate like that, even political parties don’t operate like that. We are a democratic organisation with very high levels of accountability,” Mr M’membe said.

He added, “They came here thinking we run companies the way they run them where they just get money and go and buy cars, they go and buy this and that. Why should they make all of you suffer for just hunting one person? I am ready to face the consequences of anything that I have done wrong. If I have done something wrong, I don’t deserve lenience, I deserve to go to prison like everybody else.”

“You as my friends and comrades, the only thing you will owe me is food on Sunday or a book to come and read. We don’t set different standards for ourselves but also it means the same treatment that other people get we should also get it and that is guaranteed to us by the constitution of this country.”
Mr M’membe said what is happening to the Post is pure discrimination.

“What is happening now is discrimination of us on the basis of our editorial policy. On the basis of our political views, our own convictions. Should we sit down our principles for convenience, no comrades, never. Even if it takes a 100 years to fight the battle we are fighting, we will fight the same way and the same tenacity.”

“We are not criminals like them. They had nothing 12 months ago, today they are very rich. They can manage to dress every tree with materials, we don’t have that type of resources and we don’t use resources that way. Whatever has come in here we have reinvested it in this undertaking and it has been equitably shared. Sometimes yes we have contributed to causes that we have believed in especially to the advancement of press freedom.”

He added, “We have gone to help others even when we have had difficulties ourselves. We have made sacrifices to help others who are in more need than ourselves. We are internationalists, we believe in solidarity but we do that not because there is a reward for us anywhere, no. We help others not because tomorrow they will help us. We have fought our battles without anybody fighting with us.”

“We have not troubled even the comrades we have helped that is not too show we shall not appreciate the solidarity of others, we do. So let’s enjoy ourselves, this is our victory. They have thrown their last arrow, we still have a few in our court.”

“It gets dark sometimes but the morning comes. Where there is a crucifixion, there is a resurrection.”

UPND cadres arrive to offer solidarity to the Post Newspapers
UPND cadres arrive to offer solidarity to the Post Newspapers
State security as Post workers continue working from outside their offices
State security as Post workers continue working from outside their offices
Post workers teargased by Zambia Police
Post workers teargased by Zambia Police
Post workers run for safety after teargas is fired by Zambia Police
Post workers run for safety after teargas is fired by Zambia Police
Post workers locked outside their offices on Bwinjimfumu road
Post workers locked outside their offices on Bwinjimfumu road
Post Newspapers editorial team working from outside their premises
Post Newspapers editorial team working from outside their premises
Police officers keep vigil as workers continue with their work
Police officers keep vigil as workers continue with their work
Police fire teargas Post workers camped outside the premises
Police fire teargas Post workers camped outside the premises


    • Ba Victor, it is “temporary” not “temporally”. As for “” temporal” it means connected to the real physical world, not spiritual matters. The word, therefore does EXIST.

    • Cant believe this. This is very, very sad for Zambia. I`m embarrassed as a Zambian and I don`t see any progressive person getting excited over this. These are tell tale signs for worse things in Zambia.

    • Yes it is a temporary setback if you pay. We know you are hoping for HH to win so that you can take another tax holiday. HH is your only hope since he is ready to write off your debt provided you campaign for him in your paper.

    • Mmembe if you cannot pay taxes then the government cannot pay for:
      1. Salaries ( which we need to buy food )
      2. Infrastructure

      Mmembe you have stolen money from your own employers by deducting { Pay As You Earn } – and yet failing to remit those funds to ZRA. Where have you taken that money?

      This has been going on for 17 years. You were given payment options, that too you failed to obliged.

      Frankly speaking you have tried to Fool Zambians and your employers for a long time. This time around most Zambians have no sympathy. SO the crying game will mean nothing.

      You are too much of yourself. You like this game of being in the limelight for nothing.

      Your are Sick, Liar, Satanic,

      Sorry the Highest Court in the land has spoken. There is only one thing you want from this…

    • Sorry the Highest Court in the land has spoken. There is only one thing you want from this. You want an Up-rise and burn down the nation.



    • @Saulos you’re such a pathetic individual with toxic hate. I wonder if you have any little space for intelect in your brains to even deserve attention however little. Your reasoning simply stinks like a skank if at all you know what it is because that’s squarely what you are. I would have called you worse save for my constraints. What a product you are of a failed creation.

    • “There is no company in this country that holds a staff meeting every month end where every worker participates, where every worker has a voice even government institutions don’t operate like that,….” WHAT A MIND SET. NO WONDER MEMBE THINKS THAT HE IS THE MOST INTELLIGENT PERSON IN ZAMBIA, GOING BY THIS REASONING.

    • The comments above are disappointing.While others are trying to impress us with their purported command of the English language others are justifying the ZRA action.Granted we all have to meet our tax obligations but watching ZRA pursuing the Post is like watching a thief trying to catch another thief.While Times Of Zambia and Daily Mail are actually subsidised by the same taxpayers complaining here,apart from not paying taxes,the police even go to the extent of using force to disperse the Post workers,whilst they will willing escort Panga wielding cadres.Our sense of values is pathetic.

    • @Victor, both Temporally and Temporal exist, although they mean different things. One refers to time-related orderliness, the other refers to the non-permanence state of things. It is important to red widely or at best inquire before you show some bewildered ignorance.

    • Ba Victor
      The word temporal exists as in the context “the temporal (time) and spatial (space) expression of the iridoid gene in the monoterpenoid indole alkaloid was measured in leaf tissue by qt-RT PCR and Northern blotting”. So you err when you attempt to correct and err in the process!

    • @ Kalok Unfortunately, you mess what you started well when you transpose READ with RED. You must be Bemba- they can’t pronounce R because the letter doesn’t exist in their! You have now left me wondering who has some bewildered ignorance!

    • Very DIFFICULT to feel sorry for Mmembe – all becoz he has tried to swindle tax-payers BY REFUISNG TO PAY BACK THE DBZ LOAN – if he had, everyone would have been in support of the Post, if as he purports, they have met their tax obligation but just remain to reconcile a few things!!

      Vote ZAMBIA FORWARD!! Vote WISELY 11/8/2016!! Vote UPND!!

      #chagwamustfall!! #PamaFikuyabebele!!

      I thank you!!

  1. This clearly demonstrates that lungu can never be removed through any democratic process, and it is time for Zambians to seriously consider an uprising.
    This uprising does not necessarily mean taking up arms as happened in the 1960s – not yet anyway – but for Zambian to take a leaf out from the so-called Arab Spring, which saw the downfall of similar longtime dictators in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.
    Zambian need to realize this fact now, and not expect some miracle to happen that will usher in a new democratic dispensation, but we need to do it ourselves.
    Nothing short of an uprising – a chachacha – will work.
    Let all Zambian go out into the streets en mass to make their voices heard clearly and unequivocally that, ‘lungu must go!’
    Let every street in lusaka, kitwe, kasama, mongu,…

    • The way forward on this issue is for the UPND to bail out The Post. Instead of crying so loudly that the paper is being victimised, the top two in the party should contribute money and pay ZRA on behalf of The Post. The fact is that the paper owes us, ordinary citizens, money in unpaid taxes. Let’s not seek public sympathy when we are found wanting.

    • @2.1 Pef, I could not have put it any better. All Govt needs, is to squeeze Tax from the fraudster Mmembe. I am shocked at the level of baseless solidarity (anarchy) from HH’s UPND. Utter nonsense to say the least. Now I know, anarchists support each other but the Government should not relent in collecting what’s due to it. It should put its foot firmly down. I would have loved a situation where Mmembe itemizes all fellow tax evaders and avail the list to Zaccheas (ZRA). I know ZRA already knows, its time to work boys! Go get that Money for mother Zambia. If ZRA is liked, then they are not doing their job!
      Almost everyone hated Zaccheas thus I don’t expect ZRA to be hugged in this ordeal either.

    • An Arab kind of uprising over The Post, then what?

      Go to Syria or Libya and tell us what you like about the state of those model countries today.

      You must be a sadist to wish that for any country.

    • Michael,
      You are high on some illegal substance. An uprising can only start if the majority are in favour not just a few people in red gear

    • Rubbish proposal! You go on the street with your children, wife and then your colleagues from Chuundu Chaitwa + GBV will join you in the lawlessness! F00lish ideas all the time from these unsuitable aspiring candidates and their supporters.
      ZP prepare and bring Kamfinsa mobile to sort these losers out!

  2. Mmembe just pay us our money ,complainng wont solve the problem,you cant steel just because others are steeling.if you pay it ll show and you ll be free in your hatred reportng.

  3. Chagwa must go .This is outrageous. You were claiming that Post owes ZRA and yet the money was paid.
    Why are you insisting to closure?Is it because the post revealed your ploy to use foreigners in voting?

    • Please use your name hamachiklas hachinyo chanhanyokha
      No dont misuse our names
      Use your inferior tonga names

  4. ZRA just revoke their licence. That’s o. How can Govt allow a company that does not pay tax to continue with publishing?

  5. I guess with all level headedness, should the Lucifer’s File pay what is due, all will be well! They will continue advertising, writing stories, abusing people, telling lies and what have you.
    If the courts of law ruled in favor of ZRA, UPND should show solidarity to the Post Newspaper. For what? Anarchy? Tax defrauding? What?
    To shame ECL, if he has influenced ZRA, just organise the funds and help Mmembe pay and let him owe you as UPND not Government, period. Let us be fair to the tax collectors. The issue of other companies owing ZRA does not arise here, for now the target is Mmembe. Get your records straight here; there is nothing political. “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s”

    • “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s”???

      Great, I agree. Let then PF start paying its dues to Post for “services rendered” up-to 2014.
      Definitely it will be sufficient to cover paltry 50-60 million.
      After all, what is 60 million compared to 1.2 billion tax arrears which are shared between Times, Daily Mail and ZNBC?
      Add to it Zamtel VAT and Excise Duty, which has not been paid for ages, and ECL will be in a position to charter real “Presidential” Jet to go again (with fellow CONVICT and pardoned “artiste” rapist) to New York and bring some PF style “sanity” to IMF!!!

  6. Unfortunately where I work Fred we hold meetings every Monday and only for those in management. Meaning that we are more Democratic than you as.sholel.

    • How??? Fred’s Post is more democratic because everyone is involved. The degree of democracy isn’t frequency of meetings but the level of participation.

  7. PF Gimmick exposed

    The closure of the Post by Edgar through ZRA was well calculated. The courts,government agencies and other people were recruited to ensure that they execute the task well.
    Some media houses were paid and people to write supporting messages.
    Sensing danger from the people and the reactions
    Edgar paid a number of people to write pro government comments on social media to create impression that every one is happy for closing the post.
    Others were paid to ensure that they fully participate on phone in program to create impression that the Zambian people are happy.
    These people are going around to ensure that no one can demonstrate against the closure.
    The plan of Edgar is to reopen the post after the elections.
    Immediately after voting, all the telephone networks…

    • edward bwalya,well said,unfortunately thats the reality on the in the usa,when a company is suspected of underpaying taxes(donald TRUMP and others)the IRS(,form of zra)sends its auditors to reconcile the disputed figures,this takes months,ZRA should have sent its auditors to the post and this issue of disputed amount would have been sorted out in a more and professional manner.yes the post owes the govt money .

  8. I have never agreed with many things Mmembe has said or done, but in a democratic country he is entitled to his views whether those views are right or wrong! Him and the Post don’t deserve this type of treatment. There are many companies in Zambia that owe much more in taxes than the Post! This is purely a Political move laundered through the judicial system to silence any form of opposing view. THIS HAS BEEN A BIG MISTAKE ON THE PART OF EDGAR LUNGU AND PF. The Post will be back and it will be stronger because we will be more sympathetic to it! I had stopped buying the paper, but now I can’t wait to start buying it!

    • @10. Socrates. I could not agree more. Our committment to freedom of speech is seen when we are willing to defend the right of those who have opposing views to be heard. Mmembe has that right. Both Edgar & Kambwili have stated publicly that they would close down the Post. It is therefore obvious that this is political, especially when you realise that there are other companies that owe 10 times more than the Post!
      And PF is not concerned about the 1,500 families that will be thrown out in the cold? There is no difference between Edgar Lungu and Rupiah Banda. RB did the same to Zambian Airways.
      Away with tin pot dictators!

  9. @Micheal
    The uprising is coming on two conditions:
    1. When he will RIG the election!
    2. When he will REFUSE to leave office!

  10. Why should the Post be treated like a sacred cow. The money owed to ZRA is for every Zambian. Knowing the firm stance taken against the Government, the Post would have kept their tax sheet clean. How do you surely start throwing stones when you know that you live in a glass house? The proportion of foolishness in the Post/M’membe has been exposed.

    • The PF leader also stated that he will go out and ensure that the debt owed by the Post Newspapers and its business partners is collected once he becomes President.

      ‘There are people in this country who are up to no good, they are denying the country taxes, what am saying to those people who are not paying taxes is that we will follow you. You will pay all the taxes. We will empower ZRA to collect as much money as possible from all the people in business. Some people have friends in Government who have been shielding them from paying taxes. Those billions should come back to the coffers of the state so that it can be used to develop this country.’

      He added, ‘This is what they are scared off and that is why they are writing lies about me. We will collect the money. They are cheating…

  11. HH’s UPND goons and stooges are dull. All I am shocked at the level of baseless solidarity (anarchy) from HH’s UPND. Utter nonsense to say the least. Now I know, anarchists support each other but the Government should not relent in collecting what’s due to it. It should put its foot firmly down. I would have loved a situation where Mmembe itemizes all fellow tax evaders and avail the list to Zaccheas (ZRA). I know ZRA already knows, its time to work boys; on your toes! Go get that Money for mother Zambia. Visit MISA also. If ZRA is liked, then they are not doing their job! I don’t expect ZRA to be hugged in this ordeal either. You want to evade Tax in USA? Ask Wesley Snipes. Google “Wesley Snipes Freed From Jail After Tax Evasion”Almost everyone hated Zaccheas thus


  12. We need a new Constitution to reduce on presidential powers. The courts now have been reduced to rubber stamp.
    PF cheated

    • The President is doing just fine; there is nothing sinister about his actions. The Supreme court has just handled this case orderly. We shall not tolerate anarchy in all departments of national affairs so that one day we can beat America economically like China and Japan. It’s corruption at the top level to allow Mmembe to operate without paying Tax. We pay tax on toilet paper and at every flush of the toilet like MCS would put it. You pay tax when you buy your girlfriend chocolate in shoprite. This is how serious and hot the issue at hand is. Let’s not waste time on talking points. Mmembe should pay taxes period.

    • Please use your name hamachiklas hachinyo chanhanyokha
      No dont misuse our names
      Use your inferior tonga names

  13. Cry our beloved Zambia. Edgar C-hikala Lungu has taken our country down a very dark path. I wonder what our so called cooperating partners are thinking when they look at the state of governance in Zambia. Sanctions of some sort are in order.

  14. Only a fool can celebrate the raid of the Post.
    PF grow up and l see the damage you are causing to the nation.We used to hear about the closure of Newspapers in Zimbabwe and now it has come here.
    You laid that your action was as a result of unpaid taxes but the truth is that post do not owe zra anything.PF zwa

  15. Why is the Chakolwa in state house so quiet because he always talks about everything if can talk about toilets in mukulumpe village,then why not talk about the post issue.

  16. What an incompetent CEO your staff are literally on the streets and you say temporary set back…he is lucky Zambians are docile; anywhere else he would be airlifted!!


    Due to unprofessional reporting and disseminating of information by Znbc TV,Radio ,Daily Mail and Times of PF to the Nation ,I announce today that I have stopped watching or buying these propagandas.

  18. PF is doing just fine; there is nothing sinister about its actions. The Supreme court delivered the ruling orderly. We shall not tolerate anarchy in all departments of national affairs and in our democracy so that one day we can beat America economically like China and Japan. It’s corruption at the top level to allow Mmembe to operate without paying Tax. We pay tax on toilet paper and at every flush of the toilet like MCS would put it. You pay tax when you buy your girlfriend chocolate in shoprite. This is how serious and hot the issue at hand is. Let’s not waste time on talking points. Mmembe should pay taxes period.

    • @22,there is a difference between NOT PAYING TAXES and BEING BACK IN taxes,am sure the latter suits the post.most companies don’t pay all the required tax remittance to zra ,they pay say 75% and owe 25% due to economic hardships that zambia is facing most companies end up in owing back taxes.lets wait and see how the game of chase unfolds in the years or months to come.

  19. For the benefit of Senior Engineer Rtd : “Temporary” is a word which is opposite in meaning to “permanent”. Whereas, “temporal” means something to do with worldly matters.

  20. Fred ! There is nothing political about failuring to pay taxes. You are lucky because our government is not tough, your Company shareholders would be in jail if its UK or USA. Read and learn how many celebrities have gone in jail for failing to pay taxes. Let any European or American say something and then will share know that they do not mean well. The amount was not acrued in 12 months. SATA compromised and you held him at ransom but LUNGU`s government wants to treat everyone equal. He is a lawyer and if you think he has stolen provide proof and not lies. He is not prepare to fear that you will black mail him. Let your Company pay or else all the companies will follow suit and you will be the first to condenm why no medicine in hospitals. Bravo ZRA

  21. How much did the government budget for tear gas this year. At the rate police is releasing this gas, it might run out. Does the tear gas also not contribute to global warming?

    • Please use your name hamachiklas hachinyo chanhanyokha
      No dont misuse our names
      Use your inferior tonga names

  22. Upnd cadres with their leader never ceases to amaze me. If Hh and his people think that what zra has done is politically motivated then it is so sad. Hh is a well educated person and a Economist who well understands the role of zra. When people say that hh wants to go into state house by all means i now understand. I also understand that he is truelly not un upright person and indeed he did take part in the shady trasaction when valuing the luanshya mines. True colours coming out why send your cadres to go and support wrong doing for the sake of just going into state house? What a shame…. so God forbid if you are voted into power you will be encouraging wrong doing? Hh as a business man who pays tax because he knows its a madate. Why shouldn’t Fred do the same? Today i stand tall…


  24. The problem with Mmembe, CEO of the Post, is that he is unable to see the many wrongs with and within himself. Most of the things in his speech are the bad things that he does. I almost thought that I was reading a description of Mmembe by another person only to wake and realise that actually it is Mmembe praising himself as usual.
    If Mmembe truly has any feelings for his workers let him be truthful with them. He cannot he mocking their poverty when he himself lives in a mansion from the sweat of his workers from our taxes. Let him pay the taxes so that his workers maintain their jobs. Triuble is Post workers are themselves brainwashed and cannot see beyond even their short noses.

  25. Post workers dont be misled by that devil, he has no.feelings for anyone least of the workers. If he loved you Mmembe would have paid the taxes, but to.him you guys are expendable. He does not look at his workers like humans, but rather as tools of production. Just look ar his speech where he clearly says that workers must continue to sacrifice for the Post, a business in which the Post workers do not have any shares at all.
    Please Freddie pay up before other creditors invade you.

  26. #Mutinta, This is a politically motivated action by one Edgar Lungu and requires political responses. You will never equal to the task. If you are a student of journalism, you will know that the PEN is mightier than the SWORD. The real loser out of this episode is Edgar Lungu and his PF. Mmembe will emerge a hero and you have equipped him to be an even more difficult hot potato for future presidents. Why fire teargas when all ZRA could have done is disassemble the equipment, sell and raise their money? It is you mentally handicapped cadres misleading Lungu into a decision other Presidents gross-over. They were sharp enough to understand how the Post has anchored itself; it is firmly grounded into citizens’ hearts as one symbol of a democratic nation. That is how government has been able…

  27. But whats the latest? Someone please that the Post has shut and collapsed. I pray for the removal.of that cancer from.our society.

    • @ Terrible- It is indeed Terrible for you. For your information, what you thought you buried in order to destroy is actually a seed.

  28. to raise money from donors. You focus on Mmembe, you lose your capacity to lead the nation. I am sorry but this is it for Lungu…you can win the battle but lose the war.

  29. So we are talking about more than 1500 jobs being affected because of the closure of the post news paper. Fred is a lawyer who should know that tax evasion is a crime and it must be discouraged. We all know taxes collected by the govt are not well used, but it important to emit so we are not found wanting. He may claim it is political due to the fact that there are many other defaulters out there. But Fred knows very well that is not a good excuse and hence the rhetoric of blaming govt. I sympathize with the post but they never balanced their books as expected!

  30. Ba UPND dont waste your time and our time trying tp provoke protests. It will.not work.
    The only thing that can save the Post is to pay up their tax dues or if the masses can rise up to protest for them. The first one is the only real solution. The second one cannot work and it is not an option at all because the masses are not really behind the Post as Mmembe likes to claim. In fact this will be proof of Mmembes popularity with the masses. The masses are behind ZRA and not behind the cartel. The masses grateful if ZRA can stand firm on this one. And I, Terrible the Righteous, member and spokesperson of the zambian masses, urge you ZRA to stand firm until we win the battle against the tax fraudsters the cartel. Can you imagine, ulupiya K14billion ulwaku DBZ alilya mambala, naku…

  31. @33 JJP, yes when we bury the Post we are planting a seed but the seed will.germinate and grow into a new responsible corporate citizen which pays its tax dues without being teargassed. The cartel headed Post will due forever. MISRIEH.

  32. @jjb im sure you are one of the irresponsible people in Zambia that invades tax! If you did you would know thst zra are just doing their work. This is not the first company that has undergone such & will definitely not be the last. You can not steal because others ate stealing. It doesn’t work like that. Im a tax payer and i know what it means to pay tax. Just advise your friend to put his house in order.

  33. Mutinta u are rights Fred u went to bed with feck new find friends remember what GBM said about your post including ka h.h and how you wrote about upnd now your wings are cripabled they can’t fly coz u forget to service your tax obligations u want blame people cause u have meetings very month childish thinking next we hear say how many times you have chicken at house just pay bwana this Edgar bwana not R.B or Ftj or sata you would easily be friend . chagwa told you that he has a big stick u thing its a joke wait more cases are coming for u keep playing to the gallery even a nyau dance knows wen to leave the stage wen every one is clapping .

  34. Yesterday told some PF minions that civil war is coming to Zambia,they refused.Now for someone with a clear mind they can tell you the meaning of these tear gas.It means war has began,time to run up & down now.Cos tomorow teargas cud be thrown at markets ,churches,shopping mall,town centres,schools etc wherever the enemy to the PF wud ve gathered.Cops throw teargas,next thing civilians will throw teargas at cops.Then before you realise,it ll be a national mayhem.Lungu might not reach the promised land Aug 11.Cos now-anything is possible.Our elders from the Kaunda error who understand what this act means ,have gone underground to sharpen their spears,they know which animal has invaded us.

    • Redbull, you 1mbecile! You have been brainwashed by HH and his mayhem and doomsday slogans. There is not going to be war in Zambia and the few *****s who will try to misbehave will be arrested and charged with treason and most of them will come out shells of who they were. Be warned all you who are losing your underpants about causing war in our beautiful country. The armed forces in this country are capable enough of stopping the GBM poorly trained militia. SO, NO WAR FOR MOTHER ZAMBIA!
      Fred M’membe, please pay your taxes, basi!

  35. And what i meant by “You cant & you ll never close the post”,is that,i know most here are grade 2 PF cadres working at Embassies Illegally without proper qualifications,The Post is a world wide officially recognised newspaper.You touch the post,you ve touched BBC,u ve touchd CNN,u ve touchd FRENCE 24, u ve touchd DEUTCHE WELLE,u ve touchd China Xinhua News.Then all these news agencies are accredited to the UN,WORLD BANK,IMF.DONORS & FUNDERS,CHINA,AMERICA & UK.And those news agencies will go to all those companies & countries & convince them to put Zambia on sanctions.You Zambians survive on Foreign Aid.then what will happen next?I leave it 2you 2answer together with your PF-watch the space

    • A failed state is one where people conduct business and fail to remit tax to govt. Meanwhile they cut paye from employees and charge vat on their product and pocket the money. That is a failed state.

  36. Even failing to pay taxes is politically motivated. Anyway it’s temporal setback cos the guys like GBM AND HH will help us. Collecting and avoiding to remit the PAYE to ZRA is also politically motivated and it’s temporary.

  37. Just a matter of time. The nail will be fixed. Zambia is becoming bad politically, economically socially… Something wrong somewhere???

  38. Zambians are fools. A thief (tax avoidance is not different from stealing) is even able to comment and justify stealing. He even calls is a setback stupid thinking. Imagine we all stop paying for services we get and taxes, what would happen. Besides taxes are just collected on behalf of GRZ it is consumers who pay the taxes and Mmeembe steals the money instaed of transmitting what he collects. DBZ 14 Billion we want it too. nothing like playing victim. And you HH after stealing from privatization you are now even supporting you fellow sot. You will never enter state house you Satanist. PAY BACK OUR TAX and you can insult the way you like since you dropped from the ass

  39. Lungu should know that such kind of monkey acrobatics will land him squarely on top of an assegai, bottom first! He will leave to regret the day he entered politics because like Chiluba, he will spend the rest of his life after the August polls shuttling between his house and the courts of law. And for a change, Zambians must make sure such behaviour is punished severely to act as a deterrent. We should never allow a situation like what happened with Rupiah Banda conniving with Judge Chinyama, or whatever he calls himself, to let Chiluba off the hook. The London judgement must be registered here, Rupiah and Chinyama must also be brought to book and Chiluba must be sentenced posthumously. Otherwise we will be starting afresh all the time while others are going forward all the timne.

    • Just tell your ***** to pay the tax baba. People are dying because thieves like the one you bootlick is stealing taxes You fool son of a bi.tch

    • That my friend is gone with Fred Mmembes manipulation.
      Mmembe use Post to create corrupt people and made money out of them. It took RB and Others to expose Fred and Zambians are now more aware about manipulations of Fred so it will not do.
      Just help contribute to Fred so that he pays taxes and tomorrow Post will be streets again

  40. Maybe the issue is about timing — but Fred must pay the taxes he owes to ZRA. If he’s a man of integrity and a law abiding citizen as he claims to be, how did he accumulate the debt to slightly above 53 million Kwacha? Again, in Fred’s rhetoric above, he assumes that the President is his enemy. He must separate issues of obligation (eg paying taxes) from his personal perceived enmity with the President. No amount of fallacies will suffice, not even an appeal to pity. He must pay the taxes. Period. Previously, Fred has defaulted particularly on an agreed payment plan with ZRA and has restrained ZRA from pouncing on him by securing restraining court orders. There is no way he can claim that he’s been treated unfairly. But if you do what is right, will you not be rewarded and applauded…

  41. Enjoyment of yesterday has turned sour according to Mmembe. So he knew that things will turn sour one day. No need to sympathize with him then because he saw it coming

  42. Indeed the post was started by Kavindele, Sanders, Mwanamwamba, etc with Fleddie appearing for meetings with a pistol..yes he was poor he didn’t have a very good car, and once bought stolen vehicles in his quest to catch up in life…but since then he has soared bought a big house, washed off the LBG tag, married, employed got trucks and failed to pay his workers….the ‘other’ people who owe tax didn’t go to court to argue their matter they are paying on time and have not disputed the monies owed…ZRA have walking possession over their assets am sure Fleddie can ask his big lawyers the ex-dpp and the ex-corp sec to explain what that blame ECL, blame Berlin..but when you sleep at night you know the truth..aluta continua Comrade

  43. The closure of the post newspaper is very unfortunate but what are the circumstances which has led to this scenario? Withholding or non remittance of any tax to the govt is an offense. Admittedly not all are tax compliant but to use it as an excuse not to remit yo own is not only wrong but criminal. Criminal in the sense that your tax could have enabled the govt to deliver services to its citizenry.
    Not remitting any tax is being very selfish because you contribute to the suffering of the people as we all know that the govt does not own industries where they produce goods and services to raise finances to run the affairs of the country except by the collection of taxes through ZRA.
    Jesus said GIVE TO CAESAR WHAT BELONGS TO CAESAR. If you don’t ,consequences will follow and is nobody’s…

  44. Ba Upnd why don’t you show solidarity to thousands of poor tenants who are being evicted on daily basis?

  45. It is really an act of condensation when your employer tells you that “money means nothing”. Mmembe should not be making such statements, it is very insensitive. Mmembe should also pay his taxes. Your employees are not responsible for paying corporate tax, you are. You have been hiding away your profits now it is time you pay up 35% of that.

  46. Redbull, those institutions you are mentioning and comparing with the Past are respectable. They have not chewed 14 billion tax payer’s money. They do NOT evade tax. They are simply NOT thieves and should not be compared to one bast.ard who is specialized at inserting his manhood in a fellow man’s sewer system.

  47. This chap is a f00lish builder. Instead of building on the truth, he builds on lies, the reason why he has come down with a big crush. You are being punished for your wickedness. No amount of whining will save you Mmembe. You are just uttering nonsense to save your face, but deep down you are seriously hurt. JUST PAY!!!

  48. Mmembe and his Post have the most useless editorial policy in Africa where every day you insult one person and call that democracy.HH is selling animals to bail you but come 11 th August, the UPND useless ideals you are selling will be buried for ever.

  49. only people with small minds can rejoice over the sale of the post. time will catch up with lungu as well

  50. Can anyone remember the Judge Chikopa commission created by Sata &Mmembe to persecute some judges perceived as enemies of the Post?

  51. Just as the Post were small minds when they rejoiced at the suffering of many innocent souls time has caught up with them

  52. People why support this guy. He went to court so that he gets protected, now he lost you say ZRA and GRZ are not good. So, Mmembe shouldn’t pay tax? Don’t forget again money he borrowed from Bank DBZ, he doesn’t want to pay. Is he someone ‘special’ please he has to respect the laws of this country, let him pay, period. All the best!

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