Tuesday, March 25, 2025

UPND launches a Documentary on HH



  1. A very touching but encouraging documentary. Zambia is on its knees at the moment however, as a people we can come back with the right leadership. Please guys lets reconsider our choices and vote for leadership that understands the problems and have a vision to move the country forward.

    • Proudly Kachema, the Original Zambian Cow Boy….A really humble man, who paved his own path through strong values cemented on hardwork…This is what PF doesnt want…because they belief in acquisition, rip offs and stealing from the front seat without work, or indeed any regards about the suffering masses, like these kids…

    • This HH make me CRY!!
      What is wrong Zambia, whats WRONG with HH, Zambia PLEASE PLEASE I beg you, vote for HH please
      I BEG YOU.

  2. It is a useless documentary. How about letting us on his secret of how he made his money. What magic is he going to use to fix the so called broken economy when he promises free education up to tertiary education and free or reduced prices of fertilizers? What hypocrisy when on one hand you are asking Government to remove subsidies on fuel while on the other you are promising free education and free fertilizers. HH has over 360 thousand herds of cattle and a major supplier of beef but he can’t demonstrate his generosity or lead by example to reduce the price of beef to allow the poor afford. In the unlikely event that HH became president of this great nation, he will change nothing because he is only interested in making profits.

    • Always about money…
      Can’t you see how he started wemwana wambwa wee? Look at his family before you embarrass your family that you NEVER done nothing for all they have done for you.
      Let YOUR Lungu make such a documentary full of ALCOHOL.
      I demand Edgar’s documentary in bars, and how he met Ba Ester. I demand it … SONTAPO Lungu, sontapo!!

  3. I don’t personally like H.H. but this documentary is spot on….However he still have a lot to do to align himself to the masses….call it petty but why not look for a short while playing football….a trouser already makes you stand out from people you want to align yourself with

    • @running mate to muliokela. I agree. However, that is hardly a reason not to vote for HH. Or is it because you are 100% perfect. Iam happy for you. You are not human. Don’t we all wish like you that HH was 100% perfect like you.

  4. Very often, the campaign ads of politicians will tell you how they are likely to govern as well. HH is the man to vote for. He will most likely deliver for Zambia–but not within the first 4 years. PF has destroyed Zambia that it may take HH two years perhaps even the first 4 years to clean PF’s mess.
    HH is the man. He will surely win this August. There is an analyis that shows that he has made significant gains in the Copperbelt and Lusaka province. That’s all he needs considering he lost the last election by a small margin. Zambia deservers better leadership than there is currently. ECL is a disgrace. How can a rich country as Zambia be so poor? It is all about leadership. ECL has shown Zambia what a normal leader should be by experiencing and observing the worsening indicies in…

  5. Has he explained what role he played in the privatization of Zambian parastatals and how much he enriched himself therefrom? If not, it is not worth watching. I will not waste my time watching the attempt to launder the tarnished image of a well-known white collar privatization criminal in HH.

    • @ zedoc, you are just ignorant about the work of investment bankers and professionals who work in the field of mergers and acquisitions and transaction advisors. Stop embarrassing yourself, HH did nothing wrong!

    • Do you know what privatisation is? If you feel so aggrieved about the role he played, why don’t you take the matter to court where your criminal judges can give you the judgment you want? You really know how to push your luck with hopeless propaganda hoping it will become true if you keep repeating it; pathetic 🙁

  6. Wonderful documentary. Rich in leadership insights and in its ability to connect with ordinary people and know exactly where to take the nation. What Zambians should now look forward to is a presidential debate between Presidential candidates. And then between presidential candidates. We hope that ECL will not chicken-out this time. ECL should and must agree to the presidential debate. It will confirm how strong he is in national affairs or more accurately, how his self-confessed lack of vision for Zambia will shine through. The professional press (which does not include ZNBC/Daily Mail/Times of Zambia) must insist on Zambians being offered a platform to see the contending if not opposite leadership skills of the leading candidates. If not, vote HH. He is more presidential material than…

  7. Shooting himself on the foot, that is characteristic of HH. And his statements and campaign material always come down to that. Trouble is that you cannot erase the printed o recorded word.


  9. Not only does he bring an infectious level of enthusiasm, he communicates, listens and cares with a wonderful sincerity and genuine desire to do good.
    I have no doubt he will make a terrific, conscientious president and work hard for the betterment of our country.
    Needless to say the Treasury will be in safe hands.

  10. Down to earth and humble.This man and his wife are 100 times richer than ECL but look at how well the connect with their grassroots.Thats what Zambia needs not akamuntu from nowhere at God chosen..HH 2016.

  11. Just watched the video. As I had expected, its either empty or copy and paste. There is no new idea for that is what every leader say they want to do, or some are already doing. Its ordinary with no new message to connect with people. And the conceptual designers and producers, no imagination at all. If this was a movie production it would be a dismal flop. Definitelly not Oscar material.

    • @Terrible,
      Your futile attempt to change the subject has been noted. The question is:- What is your answer to the points HH has raised in the documentary? Or maybe do you want somebody to re-phase the documentary into multiple choice format to help you debate point-for-point? People like you are the reason why PF looks so bad.

  12. Good message. Touches one’s roots, the heart and is very inspiring. And what’s more, the fact that none of those opposed to this documentary and points therein can give any credible counter-points only goes to confirm that this is a good message. To be honest, any hard working adult who came up the hard way, worked his/her way through school, met the love of their life, and together built their lives etc… would relate to this documentary.
    Now, let’s wait and see what PF will bring up so that we can compare point-for-point and see who resonates with the most masses.

    • @bjd
      Your futile attempt to change the subject has been noted. The question is:- What is your answer to the points HH has raised in the documentary? Or maybe do you want somebody to re-phase the documentary into multiple choice format to help you debate point-for-point? People like you are the reason why PF looks so bad.

    • I must have missed Ecl’s explanation of how he misappropriated client’s monies, please remind me???

  13. We all have a humble background and this is not a panacea to one becoming a republican President.
    Let the guy examine his soul first before he f00ling himself. Is this not the same HH who is on record of saying what good can come out of Chawama, by referring President Lungu? Anyway, he will keep it for his children. There is nothing like FIXING an economy, nowhere, you only grow it, but HOW and at WHAT EXPENSE?
    For us President Lungu is God given.

    • @ECL,
      I am sure you read HH-UPND Ten point plan. Now, kindly remind me, what is Lungu’s equivalent to the Ten point plan?

  14. Why is Jesus not mentioned. I am skeptical of anyone that speaks of God with referencing the authority of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  15. Following detailed synthesis of various commentaries during this election season, I know believe petty ethnicity and medieval tribalism is what drives much opposition to HH’s candidacy. Despite that unfortunate aspiration to that primitive rationality, Iam very happy to report that I have the best friends on both sides of this debate. A tonga friend of mine voted for Lungu last year. He argued at the time that Zambia needed leadership continuity in Lungu, as it was importantant for “a seeming wonderful on-paper vision” that the late Sata (RIP) had. Meanwhile, my bemba friend had voted for HH at the time, saying that HH had the “best leadership brains” (HH lost that election).
    Turn to 2016: My tonga friend now has terrible remorse because Lungu has failed to deliver on Sata’s…

  16. I don t have any political affiliation and I admit not having sufficient reason on why I should criticize HH, except heavy brainwashing from @Kudos, which I never succumbed to anyway.
    This documentary has helped a lot frame what HH is and indeed make me think this time he is the right person to lead Zambia.
    HH thanks, very inspirational documentary, love the way you connect to ordinary Zambian life despite you being rich.
    I am sure ECL is preparing something similar related to his life in chawama or misisi compound.
    Well done HH. Let you WIN come August 11th.

    • ECL was born in Ndola and grew up in Kitwe. He is not from Chawama, in fact HH is the one with a more humble background before he stole money from the mines.

  17. SORRY BANE.. He is not fit to rule zambia. Retirem,ents awaits him next month. This is true. Hew wont have enough votes to rule. Even if he was given 1 year…..still the same.
    All supporters of HH, please hard luck. STOP BEATERNESS… you will see the real route to State house. For Now forget. Goodbye…

  18. Do not be overly preposterous or gullible. Both HH and Edgar have moral issues they wish will just go away but are not going anywhere — HH for overreaching and using his privatisation connections to enrich himself and Edgar for betraying his client’s trust and squandering money put under his care. Of course in the typical and non-critical Zambian way we can all choose to ignore these facts but that cannot alter the truth that the two have very big integrity issues hanging over their heads. In a decent and more discerning society both would be kept at bay and very clear of even the remotest of possibilities of either taking over the reins of power of a country. It’s a choice between progressive simplicity or regressive oversimplification. But if you really look at the state of Zambia…

  19. But if you really look at the state of Zambia today it is clear that we get the leaders we deserve – cunning, corrupt, thiefs and complete frauds. Our leaders are drawn from amongst us and do not come from Mars.

  20. 00:33
    I like the attitude of “hh is God send”. In Zambia common sense is not common, we let tribalism be cloud our minds, to a point that people like ‘engle eye’ can not tell what is right or wrong for this country. Zambia, like Israel rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, we are about to reject the one man blessed with vision & leadership to turn the fortunes of this country around. God is not a tribalist, when He gives leadership wisdom he will put it in some one from a tribe you don’t like, so that your own tribalism will destroy you. Like precious stones not picked every where, so does true leaders not picked any how. Only humble hearts saw Jesus as the Lord, coz they were patient enough to listen & found out He was the one waited for. Those who listen without a proud tribal heart they can…

  21. Nò matter the amount of deceit HH churns out, Zambians are already decided to teach UPND a big lesson in August. There is a lot that this documentary has not brought to the fore, that to me is deceit. Viva ECL, Viva PF.

    • @ Nikambeko: In fact its only you who has been left in the past. All Zambians are behind UPND and HH. A man of vision and he has genuine love for Zambians. And the “sonta apo wabomba” actually is meant for parties like UNIP, MMD who have already been in power. As for HH, he is spared in this and everyone out there can believe with me because the UPND has never been in power before for it to sonta. So, shame on all of you who talk of “sonta” on HH. God bless HH, Viva UPND! Viva supporters of UPND.

  22. this is so good for mother Zambia. we need substance and not rhetoric and politicking. thanks hh for this humble piece. very inspiring to be reminded that hard work pays and will continue to pay.

  23. HH has one of the worst team ever to run the affairs of the country, and himself lacks the competencies such as responsibility, accountability, integrity and love that are needed to lead Zambians. Please add to the documentary the bringing down of PF billboards by UPND thugs. Viva ECL, Viva PF.

  24. Brilliant documentary, humble and beautiful wife, lovely children, very comfortable with village lifestyle, a young couple with much to offer, sober, non-alcoholic, sound christian and traceable congregation/denomination, a clear timeline and pathway of education and success, a good guy and a fella that I am voting for with little hesitation and much pride! Thanks LT for sharing this.

  25. This is an informative and inspiring documentary on HH . At this stage of devt Zambia needs good leadership and HH will fill the void and take our country forward. HH has a vision and Is passionate about what needs to be done to turnaround the Zambian economy. Those who keep on raising the privatisation issue need to know that the mines which were privatised 20 years ago were wholly owned by govt. It was the owner of the mines who sold them at a price and banked the money. HH was an employee of an Audit Firm which was contracted to give Financial Advisory Services by the Zambia Privatization Agency(ZPA). Its up to Govt and ZPA to say how much they sold the mines for. Govt have the records on this. If HH stole money from privatisation why is it that the Zambian govt or ZPA never got HH…

  26. Socrates & Towan what about the BP employees who were retrenched where is their money which is in HH’s company why hasn’t he paid them? Actually he is still refusing to pay them even when the Court has ruled in their favour. Such kind of person should not be trusted with the national money, kawalala period.

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