Saturday, March 29, 2025

Frank Bwalya urges Vernon Mwanga to stop rumour mongering


Frank Bwalya
Frank Bwalya

PF Deputy Spokesperson Frank Bwalya has called on veteran politician Vernon Mwanga to stop rumour mongering and start behaving like the respected states Man he should be.

Commenting on the statement by the veteran politician who accused the PF of not observing the suspension of campaigns in Lusaka as they have been seen moving in branded vehicles Mr Bwalya said Dr Mwanga has reduced himself to a rumour monger as there is no truth in his statement.

He said the PF was obedient to their leaders and that they respect state institutions hence have not ignored the suspension but we’re effecting the suspension of campaigns in the respected places.

He explained that the members of PF who are using branded cars are just moving from home to work and back home and not using them as insinuated by the former Information Minister.

“We are very very disappointed with Dr Mwanga who is supposed to pass the test of a States Man, a seasoned politician should reduce himself to a rumour monger. He has reduced himself to a rumour monger because there is no truth in the statement that PF has been campaigning and the ECZ has been doing nothing.

“We would like to urge Dr Mwanga to stop this unbecoming behavior of rumour mongering. We know he is supporting the opposition UPND but even then we urge him to be truthful and to be objective let him contribute to our politics and to public discourse objectively,” he said.


  1. Judge Chulu has said so. Unless you are saying that VJ told Judge Chulu that the PF has abrogated the ban as branded campaign vehicles have been seen moving around.

  2. FRANK BWALYA, YOU EVIL EXCOMMUNICATED PRIEST, YOU ARE THE ONE FUELING THE FIRE OF VIOLENCE IN OUR COUNTRY. i hope ecl has room on his jet for you when he flees this country because flee he will and we will hunt him down and you included amongst many and mumbi phiri to name but a few. did you honestly at one time hold and read the holy bible you miserable adder.

  3. Ati they just use them for moving from work to home, how dull can u be? The ECZ was plain and clear, “all branded vehicles should be parked”.

  4. UPND went to the funeral of the late MAPENZI with pall bearers wearing party REGALLIA which is NOT allowed in these few days in Lusaka. SO mulabilanji mweo

  5. A-Walya (ex Priest)…I am mauless (speechless)…wow…You surely don’t believe the excuse you have just used?? Lets leave it there.

  6. …..using branded cars are just moving from home to work and back home and not using them as insinuated “by the former Information Minister.”

    Who believes this sh*t? Only Bwalya himself, or a few dull PF. Come on, is this guy serious? He could have done better not uttering such rubbish.
    Ba PF mwamona, ba spokesman banu balibe nzelu. Which Zambians are stupid to believe this?

    Zambians are smarter

  7. This guy from RSA is full of it! Take it easy, you may have a heart attack! The people you support can never be elected and will be divided after they lose next month.

  8. VJ because his plan to rig in Southern Province have been exposed. As chief rigger he thought he would do what he did during 2015 by elction

  9. VJ is frustrated because his plan to take HH to state houseb through rigging in Southern Province have been exposed. As chief rigger he thought he would do what he did during 2015 by election

  10. Frank Bwalya is unhappy with VJ becoz he was the first to expose the Election Rigging thru the printing of ballot papers in Dubai. After the plan to print extra and premarked ballots by Al Ghurair of Dubai was exposed rumour has it that those extra and premarked ballots are now being printed in Uganda. All eyes are on ECZ to see how these ballots will be secretly shipped into Zambia and stuffed in our Ballot Boxes. Walls have eyes and eyes!

  11. What do you expect from a crook who runs away from the church for a political benefit? Bwalya Remember zambians are not fools, it’s just recently you publicly killed chicken for the late sata, but when he refused to dance to your tune insulted and referred to him as chimbwu mushololya. Just wait

  12. This chaotic Venomous Mwanga has outlived his political usefulness. He must be a bitter old UPNDestruction goon bent at nothing but finished ego of alarming the nation by means of spreading falsehood and malicious rumours in his old age. Venom kindly STFU.

  13. From my observation, what apparently clear in the PF camp is that, there are numerous mentally retards or sick people whose reasoning base is becoming shallower and shallower by the day. Honestly, only a blind person can believe the excommunicated Priest’ s statement which is nothing but a lie. What has happened to your brains of late gentlemen, do you really believe what you say ?
    Ba BF, God is watching you and all the lies which you have shall dry up soon. Naimwe mwe ba supporta ubupuba muleke because Zambia is bigger than you.

  14. Cadres calm the fck down.It is a weekend,just secure your voter’s card in the wallet.11th August is near and your vote is secret.This is total nonsense you are arguing about.Your selfsame fellow cadres are in power and you know what they are capable of.Sipping my brand on the rocks since I know that life is too short to stress about branded vehicles.Then I will hit a strip joint.
    Thank you lazy bu3ms

  15. I saw different 3 cars in Lusaka with the “ECL 2016” number plate yesterday. If the was an accident involved with one of these cars, they would be difficult to trace! What is RATSA doing about this blatant breach of the law??????

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