Friday, March 14, 2025

We’ll modernize Mpulungu habour- Chikwanda


Minister of Finance Alexander Chikwanda says the modernization of Mpulungu port into an economic hub will help promote free and efficient movements of goods and services.

Mr Chikwanda said this during his tour of Mpulungu port in Northern Province.

He said government is working at improve water transport because it is not only a cheaper form of transport but can also be used as a mode to increase business due to cargo movement across countries within the Great Lakes Region.

And Mpulungu Harbour Corporation Limited Manager Davis Kaluba said the port has already received equipment worth 3.7 million United States dollars for the transformation of the harbour.

Mr Kaluba said that consultants are already in Mpulungu to do detailed engineering designs and feasibility studies at the harbour.

He said the in the next nine months, Mpulungu port will be upgraded to international standards with a passenger terminal.

Mr Kaluba further said Mpulungu Harbour has over the years enjoyed competitive advantage over other ports in the region because of the good road network leading to the port and its proximity to the Tanzania-Zambia Railways -TAZARA.


  1. why NOW and not before – all these people using what is rightfully the peoples for political expediency. this should have been dome many years ago, but NO the money had to go into your pockets first. so nauseating

    • @mypoint This man Chikwanda has been saying this and other things from 1964 (or thereabouts when he was a minister). he has chewed from every Government (KK- many portfolios), FTJ (Chief of Staff), LPM (never took him in), RB (bugger was in Government with him), MCS (claimed to be an uncle), ECL (now says he is the “god father). Only government Chikwanda wont scrounge from is HH. As much as HH is for another day! Lets get rid of these scroungers!

  2. Less than a month to a general election, lets show Zambians we are working. Kindly learn from your E.African counterparts.

  3. How can engineers be carrying out feasibility studies and design when the equipment has already been bought? Something does not make sense. Is that how projects are carried out in Zambia?

  4. Alex Chikwanda has looted Treasury dry with Lungu his boss. Chikwanda is desperate to have Lungu re-elected so that his back is covered and his looted wealth remain concealed. A new govt will find a broke Treasury and open a can of worms.This fossil called Alex Chikwanda has made money and facilitated massive looting of govt money from Eurobond loans to Road contracts. The only way to stop this looting is to vote out this corrupt Lungu govt and its illegal Ministers. Forward with HH & UPND.

  5. This is ukusabaila beyond ukusabaila! It’s like getting a black magicians hat and pulling out a card and reading to the audience. How many things have they talked about infrastructure and superstructure? We are so dizzy from being hit left and right we don’t know what they are going to come up with. Reminds me of a thief being caught and they are so scared and will say anything and everything so they don’t go to jail hoping someone will believe them. PF enough already! You had all this time and now that the end of times is near you’re come up with gibberish. We know it was tough for you but you have to go. Your time is up.

  6. This OLD Dinosaur had all the time to do what he hasn’t done AND he is one of the known thieves that brought the Economy to its knees through heavy borrowing and outright stealing.
    Yell him to lick our! That St.upid OLD man.

  7. I am PF supporter I have always questioned why the old man is still in power…..survived almost all the regime

  8. These guys have a vision and are hard-working! God bless them. They have developed Zambia in few years! Please give them another mandate and do let cut it short and give the plunderers chance to sell Zambia!

  9. Now I see that this government is a useless govenment. How can you say that we want to midernised the port of mpulungu and in the actual sense you dont know where the imports and exports will be coming from. you dont know you dont know what determine the movements of goods from point A to point B is demand and supply of goods heee pumbafu. look the Nakonde Border post the way it operates nowadays after spending corroso some of money to construct the border post at the end of day it collects almost zero tax , reason being poor governance you only need to go so that we bring expatriets HH + GBM

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