Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Chingola woman poisons son and herself after a quarrel with her lover



A 32 year old housewife of Nchanga South in Chingola has allegedly poisoned her nine year old son by giving him an insecticide after she allegedly quarreled with her lover.

The woman identified as Melissa Neiman had also poisoned herself but she did not die.

Copperbelt province commissioner of police Charity Katanga has told Mwebantu in an interview that the incident occurred on Saturday,16th July, 2016 around 15.00 hours at house number 33,2nd Street, in Nchanga South.

Mrs Katanga said Neiman is admitted to Nchanga South hospital where she is currently receiving treatment.

She said Neiman was in a stable condition, and that police were guarding her hospital bed as they await to charge her.

“This woman is said to have picked a quarrel with her lover, who is not the father of her child, hence, she decided to kill herself and her son, by way of consuming some kind of insecticide. But as fate would have it, she survived the incident, but her son died instead.

She is currently admitted to Nchanga South hospital and she is being guarded by police who are waiting to slap an appropriate charge on her,” Mrs Katanga said.

She said Neiman had not been formally charged and arrested as she was brought to the hospital in a semi conscious state, but that police had instituted investigations in to the matter.



    • Mwe Lungu…. if women are been undressed, rapping in public, shot and later a blame game erupt… when a country has a woman vice-president.
      What is Inonge for? Why such a woman would decide take her own life, and worse her own son. That son would have been a better minister than colored Lubinda.
      No inspiration under PF. Mapenzi!!

  1. LT please teach your journalists to write clear and concise English. This story is confusing. You wrote “A 32 year old housewife of Nchanga South in Chingola has allegedly poisoned her nine year old son by giving him an insecticide after she allegedly quarreled with her lover.”
    If she is a house wife, say something about her husband. Are they on separation. A house wife cannot a lover unless she is cheating on her husband..
    Condolences for the child and his family.

  2. The number one action by police is waiting to slap charges??????? What has your investigation revealed if any was done? Zambia awa kuwayawaya fye. Iye ubu fontini. This attitude to instill fear rather dialogue and understanding by Zambia police is pathetic. Get in the accused mind professionally, learn something from the case, build your case and then prosecute if so.

  3. The Punishment of living with this will be worse than if she was dead. She will have to live with the Burden of it on earth and the wrath of it from God. Sorry for the Son and MHSRIP….was the affair worth sacrificing herself and that of her innocent child. Extremely narcissistic person.

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