Monday, February 24, 2025

IBA shuts down Muvi TV, Komboni Radio and Itezhi Tezhi Radio


The Independent Broadcasting Authority has with immediate effect suspended broadcasting licences for Muvi TV, Komboni Radio and Itezhi Tezhi Radio.

According to a statement from IBA Chairman Brigadier Justin Mutale, the IBA board met this morning and resolved to withdraw licences for the three independent media houses.

Brigadier General Justin Mutale said the decision follows the unprofessional conduct in which the three stations have conducted themselves in the recent past, which has posed a risk to national peace and security.

He said the suspension has been under Section 29 (1) (ii) of the IBA Amendment Act of 2010 which prescribes that the Board may cancel broadcasting licence if the cancelation is necessary in the interest of peace and security, welfare or good order.

Brigadier General Justin Mutale said the Authority has observed that before, during and after the August 11 2016 elections, Muvi TV, Komboni Radio and Itezhi Tezhi Radio have been conducting themselves in an unprofessional manner contrary to the provisions of the IBA Act.

“It has therefore become necessary to suspend the licences of the three stations in public interest,” Brigadier General Mutale said.

He said the stations have 30 days in which to appeal the decision of the Board as provided for in the IBA Amendment Act of 2010.

Brigadier General Mutale warned that the Authority will not hesitate to take decisive action against any broadcaster found to be unprofessional in their broadcast.


    • Anyway, not surprising considering that Gen. Mutale is the husband to Liya Nawa Mutale leader of Christians for Lungu.

    • Why is lungu trying to silence everyone now if he is that humble? PF and lungu claim to have won in 7 provinces and UPND won only in 3 provinces, simple mathematics says lungu should have won by 65% to 70% not 50.35%,,,,,, why is he scared now???


    • National security comes at a price. Democracy does not give absolute freedom to inimical acts. Go ask John Edgar Hoover at his Grave site in the USA. Otherwise, the black panthers and KKK could have each reigned in their time.

    • Sky FM is in monze, in Tonga land and it has not been closed. Why? its because they are objective and balanced in their coverage and reporting. Cadres at Muvi and Komboni were so excited leading to the elections, no one knows what they were promised. Radios have a lot of followings hence need for their workers and editors to be sober and not let politics enter their heads.

    • @Senior Citizen

      As the context is broadcast one would appreciate that in the US Fox News which is heavily GOP weighted is not banned when democrats are in power. Intolerance has more to do with national security than this status quo.

      On a lighter note, Zambia showed plenty of love and gave a broadcast platform to Mike Tabor, whom if you were unaware, was a Black Panther.

    • Wow wow Muvi TV??? Just for hosting presidential debates without Ex- president Edgar?
      The Post
      Muvi TV
      Komboni radio
      We pray they will spare us LT. So guys we all have to be ready to say goodbye to each other.

    • I can also cite one incident where nubile tv lied. You see,when there were burning of tyres in choma they picked that occurrence and purported that unza students did it and blocked great east road which was a total lie as nothing of that sort happened here. I was so shocked to say the least.

    • Muvi TV broadcasted that Unza Students have protested the re-election of Edgar Lungu and televised old riot clips, that was mis-informing the nation,ever since the election results were announced no tyres have been burnt on great east road.We had to counter-react to such Unethical reporting with Videos and pictures of the jubilation that took place in unza by submitting to the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation.
      They earlier broadcasted that ECZ has cut 8000 votes from a constituency in Lundazhi when it wasn’t true and many other it’s License has been suspended..dear Muvi TV who is to blame for your fate?
      You are dividing the nation and may God humble you more.?

    • Weak Soldiers in zambia do you have bolls.Why mulindwi mu fola zamahala.this Lungu will be Idia amin soon.Zambians watch out you and your children will pay heavely if dont do something soon.Even you Bembas you will be affected because what Lungu is doing is like HIV and AIDS all will be affected.

    • Really laughable and some docile empty tin was saying Lazy Lungu is very humble did you not see him kneeling in that Catholic Church…yet he is trying by all means to shut down communication to his people.
      What a sad little man he is!!

    • If you become unethical as broadcasting entity that uses PUBLIC AIRWAVES to spread hate and division, you absolutely deserve to be closed. Ethics in NEWS MEDIA is critical. Closing of unethical media is NOT unique to Zambia, or Africa as a whole. Ask Rupert Murdoch what happened to his UNETHICAL, Sun Times (I think was the name of the Tabloid) in Britain.

      The moment a News Outlet loses its focus and start fabricating NEWS, they lose the PRIVILEGE of using Public Airwaves to profit from falsehoods and untruths. In fact here in America, there is still certain things/words you can’t say/do on TV or Radio. Or you risk a huge fine or suspension by the FCC. Democracy and freedom of speech doesn’t mean “absolute freedom” to say or do whatever you wish on TV or Radio—it comes with some…

    • It seems like we are now living in a totalitarian State. And it doesn’t even matter what Party you belong to. This is nothing but pure persecution and harassment of the Zambian media. Why are they infringing on the freedom of the press with impunity like this? We gave them a benefit of doubt with the POST newspaper, but now this is going way too far, and should be condemned by all Zambians who believe in freedom of the press. The muzzling of the press leads to unbridled violation of human and civil rights, the thriving of corruption , and is detrimental to the growth of democracy. This is completely unacceptable. Again, like I said in another post, the private news companies don’t have an obligation to be impartial in their broadcasting. In the USA, FOX news is conservative and leans…

    • (Continued) … towards the Republican Party. CNN is midway, and MSNBC is liberal and thus leans towards the Democratic Party. But nobody talks about having their licenses suspended for that. Even if there is a violation of certain guidelines stipulated by IBA, if proven, a fine should be enough. But suspension or revoking of licenses is detrimental to our young democracy and only serves the interests of the ruling regime. If anyone feels unfairly treated, slandered or libeled by a news company the courts are there for that. The State should not control what private media companies broadcast —unless they are peddling nudity, profanity or directly inciting violence. Even then, they should just be fined and warned. Millions of Zambians, within the country and outside Zambia, depend on…

    • if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is put in cold water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of threats that rise gradually.

      Yesterday it was Post which was closed. Today its Muvi tv & Komboni radio but people still can’t see Lungu’s dictatorial tendencies.

      Next week HH & GBM will be under house arrest. Then all political parties will be banned & we’ll have a dictator whilst PFools cheer on.

      Lungu is the dullest lawyer zambia has ever witnessed & his days are numbered. No wonder no almost all SADC presidents have not congratulated him.

    • (Continued)… especially MUVI TV news dissemination. Just because they mistakenly played a wrong clip doesn’t mean they should lose their license. Even bigger International news outlets make such mistakes every now and then. As long as they retract, and apologize, that should be enough and they should be allowed to continue.


    • It is sad to see our country take this route of media oppression. IBA you should have warned these institutions and reminded them of the code of conduct. The timely is not right, yes this country needs direction, but not traits of dictatorship. Any country held under oppressive leadership style is always a problem deferred for the future generation who will not understand the genesis of their trouble. IBA do reflect on these decisions properly and do the correct thing. You are sending a lot of negative energy which may be equal or more than that which you may have detected in MUVI TV and Combine Radio. Zambians remain peaceful and loving one another at this very difficult page of our national history.

    • We told you ba fikala, this is the lungu you keep saying ifintu ni lungu an *****tii dictactor, what a failed people, what a failed country!

    • This is very good. These media people like the post and muvi are very selfish! They know what they say and write has the possibility of causing a war in ZAMBIA. All they want is power. I’m personally relieved this has happened at a time like now.

    • There is truthful news elsewhere including the post. That reminds me, why not suspend the post as well who are operating illegally.

    • You say to truth brother.We will end up like Zimbabwe getting financial aid from China,North Korea,Russia and Saudi Arabia.

  1. IBA has shut down stations which gave a balanced coverage unlike ZNBC which was for PF. So IBA is an extension of PF and this is what is currently dividing the Nation but a day is comming when PF shall need Movi tv.

  2. What wrong has these broadcasters done? ZNBC and National daily must be suspended as well, in fact they were the most unprofessional ones. This government is just finding ways to shut every true voice. MUVITV broadicasted what was taking place. This PF will rig every thing but will see if they are gonna rig the economy too. its so sad.

  3. Why is lungu trying to silence everyone now if he is that humble? PF and lungu claim to have won in 7 provinces and UPND won only in 3 provinces, simple mathematics says lungu should have won by 65% to 70% not 50.35%,,,,,, why is he scared now???

  4. Sigh. The dark ages. I suppose state controlled media with its fanatical reverence to ED is the limit of freedom of speech. Animal farm. Once upon a time our ancestors were kept uninformed, they still found a way to communicate. How does one even sit and listen to state controlled reverence without ever feeling shame…

  5. Now the Sh!t has hit the ceiling in Zambia. Lungu will stop at nothing to remain at state house. Supressing the media is a clear sign of a failed dictator-leadership. God help us.

    • Hehehehe what a joke and how do you think Zimbabwe, Burundi and like countries got into situations they are in ? it is when you start accepting such things they all add up to Monsters we create in Africa. All monsters in Africa are created by the People and your comment is a classic example >>> you are always deceived to believe you are preserving Peace. We have created our own problems. Worshiping Leaders and exalting them

  6. Surely, surely where is this country heading to now? In this era honestly? Are people trying other people’s patience now? What wrong has MUVI TV done? They should close ZNBC instead of MUVI TV. I feel ashamed of being Zambian today?

  7. No free press = Dictatorship.

    First it was the Post, now the three stations. Next it’s your individual freedom. The axe that has fallen on the media, will surely amputate your.

  8. Unbelievable… and ZNBC is still standing? Just look at the abuse which went on at ZNBC these past 3 months. I am PF myself but was totally appalled on how we treated our opponents in the UPND. I cant believe the ZNBC is still standing and MUVI is suspended. I am shaking my head in complete shock.

  9. I feel this move is a very welcome although it has been long overdue. Muvi Tv was following ZNBC’s political stance forgetting that they were abrogating some media principals.

    • You cant see me,Lungu came and get some.We shall give you some sweets soon.You are pushing your luck too far.

  10. The Post warned that the bells tolling on them will one day toll on everybody. When a brick is thrown, it can fall on anyone. One Zambia One Z.N.B.C.

    I have now confirmed that the closure of the Post was not as a result of taxes. But Lungu you are sliding on thin ice. I know you are very angry. To clamp down on these stations so that they stop reporting on the presidential petition.

    All the presidential debates where he failed to appear etc are now being manifest in the TV stations.

  11. These Tonga jokers here are saying the instigators needed a warning or a second chance? These are serious matters that needed to be addressed! I would like people like Nevers to be charged too. It is about time those Barotse activists are joined by the Under 5 group and tribalists of Namwala, Lukulu and Choma. If Dog Watchers in Zambia are also involved, they must be shut down.

    • @recruit History can repeat its self.when Shaka the Zulu become too anoyed and killed many people because of the death of his mother ,it took only one person his brother to silence him.Only one bullet will make a difference they will peace in zambia soon.

  12. Zambian please don’t complain because all those who had good analysis at time pf was formed saw this coming. Pf was formed out frustration to divide mmd and make the country ungovernable by mwanawasa. Watch it grow countrymen

  13. I cannot believe some Zambians are supporting such as dictatorial move. We are a democracy with plural parties. We are not in UNIP era. Let us be reasonable people. We need to think about our kids and how we lead in African in terms of governance. Please let us condemn such acts.

  14. What happening in Zambia? Are going to live this way? I can’t believe it. You elected Lungu. Sorry to say that the above institutions are better than ZNBC

  15. Don’t talk about MCS. He did well towards the end and never intended things to be like this. He became a good man (MHSRP). This government is self-made. No links to Sata. Guy Scott read between the lines and knew this character. We need to preserve peace.



  18. Good move by IBA! These stations started abrogating the contractual tern and thought they were bigger than everyone else. Don’t reinstate them because Zambia is not short of news channels for education, development and intertainment.
    The problem especially Muvi TV is that it forget its audience and started serving those with stolen money from privatisation, chaps like HH and Kabondo (now deflected GBM). The next one to go radio phoenix if ti continues being ant Zambian.

  19. I live abroad, but was surprised on some news pieces I saw on muvi tv. I am not surprised ghetto are closed. The only conclusion I could make is that muvi is being funded by upnd.

    • I don’t think you watched Muvi that often … Honestly! Be truthful … You remind me of the numbers that still match the streets of Zimbabwe and still applaud Mugabe for the nonsense he is putting them through … Yaba Munthu wofipa ali Bwanji Kansi??

  20. The level of misconduct in this country is getting out hand. It is important the president puts his foot down. Those who think they can act outside their jurisdictions must realize sooner than later that the president wields a lot of authority. Some of the reporting is planting seeds of hatred, discontent and division. The government needs to act now and very fast. We must not go beyond the “irreversible point”. Please also turn to social media.

  21. Imwe ba Ndobo ans your fellow UPND cadres, don’t judge President Lungu’s governance from the way that HH would have governed Zambia if he were president. Lungu is a humble democrat and allows institutions to operate within the law. If they break the law they will be punished and Lungu has nothing to do with that. Dunderheads and dictators cannot understand this because their HH would have acted exactly the way they think – dictatorial.

  22. Muvi TV has been televising lies, just today they broadcast total lies that 8000 votes have been removed from ECL, is it true. So why should IBA allow muti tv to divide the nation. This is how Rwanda genocide started, read and find out how Rwanda genocide started.

  23. Unfortunately you cannot rule an African country without some sort of dictatorial tendencies….i visited Lilongwe in Malawi when Kamuzu Banda (MHSRIP) was still the President…the country was so peaceful and we’ll organised…Lilongwe used to be nice and very clean with plenty of food for its citizens…Kandondo supermarkets etc…i went to Lilongwe again last year…wow wow wow….poverty is the name of democracy I guess……just like countries like Egypt….Egyptians never used to fight for pita bread when Hosni Mubarak and Field Marshall Mohammad Tantawi were in control..ok go to Alexandria today and see how egyptians are suffering…in the name of democracy I guess and go visit Kigali and see what Kagame is doing…the man has transformed his country with his…

  24. Continued
    Kagame has transformed his country with his dictatorial tendencies….Business is booming in Kigali and his people are happy

    It’s about time Edgar Lungu start using his big stick not just walking around with it…

    Edgar Lungu 5 more years

    I thank you

  25. Ari HH last friday at a press conference boasted that the referendum failwd because he told his supporters to vote no? Of course! I mean HH knew that he was making false campaign promises qhich he wouls not keep if the referendum succeeded and he won the elections. Just exposes HH’s deceit but fortunately the majority of people in Zambia could not be cheated by HH, except his fellow southerners and their dumb allies. He is a loser and will remain a loser the rest of his life no matter what he does. Takw it from me the Presidency of Zambia or any other country in Africa is not for HH.

  26. By 2021, Zambia will have a fully-fledged oppressive regime that will rival and compete for awards with her Siame-twin across the Zambezi

    • If it will save us a lot of calamities we shall be fine with it. You see, all this is happening because of superiority complex by some losing candidates who want to feel better than the people’s choice.

  27. Those who promote bloodshed should be dealt with by the law. So MUVI or UPND TV will learn lessons for eating masons money.

  28. To those who are calling for another referendum yes I hear you, but I propose that since southerners rejected it, we hold it in those areas where people voted yes. If they get 50% of eligible voters in those areas then we guarantee them.their bill of rights to education, sanitation, etc etc. And those who voted no? Well just ignore them, they do not want any rights do they? And why should everybody else be held at ransom over free rights?

  29. Surely if a media is propagating hatred by incitement it must be checked. Forget znbc because even HH would use it the same way others have done

  30. In other words, the press is not allowed to report negatively on the current administration. Someone please remind these bozos of Freedom of the Press.

  31. I’ve been telling you for the last 1 year that Lungu is the worst thing that has happened to Zambian democracy:

    – No free media, only DeadNBC
    – no tolerance to opposing views. HH & GBM will soon be placed under house arrest, mark my words
    – ZAF REDUCED to a PF Party Ward
    – Tribalism is back after 50 years of healing
    – Parliament is now a rubberstamp
    – Unruly youths
    – Violent youths are the ruling
    – IMF Structural Adjustment Plan is the icing on the cake

  32. Stop lying about Hoover.The only reason Hoover operated like that was because he was too powerful and the stupid sytem at that moment allowed that nonsense.He actaully had dirt on every one including the presidents.That is why after him ,no one has ever been sat helm of the FBI for that long .Please be reasonable.I am not for PF nor UPND. Do not support archaic behavior just because you are a PF beneficiary.Do you know what if feels like to be a government institution and suddenly you have no autonomy because of some tyrant who claims to be humble?Why were some of you even voting for the bill of rights?It seems we do not need it with this dictatorship

  33. For those of you that have been to Malawi in the 80s and 90s when Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda ( MHSRIP) was still the President will definitely rethink democracy… Africa democracy has become a breeding ground for corruption and very corrupt Judicial system..lack of respect for our leaders and other corrupt vices…’s about time Lungu starts exercising his powers and put things in place..order order order….it baffles me how someone can pick up a spear and attacks a fellow country man just because he belongs to a different tribe…this was like taboo in Zambia………all this I guess it’s because of lack of respect for the rule if law and our leaders…..when I was based in South Africa I had Zimbabwean friends who used to identify themselves as Zambians….yes just because they…

  34. Continued
    Just because they have families in Mandevu and Marapodi……what more can I say…and imagine me being a Zambian in South Africa meeting a Zimbabwean proudly identifying him/herself as Zambian as well…..
    Please let’s get back to the Zambia we all know…..the Zambia of Elijah Mudenda…Harry Mwanga Nkumbula..Kenneth Kaunda….Malimba Masheke…Grey Zulu….Authur Wina….

    I thank you

  35. Ukutumpa uko… Seriously stu pid ideas or lack of ideas. If Sata was alive today he would blast you to nothingness ucipuba

  36. What ideas can you get from Mugabe and museveni apart from being a dictator? Our democracy is sinking while ignorant people are welcoming the wrong ideas, shame.

  37. Lungu has lost his head.He is going mad.Zambians soldiers are so weak ,they just drink Kachasu,they have no bolls they can not bare children because of Kachasu.who can explain this stupidity of refusing to handle power against the costitution as if its not enough you close MV TV when the majority Zambain can not afford DSTV.Enough is enough with this Kachakolwa.

  38. This what I mean when i say Edgar is utterly LAZY…he can not even defend himself without abusing power and bribery with promotions- these empty tins will STOP at nothing as they have stolen too much…

    Good riddance! Shut them the hell down! Backyard TV and Radio stations busy spreading rumours, hate and Armageddon at the expense of national unity.
    You tolerated them for far too long! I saw this coming.
    But bad for the radio stations, apart from being abused by HH and GBV-M bloody money, their initiation meant well going by their area business plans and the likes. However if these be seen as avenues that sponsored violence, then job well done!

  40. If there has ever been a time when everyone needs to stand above their interests. IT IS NOW! We all want a better Zambia (at least that is what we claim!). All stakeholders needs to act responsibly to bring about our ‘almost’ lost collective national aspirations. If indeed MUVI tv and other broadcasters acted in the manner they are accused of, they should have been shut yesterday. Someone has to put their foot down.
    i hope the concourt concludes the case this week. In fact before Wednesday.

  41. Muvi TV broadcasted that Unza Students have protested the re-election of Edgar Lungu and televised old riot clips, that was mis-informing the nation,ever since the election results were announced no tyres have been burnt on great east road.We had to counter-react to such Unethical reporting with Videos and pictures of the jubilation that took place in unza by submitting to the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation.
    They earlier broadcasted that ECZ has cut 8000 votes from a constituency in Lundazhi when it wasn’t true and many other it’s License has been suspended..dear Muvi TV who is to blame for your fate?
    You are dividing the nation and may God humble you more.?

  42. I am with a UPND supporter, educated supporter, watching the news of MUVI and Namwala xenophobia. He has shocked me! He says he does not condone this behaviour, and ADDS that HH should be arrested for this, “bafwile bamukanuna HH, this is not acceptable!”

  43. Its a very stoopid ruling. Targetting only the privately owned media and thus killing Zambian entreneurship yet Dead NBC is very very unprofessional but has not even been slapped on the wrist for a fine of some sort.

  44. eading at all the comments above what I see is tribalism and hatred for the people in southern, western and north western provinces! I put the blame squarely on lungu and kambwili for this unprecedented behavior by our people for preaching tribalism! You two idi0ts will forever remain guilty for what is happening! Every alternative voice you want to silence! Ati “humble leader”! Your days are surely numbered! You will not finish five years, something very bad will happen to you! That’s a promise! You can’t take advantage of people like this. Its unacceptable.

    If we reject you, its not the end of the world. It’s either you try again or you hit the road with bitter emotions, if you try again, you’re safe; but if you hit the road with bitter emotions, there are two things involved. It’s either you calm yourself down and continue with your business or you seek help from the witch doctor; if you calm yourself down and continue with your business, you’re safe but if you go to the witch-doctor, there are two things involved. It’s either you use those charms correctly or misapply the instructions; if you apply the charms correctly, you’re…

      If we reject you, its not the end of the world. It’s either you try again or you hit the road with bitter emotions, if you try again, you’re safe; but if you hit the road with bitter emotions, there are two things involved. It’s either you calm yourself down and continue with your business or you seek help from the witch doctor; if you calm yourself down and continue with your business, you’re safe but if you go to the witch-doctor, there are two things involved. It’s either you use those charms correctly or misapply the instructions; if you apply the charms correctly, you’re…

    • safe but if you misapply, there are two things involved its either you ran mad or you die; if you ran mad, you’re safe but if you die there are two things involved, it’s either you rot and be used for manure to grow trees or you just become dirt; if you become dirt you’re safe but if you become a tree, there are two things involved. It’s either they make out of you a bench or toilet paper; if they make out of you a bench you’re safe but if they make toilet paper there are two things involved. Its either you’re used by a man or a woman; if you’re used by a man you’re safe but you are used by a woman there are two things involved. Its either they use you from tha back or tha front; if you’re used from the back you’re safe but if you are used from the front, there are two things

    • … involved. Its either you catch HIV or VD; if you catch a VD you’re safe but if you contract HIV you wiiiiii dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Basketmouth (20pendefikondo)
      Recap: In politics, if you run for office it’s either you WIN or you LOSE! Don’t say it’s too much now;)

  46. safe but if you misapply, there are two things involved its either you ran mad or you die; if you ran mad, you’re safe but if you die there are two things involved, it’s either you rot and be used for manure to grow trees or you just become dirt; if you become dirt you’re safe but if you become a tree, there are two things involved. It’s either they make out of you a bench or toilet paper; if they make out of you a bench you’re safe but if they make toilet paper there are two things involved. Its either you’re used by a man or a woman; if you’re used by a man you’re safe but you are used by a woman there are two things involved. Its either they use you from tha back or tha front; if you’re used from the back you’re safe but if you are used from the front, there are two things…

  47. Statistically ,99% of pfools are embiciles if not morons.These gawks are easly identified by unutterable arrogance in speech and action.They are too pompous and baberic in what they support.
    Honestly,how do you advocate for intro of dictatorship by the humble prophet of boom!!anyway yesterday it was Mutembo ,m’membe,today its Mwaliteta,kalaluka Muvi TV.and I can confidently guarantee that tomorrow will be your castration ,weave an iron pant ,you cockroaches

  48. I am not a legal practitioner but I think when a matter like is in our lovely country is before court, broadcasting houses are not supposed to comment on. If am wrong please correct me.

  49. You guys politics aside. With us at home we are not politicians. But we stopped watching Muvi Tv long time ago. Due to lies of tv. Just deep down your hearts examine the contents of Muvi. It has been long over due. We hav no place to run to. Even though I ran away my brother may not run. As I write this I am out of the country but my whole family is home. Please help to keep mother Zambia intact. God bless you. God bless Mother Zambia.

  50. These are the tocsin signs that the nation is now on the slippery road of dictatorship. History has a way of repeating itself. Dictatorship slides in unnoticed and even celebrated. Look at the heroes welcome Museveni’s NRM received, Mugabe’s ZANU, Nkurunzinza, Kagame and even the Nazi killing machine.

    I participated in the ousting of the KK One Party State dictatorship and it never never occurred to me that I would live in another brutal dictatorship.

    I don’t watch Muvi nor listen to Komboni. However I understand these media are important for a broad segment of our people and provides alternative views to the public media. A free press assures continuity of democracy.

  51. I didn’t wait for IBA to stop watching MUVI TV. I stopped watching MUVI TV in 2014 when they started airing those unscientific opinion polls which gave HH 80 percent and ECL 20 percent as the predicted outcome in the 2015 byelection. When I took stance and wrote to advise Costa Mwansa to stop misleading his audience, he arrogantly argued his polls were scientific. This, to me, was the last straw.

  52. The problem in this country is that the party in power does not want anyone or any institution to report on anything that does not put them in good standing with the public. They just want positive reports about them from everybody. That is not good governance. People need to hear the truth. Balanced coverage is what we want. We don’t want lies.

  53. I have read most of the comments on this subject matter.
    I have observed that most people are nit being sincere here. For instance, how can a responsible TV station lie that 8000 votes where deducted from Lungu in Lundazi, when that was not true?

    How can the same station lie that UNZA students protested Lungu’s re-election when infact there was jubilation all over UNZA? They even went to the extent of lying on footage fro old events and claimed that the footage was fresh.

    I think these stations deserve what they got.

  54. Whether HH supported the referendum or not it would have gone through due to people were not well taught about it including myself. The idea of referendum is very unique but it needs time to educate the public, time frame was very squeezed to let people understand the contents due ti its phrases. So let us not blame HH for dis-campaigning it because even him did not understand it, we only give what we have, therefore, he told people what he knew, mind you its not only southern but where he campaigned.

  55. if the Tonga’s are causing problems then its because of the Bemba’s who have been beaten at there own game and their lip work is doing the trick. they are trying to make the Tonga’s look bad. sonta development in tonga land, nothing. those are temporal structures.

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