Sunday, March 16, 2025

Constitutional Court throws out UPND application on the custody of Ballot papers


Lawyers in the petition case leaving the Supreme Court  this afternoon
Lawyers in the petition case leaving the Supreme Court this afternoon


The Constitutional Court has thrown a preliminary application by UPDN presidential candidate Hakainde Hichilema and his running mate Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba to compel the court to keep custody of election materials including ballots.

Making the ruling, the Constitutional Court also discharged an interim injunction that restrained the Electoral Commission of Zambia from conducting scheduled and regular reconciliation of ballot forms and other documents used in running an election.

Justice Anne Sitali in the ruling said, “I have considered the affidavits and arguments filed in support by both parties as well as oral arguments. This court has jurisdiction to hear an application for interim relief and the application is properly before me. In view of the fact that the verification process is statutory requirement and the ECZ has statutory responsibility to safeguard the election materials The application by the Petitioners is not tenable at law”. The application fails and is dismissed”.

The Court also ruled on the injunction restraining the ECZ from conducting scheduled and regular reconciliation of ballot forms and other documents used in running an election.

“Regarding an order of injunction as prayed by the petitioner, ECZ has statutory duty to safeguard election materials. Petitioners have not provided evidence of the basis of their apprehension that the ECZ will tamper with election materials. I dismiss the application accordingly”.

Meanwhile, the Attorney General has applied to the Constitutional Court to be joined to the second petition in which UPND President Hakainde Hichilema and his Vice President Godfrey Bwalya Mwamba have applied that Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini should assume executive functions of government.

In the petition, Edgar Lungu is the 1st Respondent while Dr. Matibini is the 2nd Respondent.

In the summons, the Attorney General has also applied that Dr. Matibini be misjoined to this matter.

The matter comes up for hearing tomorrow before Constitutional Court Judge Hildah Chibomba at 09 Hours.

Lawyers in the election petition at the Supreme Court  this afteernoon
Lawyers in the election petition at the Supreme Court this afteernoon


    • Thanks Concourt for showing how folly UPND is. These jokers are retarding the progress of the country. I cant wait for the full case to be dismissed on Friday.

    • This is very good development for democracy.

      You don’t just say I don’t like ECZ, therefore grab materials from them because I am suspicious and superstitious of them.

      What are your grounds? Are your grounds valid to warrant your demands?

      If the court allows every emotion from the public to have their way, without any solid grounds, what can stop me from stopping a candidate from standing on mere suspicion, which may in fact even be purely malicious?

      This is why I will always respect the learned judges. They weigh issues, they dont base on mere emotions of the public.

    • “..suspicious and superstitious..”
      Iwe @Peace for Zambia, don’t make me laugh, these are serious matters. [Pause, suppress laughter, then]. Ha ha ha ha…!

    • With the way things are in Zambia it seems like every Jim and Jack standing in elections can petition and delay the election and presidential announcement process. High time this constitution was changed to avoid bitter people like HH holding the country at ransom

      The concourt is capable and is right. You don’t file in a petition, an injunction, order or lawsuit with a heavy laden heart full of envy, jealousy and; unreasonable emotions and bitterness.
      We are being reminded to stay-off commenting on issues before the Concourt but please be reminded that they are just 4 to 5 months old in that institution. Sworn in on March 21, 2016. They are just too new to be bombarded with quite insurmountable number of lawsuits after lawsuit, injunction this, petition that, have you gone bonkers? Treat them as a startup business.
      LET the sleeping dog lie.

    • @Nubian too much disgusting thoughts coming out of you of late.
      Go back to be sexxxxxy and romantic. How can you receive flowers with such language, we help soon.

    • They say LAW IS A BLUNT INSTRUMENT. It has NO EMOTIONS. It is WHAT IT IS. You either have EVIDENCE to backup your CLAIMS/CASE or you don’t. CONJECTURE and inflated SPECULATIONS isn’t EVIDENCE you can take to Court and expect to win.

      I hope “Kalusa” HH and his sidekick, FAT ALBERT GBV, are learning their lessons. Wish you good luck in your future endeavours because you can kiss this one bye bye!!!

    • HH and GBM remind me of the woman in the Bible who after losing hr child decided to claim her friend’s child.

      The one woman after realising that she had lost her child went to claim the friend’s child.

      She was even courageous to take the matter to court – Solmon. From the way the two were talking Solomon knew who the owner was, that the one who had lost the child was using falsehood to claim the child that was not hers.

      But in the interest of transparency Solomon allowed the court proceedings to go on.

      Through an incredible trial Solomon laid bare the hypocrisy and falsehood of this claimer who thought she could steal the friend’s child through the judge.

      She was not only disappointed but also embarrassed as the child was handed back to the owner.

      What a shame!!

    • Finally things are starting to move. ……

      Manje ba PF nawo should win convincingly next time not this 0.3% more than their opponents. The so-called presidential ‘white wash’ win never really panned out, did it? I dare conclude that actually the cost benefit analysis of the PF election project was just a paltry above break even point. If this was a measure of investment return (which it should be), I would actually demand a high risk premium on this project…… too risky considering inflation is around 20%

      But if a country wants to play with fire so many times, give it a chance to fail exponentially many times as well. Just look at our ranking, among our peers in just about anything – it’s always almost noto-noto (tending towards zero, even negatives sometimes).

      I note the…

    • @Njoko,

      Don’t tell me that your calculator gives you 0.3% when you subtract 47% from 50.35%?

      Mine gives me 3.35%

      And please note that the 3.45% is very big.

      This achievement of 50.35% is only beaten by the 1991 record.

      No candidate has ever attained this since 1991.

      Not also that the 3.35% is extremely big and that is why only one candidate managed to reach there. Others could not.

    • @ Shu shu shu and Peace for Zambia
      Ok ok I pressed a live wire there. But you still got it wrong because of your obsession with HH. A correct rendition of the arithmetic is actually 50.3%(ECL) plus 49.7%(Opposition) = 100%. So 50.3%-49.7%=0.6%. Therefore he won by only 0.6% whichever way you look at it. PF were big on complacence and short on delivery. That is all I’m saying. In any event, you can only ignore a 49.7% ‘no’ presidential vote at your own peril!

    • @ 1.18 Njoko,

      You are simply telling us that 53% said NO to HH.

      And 49.7% said NO to ECL.

      Well then, this means that 53% people don’t want HH.

      On the other hand only 49.7% don’t want Lungu.

      In descriptive terms,

      1) there are more people who want Edgar Lungu to be president in zambia than those who don’t want.

      2) there are more people who DON’T want HH to be president in zambia than those who want.

  1. Known outcome [sign that these people are under someone’s orders,just chewing taxpayer’s money [just disband this useless con court]

    • Ba local champion you dont have anything to say. I think we are sick and tired of your under five attitude. Grow up

    • If you don’t ask, you shall not receive, so goes the saying. Receiving can be either in the affirmative or not. The point is you will not know until you try it. The greatest crime is the conspiracy of being silent even when things are clearly wrong ab initio……e.g. the manner in which the playing field was tilted in favour of the PF in the last elections as to media coverage for instance.

    • How can a lawyer submit a petition without any evidence sure. I don’t know whether to question the qualifications of these lawyers or their motives. But ba UPND also have poor judgment. It is common knowledge that Keith Mwemba, Gilbert Phiri (together with Makebi Zulu – now PF MP) are PF lawyers; weren’t they the same ones that one Mutembo Nchito even sued together with their PF-sponsored client Newton N’guni just last year? And you make such lawyers the leaders of your legal team? Its like if Jack Mwimbu and Martha Mushipe were suddenly ECL’s petition lawyers; Im sure eye brows would be raised. Anyway each to their own.

    • Local Champion, tomorrow once Concourt throws out the whole petition, you and your entire clan will fly on a bottle top! Mambala iwee!

    • Local Champion, tomorrow once Concourt throws out the whole petition, you and your entire clan will fly on a bottle top! Mambala iwee!
      We are totally fed up with amawala yaba UPEND!

  2. At least, we are finally getting some movement on this petition and its applications. That leaves the issue of whether ECL should vacate office and whether UPND will be allowed to make amendments. After that, we get ready for Friday.

  3. Now its survival of the fitest.Jungle law will now aply in zambia.We have no one to defend the people.The only language is ethnic war.Tribalism is every were in the catholic church,Governement name it.It clear now .shame indeed.

  4. The Constitutional Court gives direction and finality to this claim that has no basis in law and not grounded in any credible evidence.

  5. ECZ are the statutory custodians of all national election materials. Please lets us allow constitutional offices and bodies to discharge their duties.

  6. Lungu was Godly elected by zambian people, HH and GBM are time waster. Allow Ecl to RULE ZAMBIAN TILL 2021. PF won clearly. MY advice to UPND just start prepare from now they may win 2021. The outcome of todays ruling this what hold every thing . the rest petitions will be thrown out on Friday. VIVA PF VIVA

  7. These guys filed petitions like it was a JETS fair. Whatever the thought sounded professional or cheeky the did. hehehehe.

  8. Why is it that everything seems to be looked at from a tribal point of view and not from the perspective of the matter? I thought Zambians are educated enough and they will look at issues from what they are and not from who is pulling the strings.

  9. Its a shames that judges sound to wash their hands on providing remedy given a dispute arising. ECZ has been colluding with PF and the judge mocks the victim that way. However, lets proceed and see where we end!

    • The Judges looked at evidence and heard oral presentations by both parties. You on the other hand are using emotions.

    • @Keen Follower – When the judgement is in your favour, you praise the court but when it goes against you, you claim they are colluding. Dude, you can’t have your cake and eat it. UPND are just a waste of political party space.

    • @ 13 Keen Follower,

      If I tell you today that HH rigged the elections in Southern Province, and I take the matter to court,

      should the court judge in my favour based on how strong I feel and how emotionally charged I am about the matter, or should they weigh the evidence of my claims?

    • I bet on days like these HH and GBV. including the supporters felt like there bones were made of jiggies r potato chips!….Pwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 1-0 already

  10. @shi
    Do you know that in any game there are illegal or foul play and they need remedy, or to you with or without foul things should just move on? Its in the interest of Zambia and spirit of one Zambia one nation that if others are aggrieved, remedy is sought.

    • You went to court and the court is interpreting the law for you, what else do you want! Go and be your own judge if you want!

    • @Keen follower do not undermine the court, you have failed to prove in court that ECZ colluded with PF on the issue of ballot papers. Remember he who alleges must prove but for you you alleged but failed to prove hence the outcome

  11. Time has comer when a Zambian is either a Northerner or a Southerner. The repercussions of this remain nknown.

    • We’re all Zambians you danderhead and yet the vice president in your party is from Northern but you just wanted to use him because he’s dull…

  12. The PF dimwits on this site never cease to amaze. Sorry to all the sensible PFs out there
    Thing is that’s the whole purpose of the due process going on at the courts right now: To provide clarity and precedent of law. That’s how you progress. Whether it goes to UPND’s or PF’s favour is in the larger scheme of lesser consequence than the achievement of having the credible court process. And the UPND, to their credit have already indicated that they have faith in this court and will accept their final ruling.

    • @True Patriot, we had elections on 11/08 so Upnd the suspicious baddies they are they should not even have bothered since they “knew ” that the material was “tampered ” with.

  13. We told them that President Lungu was God chosen ,he never dreamed to be a President in his life but God chose him b4 creation.Sata appointed him from the blues that how choose his own.Now let the country move on with the development which Ba Sata left.1 zed 1 nation ! Let us built our beloved Zambia ,weather u Tonga,Bemba,Lozi,u eat Rats from Eastern we are ONE

    The concourt is capable and is right. You don’t file in a petition, an injunction, order or lawsuit with a heavy laden heart full of envy, jealousy and; unreasonable emotions and bitterness.
    We are being reminded to stay-off commenting on issues before the Concourt but please be reminded that they are just 4 to 5 months old in that institution. Sworn in on March 21, 2016. They are just too new to be bombarded with quite insurmountable number of lawsuits after lawsuit, injunction this, petition that, have you gone bonkers? Treat them as a startup business.
    LET the sleeping dog lie.

    • You left dununa reverse with
      load sheding
      beating marketeers for levies
      tarring paths in chawama
      selling plots along shop corridors
      beating kamanga at ucz
      grabbing and shredding post
      low or no increase in civil service wages
      increased retirement age sending children to streets

    • @ 21.2 Gilbert Molopwe,

      Is that part of the evidence submitted by UPND in the Con Court?

      I thought we are discussing matters in court relating to elections.

  15. I knew it would not go anywhere.Most likely as we post these comments the ballots have already been tampered with.It was a losing battle.

  16. What most people fail to understand in Zed is that the ECZ is the referee of Elections , if it is discredited who is going to conduct elections? What has changed is just top management most of the people who are there are the same ones who saw PF win in 2011,now they are corrupt because the opposition has lost?

  17. @1.5 Peace for Zambia, well said, exactly my thoughts. By extension of your arguments, you cannot have every Jim and Jack on mere suspicion and superstition petitioning the concourt and bang! out goes the President of the country! I have argued before that the Oresidency is a very serious office for HH and GBM to just wish the office away by simply launching a petition. I believe that HH does not believe in his petition, all he wants is to satisfy his ego by embarrassing President Lungu.

  18. PamaFi lost the elections ideally. Only used unvouth methods to have tbemselves declared winners. It became clear about the uncertainty in election fairness even long before the first legal ballots were casts on polling day. We all saw the unfair hindrance in opposition rallies. When it became all too clear that opposition gaining immense numbers rally attendances, campaigns were cancelled in Lusaka. PF cadres were putting up their posters and tearing down UPND ones, using govt vehicles. Ministers were using illegal salaries and allowances to campaign not only for themselves but also for ECL who had okayed their continued overstay in office; needless to state here that the apparent symbiotic benefits of ECL and his ministers are obvious. ECZ, one would feel, should have called for a…

  19. This is good judgement. The petition had created impossible tasks for the ConCourt, the public & ECZ. Petition for Custody of all national election material by ConCourt even if it may legal is unreasonable while custody of few materials subject to the dispute like few constituencies or districts or provinces may reasonable & manageable by the court & ECZ. ECZ are the statutory custodians of all national election materials. If you petition the court to take custody of all national election materials, the task which the mandated body may also be facing challenges, you are in short petitioning that the court becomes ECZ. Neither can you petition the Zambia Police to takeover all the functions of ZAF or UTH or ZRA, RTSA & vice-versa? Portion of it is reasonable & it follows that what is…

    • Portion of it is reasonable & it follows that what is unreasonable is illegal & what is reasonable is legal. Why should UPND petition for custody of all national ballots in all constituencies even in those where there were no issues & to make it worse even in the constituencies where they won? They are luck that they have even escaped sanctions for wasting court’s time. Courts like referees do give red cards for faking a penalty.

  20. You called Chiluba a thief now you have turned a blinded eye on a day light thief stealing votes and bringing ghost voters. Dont carry foul in future when suffering will catch up with you. Time will tell!

    • Anyone trying to still votes from the winner, using courts, is lying. He won’t manage because learned judges have integrity.

      It reminds me of the too women who were fighting over a child.

      The one woman after realising that she had lost her child went to claim the friend’s child.

      She was even courageous to take the matter to court – Solmon. From the way the two were talking Solomon knew who the owner was, that the one who had lost the child was using falsehood to claim the child that was not hers.

      But in the interest of transparency Solomon allowed the court proceedings to go on.

      Through an incredible trial Solomon laid bare the hypocrisy and falsehood of this claimer who thought she could steal the friend’s child through the judge.

      She was not only disappointed but also…

    • She was not only disappointed but also embarrassed as the child was handed back to the owner.

      What a shame!!

  21. Known outcome, there is no justice in this world. Let’s look to him who judges justly, Him who fears no man, Him who listens to the voice of the oppressed, who who judges Belshazzer, Nebuchudnezzer, Pharoal and brought down many mighty kings of old. He is my only hope. I hope and pray that there is that one judge who will only fear God and do the right thing.

    • Known outcome because the case is straight forward.

      Even children can tell what will become of such a case.

      In fact judges may not even have much work to do, but just to sit and watch as the case is disintegrating. In the end they simply confirm that, yes indeed, the he case crumbled by itself.

      They just fall short of saying there was no case, just in case the public asks, “then what were you hearing?”.

      So knowing in advance, that when you eat food you will be full, should not be a difficult thing.

  22. This country has two types of citizens First class from North and East, then second class from South and East. Yet they F00l people one Zambia one Nation . People should face reality and chat the way forward

  23. IF you don’t TRUST the ECZ then stop POLITICS because they will be there even after 2021.Form your own BODY that will be monitoring the DUNDUMWEZI votes.

  24. Hi bloggers I am glad to read your comments most of you are happy with the concourt ruling very good they should not keep thoz questionable ballot papers least they soil their hands please bloggers dont insult the concourt judges when they give ruling in real issues concerning the petition mind you they have not yet started we are dealing with law country men and women let us wait and see soon it will be a checkmate and we will all know the winners

  25. The level of political ignorance unpatriotism and docility is appallingly shocking.we have poor leadership enriching itself on tender preneureship ,killing democracy in blutant dictotariol style by crossing the media and we are happy its truelly foolish.with high level of rigging honestely this nation has failled to run democracy !and poor majority are happy with their needs in fear .building roads and schools were done by kaunda there is nothing special at all as its the duty of government.but with economy failling and many shouting pf can hardly find food its simply cowardices of zambians! Soon lungu will be in office 24yrs and it will be for our unborn kids to fight the monster the way poor zimbabweans are strugling now by then we would have failled our generations with absolute…


  27. With all due respect to the learned ConCourt this is a strange ruling. ECZ are one of the accused and are a defendants or respondents to this petition. The material in question is the paramount evidence or exhibit on which the entire petition hinges. The evidence of rigging and tempering hasn’t been presented to the court yet until the main case is heard. So this is a question of trust and confidence not to allow a suspect to continue keep evidence in his custody.

    In many trials around the world, the courts compel the police to hand over evidence if they are accused or they are seen to be bias. Lawfully they are the ones who keep evidence. This is almost like allowing a murder accused to continue holding on to a weapon because it legally belongs to them.

    Why do you think…


    • @ 41 Maverick,

      Suppose today I became optionally very charged and sued all the workers in Zambia, both in the public and private sector, saying they are all corrupt.

      I then demand that all workers be suspended as they are, from today, suspects and therefore cannot continue to work because they have been accused.

      I further go ahead and say they should all hand over keys to the courts since they are now suspects.

      Do you think that the court will say let us suspend all the workers as demanded by this guy because he is very serious and too emotional about it,

      or the court will weight the grounds of my claim, requiring me give evidence?

    • Very strange analogues mate… totally confusing and unrelated. Again I repeat, you can’t leave the evidence in the custodian of the accused, period.

      It must be something big that prompts you to sue the entire civil service…. and sorry I don’t have enough information for me to answer that strange question and because it has never happened and has no precedence.

  28. continue reading…

    Why do you think cops seize all the evidence materials from an accused who has a legal ownership of the material? Weird indeed!

    By the way are these ConCourt judges sitting as individuals rather than a full bench?

  29. United Party for National Development (UPND) losing candidates from Eastern Province have joined the Patriotic Front (PF).
    The two have also withdrawn their filed election petitions in the Lusaka High Court to dispute the Electoral result.
    The two are Samson Thole-Chadiza Central and Moses Moyo-Luangeni.
    The duo was welcomed by PF Central Committee Member, Chairperson for Elections and Mandevu Member of Parliament Jean Kapata

  30. The constitutional court Judges are very intelligent. I’m sure they reasoned that even if those election materials were to be taken in the custody of the court it is not the Judges to guard them 24/7,no.It is the Zambia Police. And it is the same Zambia Police to guard those election materials under the custody of the ECZ.It was going to be nothing but an exercise in futility

  31. The UPND strategy was to stage another armed robbery to steal the ballot materials and burn them. Then they would claim that the robbery was staged by thugs sent by PF. Then they would accuse Concourt of failing to provide adequate security. Fortunately after catching Mwaliteta and his colleagues in Kopala and locking them up, the whole plot was laid bare for all to see. The UPND petition itself was based on a lightning execution of a strategy of robberies. Unfortunately it did not succeed, they failed to cheat God.

  32. And how do you petition for custody of electiion materials when ECZ has actually been keeping those things in their custody since the election date on 11th August? What difference it make if ECZ kept them for another two days? Thinking iya ba UPND is warped somehow.

  33. For those saying Lungu should handover power to the speaker, which constitution are you reading? The one prepared by HH and GBM? Lungu should handover executive powers to the president- elect and not to the speaker. when did the speaker becomes a president elect? Leadership comes from God. HH and GBM are wasting people’s time. They have to go back to the drawing board and prepare for 2021. Jack Mwimbu and Martha mushipe just wants to chew their money. Ababemba batila UKULI ICIPUBA EKULI INDALAMA nangula UMUCELE WACIPUBA UPWILA MULI TUMFWE. Indalama shabo ala shalapwa mukweba ati twesheko abcd

  34. This confirms my worst fears after MCS WON on Zambia’s 9-11. Here are learned people before the ULTIMATE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT and it plays-out to be an ACADEMIC exercise; very sad indeed. The moment MCS won with that foul-mouthing,name-calling, donchi kubeba u name it and all were dancing,totally sozzled, nurturing the family forests and ushering in a cleptocracy in their stupor, I knew the bwato is going full-throttle on a highway-to-hell ! Simple folk with their power by proxy approach to politics are today wallowing in own puke…Jesus shall NOT weep! Questions to CoC:
    1. Are the ballot materials in an electoral malpractice case irrelevant?
    2. Who is the governmental CEO RIGHT NOW?
    3. In the light of your verdict on abuse of office, will u stay academical?

  35. …AS IT STANDS THE WHOLE ELECTION WAS A SHAM! LAWS ARE NOT PIECES OF PAPER, THEY ARE THE VERY FABRIC OF A NATION – DO NOT PLAY WITH PEOPLE’S LIVES- LEGALITY IS A SUBSET OF MORALITY…think VEEEEERY CAREFULLY IN WHOSE INTEREST YOU WILL RULE: the people or the cleptocrats!! The people fought want their country back, scorched-earth or not, your moral responsibility!!

  36. The Court also ruled on the injunction restraining the ECZ from conducting scheduled and regular reconciliation of ballot forms and other documents used in running an election. At lest they will not temper with the papers. It is not yet over.

  37. Ba Local Champion naba mwits kuwatawayafye. Edgar won the elections and he will not handover power to the speaker.He needs to hand over power to the president elect who is himself. If not happy don’t hesitate to commit yourself suicide by hanging. AS SIMPLE AS THAT. That DUNDUMWEZI voting will not help out. After the Concourt has done with the pertitions then PF will also pertition the results gotten from the UPND strongholds. All the concourt needs to do do is to nullify what HH had gotten from Southern, North-Western and Western Provinces due to malpractice and tribal voting. Zambians should wake up and reject free manson in our nation

  38. Its simple,their candidate is not saleable to voters. In marketing terms the goods/ stocks are slow moving, in football “ni planga”

  39. My Name is Hakainde Hichilema. I also voted for Lungu and iam also a PF supporter. Ni Donchi kubeba. Iam an under 5 and a free manson. I pertitioned the elections because of jelousy, bitterness, envy and to just delay our God fearing president from being sworn in. I borrowed a lot of money from Anglo-America and I don’t know how I will pay the money back. The cartel are the ones who forced me to pertition the results because of their selfish interest. Zambians should pray for me so that I also follow president Lungu,s steps

  40. They say that when you seek justice you must go with clean hands. Look at UPND,
    1. They take the law into their own hands, in short they break the law, by impounding ECZ trucks.
    2. By impounding the trucks they disturb the timely flow of critical electoral materials
    3. They stage aggravated robberies to steal the ballot materials.
    4. Then after losing the elections they stage riots or what they call armageddon, and beat up and displace the “wrong tribes” in Namwala.

    And then they go to court crying victim. Now is that what UPND calls seeking justice with clean hands?

  41. Bitterness Hakainde, bitterness! Ni plot one chbe at all costs. I have never come accross such a bitter person in all my years of my being!

  42. What is devastating about a lose is when you were too sure of winning……counting your chickens before they hatch. My patriotism is to mother Zambia not to HH or Lungu. BUT whoever leads her deserves my respect and support, at the end of the day this is home if they dont bring development i will.

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