Saturday, February 1, 2025

Court throws out order on Mutembo’s dismissal


Former DPP Mutembo Nchito
Former DPP Mutembo Nchito

The Constitutional Court has discharged an ex parte order given to former Director of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito.

The injunction was discharged and this means that Mr. Nchito remains dismissed.

The ex parte order staying the decision of the President from dismissing him has since been vacated or discharged.

The court will however proceed to hear the substantive matter on where Mr Nchito is challenging that the tribunal had no legal backing of the Constitution as amended to hear his case and that fresh proceedings should have been started as per provisions of Article 144 of the Constitution.

Court papers

Court papers 1

Court papers 2

Court papers 3


    • @1.1 Mushota – You have just read that the guy remains dismissed and you call that winning. You must be a special kind of nincompoop.

    • Ba UP N Down kuwayawayafye! They were against the appointment of Nchito now they want him back, they didn’t want Matibini to be speaker now they want him to be president, they were against the enactment of the constitution and called it a useless paper but today they want to rely on it and are now accusing Lungu of abusing it. Nimwe bachipantepante bachine.

    • But ku Zambia sure. We cannot scan documents but photograph them with a camera phone for a news publication that goes all over the world? Why this mediocrity mwebantu?

    • Useless, waste of resources. so what was the point then?? These judges at the constitutional court committee just want to make themselves rich. hence delays in everything they do. Zambia needs Jesus Christ to come, the country has completely lost direction from corruption to unruly cadres…

    • “The Constitutional Court has discharged an ex parte order given to former Director of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito.”Is the Constitutional Court a PF?

      If you are indeed UPND Media person then the party’s position on media matters is laughable. Even if it is trying to spin a story, this is simply ridiculous!!!

  1. Not a powerful lawyer but another crook, thanks to Newton Nguni for a good fight and bring these crooks down and soon they will be in the dust bin.

  2. When the concourt said the former ministets should pay back the money you praised it. Now that mutembo is involved it is now pf concourt.chiwamila ngalu sure

  3. @NEZ how are u brother,i was in italy and i just came to vote
    for my part and Mr Lungu.its good we won
    many thanks to the people of zambia for giving yet another
    5 years to preside over the affairs of this beautiful land.

  4. Good!!! This man and his colleagues (Fred & Wynter) think Zambia belongs to them alone hence they can do anything and should be feared.

  5. Nchito is a whealer dealing member of
    the cartel who should have been fired
    long ago had the judge chikopa tribunal
    sat. His hands are dirty with all sorts of
    misdeeds including zambian airways/jcn
    saga. But ECL will fix all this and back
    Tax payers money.

  6. At first I used to see NEZ comments as wise except we were supporting different parties. Now I see that he is just a dunderhead and foolish and headless cadre.

  7. @1.1 Ubukopo ……can’t even understand what u have just read.
    This cartel guy has lost so many things among them is time and has remained dismissed
    Viva LUNGU

  8. Upnd have no principles. All the appointments Sata made were “useless ” but now Lungu reverses them, the guys are now angels. Jesus tells us that if you say YES let remain YES if it’s NO let it be NO

  9. A minister in KK ‘s government was accused of being a thief by a member of the opposition. The minister sued and when the court asked the defendant to give facts of his allegations, he simply said he was only politicking and besides since he was Lamba and the minister a lunda they were cousins and were at liberty to joke with each other.

  10. @SAINT; They say little knowledge is dangerous. With just a few months in diaspora now you think all done in zed is backwards. Now you are showing your full blown ignorance. Don’t you know that scanned documents require too much memory space and thus expensive to transmit? Ohhhhggggh!

  11. We told this boy he was misled as always even the main argument is flawed because of the proviso :matters before judicial bodies and other like bodies will be expected to conclude their matters and not fall within the ambit of the current amended constitution’ … Fat desk lawyer bye bye go and run your airline ‘if it still exists’ where you once CEO or go to ‘national Milling’ and continue to sit on the board by P wait until a use friendly stooge like your Michael is in office once more…adios

  12. At last ECL has dismantled the godfather of the Cartel, who was a manipulator of the Judicial System. The other God father of the media is limping. Already the God father of finance Rajah Mathani was dealt a blow in 2015 and has ended up selling his Bank/Insurance Company.

    ECL is remaining with the Godfather of political manipulation that is Guy Scott. Once all these are put to size this country will be a nice and GOD fearing nation which will prosper for us all. Unfortunately, little gods in HH and GBM were trying to take the realms of the above and the people of Zambia crushed them on 11/08/2016 with the help of our ALMIGHTY and CREATOR OF HEAVENS AND EARTH, Really they don’t know what to do.

  13. All the days in life can not be for a thief, one day is for the owner. This guy thought he was untouchable, destroying innocent peoples’ lives. I wish FTJ was alive(RIP) am happy the law has catch up with him. Let him start thinking of how and his cartel will pay the DBZ loan.

  14. Zambians especially UPND people you don’t understand anything surly you just say anything that works out for you and you’ve failed to understand what this means. No wonder we having problems too many cows around us.

  15. @nez,i can’t believe that you been vote Negative twenty- one (- 21).Can someone tell me the record holder of negative votes. Its like the LT record is at stake here.

  16. Surely, you can not apply a new law backwards! Especially in his case the old law stands. If a case started under an older law, all decisions made then must remain and any part of the case remaking must be heard using the law it begun under….!

    THIS IS WHY ZAMBIAN JUDICIARY IS NOT MEETING ITS OBLIGATIONS TO THE CITIZENRY. TOO SLOW..! In this case even new laws were passed to overtake the old ‘pony’ that is the processing of Zambian justice. I think citizens should be ‘referendumed’ (new word) to pass a law that prevents Judges adjourning cases.. Nolle Prose….or what’s ‘er name or not! Good Lord!

  17. The Way I See It.
    we all see things differently depending on the color of spectacles you are wearing. and so no one has the right to insult another person for their seeing things the way they do. i see the battle of the cartel versus country(Zambia), rich versus poor,minority versus majority, satanists versus christian s, sabbath versus sunday observance, under fives versus the aged, uneducated versus the educated(schooled), darkness versus light, white versus black, division versus oneness, dipak versus zambians.
    i have always seen multi part ism as a psychological way of bringing in rebellion. Africa does not need this kind of democracy as of now. maybe in the next 5o years. just have a look at how media is abusing the so called freedom of speech. compare with what we have on CNN or…

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