Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Rusangu University to have Radio and TV studio at a cost of US$ 100, 000


Kenya's University of Africa Vice Chancellor Delbert Baker (far right) introduces Rusangu University Vice Chancellor Pardon Mwansa and his wife (middle) as Rusangu University council chairperson Harrington Akombwa (far left) look on during the 10th Graduation Ceremony for Rusangu University in Monze
Kenya’s University of Africa Vice Chancellor Delbert Baker
(far right) introduces Rusangu University Vice Chancellor Pardon
Mwansa and his wife (middle) as Rusangu University council chairperson
Harrington Akombwa (far left) look on during the 10th Graduation
Ceremony for Rusangu University in Monze

RUSANGU University, an institution of higher learning operating in Monze which is ran by the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA), has secured a funding of about US$100, 000 to set up a radio and television studio.

The studio is aimed at enhancing the student learning experience and improve its communication with the public.

Rusangu University Vice Chancellor Pardon Mwansa said the studio, which would also broadcast spiritual and social programmes, was expected to be operational within a period of one year.

Dr Mwansa said students studying Journalism and Communication at his University would be able to have a practical aspect of their profession once the studio was set up.

He was speaking in Rusangu, Monze on Sunday in an interview during the 10th Graduation Ceremony for Rusangu University at which 472 students graduated from various fields.

“As part of our five year strategic plans under Public Relations, we intend to have a studio where we will be doing production for television and radio as well as internet.

“We already secured a funding of about US$100, 000 to help us pursue this aspect. The intention of the radio and television studio is to improve on student learning experience and our communication with the public,” he said.

Dr Mwansa, who was installed as Vice Chancellor during the ceremony, also expressed hope that his University would have a 24/7 channel on one of the digital platforms to disseminate information to the public.

And in his address during the graduation ceremony, Dr Mwansa said his University was growing fast going by the enrolments for this year and last year.

“We have enrolled 730 new students who have reported and we expect more than 300 new students in the September 2016 intake when we open school on September 1123.

“Rusangu can boast of being an international university as we have students from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Botswana, South Africa, Kenya and Namibia among others,” he said.

Dr Mwansa also said plans were underway to construct two student hostels for men and women within a period of six months.

Speaking at the same event, Kenya’s University of Africa Vice Chancellor Delbert Baker urged graduating students to be hard-working and help to fight evil vices in society.

“I wish to remind you graduands to contribute to the fight against vices such as corruption, immorality, and drug abuse that have destroyed the moral fabric of your nation (Zambia).

“Coming from an Institution like Rusangu University, you must have a conscious to live by. You are the ambassadors of what Rusangu University stands for. If you will work hard and be diligent, you will make a difference. If you think you are too small to be effective, then you have never been in bed with a mosquito,” Dr Baker said.

Dr Mwansa and Dr Baker later led other dignitaries during the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of two student hostels at a cost of K10 million.

Rusangu University Chancellor Samuel Sinyangwe (far left) installs Vice Chancellor Pardon Mwansa (next to him) as other dignitaries look on during the 10th Graduation Ceremony for Rusangu University in Monze
Rusangu University Chancellor Samuel Sinyangwe (far left)
installs Vice Chancellor Pardon Mwansa (next to him) as other
dignitaries look on during the 10th Graduation Ceremony for Rusangu
University in Monze
Rusangu University graduating student in Journalism and Communication degree, Onishias Kamana Maamba (third from far right) flashing his hat during the 10th Graduation Ceremony for Rusangu University in Monze
Rusangu University graduating student in Journalism and
Communication degree, Onishias Kamana Maamba (third from far right)
flashing his hat during the 10th Graduation Ceremony for Rusangu
University in Monze
Zambia News and Information Officer (ZANIS) Livingstone Information Officer Angela Mwandu (left) and Rusangu University Vice Chancellor Pardon Mwansa (right) after she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism and Communication during the 10th Graduation Ceremony for Rusangu University in Monze
Zambia News and Information Officer (ZANIS) Livingstone Information
Officer Angela Mwandu (left) and Rusangu University Vice Chancellor
Pardon Mwansa (right) after she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree
in Journalism and Communication during the 10th Graduation Ceremony
for Rusangu University in Monze
Zambia News and Information Officer (ZANIS) Livingstone Information Officer Angela Mwandu (left) receiving her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism and Communication from Rusangu University Chancellor Samuel Sinyangwe (right) during the 10th Graduation Ceremony for Rusangu University in Monze
Zambia News and Information Officer (ZANIS) Livingstone
Information Officer Angela Mwandu (left) receiving her Bachelor of
Arts Degree in Journalism and Communication from Rusangu University
Chancellor Samuel Sinyangwe (right) during the 10th Graduation
Ceremony for Rusangu University in Monze


    • A Unioversity where I cant even see a WHite lecturer or student simplifies a dodgy University.

      Stay away from this thing, people.



    • Unfortunately its a sheer delight of wasting time and resources because the visionless PF of Lungu will close down all those facilities. Ask the post newspaper of Fred Mmembe, Muvi TV, Komboni and Itezhi Tezhi radio stations, respectively of how the PF of Edgar Lungu closed their enterprises.
      PF doesn’t respect the constitution, rule of law and always against media freedom.

  1. I thought the station was for the third angel evengelism which is the foundation of SDA but its for alas something else why?

  2. Use those facilities to spread the world of God, no politics please. It is the reason why there is no longer love in church but divisions


  4. MUSHOTA….whatever your name means….such thinking are of colonial era….There are a lot of foreign students even the members of the faCulty….Is it the colur you are concerned about or the qualifications that a person possesses…Mandela said “education is an equalizer in society”… Wise up my dear….Go to Rusangu university and you will be transformed..

  5. Mushota!! My man the outcome of our education doesn’t depend very much one’s race black, yellow or white!! We all can achieve a lot with desire and necessity to our education!!! take it personal if you can, go to a good university of your choice aquire necessary competences, knowledge and skills!! Set up a company!! no one on earth will say it’s for a black, yellow or black!!

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