The Lusaka Magistrate Court this afternoon granted a K 10,000 bail to MMD faction leader Dr. Nevers Mumba.
Dr Mumba who was arrested last Friday for criminal trespass appeared in the Lusaka Magistrates Court this morning and has pleaded not guilty before Magistrate David Simusamba.
He was arrested and detained at Woodlands Police Station after he stormed the ZNBC Newsroom to clarify a story that was run on the state broadcaster concerning the presidential petition.
The prosecution had earlier objected to Dr. Mumba’s bail application saying he is a threat to national security and could not be granted bail because he is on record having threatened to ensure that President-elect Edgar Lungu’s inauguration does not take place.
The defence team that included Robert Simeza and Martha Mushipe argued that Dr. Mumba was a distinguished citizen who had served the country at the level of Republican Vice-President and must be granted bail.
October 4th and 6th have been set as dates for commencement of trial.
Dr Mumba feel free to sue the government
On what grounds when the case is yet to be heard?
Was not hunter strike? What’s in the coffee cup?
zambia people you are just wasting time to have mercy on this former pastor, in 1991 in chingola SWAZI ground, Mumba said and ”HE CAN NOT JOIN POLITICS DOING SO, GOD WILL CURSE HIM” so this time around Mumba should go back and start praying saana, again remember what he did during MWANAWASA RULE, he was fired. so mumba is on record not to mislead zambia. only DUNDUMWENZI PEOPLE can have mercy on him. he is a useless man. just wait for to morrow, HH AND GBM if they wont stop talking *****s from their dirty mouths will be behind bars.
Indeed feel free and as you felt free breaking regulations in Canada
When good men do nothing, evil men thrive and become tyranic. Dictators are made by people who praise them wen they are opressing their opponents. However,dictators go for the blood of the citizens wen there are no more opponents!
Go home and eat now. Hunger strike is over. Please announce it the way you did at the start!
Bembas wake up. Easterners want to use you to propel their selfish interest.When Chiluba the former President attempted to go for a third term. The entire Eastern Province including the Oasis forum which was headed by Mr Ndlovu put up a vigorous campaign against FTJ for trying to abrogate the constitution.But when they own abrogate the constitution,every one is quiet including the Church. Dr Nevers Mumba is maliciously detained every one
Koma inu ndimwe achindele wene wene ka! Kodi mudzayamba liti kumaganidza bwino?
bembas are not power hungry and dont cheat yourself that we are being used wat chiluba wated to do was against the constitution nothing to do with easthern
Gbm next for forged papers
I am Bemba speaking and I really don’t care about the ethnicity of a presidential candidate as long as he can deliver in the best interests of all Zambians regardless of their ethnicity.
Exactly my thought @Facts. As long as one can deliver, I don’t care whether he/she is kaluvale, nsenga, Muchikunda, tumbuka, lozi or nkoya! Just deliver for mother zambia, and i will support you!
Why are the Bemba’s in the conversation? Anyone aspiring to power should just have to figure out how to pimp them Bemba’s. Mwanawasa, Banda and Lungu figured it out.
HH must start at ward level to know how to win political election. It’s not about money or recruiting vengeful individuals like gbm for a Bemba vote, it’s about understanding the human being.
ba Mumba basulwa naku Chinsali batuntuka
Comment:Alyeko inshima kuti afwa former pastor
I respect the position you have chosen to take Mr. Mumba. Know that though you are a politician you are hurting those that looked up to you as a church leader. I am not judging you but sharing my feelings. Conduct good respective politics. Join a team that is progressing than the one that finds fulfillment in violent beheviour.
How the nighty have fallen!
the mighty
That’s the largest mug I ever did see held by a hunger strike victim! I thought the story WAS fabricated! HE IS INCREDIBLY SILENT now, looks like those terrible cells have humbled him! No press release yet?
They have let you out just say or do something st..upid you will be locked up again man of gold.
Just don’t force tribalism on zambian . We are showing you that we are not.so campaign properly.don’t use tribal remarks.that’s what made lungu win.already you want Bembas and easterners to differ.it won’t work. Those are lines of nevers
God is watching you people on mistreating this man who has done nothing.Also threatening the magistrate granting bail to this is no good .What you are doing would not be forever one day you will find your selves on the other side answering chargers,where is unip and mmd.