Friday, March 7, 2025

Zambia is not a Failed State-Mbita Chitala


Mbita Chitala
Mbita Chitala
PROTESTATIONS and sectarian criticisms by veteran politician Vernon Mwaanga and other intellectuals in the diaspora, demonising the country’s leadership and Constitutional Court judges, are tantamount to insurrection in the country, former diplomat Mbita Chitala has warned.

Dr Chitala, who is a former ambassador to Libya, expressed gratitude that President Edgar Lungu had addressed some of the issues that tended to sow seeds of division in the country by announcing his intention to appoint a commission of inquiry to establish the cause of post-election violence.

He noted that he was alive to the ‘‘unfair and sectarian’’ criticisms that had been advanced by some intellectuals in the diaspora some of whom compared Zambia to a failed state.
Dr Chitala said he was saddened by remarks by Dr Mwaanga and Dr. Skecthley Sacika denouncing Constitutional Court judges in ‘‘a very unfair way’’.

“I am alive to the unfair and rather sectarian criticisms that have been advanced by some of our diaspora intellectuals who went so far as unfairly associating our country to a failed state. I am also alive to the lame protestations of two of our senior citizens, Dr. V.J. Mwaanga and Dr. Skecthley Sacika who demonized our Constitutional Court judges in a very unfair way. All these expressions including by one Larry Mweetwa, a Zambian working in the British army,” he said.

Dr Chitala charged that senior citizens were calling for insurrection in the country, adding that it was an unfortunate conduct as they were simply expressions of frustration and disappointment at the loss of their favoured political party.

He said the initiative by President Lungu to appoint a commission of inquiry to establish the cause of the post-election violence should be lauded and supported by all peace-loving Zambians.

Dr Chitala, who is also MMD founder member and political scientist, explained that one of the structural problems that contributed to disunity in the country was the current Constitution which, he said, was rushed and that it left too many loose ends.

He warned that the Constitution would continue to divide the nation and that there was need to quickly repeal it.

“Government must consider quickly repealing Article 101(4-7), 103(1-5), 104 (3-4) on presidential election petitions and Article 105(8-10) that requires the Speaker to act as President of the republic. Our submission is that our Government must consider reverting to the provisions of the Zambia Independence Order 1964, the Constitution of Zambia Cap 1, Chapter IV, Part 1, and Article 33(1) which provided for the election of the President in a multi-party, multi-ethnic dispensation.

‘‘Article 33(4)a-g of the 1964 Independence Constitution left to us by the British took into account the ethnic, religious and social characteristics of their former colonies,” he said.


  1. It is a failed state sir

    Here are the FACTS

    I live in diaspora and don’t get me wrong I have done well for myself.
    I drive a car Nissan, have a fridge, cooker, eat balanced diets and the rest , all I am an advocating is a better future for the posterity.

    Our children’s lives are at risk here people.

    My children will be half Zambian half European but that’s not what I am here to talk about, I am here to state that unless we have a better Government collectively that cares about progenies of ours we are heading for doom.

    PF are not an elite bunch, look at that cabinet, its voting for the same thing after the same thing. What you needed is a change of scenario, a change in direction. At the helm a man that would unites and be in it not for personal gain (as EL is) but to…

    • but to steer the economy to better levels.

      HH represented that change. Shame on you you voted ELL.

      I am PF but being PF doesn’t mean I will accept a man that has destroyed a party that MS formed.
      In wanting HH to lead Zambia, I am not supporting UPND at all, all I am saying is, we needed a better MAN at the helm.

      You have missed your chance, you are now stuck recycles failures in Chama, Zulu, Chishimba. You name them they did nothing to suggest they can look after your prosperity.

      I am ashamed of you



    • It depends on the side of the fence you are standing to state whether our country is a failed state or not. For those who have been treated unfairly by ECZ (giving votes to a certain candidate more than total votes casted in that constituency), complete black-out of the biggest opposition party by our national broadcaster in preference for one party only as if they own it, selective application of the Public order act where Police brutality had become the order of the day towards certain group of cadres, unruly cadres from a certain political party wanting to bring down a helicopter in Shwang’andu, cadres from a certain political party flying a ZAF chopper over the opposition’s rally in Chawama, the stripping naked of a young lady in full view of the Police, the killing of a defenseless…

    • Tribe is so important to some people that they lose objectivity. Bitter Chikkala has stopped thinking through his head and uses his munungu instead. He sees nothing wrong with how UPND has been victimised before, during and after elections. Education has not helped this Chikkala. There’s no cure for stoopidity.

    • It depends on the side of the fence you are standing to state whether our country is a failed state or not. For those who have been treated unfairly by ECZ (giving votes to a certain candidate more than total votes casted in that constituency), complete black-out of the biggest opposition party by our national broadcaster in preference for one party only as if they own it, selective application of the Public order act where Police brutality had become the order of the day towards certain group of cadres, unruly cadres from a certain political party wanting to bring down a helicopter in Shwang’andu, cadres from a certain political party flying a ZAF chopper over the opposition’s rally in Chawama, the stripping naked of a young lady in full view of the Police, the killing of a defenseless…

    • Boyi ukasefye tukaiponone walitumpa sana. Just because you are tonga does not mean other people don’t think and you are the only ones to judge Zambia to be a failed state. Imwe membwamwe namutumpa sana. Elo you know what? you tongas are not even rich. You are workers of the Ila people of Namwala. A Tonga is a kaboyi of the Ila.

    • There are countries in Africa that are generally considered standard bearers in Africa by the international community. Zambia used to be one such in the area of democracy. We just lost it. We have now descended to the gutters, joining Zimbabwe, Angola, Uganda etc., down below.

    • There are countries that are generally considered standard bearers in Africa by the international community. Zambia used to be one such in the area of democracy. We just lost it. We have now descended to the gutters, joining Zimbabwe, Angola, Uganda etc., down below.

    • Stop boasting. You are just a slave in a foreign land. Come back and fight for your country and posterity. You can’t be bragging of doing fine in a foreign land and yet your own country needs you. Its a shame to stand afar off and point fingers.

    • Has anyone noticed that all the Usual PF Cadres are not posting comments…. where is Kudos, Katondo Boys and the Gang? They must all be on the $300’000 Chartered Plane to the USA, going to tell the Developed World how to be Peace Loving and Democratic!!! I wonder if they have taken their Mad Uncle Bob with them? After all he is a Beacon of Hope for Africa!

    • an why H.H. and not other candidates?????? You are not being sincere. Yes we need big brains to drive our economy but we must all understand and respect other people’s choices.

    • @Kadansa lol. Bonus points 5000 for much needed humour!

      Play spot the blogger who criticised PF daily for ages then revealed his identity and business plans with a direct appeal to them. He has become a huge PF vuvuzela since. Reckon the deal went through? Lol.

    • Too many job seekers even at in their age twilight!

      At his age given his education and vast experience as Deputy Minister & Ambassador he should have evolved into a multi-business employer!

      alas! He is still praise-singing for a job.

      What a shame!

    • Corrected!

      Too many job seekers even in their age twilights!

      At his age given his education and vast experience as Deputy Minister & Ambassador he should have evolved into a multi-business employer!

      alas! He is still praise-singing for a job.

      What a shame!

    • @Mushota

      Do not be academically slothful. Read a bit about Max Weber’s political sociology on the defining feature of a modern state for you to understand that Zambia cannot be compared with Somalia that is considered by political scientists to be a classical case of a failed state. Otherwise, you risk sounding like some of those UPND Professors with a narrowly legalistic understanding of the modern state.

    • Definition: A nation in which the government has lost political authority and control and is unable to fulfill the basic responsibilities of a sovereign state.
      Zambia is far away from that. Only bitter and envious people will believe we are a failed state.

    • You really a pathetic human being. You had to plug in the fact that you have half cast kids because you r married to a white person? How self loathing is that? I know there are Zambian back home who lead lives that you and I can only dream of. You probably in debt up to your eyes balls with credits cards car loans and mortgages. In Zambia when someone own a car or house it is fully paid for in the majority of cases. The weather is to die for. Shame on you

    • Ba Mushota, When Mazoka died, HH was not even a branch official in UPND, the Vice President of that party was Sakwiba Sikota.
      As a convention was organized to chose a replacement for Mazoka, a new article was inserted in the UPND constitution.
      Article whatever: Only a Tonga can be president of UPND.
      A Tonga in the name of HH became President of UPND, Forget about other qualifications, the major qualification at that conference was tribe.
      HH turned a party which Mazoka had built at great cost into a tribal party.
      HH is a tribalist with a tribal agenda and that is why Chibomba told him that she was going to throw away ECL”s case, if HH took it to the country
      All these things have happened and HH has failed.
      Let a unifier take over UPND and not HH


    • Mushota
      Who does not have a Nissan, car and a fridge and eat a balanced diet? Many local Zambians are far much better than you who is living hand to mouth.

    • Who are you fooling Ba Mbita?? You just want a job hence this write-up. How can Lungu appoint an Inquiry when the division was started by RB?? talk sensible things as an educated scolar than think with your tummy??\

      It is really sad to see educated people behave so desperately when they want an appointment? they even lose their morals just to get appointed. shame on him.

  2. but to steer the economy to better levels.

    HH represented that change. Shame on you you voted ELL.

    I am PF but being PF doesn’t mean I will accept a man that has destroyed a party that MS formed.
    In wanting HH to lead Zambia, I am not supporting UPND at all, all I am saying is, we needed a better MAN at the helm.

    You have missed your chance, you are now stuck recycles failures in Chama, Zulu, Chishimba. You name them they did nothing to suggest they can look after your prosperity.

    I am ashamed of you



    • @ Mushota
      You have said stuff that most of us here can only angrily think about. For your candor and tongue-in-cheek submissions you were voted BB 2014 and for me it came not as an accident but a testimony to your being a maverick. Good job, Mushota!

    • This what you get when peasants move to Europe, they brag basically about nothing is a Nissan worth bragging about let alone a fridge? Mushota you spout a loot of C-rap.

    • Iwe soswe get real and look for real fakas to fack you hard
      Ikinyo kyobe bachitombe. waumfwa ukuti wikute am sperms yafike na ku musula obe.
      Who told you that hh pungwa no plan has plans.
      5 to 0 at has plans.
      madness means trying same person hoping to get a win but getting a loss. That is why hh must retire and give room to salable candidates. eheh hh is hard to sell finito.
      HH has been beaten by Mwanawasa in 2006
      RB in 2008
      Sata in 2011
      ECL in 2015
      ECL in 2016
      Five times by 4 diffrenet men. All stole his vote. Mwebantu admit that this skunk is not salable. kwapwa

    • Buy vs mushota? How do you win without voting u are outside Zambia and you judge Zambia to be a failed state? let me tell you, the truth is you are a failed citizen because you bring nothing to this great country but shame and make sure you will stay there for the lest if your life because here like you.

  3. Mushota alanda ati: I live in diaspora and don’t get me wrong I have done well for myself.
    I drive a car Nissan, have a fridge, cooker, eat balanced diets and the rest , all I am an advocating is a better future for the posterity.

    Then you are poor Mushota and you are not doing well for yourself. Jus come back home and do better.

    • Mugshots is happy with what she has… think because some one hires a private jet using stolen money they have done well ? N

      Africans measure happiness by the amount of designer cloths one has.

      Boris Johnson the UK foreign minister rides a bike to work to you that is suffering ?

    • Bitter Chikkala should just apply privately for a job with Chakolwa. He must be the only idyot that is happy with the KanCourt. As far as I know both PF and UPND want the KanCourt judges to resign or be dismissed. How did Chikkala miss all that? If the newly implemented Constitution now requires major surgery at its first test, what does that say about Zambia as a country for coming up with such a draft Constitution? Can’t he see why Zambia is a failed state, a black hole in the middle of Africa, another basket case of tribal zombies who just want to abuse and steal national resources?

  4. I thought kabimba was red lips! But no chitala is deep red lips! The man is miserably hungry and begging for job from PF! But no one can trust him after selling out his late friend Dean!

  5. I have been to Zambia recently and I see a Zambia that is moving in the right direction but there is need for impetus for the country going forward, I guess that is what Mushota is saying, the rest about Nissan, have a fridge, cooker, eat balanced diets are add-ons. Lungu’s cabinet will not offer that energy the country needs. Dr Mbita Chitala has timely come out with the support for Lungu in order to be considered for the Jobs that are going which Mutati has been a beneficiary.
    Lungu will not do for me!!

  6. kikikiki it is all in the title “former ambassador”. Njala yama chita bad kikiki. Lungu please give these big lipped chap a job. Lack of integrity is really saddening in zambia because an old chap like this is willing to support a failed government all for the sake of his own belly.

  7. Ba Derrick Chitala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now called Mbita Chitala……………… remember how you failed to run SIDO under KK…………….the mbala mafia who sold his friend Dean Mung’omba to Chiluba…………..may God have mercy on you…………looking for government job again……………twanaka naimwe.

  8. If Lungu who signed the so called constitution can admit he does not know whether to appoint 40 or 30 Ministers who are you bwana to argue. Zambia is a failed state. Starting with the constitution itself. Violence did not only happen after elections but before during and after. You know the people behind this violence. Fr Frank Bwalya, Kampyongo in Shiwang’ndu, Max big BROTHER, Lusambo,the police list goes on. So do not demonize the weak souls in the opposition. You served under Mwanawasa. Didn’t Mwanawasa end violence. How can the whole of Lungu fail to end violence. Then Zambaia is a failed state. Learn to have a grain of integrate. Die a pauper materially but rich in reputation.

    • Justice – If you went to Somalia, may be you would know what a failed state is – and take Muna Ndulo with you. What violence did Mwanawasa end? By the way, there is no violence in Zambia. Your party tried in vain to start violence – it failed!! That is Zambia for you.

    • Ati violence when it was Ilas displacing fellow Zambians! Up to now, Hapitilila Hagain has not condemned the violence let alone visited the affected families.

    • I will argue with facts. Who went with a gun and exchanged gun shots with police in Dora’s constituence. Who defied the sanctity of airport and risked the lives of the passenger and crew on the plane with the intention to kill? Who is in jail for killing mutapa. How did chipenzi die. Who maimed a man in lusaka just after elections at his house. Who attacked the campaingn bus for opposition in lusaka? What is a failed state? Differentiate, Somalia is a fully fledged war zone. It started with a violence then failed state and finally you know better., Somalia is beyond failed state where as Zambia is a failed state. Instituitions are polarised. Obama once said Africa does not need strong main but strong instituitions. Today cadres can kill, no arrests can maim no arrests. Failed state. You…

  9. Chitala made a lot of money collecting ransom money from Indian and Greek businessmen during the 1990 MMD campaigns. As Minister at State House, he made a lot of money selling appointments to meet Chiluba. After Chiluba, he came back as campaign manager for LP Mwanawasa and made a lot of money collecting ransom tributes from the same businessmen. He tried the trick with MC Sata in 2011 but was rebuffed because Sata knew his cheap tricks. He is now trying to reinvent some relevance.

    • and iwe ka mj please tell tumfweko that blocking me will not stop the truth from been told. I will be back there to spread the truth like i always do. YOu pf chaps are cowards.

  10. It is foolish to establish the enquiry of post-election violence when we know what happened before the 2016 election and the causes of post-election violence. Pretending that we do not know is foolish and the truth is not with us. It will be a waste of money and time resources to commission enquiry of the post election violence. That money and time can be used in solving poverty issues.

  11. Chitala is looking for a Diplomatic posting from Lungu. He is defending Lungu so that he can be admitted to Lungu’s gravy train. What are the compelling reasons for amending the two clauses? To kill the UPND Petetion b4 Concourt and the UPND Petetion requiring Lungu to step down and handover the instruments of power to the Speaker of Parliament while the Petetion is being disposed off? The solution lies in implementing these two issues rather than repealing the two clauses. Why weaken our Constitutional Democracy by repealing these clauses? Why encourage the stealing of elections without accountability? Chitala is fishing for a job from Lungu. Thats all.

  12. My college professor always wondered how seemingly intelligent people said some of the most stupid things: this Mbita Chita guy is one such character ( l wouldn’t even call him Dr.because it would be a great dishonor to all those who deserve that title due to their intelligentsia).

    When you have intellectuals clamor for political jobs for economical survival, this is what you get. He has lost the simple common sense to be analytical. Lungu only talked about post-election violence & all Dr.Mwaanga & Dr.Sacika was why Lungu wants to set up this tribunal when he is the one who instigated the violence.And what about pre-election violence and bringing the known culprits to answer justice (not before those constitutional & high court judges pls…they are a total corrupt,disgraceful…

  13. I wonder what type of comments these so called PAPER DOCTORS makes. Where were these PAPER TIGERS when the constitution was being debated and drafted? In this modern age for one to suggest that we go back to the British drafted constitution of 1964? The problem that we have in this country we have so many people who are educated and we expect to interpret things to the less educated in simple language but they do the opposite. They are just paper tigers who dream day in day out and their qualifications have no relevance to the society they are supposed to serve. These are just people who educated on paper but in terms being knowledgeable their heads are empty because to me even a village HEADMAN is better because they lead people wisely. This is not the time to be passing negative…

  14. Diaspora? Jewish at large are diaspora. A religious attack and repression led to the break up of their status and place as God’s chisen children. History and the need to survive displaced The Jewish people. They are proper Diaspora.

    Zambians abroad have NEVER been displaced. This concept started when the Zambian gov’ts emerged from the severe depression caused by the Oil Crash of the 70’s which was caused by over-borrowing from dishonest Western Finance institutions keen to dump their debt on the poorest of poor. Politicians awoke shortly after Debt Cancellations and came up with the idea to ‘harness’ those people who were sheltering in Western countries during the terrible period of depression; as a way if kick starting the economic regeneration. It was a concept of…

    • …. It was a concept of bring-in those abroad as an economic factor. Unfortunately they have become DISSIDENTS abroad, coping Zimbabweans( who are given housing, free money, jobs etc) to bring their gov’t down.

      Unfortunately, most of these Zambian Ingrates/Dissidents, now called Diaspora, have since morphed into Western Citizens who are ‘coping out’ by becoming other than what they are culturally, historically. To be accepted here in the West they must shout, ‘I WAS BORN HERE,’ or ‘am married here,’ ‘my children were born here.’ Zambians in Zambia have now inherited a huge burden by trying to include these people who, given the ease if life in Western countries have come to reject their own ancestry and home. They cock a snook at their own kind at home because they have…

    • @ 22 ambanwa, Mbita is not really failing to reason. Its his corrupt mind talking, so hungry its willing to sell out everyone for its own belly.
      He’s not alone! Nevers Mumba is another dishonest Bellyman. Nevers is responsible Dictator Lungu being created by adding those crucial M.M.D, votes to Chagwa in 2015. Right up to 2016, Nevers had sided with Chagwa, & only saw Chagwas bad side, once Chagwa rejected him as running mate, in preference for Mama Inonge Wina. Knowing Chagwas health issues, Nevers saw himself as a potential Zambian President.
      Now would anyone question that learned Nevers is faling to reason?? THE SAD ANSWER IS NO!!
      Nevers is a Bellyman/ Religious Charlatan, & should enjoy every ounce of persecution from Chagwa, as he alone created it.

  15. A little wiki fun is in order.

    A failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly. Likewise, when a nation weakens and its standard of living declines, it introduces the possibility of governmental collapse.

    1. Disintegration – Check
    2. Decline in standard of living

    • Common characteristics of a failing state include a central government so weak or ineffective that it has little practical control over much of its territory and there is a non-provision of public services. When this happens widespread corruption and criminality, the intervention of non-state actors, the appearance of refugees and the involuntary movement of populations, and sharp economic decline can occur.

      1. Loss of Territorial control – Check

      2. Non provision of public services – Check

      3. Criminality and corruption – Check

      4. Intervention of non state actors – Check

      5. Refugees – We have no idea who is in the country as it is

      6. Sharp economic decline – Check

    • Loss of control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein

      Erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions

      Inability to provide public services

      Inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community

      We can tick the majority. We may not consider ourselves a failed state but we appear to be in a state of failure and excelling at it too!

  16. Zambians in Zambia have now inherited a huge burden by trying to include these people who, given the ease if life in Western countries have come to reject They cock a snook at their own kind at home because they have it easy.

    DISSIDENTS NOT DIASPORA, AND MOST CERTAINLY NOT INTELLECTUAL, but POMPUS fools trying to ingratiate themselves into higher stratus in Gov’t, bringing their dubious backers( weapons dealers, repugnant corporate capitalists greedy only for profits).

  17. That is the problem with you Zambians! You love luxury from stolen money. I understand Mushota because I also lived in the diaspora for a long time. Her message I think is simple – let everyone have access to the basics. How many people in Zambia have those basic and a dissent education?

  18. If what happened in Namwala had happened in Northern,Luapula or Muchinga Provinces, all Chiefs,Head men and entire clan would have had a Provincial Indaba…but never have we herd or seen chiefs from the mentioned three provinces gathering in order to discuss and make recommendations on how they would deal with the other part.never.Just one or two Bembas wronged them that’s Chishimba kambwili and Davies Chama, the entire Province including prominent people like ba Vernon Gathered to chart the way forward awe mwandini some people

    • Nothing happened in Namwala! Those poor Bembas were misled that if they burned their houses they would get K50,000 from Lungu. They then started camping at these centres while their wives and families were home. Not a single person was injured or displaced. Total lies by PF and their associates.

  19. Guys take a gud look at the people condemning lungu and Pf,find time to hear there tribes and names you b able to know.guys in Pf don’t get upset it is in there blood thats how they are.mukabankeleza muzadwala po bp na zuba iyi.

  20. I challenge Derick. Zambia is a failed state. If he doesn’t know maybe he needs some of us to point it out to him. Show me what works normally to justify your argument

  21. NO CONSTITUTIONAL REPEAL. Current amended constitution was not debated fully because of irresponsibly behaviour by UPND and NGOs. The Referendum in the elections was not successful because of the irresponsible behaviour of UPND and NGOs.

    We can’t hold off the constitution because some disruptive elements want to politicise the process of changes. All fake intellectuals are in fact mad, bad despondent individuals whom the normal humble people of Zambia should hold off from central gov’t. Zambia for Zambians. Mbita Chitalu talks of ‘the one the British gave us….’ As if the one we gave ‘tried’ to hone out us wrong. Time limits to petition mystery remain. It solves long drawn disruptive challenges.

  22. derrick are spot on. diaspora lecturers and old citizens are failed fellas. people had decided, and petitioners failed to present in 14 or 10 days accorded to them, the so called real hard evidence that could have nullified the elections.

  23. It’s a failed state. Like Mushota I have all basic needs for a decent living which many a Zambian just dream about. What Mushota was trying to get into your thick skull is that Zambia deserves better.
    The problem is you have accepted mediocrity as normal. Ba kaponya imwe.

  24. Only sensationalists and narrow minded extremists see Zambia as a failed state.

    That is why have not problem with hearing what people say, but when it comes to believing and agreeing I choose based on substance.

  25. Only sensationalists and narrow minded extremists see Zambia as a failed state.

    That is why I have no problem with hearing what people say, but when it comes to believing and agreeing, I choose based on substance.

  26. Wa mushota so what!!!!! when you are diaspora??? you should very much remember that home is home Tate & no place like can take African banana to Europe for 200 hundreds it will still remain an African banana.& Will are not interested to know whether you are driving or flying

  27. Those lips appear ravaged from hunger & disease, hence Mbita shouting loudest from the treetops to get heard by “The Master Chagwa” who distributes taxpayers money meant for development, schools, hospitals, to praise singers & cheerleaders. ONLY IN AFRICA!!!
    Unless the Constitution is changed, & presidential powers, including those of hiring & firing are amended, we will always have prim@tes put in positions, not on merit but how best they can lick the Presidents behind.
    However Black Africans love to be led by a Chief/ Strongman, they can cheer loud for, @ the expense of sound Development, & functioning governance

  28. So, Chitala does not worry about suspected or real fraud, corruption, cronyism, nepotism and all those vices, really?

    Surely if somebody is suspected of having stolen another/others’ votes, Mr Mbita is not concerned at all to establish the truth or the fiction?

    There is really a clash of cultures in the Country! In the South-Western of Zambia, the foregoing vices are abhored and are abominable, while the other part of the Country people cerebrate them as achievements/successes?

    Very discouraging indeeed!

  29. “Dr.Chitala” my foot! Obviously you noticed that something seriously went wrong with the electoral process unless you are very dull. We know you are pretending.Go and ask Danny Kalale and he will tell you that it depends on whose side you are. Support or oppose something on principle, not on an empty stomach. One of the consequences of supporting a wrong is that you can never progress as a country. You are not helping the situation.

  30. Well I fail to understand this ‘true to kind’ Mushota rant. I have been in Lusaka twice this year so far. I went to game to source wedding gifts with my little cousin, and EVERYTHING, YOU MENTION IS THERE! Fridges, Cookers etc. and VERY cheap ranges too. Most Zambians in urban areas have these commodities in their homes or at least they are there for purchase. Most Zambians can access cars, from second hand Japanese car dealers. Jeeps seem to be fun car of choice. ITs INFRASTRUCTURE, that’s needing to be developed. As a Black Zambian you are better off in Zambia. Maybe your house may be a bit ramshackled, (temperamental sewerage, electricity, water), but you have open OPPORTUNITY and the Right to be considered First. I argue, that what Mushota really wants to say is that…

    • ……I argue, that what Mushota really wants to say is that it’s SAFE in Western countries. BUT it is Soul Destroying because the grind is far harder because of colour.

  31. Mushota liule lyakwa Pungwa no plan, HH.
    You cannot lose 5times and clliam that you have a plan, worse 10 point plan
    Haleya Halenya. Hunger Hazards Dudumwezi Hachilalila
    Fack you Mushota

  32. Dr. Chitala is the most pretender that Zambia is not a failed state. Denying facts will not help Zambia to progress in most areas. Yes, Zambia is a failed state. Is it not the past PF government which could not listen to its people and decided MPs’ driven Constitution? We have a bunch of MPs who can not make proper laws. If we do not have proper laws it means Zambia is a failed state. If the law has 2 or more interpretation, then Zambia is a failed state. If our MPs cannot make proper laws how will they manage helping communities in curing poverty which is 100 times harder than the laws? When Zambians (99%) in diaspora speak about bad issues in Zambia they are concerned and care about their country, they are not looking for jobs in Zambia.

  33. Failed state? Go to sudan, liberia, iraq and syria. Lets
    see if you come back alive, all you fools
    posting this silly blog on this site

  34. Being a failed politician of course Derick Chitala won’t know a failed state when it materializes before him. By the way, when is Chitala going to stop looking for a job?

  35. Derrick, Please stop embarrassing yourself. At your age and supposedly level of intellectual capacity, you should be a beacon of knowledge and common sense to younger people to make realistic judgments of things. I am really disappointed with you and wonder what you want from Lungu. Because at your age, forget about a job. You had your chance.

    Shame on you. I have lost the last bit of respect I had for you.

  36. Well, if Zambia is a failed state, how is it that wildlife is generally under protection in reserves specifically annexed for them to a point were I GULIAT does not have the intended privilige of culling them for my unrestricted consumption? In fact, no other place in the entire world has such abundant protected wild life besides the few countries namely: Botswana, Kenya (and perhaps S.A).

    My point being: I wildlife is under gazzetted protection in Zambia, how can it be worse off for ‘umanbens) eh!!! I tend to agree with the ‘mbala mafia’ Zambia is certainly not a failed state, at least not now and hopefully for a long long time to come. HAHAHAHAHA

  37. But since I don’t want to be insulted profusely for disagreeing with eminent professors such as Ndolo and Hasungule, I will pretend that I did not just write a statement contrary to the distinguished professors and will pretend that Zambia is indeed a failed state.

  38. Mr Chitala, and not Dr bcoz a Dr is supposed to be of a certain level of thinking.Mr chitala any objective person whether in pf or upnd knows what you are saying is not correct and you re shamelessly biased.ask yourself who are the first pipo who reported the concourt judges to police and the rubbish judicial complaints commission_they ar from you funkin party pf.were they promoting sectarian insurrection_only in your shadow brain ba fake Dr. U have bn in politics since the inception of mmd and wat have u seen.what u have seen is that many of our former presidents have ended up with poor regard frm their countrymen.why.selfishness.advise yo friend lungu of this shall be very difficult for lungu to leave power bcoz of his crimes.he committed treason for refusing to step down and…

  39. Dr. Mbita Chitala is very correct and all his detractors are dead wrong. According to the internationally respected organization, The Fund for Peace, a failed state is a country that has almost completely disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly. Likewise, when a nation weakens and its standard of living declines, it introduces the possibility of governmental collapse. The Fund for Peace characterizes a failed state as having the following characteristics:
    • Loss of control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force. therein
    • Erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions
    • Inability to provide public services
    • Inability to interact with other states as a…

  40. According The Fund for Peace, the following are the top 20 failed states, with Somalia being the worst of them. Zambia, is in fact, among the top best performing African countries, with Mauritius as the best performer. The top 20 failed states are: Liberia, Libya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Niger, Eritrea, Guinea Bissau, Zimbabwe, Burundi, Nigeria, Guinea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, Sudan, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Somalia

  41. These are the countries according the Fund for Peace which are not failed states are in the top 20 of the best performing African countries: Mauritius, Seychelles, Botswana, Namibia, Ghana, Cape Verde, Gabon, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Benin, Lesotho, Tanzania, Senegal
    Comoros, Madagascar, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Zambia, Gambia

  42. The failed state is a failed party which suffers from denial and delusions! It wanted the government to stop printing ballot papers where the government believed was safe. It inspected the ballots with others but still thought something was fishy. It stopped innocent ECZ trucks and inspected them when they had nothing to hide! It rejected an election result which was being monitored by its on members, other stake holders and international monitors. It went to court and lost there too and still believe Edgar is not the president but a guy who goy 47% – fail!

  43. Ati I drive a Nissan and eat a balanced diet … kikiki in a foreign land whilst called a refugee? I drive a Nissan and eat a balanced diet and my wife also drives though she doesn’t work, she takes our children to school…. where are we? In Zambia, work hard bane even HH won’t put food on your table!

  44. However long it takes, perhaps even 30 years, anyone who breached Article 104(3) will face Lady Justice.

    Repealing won’t absolve the criminals.

  45. Sadly Dr Chitala you’re dragging yourselves into our country’s biggest disappointments. There’s nothing wrong in your support for ECL, but it’s wrong for you to ignore the bigger vision for our country. It’s sad that you’ve been part of the problem and pushing our country to sea without sails or an engine. We’re asking for respect for the constitution, transparency and integrity, not a return to something your MMD government ignored. With a PhD one would have expected better. This argument isn’t about HH or ECL but the abuse of power by the incumbent and recklessness of the ECZ and poverty of integrity and courage by the judiciary.

  46. The criticisms by the failed UPND cadres Mwaanga and Sachika and the two economic migrants Hansungule and Ndulo are anchored on the fact that their very unpopular Icilema and party Upnd have been rejected by the majority of Zambian voters mainly because of that entity’s tribalistic mien.

  47. Even by Derrick Chitala’s standards, this toilet acrobatic stunt, a stunt replete with moralism and grandstanding, is uniquely cynical and hypocritical. We know he is looking for a job so why not just go on his knees before Changwa instead of using Zambia in his stinking toilet stunt? And for a chap who hired people to use his fun to disembowel his friend Dean’s wife, this does not come as a surprise, Mbita Derrick’s treachery knows no limit, he is gutless in that respect.

  48. This platform is a mouth piece for the lost and frustrated. Don’t vent anger on the piece of paper called constitution which you same people [the educated/intellectuals] drew up. You will once again congregate to redraft the document and for sure you will mess it up for the 10th time. I support Dr Mbita in all his contribution and that Zambia reverts back to its founding constitution text until we become more patriotic and less selfish. For sure Zambia cannot be referred to as failed state on the basis of politically motivated skirmishes. You don’t change constitutions because you don’t like how president X has used or abused its provisions…but vote him or her out and strengthen other organs of state. We should also be weary of such mantras as “people driven constitution”, forced…

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