Wednesday, March 12, 2025

ZSPA calls for clear direction in 2017 budget submissions


budgetThe Zambia Society for Public Administration (ZSPA) have called on government to provide a clear direction on the focus areas for the 2017 National Budget.

ZSPA President Kelvin Saia says even as the Secretary to the Treasury has called for submissions from members of the public, there is need for increased sensitization on the areas of priority so that submissions made by the public are meaningful to the process.

Speaking in a press statement issued to ZANIS today, Mr. Saia said the government should clearly explain their development agenda to the nation to enable Zambians to easily audit the government.

He said Zambians would only do that when they have clearly understood the contents of the budget.

Mr. Esiasa noted that only the few elite clearly understand the composition of the budget and therefore it is important that citizens in rural areas are also given an opportunity to understand the budgeting system as it also affects them.

Meanwhile, the association president has called on the government to explain the meaning of the pronouncement of Kafue as the Steel and Iron industrial Zone.

Mr. Esiasa said Government should state what path will be taken to ensure that the town is adequately prepared for the development.

He said it is important that proper mechanisms are put in place including a favourable environment for both business and operations in order to create more investment in the country.


  1. We really do not expect much to change, and worst of all we are certainly expecting a turn for the worst. The IMF hangman is out for blood and technocrats such as the Secretary to the Treasury, – in asking for submissions – is simply going through the motions as per his job description. The team that Lungu has put together lacks the coveted higher education and experience in directing the country towards economic recovery. As a result we are going to have more of the same. For those in the wider population that fail to position themselves for survival, this will be a very rough ride and it will only get worse with time. I feel sorry for the majority poor who will bear the brunt of this waiting catastrophe.

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