Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Government secures K1, 240,000 for Kazungula district boreholes Southern Province


Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba delivering his speech during the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo Chiefdom
Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba delivering his speech during the inaugural Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional Ceremony of the Tonga speaking people of Choongo Chiefdom

Government has secured K 1, 240, 000.00 through UNICEF and other cooperating partners for construction of 20 boreholes in Kazungula district.

Eleven of the boreholes will be constructed in Nyawa chiefdom at a cost of K682, 000.00

Southern Province permanent Secretary Sibanze Simuchoba disclosed the development in a speech read on his behalf by Provincial Chief Human Resource Management Officer Daggoh Chitendwe during the Guta Mwenze Bbwe traditional ceremony of the Tonga people of Kazungula district held yesterday.

Mr Simuchoba said the contractor, China Gansu has since moved on site following signing of the contract on September 1 this year.
He said government is working hard to uplift the living standards of its people in all the 10 provinces.

Mr Simuchoba said President Edgar Lungu has taken keen interest in the welfare of the people of southern province and is working tirelessly to open up the province to development.

The permanent secretary noted that apart from agriculture, the national sustainable development goals place infrastructure development as one of the key sectors that will drive the country’s economy to achieve vision 2030.

And residents of Nyawa chiefdom have expressed gratitude to government for providing the water points.

And chief Nyawa thanked government for the on-going programme of sinking boreholes but said there was need for more water points in the area due to the vastness of the chiefdom.

The chief pointed out that the area is experiencing water challenges as a result of the poor rainfall experienced last season.

The traditional leader also expressed concern at the poor state of bridges and appealed to government to treat the matter with urgency and quickly repair them.

Meanwhile, Chief Nyawa has asked government to realign his chiefdom to Zimba district.

The traditional leader said the chiefdom is closer to Zimba district administration than Kazungula.

Chief Nyawa disclosed that about 8,000 subjects who have attained the age of 30 have failed to obtain the green national registration card due to the long distance people have to cover from his chiefdom to Kazungula registration office.

“Personally, I have no problem with being in Kazungula but my people are suffering, “he stressed.

The Chief observed that farmers without NRCS were forced to engage middlemen to sell their maize resulting in some of them being swindled.


    • If you employee 10 men to dig a hole until they find water, and pay them k6 millions is really good money.
      Unfortunately, PF government workers will take out 20 million for meeting allowances from each borehole.

  1. Are you telling us that since the first man settled in that area, there has not been anyone who came up with a plan to have water nearest to the people untill now that GVT has to sign a contract, not with Zambian companies in that field but, with the Chinese? It had to take all these yrs + a chinese firm to have the population of Nyawa chiefdom access to the “water points”, that are not at all a solution but increasing dependency of zambian people on others from a far off point to come and solve our problems….. Africa my Africa, Zambia my Zambia,,, will we eve be independent???

  2. Even boreholes…surely you have to Chines contractors and even to raise funds for these selfsame boreholes you have to go to your so called cooperating partners. You are the same people who are buying pointless solar hammer mills for $200 million when people do not have access to clean water. This is the same govt that charters a jet to fly one man to the US…but you can not raise K 1, 240, 000.00.

  3. I put up a borehole at my farm in cHoma for 18000,so 20 of them will cost roughly 400000,let’s consider distance may come to 600,000,so all the remaining money 640,000 will be stolen , this would be stolen money can carter for 23,more which can change the face of our communities , pf ni corruption chabe,

  4. This is the trouble of using Ministries to hire drillers. When Unicef hires them directly they pay K30,000 – K35,000. When money is passed through the Ministry of Local Govt And Housing the same boreholes cost between K 50,000 and K 60,000. Reason, corruption. And DEC & ACCOUNT just look on. Why?

    • @John Chinena:
      It is amazing how people like you talk authoritatively even about things you least know! There is no borehole that will cost more than K20,000 in Zambia at present.
      Last month, I sank a borehole (using one of the many private companies in Lusaka) on my plot in New Kasama for US$1,000 or call it K12,000. I wonder where you are getting the figures of K30,000 to K35,000 you are quoting here. You are in Botswana which is near Zambia, but you are definitely completely out of touch with the reality on the ground. Even with a water tank, the total cost would NOT be more than K22,000.

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