Sunday, October 6, 2024

Bowman Lusambo in late night visits to Ndola Central and Arthur Davison Hospitals


Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo touring Ndola Central Hospital
Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo touring Ndola Central Hospital

Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo made impromptu late night visits to Ndola Central and Arthur Davison Hospitals to get a first-hand account of the challenges facing the two health facilities.

Accompanied by Provincial Permanent Secretary Reverand Howard Sikwela and some senior government officials, Mr Lusambo made his first stop at Arthur Davison Children’s Hospital around 22:30 Hours.

He interacted with hospital authorities and women whose children were admitted to appreciate the state of the health institution.

The Provincial Minister told Hospital management that the aim of the visit was to see for himself how the two health institutions in the city are delivery health care to the residents.

Mr Lusambo expressed deep concern over congestion at the country’s only specialised children’s hospital saying the trend needs to be reserved.

He told Senior Medical Superintendent Dr Jonathan Mwansa who rushed to meet him and his delegation that it was embarrassing that some children could be sleeping on the floor due to overcrowded wards.

“This is embarrassing and we need to reverse this trend. We cannot allow our children to be sleeping on the floor. We also need to have a solution to the issue of shelters for care givers,” Mr Lusambo said.

Around 23:30 Hours, Mr Lusambo and his delegation moved to Ndola Central Hospital where he said he was not impressed with the level of cleanliness in the wards.

He said the hospital administration should work towards improving the standards of hygiene at the institution.
The Provincial Minister pledged to take up all the concerns raised by hospital managements with Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya.

“I will be liasing with my colleague at the Ministry of Health Dr Chilufya to see how we can work to resolve some of the issues we have noticed here,” Mr Lusambo said.

And briefing Mr Lusambo, Dr Mwansa expressed happiness over the Minister’s commitment to improving the state of health care in the city.

“Your visit here shows that you care for this institution and we are hopeful that together we can resolve some of the challenges we are facing here,” Dr Mwansa said.

Dr Mwansa said there is need to construct a new first or second level health to help decongest Ndola Central Hospital.

Mr Lusambo listening to the concerns from one of the care givers
Mr Lusambo listening to the concerns from one of the care givers
Mr Lusambo being briefed by Dr Joseph Musoboya
Mr Lusambo being briefed by Dr Joseph Musoboya
Interacting with mothers and care givers at Arthur Davison Hospital
Interacting with mothers and care givers at Arthur Davison Hospital
In one of the wards at Arthur Davison Hospital
In one of the wards at Arthur Davison Hospital
Dr Jonathan Mwansa briefing Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo during his tour of the hospital
Dr Jonathan Mwansa briefing Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo during his tour of the hospital


    • Kutumpa uku, creating own visiting hours at 23hrs? Nurses couldn’t even give medicine to children.
      When Lusambo get sick, I will also go visit him at midnight.
      Visit prisoners at midnight.

    • This is much better than Nevers Mumba who ambushed patrons and prostitutes at Alpha Bar in Lusaka instead of minding his own business. Bowman, don’t make this a habit….once in a while visit the government offices, especially after lunch. Most civil servants don’t come back on time, start with the passport office

    • Imagine the 1diot thinks he is making points when he is actually disturbing patients.Hospitals are not supposed to be frequented anyhow Lusambo that is why there is even visiting hour.Patients need to be left alone recuperating.Go to KMB or Masala Bus stop if you have nothing to do.

  1. Does thischikopo know his job description or is he too excited. Kikiki kuti waseka. So ankala security guard manje

    • @NEZ (new educated Zambia) official upnd media Chikopo is working ba sir! Whilst UPND is postulating in various courts, others are working!

  2. Dah!!! Mr Lusambo, there is congestion at the hospital because your PF Goverment has its priorities upside down. Your President would rather hire a jet to the States instead of embarking on an extension of ADH. Instead of prioritising the Solwezi -Chingola and Mufulira-Ndola roads when you got the euro bonds you resurfaced Ndola-Kitwe which needed minor attention. Mind you the roads that you neglected are of economic importance

  3. In an organised country the head doctor on duty would kick this tin out of the hospital….you do not impromptu visits to hospitals as if its a ministry…that’s why there is visiting hours for a reason. Most of these ***** do not know their roles as MPs.

  4. Doing a great job Honourable Lusambo . Ba NEZ that’s why your party Upnd was rejected by the Zambian people your hatred towards fellow Zambians is disgusting we want you to field HH again in 2021 and ECL will annihilate him again

    • Doing what job when you busy paying $1million per kilometer for road construction…do you need this silly boy to tell you that there are no beds in the hospital wards. The money that tin in State House was bribing marketeers and chartering a private jet could buy medicine and beds.

  5. Zambia can only work under supervision, a legacy of our colonial past when muzungus supervised us ; but now “mayendele” in Zambia. If you have watched undercover boss you will be impressed to see how people in the west work without even knowing that the person working with them is an undercover boss. To know the truth how our people work he should go undercover and reveal his identity later. Zambians want to work at their own pace. FTJ was accused of being a headmaster when he monitored the time at which civil servants reported for work.

  6. Good move Ba honourable , that is how it should be, let that move work don’t just visit the hospital and forget about it, but let that move bring change to those hospital, you have promised that you are going to look into those challenges, let those promises put into action, rather than words with no action.

  7. Thats the way to go. Honorable please do not relent. You are complimenting each other well with Dr. Chilufya, thats why you were voted into power. Ignore the critics because they are scared and worried that you will perform to the expectations of people that voted for you.

    • Keep Up What Work ??? People lets not be this Gullible…. all this while a multi Million Kwacha CAR PARK is being built at UTH by the same PF….this issue of sleeping on floors has been there from MMD time and Bowman and the Government need to address the systemic issues otherwise these problems will continue

  8. This country is a big joke. Why should a medical doctor rash to go and meet Lusambo at night? This lack of respect for educated people needs to stop. This country is not going anywhere. Decision making happens from top to bottom. So you get an educated person working below Lusambo and expect development? Isn’t education supposed to be investment? The country is supposed to benefit from the education they gave to doctors but instead of that, Lusambo is now the decision maker.

    • The one. Who is more educated between Donald Trump and a Professors at Harvard University? Do you know that when Donald becomes USA president everyone will dance to his tune. You are just making noise. Being a leader is different from being schooled. Our own Prof Chirwa was hounded out of ZRL by people less educated than him. At CBU is a dean and not a Chancellor but he still reports to someone. Get real and make informed arguments not emotionally charged rants.

    • @Miya. Donald Trump has enough education and business experience to make proper decisions in case you didn’t know. But here we are talking about Lusambo with no nothing to talk about.

  9. Impromptu visits are very important because they reveal the real scenario on the ground and they make civil servants to be alert of being caught napping.It is a welcome move by the Minister which in my view should be emulated by other dignitaries.

    • Should be professional bodies and only in extreme cases where concerns are. How long is it going to take him to visit all including clinics on the CB? Because they all have the same problems.

      Treat the cause not the symptoms.

  10. Start getting rid of those Coats and beds. Developed countries got rid of them about 30 years ago.

    And, like some people have said, no need to disturb patients and relatives at that time. In some countries, Dr Musoboya would have asked to leave.


  12. Zambian hospitals have always been death traps where patients go to hasten their departure from earth. It’s not as if this hypocritical minister isn’t aware of the nature of the filthy hospitals in Zambia. Hospitals have always been in deplorable state ever since Zambians took control of the country and the situation gets worse by the day.

  13. In 1 years time check the size of his belly and his bank balance.

    You will also have noticed nothing has been done about what he saw today.

  14. Who does this Lusambo think he is. Suddenly he is more wise than a Doctor to start giving lectures? It’s this PF govt not allocating money to health institutions that you find them in such deplorable conditions.
    Lusambo is just an MMD cadre…..period.

  15. The 1.d.i.o.t is from a bonkying session and passes through those hospitals to cover up from his noisy wife and people are busy posting praises.ELC should give this man a job description to help him to understand his role.23.30hrs? even disturbing patients.I know he is excited but let him sober up.

  16. Parasitic PF behaviour.
    Wanting to be a hero in the news. You do not need a midnight visit to see congestion or sick patients sleeping on floors.

    Then we see the PF caders dancing and clapping ati well done.

  17. cadres please Lusambo did not go to instruct the Doctors. Lusambo went to see if the patients and the Doctors are in good environment. Check if there are bedding in the hospitals, Check there is water, check even the offices were the Doctors operate so that he can leave them in a conducive environment. If the Doctors have any problem this is the forum. If the patients and care takers have complaints this is supposed to be the forum. We are seeing you comments you cadres.

  18. Nez Inc, you accused government of inertia and here’s someone trying to get first hand info on ops you start insulting him. We 3/4 of civil servants are Upnd cadres and they will do everything to discredit the government. Even stealing medicine is not out of question.

  19. Jackets in children’s wards! Does he know infection prevention? He is spreading germs to already sick and malnourished kids. Kick him out!

  20. How astonishing! People praising a minister for making an ‘impromptu’ hospital visit to show us what everyone already knows about Zambian hospitals. Year after year the issues are glossed over – the question is why aren’t you doing anything about it as government? Whats your policy on health?
    We also know what PF’s priorities have been. Its hypocritical for the minister to behave as if something has suddenly befallen the hospitals.

  21. At least Lusambo you are not like PF. I like you, when you visit such institutions you enlightened the public how pathetic those institutions are.
    That’s why Kambwili hates you because him ( Kambwili) when he was a minister , he was just insulting people at the ministry and closing media houses.
    Show them that you are not a PF cadre but MMD. Work for the people not only those PF thugs cadres who want to grab land illegally like Kambwili.

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