Tuesday, March 4, 2025

President Lungu appoints 9 more ministers to bring his cabinet size to 25 Ministers


Given Lubinda Minister of Justice
Given Lubinda Minister of Justice

President Edgar Lungu has appointed and sworn-in nine more Cabinet Ministers bringing the total of those so far appointed to 25.

Those sworn in as Cabinet Ministers are:

(1) Hon. Given Lubinda, MP

(2) Hon. Michael Zondani,Katambo MP

(3) Hon. Chishimba Kambwili, MP

(4) Hon. Christopher Bwalya Yaluma, MP

(5) Hon. David Mabumba, MP

(6) Hon. Charles Romel Banda, MP

(7) Hon. Emerine Kabanshi, MP

(8) Hon. Ronald Kaoma Chitotela, MP

(9) Hon. Brian Mushimba, MP-

The President has also sworn- in Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet-Finance and Economic Development Christopher Mphanza Mvunga, Deputy Army Commander, Maj. General Jackson Miti and High Commissioner to the Republic of Tanzania Benson Keith Chali.

Speaking at the Swearing in ceremony at State House today, President Lungu says he expects total loyalty and support from the Ministers for effective service delivery.

The President says he expects the Ministers to be at their best behaviour, hard working and focused on the implementation of Government policies and delivering without fail, because that is what the Zambian people are expecting.

The President warned that he will not hesistate to fire disloyal and under-performing Ministers.

President Lungu underscored that appointment of Ministers is his preserve and prerogative and that it is wrong to think that these appointments are being made at the expense of PF members who had supported, sacrificed and campaigned for his re-election.

The President says he was not making appointments to appease anyone, but he was merely looking for the best who could deliver and this was in consultation with relevant stakeholders.

The President says he was aware of misguided concerns in the party that he was ignoring those who had served long in the party and were faithful, adding that these appointments were not about appeasements and rewarding followers but selecting the best to deliver.

“Ministerial positions are not about appeasing. Appointment of Ministers is a preserve and prerogative of the President. It’s not about appeasing each other. It’s about getting the best to deliver,” The President said.

“For those of you who supported me, your time will come,” The President added.

The President also says he will rally behind Vice-President Inonge Wina to remain in office because of her handy contribution, despite some sentiments that the ruling party did not get massive votes from Western Province where she hails from.

President Lungu called for the need to encourage more women to vie for political office. The President expressed the low number of women representatives in Parliament, saying that both the PF and the opposition were affected.

Given Lubinda Minister of Justice Chats with President Edgar Lungu
Given Lubinda Minister of Justice Chats with President Edgar Lungu
Chishimba Kambwili
Chishimba Kambwili


Christopher Bwalya Yaluma minister of Mines and Minerals Develpoment
Christopher Bwalya Yaluma minister of Mines and Minerals Develpoment
Mr Brian Mushimba Minister of Commuincation and Transport
Mr Brian Mushimba Minister of Commuincation and Transport
President Edgar Lungu Talks to Major General Jackson Phiri Zambia army deputy Commander after the Swearing in Ceremony at State house
President Edgar Lungu Talks to Major General Jackson Phiri Zambia army deputy Commander after the Swearing in Ceremony at State house
Given Lubinda Minister of Justice
Given Lubinda Minister of Justice
President Edgar Lungu Talks to Major General Jackson Phiri Zambia army deputy Commander after the Swearing in Ceremony at State house
President Edgar Lungu Talks to Major General Jackson Phiri Zambia army deputy Commander after the Swearing in Ceremony at State house




  1. ED 2.0 I am thinking your image builders are doing a great job with the look. I like this fresh faced, leaner look.

    These appointments are yours to make. No disputing that. There are a lot of people to make happy and there is always diplomatic service to please others.

    When are you actually going to stop doodling with filling slots and deal with the crises looming on multiple fronts. Some of your overall choices won’t be of any help so here is hoping the civil service are up to the task now you have inserted new headaches in many cases…

    • Unispiring

      Bloated with cadres, yes men and persons who have undermined the law.
      SOme criminals, traitors, inexperienced, murderers , uneducated and past the sell by dates.

      These are befitting statemnts to explain Mr lungu’s cabinet.

      Ludicrous – the muppets will enrich themselves and inustries will be sold to the highest people bringing bangs and the Chinese

      They are all corrupt to the core and should be no where tasked to look at the educated masses in zambia.



    • How exactly is
      Mr Brian Mushimba Minister of Commuincation and Transport and Kambwili is MINISTER OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING SERVICES

      They are playing with people’s intelligency.

      MINISTER OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL WELFARE shoudlnt even exist neither chould the Ministry of chiefs….

      This is a subtle deffinition of a plunderer.

      There is NO NEED for as many ministries as there is. He should be in forefront of advocating this.

      Lungu is a robotic president, who is as unispiring as they come.



    • For how long you will remain socked up in bitterness? Let’s now develope the country or remain in statistics of the disillusioned legion of sore losers.

    • Why take Ed 2.0 seriously? You think those undemocratic, thieving hands have suddenly developed skills and that vision-less approach is going to display sudden acumen? The next five years are about how much can be squeezed for the presidential belly and its obvious supporters. I like that it has visibly reduced. A few more workouts and he will be fit and in shape. That will make it easier for him to run faster when he is hounded out of office before his ‘term’ is up. In the meantime Emerging Dictator 2.0 is like the camera guy in the photo with Lubinda… too busy smiling and distracted by what is around him to do his job and take the important shots. He now has one local and many foreign paymasters to please.

    • Lungu clearly has not read the Constitution. He has no choice in the VP because she also was elected by the people. She cannot be fired and she does not need his support.

    • He is madness to expect any new stuff from the same old dundaheads some of whom were selected by sata.
      That’s why we should brace for hard times with IMF comming muzanya!

    • Mushota you are not normal. Castigating and making dull coments on everything that the most loved President is doing will not improve your fooolishness. You must have been badly brought up or you were adopted by some white gay couple when you were less than 2 months old.

    • CK’s and Za Yellows appointments were based on what most of you bloggers highlited. The two individuals owes you a million.

    • Mushota is right. Earlier we were told that Chishimba Kambwili will be minister of information, broadcasting and communication. The communication part was added to this ministry. Now we have another minister in charge of transport and communication. Total confusion. Cry my beloved country!

    • Yes fire the lazy bones and disloyal do-nothings. I must see positive changes in the next 2 years. Of course it’s not about appeasement rather dedication to duty and result orientedness. Congrats Dr. CK. Congrates Y’all. Time to work starts now. CB minister currently doing well thus far. We wait and see.

    • Mushota claims to be educated but her grammar is pathetic, her spelling is that of a grade 3 from Shiwa ng’andu. The only reason she is for UPND is because of one GBM. Her comments are arising not from the brain but from ichisa, hence hysterical.

  2. Good choice of ministers. Lets now get to work. Please no insults and Shaming ,5 years is a long time. We need progress and more development. Skyscrapers,Jobs , education and all.. Thank you..

  3. I admire Edgar Chakolwa Kaloba Wrungu’s talent to assemble such a bunch of clueless and visionless people as him. I fore see total failure.

    • Your hopeless Hakachema Hasatanist (HH) is the one who is clueless, he doesn’t know how to win elections and the only economics he knows are insults and hatred.

    • Please go to Parliament.gov.za and check the qualifications of all the Ministers appointed so far. I just did and now I know that most of these guys are not clueless

  4. Surely how can one bring back Christopher Bwalya Yaluma…the bum is incompetent absolutely incompetent..should I mention the bad crude oil debacle or the mess at communication.

  5. Bwana Lungu, those are illegal appointments because you did not win the election. If anything you are an illegitimate president. You know it deep down your heart. Zambians are watching, the world over is watching and above all God is watching. We wish you well but your time is coming, and coming very fast.

    • Which God? I am sure its not the God all us pray to it must the god of the masons. Bamambala ECL is the legitimate President, if you are very bitter go and commit suicide and go to hell where you belong and your party leader.

  6. And he is not done yet…there is still Energy Ministry where the big contracts are signed and the lucrative Zesco piggy bank…he is looking for the idea crook and stooge to help plunder for him.
    Its disgraceful why did the Lazy thing go to Mfuwe and NY if he had not selected his recycled cabinet of empty tins.
    I detest lazy people..like Lungu!!

  7. Probably the first time in the nation s history that the Ministry of Justice shall be headed by a non lawyer.What a disappointment coming from a lawyer president.

    • The Legal Ministry has not produced significant results while being headed by lawyers. In fact Lubinda is too good for that confused ministry that cannot even come up with a credible Constitution. Lungu should just have appointed a monkey as the Legal Affairs Minister. There would have been no difference.

    • They should wait for HH to appoint them in 2031. You appoint from where you have MPs even the useless mason would have done the same thing ie appointing all from Dundumwezi.

    • There are no PF MPs in those regions so what do you expect the President to do? He has to pick from the pool he has in the hand not in the bush. You chased Siamunene and Grayson and you expect him to repeat the blunder through your incompetent deceitful advice? Well done ECL

    • How many pf mps come from those areas? Check what has happened to Kafwaya, Siamunene, Greyford Monde just to mention a few, then you can tell whether it would be wise for the president to appoint ministers from there.

    • @BIGGIE

      I would also have loved to see more MPs from UPND strongholds. But you must have heard for yourself from HH presidential adviser, Douglas Syakalima about the warning he gave to UPND MPs that should they accept appointments in the PF cabinet, they were going to be expelled forthwith. Lungu has done well to leave them out completely to save the country from unnecessary acrimony and possible bye-elections. Of course, this does not bode well for the unity of the country because if UPND were to come into power they would appoint people only from their strongholds on the pretext that their own people were not appointed in the PF cabinet.

    • This is the main reason why I support appointment of Ministers outside parliament. It ensures stability of the country because Ministers are chosen by merit not by patronage or in our case by region. It is a fact that in every province there are people who voted for PF even if in the minority. Why should such people be denied representation in government? There is clear discrimination as it is at the moment and you shouldn’t expect those being discriminated against to just take it sitting down like they have no rights in their own country.

  8. Didn’t Chishimba Kambwili claim yesterday in his rantings that ‘communication’ is now under his belt and part of his ministry? No Lubinda ‘za yellow’ is at Justice, MLK not sure it suits him but if only he could be allowed to discharge his duties independently he could have been the man to stop this country from degenerating into a dictator and modern day ‘black apartheid’ regime.

    ‘Honourable’ they aren’t, the majority of these are just looters and plunderous ready to steal public resources.

    And LT could you please stop all the monotonous and relentless political nonsense headlines… try writing about other worthy causes for a change, like everyday volunteer heroes.

    • Why are you UPND toddlers complaining about our cabinet, I thought by now you have petitioned the ICC or ICJ. Stop wasting our time.

    • Sorry auto correct spell check, it was meant to read: ‘Bo Lubinda…’; ‘…mmm…’.

      But seriously the worshipping of politics and politicians in this country is out of control. Where I leave, the only time I read about politicians is when they are condemned or they have committed a scandal.

      You realise these people are supposed to be our ‘servants’ or donkeys? No wonder politicians feel like untouchable demi gods in Zambia because they are worshipped more than Jesus is worshipped.

    • @Kizito, I’m not UPND (Zambian politics are too immature, barbaric and toxic for me – I read only because I still have relatives and friends still living in the failed state who are affected by it). However, I would have liked anyone else over this incompeten, fraudulent and thieving president. So there!

    • Kizito you’re such a wet blanket! Don’t you know that whether one voted for or against Lungu they all pay him? So, what he does is everyone’s interest.

      You won. Relax, boy!

  9. Seal up all the whole and tell me how much each so called thieving ministers of yours will be earning monthly? Ba bwana Kabolala Lungu I ask you to continue sucking from Zambia and if God will give you the five year term I will be happy to see your success in theft. You have all around projects awaiting for you to finish and mind you these projects all of them are on borrowed money and all the contractors have moved away from the sites because you have not funded them.
    God is God who does not side favoritism. He will reward you if only your seat was a God given one but if it is a stolen one you will not go very far dear Mr Lungu

  10. How do u expect Lungu to pick ministers from Bantustan wen u never voted for the likes of siamunene, moonde, kafwaya, shakafuswa, poniso…etc. Lungu has tried hard to share power and development equally but the he has been disappointed..! Clearly, its not development the Bantustan want but just hatred towards Bembas and easterners..! Iam lozi but don’t support Bantustan hatred..! I believe in one Zambia one nation..! Bo inonge, mutiye…we are behind u.

  11. I believe these are too many ministers that will gobble too much of govt revenue on salaries often above K40,000 per month plus allowances etc plus expensive vehicles!

    I am for my PF and won’t change but let’s start to use govt resources well!

    I think the govt can do well even with 10 key ministries! Maybe even without Ministers, we have to think radicle and outside the box- why should we continue with an underperfoming system? Perm Seconds can do the job without ministers!

  12. And look who is telling his ministers to behave well and work hard .Chakolwa can’t behave well himself went to Newyork and danced on the stage Mungulu Mungulu,lead by example iwe Wrungu. Its more likely for a Dog to give birth to a cat than for Edgar Wrungu to behave in a civilised manner.

    • I saw that. He really looked fooolish.

      Somebody tell me, who lied to this guy that he was a dancer? It seems every time and everywhere he hears music he has to dance.

      Fimo tuleibwelamo mwe!

  13. The theory of going to hell when you die will be no more because under Edgar Chakolwa Kaloba Wrungu you will already be living in hell

  14. Our President does not look well. I don’t if am the only one who has noticed this.Infact from the time he was declared “winner” by the disgraced ECZ.

  15. I remember Sata had 15 ministers initially only to discover he required double that number to operate effectively. He went against his promise and “bloated ” his cabinet.


    • Your is a very stup!d question indeed, BIGGIE!

      Wait until your zombie HH forms government in 2086 and see how the make up of cabinet will be, actually that national character you are questioning will be reduced to a paltry 3 provinces!

  17. I totally agree with our Colleagues, UPND Cadres on this site. Those who got fewer votes won and the one who got the highest number of votes failed. The think like school children where when one has gotten 6 points is genius than the one with 42 points. Keep on dreaming UPND guys and you think by winning 3 provinces, you won elections is well and good.

    • who got the highest votes in central province between ecl and hh.Then how was central province shared in terms of mps. Please come back to me on this one.We need to clear this issue.

    • Even if you are dull don’t embarrass yourself by openly exhibiting it.HH was denied the right to prove how his votes were stolen. So as the situation stands today we do not know who actually won those elections and we may never know because the greatest injustice has been committed in the history of this country. And the number of provinces does not matter, what matters is the number of votes. Be sharp in your minds!

  18. Biggie, there can not be a National representation when other provinces rejected PF in totality. Ask Siamunene, he will tell you what he went through. Ask Greyford Monde and Micheal Kaingu, they will tell you.

    • Are you saying there are no people in those places who voted for PF? What are you saying to such people? Should they leave their residences and go where the majority live in order to get representation in government?

  19. I am sure Dr Canisius Banda is rubbing his hands expecting his name to come up for some appointment soon. Following his rantings in his reply to HH’ letter, the PF will be an ideal Party for Dr C. Banda, the Party for the motley collection of misfits.

  20. I think you guys who like writing stupid things about the president and the party. Be honest in your words you are full of evil jealous , its like you are all agents of the devil. Iwe mushota, ple if you don’t have something to share, pls, stop sharing your evils words here. The more you do that you are promoting evil.

    • @soul
      Chris Mvunga, Micheal Jackson as you call him, is not only a mere Deputy Sec to Cabinet
      but Deputy Secretary Of Pleasure & Entertainment to Cabinet.

    • Absolutely! Mines where the only benefit is tax(small percentage for that matter)and the gigantic profits are taken to the other countries and they use our natural resources to develop their countries. Oh dear Zambia when are you going to wake up from your slumber??

  21. I was waiting to see Kalusha @ the sport ministry! I don’t know why people are complaining. What were you expecting? The original PF members have left, so you pick from the pool you have which he just did. All those who voted and queued outside heroes should not complain. Just make your plan or exit strategy, and work for your families. #Boma temunobe mwalaba shani.

    • And you state that you are waiting for the very corrupt Galu to be appointed Sports Minister..in the same breath you are dishing out advise about not complaining…really laughable.

  22. We have a minister for agriculture and another minister for livesStock and Fisheries ? Why not combine this the two? Wasn’t it call ministry of agriculture food and fisheries? That included livestock. What will the minister for traditional affairs do all year f 1qqqqa111or next 5 years? Waste of resources. New cars coming, allowance, corruption. …what else

  23. One of the Lungu ‘s tasks is to get rid of Tongas in influential government positions. He has just fired Deputy Zambia Army commander who is a Tonga while maintaining the army Top Commander. Then after doing that he will wave the bible that Zambia is Christian nation, and one Zambia one Nation. His appointments are full of tribalism and unfortunately some Zambians can not see it.

  24. The first thing the Minister of broadcasting is going to do is to travel and get cameras from Turkey. That is what he said. To me this is the problem with the caliber of our Ministers. A Minister in such a technical ministry should be thinking more in terms of technological capacity building – like acquiring technology to manufacture components that need replacement after a while. This would create employment as well as advancing the Ministry technologically towards self-reliance. This is like having the Minister of Livestock telling us he is going to buy beef for us from Botswana instead of developing the livestock industry.

  25. Another five “lost” years to come in our national developmental trajectory, its everyone for him/herself and Jah for us all! I have never felt less hopeful for Zambia than with this president, we are on our own!…

  26. I’ve noticed two things from Upnd members : They want a tribally balanced cabinet, but they forget that you don’t have to be MP in Monze to be a Tonga, in short not all PF mps are bembas or ngoni because people like Jean Kapita are from NWP etc. In addition all provinces which have not PF mps have their locals as Provincial ministers. Lastly to them if someone has not been as vocal as Ndulo then, they are not educated. Even the way they look to Upnd is a sign that these individuals are not educated. No, most of these people have been to university unlike William Banda.


  28. Eish ,whats the use of having a minister of information and then another one for communications? Those should be under one roof its wastage you dunderhead leader.

  29. I hope soon the two Master minders HH and GBV will soon be appointed to join their followers at Chimbokaila and Kamfinsa. We r suffering alone while the two remain planning bad things freely.

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