Friday, March 14, 2025

ZABS concerned with decrease in use of calibrated instruments by local industry


ZABS2The Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) is concerned about the decrease in the number of instruments that were calibrated for local industry in July compared with June this year, reports Pan African Radio Journalist Hermit Hachilonde.

The Zambia bureau of Standard (ZABS) Head of Marketing and Public Relations manager Hazel Mufwenko Zulu said the reduction in the number of standardized industrial instruments may have a negative effect on the level of efficiency and service delivery of various companies, particularly those that use instruments to conduct trade.

She has since reminded the local industry that periodic and systematic calibration of instruments is important as it will help them ensure that industrial and production instruments are reading correctly to enable users know the accuracies they are operating at.

Ms. Zulu stated that calibrated instruments gives a competitive edge to businesses and also makes consumers get value for their money because the trade measurements are precise and accurate.

She explained that calibration is a form of quality assurance which ensures that industry can safely and reliably use instruments to get the accurate measurement results they need in production as well as in trade which will result in improved accuracy, efficiency and service delivery.

Ms. Zulu added that some of the instruments that ZABS is able to calibrate include weight scales, cold rooms, ovens and pressure gauges.

She said others are measuring tapes and digital thermometers, reports Pan African Radio Journalist Hermit Hachilonde.

The Zambia bureau of Standard (ZABS) Head of Marketing and Public Relations manager Hazel Mufwenko Zulu said the reduction in the number of standardized industrial instruments may have a negative effect on the level of efficiency and service delivery of various companies, particularly those that use instruments to conduct trade.

She has since reminded the local industry that periodic and systematic calibration of instruments is important as it will help them ensure that industrial and production instruments are reading correctly to enable users know the inaccuracies they are operating at.

Ms. Zulu stated that calibrated instruments gives a competitive edge to businesses and also makes consumers get value for their money because the trade measurements are precise and accurate.

She explained that calibration is a form of quality assurance which ensures that industry can safely and reliably use instruments to get the accurate measurement results they need in production as well as in trade which will result in improved accuracy, efficiency and service delivery.

Ms. Zulu added that some of the instruments that ZABS is able to calibrate include weight scales, cold rooms, ovens and pressure gauges.

She said others are measuring tapes and digital thermometers.


  1. ZABS just want to raise money from petty tests. They should say how much they charge for calibrating a K100 butchery scale. ZABS is just another con, another tax on Zambian products.

    • Mad Max,whilst I support your right to opinion,think about what you are saying.So you expect a butchery scale to go uncalibrated?By the way buchery scales are done by Weights and Measures.Try also to understand the differrence between legal metrology and the other stuff.Zambia needs ZABS,just ask your PF government to imrpove it.I can guarantee you that they do not have an idea what to with it.Yes,it is not perfect but look at what SABS is doing in SA and pray the same can happen in your country.Thanks.

  2. ZABS, based on what were you able to measure ‘decreased calibrations’? The actors in the value chain can have their weighing scales calibrated by any licenced service provider from within or outside Zambia. ZABS is a regulatory entity of the GRZ, and your service remains that of setting industrial standards, exercising authority, and give penalties where actors do not comply. Surprisingly you are now a service provider charging commercial rates. And penalty fees should not be paid to ZABS, but to another govt entity for revenues collections. You are over regulating, which is killing small businesses, making them out of business and in the end no job creation. You must be jokers, this must stop. since when did you become an R&D organization.

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