Friday, October 18, 2024

Zambian mission to tour key Economic Regions in China to enhance Zambia’s image


From right, Mr Walubita Imakando Ambassadot To Malaysia , Mrs Winnie Chibesakunda Ambassador To China nand Mr Josephy Mwape Mukukka Projects at The Statehouse- PICTURE  BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.
From right, Mr Walubita Imakando Ambassadot To Malaysia , Mrs Winnie Chibesakunda Ambassador To China nand Mr Josephy Mwape Mukukka Projects at The Statehouse- PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.
The Zambian mission in China has launched a ten -day tour of the key economic regions dubbed “The 2016 Zambia China People to People Culture and Business Roadshow” aimed at enhancing Zambia’s image in China.

This is in line with the missions’ 2016 Strategic Plan that is aimed at enhancing the visibility of Zambia in China by rejuvenating its image through comprehensive, structured, smart and effective promotional marketing tools.

This has been disclosed by Zambia’s Ambassador to China, Mrs. Winnie Chibesakunda in an interview with ZANIS in Beijing over the weekend.

Mrs. Chibesakunda said that the tours are aimed at promoting tourism, trade and investment in Zambia and also promote people to people exchange between the two countries

Mrs. Chibesakunda explained that China with its largest population in the world coupled with its second largest economy in the world gives hope to Zambia that its nationals could visit Zambia as tourists, investors or traders and contribute to the growth of the Zambian economy.

She disclosed that the promotion tours will be carried out in collaboration with the Global Communication and Cooperation Company, Chinese Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Tourism, Culture and the Chinese embassy in Lusaka.

Global Communication and Cooperation Company has combined such services as economic and cultural exchanges, research, exhibitions, advertising, media planning and other integrated services.

The company has in the recent year’s organized cultural exchange and business exploration trips to Europe, USA, Australia, South-East Asia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

The ambassador said Global Communication and Cooperation Company will facilitate sponsorship for a cultural road show and arrange with authorities in regions that could host the Zambian cultural group for one month.

Mrs. Chibesakunda further disclosed that some of the activities to be conducted during the promotion tours are live performances by a Zambian dance group, Seminars to be conducted by Zambian business promoters and video footage showing Zambian places such as tourist attraction sites, culture and sports.

Zambian music celebrity Jordan Katembule popularly known as JK is expected to be in the group of musicians destined for China and is expected to put up a number of shows during the 2016 Zambia China People to People Culture and Business Promotion Road Show.

“The mission has taken advantage of the Zambian culture performance tour of 6 cities in China whose sponsorship has already been secured, to hold business promotion activities on the side lines. Therefore, the business promotion seminars highlight Zambia’ tourism, investment and trade offerings will be held in the 8 cities during the afternoons and followed by the culture performances in the evenings,” She said.

She added that the seminars are aimed at enhancing Zambia’s visibility in China in order to promote diversified economic development through increased tourism activities and expansion of trade and investment flows.

The Business Fora will be facilitated by officials from the Zambian Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Commerce, Zambia Development Agency and the Embassy.

And a Zambian businessman, Joseph Kabuswe has hailed the Zambian mission in China for the ambitious programme aimed at boosting investment and trade between Zambia and China.

In an interview with ZANIS today Mr. Kabuswe said economic diplomacy is what the country need adding that he has no doubt the programmes being undertaken by the Zambian mission in China will promote diversified economic development through increased tourism activities and expansion of trade and investment flows.

He appealed to other missions to devise measures and programmes that will benefit the Zambian people.


    • Looking at that picture- those sorry excuses of human beings are clearly in it for themselves, not for anyone else.

      Body doesn’t lie , every face..

      Its a trip to pick up allowances and do a bit of shopping. End of



    • Singing Dununa reverse in China sounds foolish.
      Why do Chinese want to a Zambian carnival in their streets? Chinese have already attracted themselves in Zambia, Sata was tired of them.

    • They don’t even look like a real Rock band. Is this the calibre that can dununa throughout China non-stop? This tour is a flop even before it starts. Kaunda did all the China-Zambia relations stuff in the late 60’s early 70’s to bring us the pipeline railways and road. No need now Chinese can come by themselves. Per diem is the motivation here. WI, WC and JMM you are not even funny.

  1. I thought they are there to at least copy profitable methods to make money and replicate at home. But they are there to ‘enhance’ Zambia’s already rotten image.

    • The Chinese know exactly who Zambians are. The Chinese are out here to conquer Zambia with as few peanuts as possible as bakolwe scramble for the peanuts.

    • Definitely. They look fat and swollen in their sits that can barely button or sit comfortably. The Chinese do not have to conquer Zambia, Zambians are already selling their souls and integrity to the highest bidder, while Mugabe and Museveni sit back and laugh.

  2. For sure these are money wasters and PF tourists. with good leaders, Zambia would have had better investment from the Chinese more than what is in Ethiopia and Kenya. TAZara would have been a marvel in Africa.

  3. Promoting tourism in China with an entourage full of cadres who will say all our elephants to these hungry rats called Chines who eat everything.

  4. JK plays traditional Zambian cultural music? Am I missing something here? Why can’t he just promote music using a recording company instead of wasting tax payers money?

  5. This is the trouble with African politics. JK has to be remunerated for Dununa Reverse. Lets wait and see how Kalu is paid back.

  6. Stupidity at its worst! You are asking your people to sacrifice and then you go on holiday to China for 10 days? What sort of human being are these? Zambian does not need advertising to the Chinese! They already know how great this country is that is why they are coming in large numbers and for these human beings to think of Zambia this way means they do not even know the value of their own country. The Chinese are already building their own middle class right here in Zambia, they even brought Bank of China and instead of wasting people’s money why don’t you start propping up your own Zambian middle class right here? Ala mwaba ifipuba muno!

  7. Zambia and Tanzania knew China before the rest of Africa but China has invested more in some African countries that even recognised Taiwan before crossing over to China than Zambia and today you are wasting money by holding road shows! China knows Zambia probably more than Lungu knows his own country. This is only about per diem and overall wastage!

    • You are very right Sinono.How many times have Zambians undertaken such trips and shows and what have been the benefits?

  8. Every time you read about Zambian missions abroad, you will never miss to hear of a Chibesakunda. I’m sick and tired of hearing about these Bisa Lumpens, it’s not like there are not other ably qualified and experienced Zambians from other parts of the country. Atase!

  9. The Chibesakunda in the picture is only chibesakunda by marriage she is Tonga check your record before you get too sick and tired

  10. Oh God help us, touring missions at the time we need austerity measures! This president must be sleeping, ordinary Zambians suffering worse than ever before. never heard of him denounce corruption or talk about reducing government spending. all the time hiding in the ‘sheep’s clothing’ when they fail to produce sound economical solutions… let’s cry for ourselves “kapale na bayaa”

  11. going to china to show zambias image?
    we are a country of hungry,miserable and destitute population….
    what image are we going to show the chinese?
    we r always begging when we go abroad .
    just a sheer waste of tax payers money.
    you could have used that money to advance hospital care where people in zambia are dying from malnutrition and diseases which can be prevented.
    we are in for a shocker…as the country a few months from now will be reeling in abject poverty and crime.
    hats off to people who voted Chagwa…. you will remember these words…dununa reverse!

  12. This is an old Stalinist stance of top-down behaviors. Why not identify some potential small-scale business people and innovators and send them on a trip to beef up their idea-set and hopefully get them to engage in partnerships of a strategic nature for their outfits? Stop this belief of thinking once you have been appointed or elected you are the preserve of all knowledge. You must facilitate your electorate and charges by bringing them to the frontline. Every great leader has enabled his charges, it has never been the other way around.

  13. We understand that music obsession works as a surrogate for lack of human bonds. Songs can pierce one’s heart directly; it needs no mediation. Regular Progressive House mixtapes posted each and every Wednesday. Hear us on MixCloud!

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