Friday, October 18, 2024

God will answer our prayers and heal our economy-Bowman Lusambo


Delivering a speech during the National Day of Prayer and Fasting at New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola
Delivering a speech during the National Day of Prayer and Fasting at New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola

Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo has encouraged all peace loving Zambians to continue standing in the gap for Zambia and promote unity under One Zambia One Nation motto.

Mr Lusambo said the Government is determined to work hard and promote unity, peace and prosperity for our country.

He was speaking in Ndola when he graced the National Day of Prayer and Fasting under the theme; Promoting Reconciliation, Healing and Celebrating Unity in Diversity” for the Copperbelt Province held at the New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola.

“I believe that where there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer. Brothers and Sisters, the National Day of Prayer and Fasting last year yielded results in a number of sectors, simply because our God did infact answer us, the bumper harvest, peaceful elections are some of the results of the results we can only attribute to God answering our prayers,” Mr Lusambo said.

He added, “I am confident that today’s prayers offered before God will once again yield results. God shall heal our economy and bless this country once again.”

Mr Lusambo also urged Heads of Government departments to set aside a day at the office where they can meet and pray.

“I would like to take this opportunity to make mention that from this day, I would like to encourage all Heads of Departments to select a day at your work places where staff can meet and have prayers to thank God for Mother Zambia,” Mr Lusambo said.

“His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu on the official opening of Parliament last year declared 18th October a National Day of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance and Reconciliation. It is in this vein of the presidential decree that we are gathered today, not unto known, but by the Grace of Almighty God, to thank the Lord and seek his blessings upon our beloved country.”

“My fellow believers, God Almighty whom we all put our stand, looks at all of us, as one body with different parts. We ought to love one another, forgive one another and celebrate one another. Today is a special day as it offers us a great opportunity to come together in this manner and pray as a family regardless of colour, tribe, race, religion, denomination and political affiliation,” he said.

On arrival at the New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola
On arrival at the New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola
Singing during the commemoration of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting at the New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola
Singing during the commemoration of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting at the New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola
Listening to a sermon during the commemoration of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting at the New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola
Listening to a sermon during the commemoration of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting at the New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola
Attending the National Day of Prayer and Fasting at the New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola
Attending the National Day of Prayer and Fasting at the New Apostolic Church in Kansenshi, Ndola
Reading a speech during the commemoration of National Day of Prayer and Fasting in Ndola
Reading a speech during the commemoration of National Day of Prayer and Fasting in Ndola


  1. hey maybe we should all stop working and leave god to work for us. Maybe god will then pay for the taxes that these nicompoops use for their survival.

    • Nothing Fails Like Prayer!!!

      “Why won’t God heal amputees?

      It’s a simple question, isn’t it? We all know that amputated legs do not spontaneously regenerate in response to prayer. Amputees get no miracles from God.

      If you are an intelligent person, you have to admit that it’s an interesting question On the one hand, you believe that God answers prayers and performs miracles. On the other hand, you know that God completely ignores amputees when they pray for miracles.”

    • How much is this MMD thug Lusambo paying LT or is LT scared of beaten up? Simply too much graffiti of that Bowman.

    • This country is a joke. 1. We didn’t have a peaceful election, just there in Chifubu you spelt blood of those women, remember? We need to pray but not to draw God into our jokes.

    • These thugs compete on stealing public man how can the economy pick-up.What did lungu own b4 going into govt,what does he own,did it come from god,stop mocking God you hypocrites.

  2. Really laughable…yes please stop drawing out salaries as you are simply empty tins; God will take care of the economy…and please get that Lazy Bum out of State House as he is equally useless.

  3. Prayers alone won’t help the nation if those in leadership are thieves, have no idea what to do, drunk at all times, too arrogant to admit failure and hand over power to capable hands. Which ever way you look at it Zambia is headed backwards very fast with the uninspiring leadership of Lungu.


    • Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man — living in the sky — who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever ’til the end of time! ..But He loves you… and HE NEEDS MONEY!
      – George Carlin

  5. Were that to be the case, all nations would just go on their knees and BANG! China, Japan, USA, Germany France would become the world’s five best economies.

    • wankers pretending to be leaders what a country gone to the DOGS. Every economy would so good. GOD must be laughing at you F.OOLS where ever he his

    • This is why we fail as a nation to think of Bowman as presidential material. But again in a nation that gave you sata expect anything!

  6. Amen, Honorable Bowman Lusambo. Ignore all the above comments above coming from the UPND Satanists and Freemasons. They are blind and wicked beyond redemption.

  7. Ati future president my foot!! If this is the calibre of future president in Zambia I better migrate to Congo. Read his statements everything its his excellent bla bla bla. Its boring!

    • That a good one mate, you have left me in stiches, it would be funny if it wasnt such a tragedy. This country is made up of jokers and ruled by even more serious jokers.

  8. Who told you that when we pray we must stop working? What it means that we work hard and also pray that God will bless the fruits of our labour. Just what is the problem with these UPND Satanists and Freemasons? We will never vote for UPND because they can lead the country into idolatry and devil worship. It is quite evident from their disregard of anything to do with Christianity.

  9. Lusambo too excited about the new job and enjoying the limelight.
    The improvement of the economy first and foremost depend on the honesty, selflessness and total commitment of the top leadership. The current leadership just like those before are plunderers and crooks. For example, when will Zambians be told the amount of money spent on the chartered jet for Lungu’s New York trip including it’s parking fees? Did the money come Lungu’s pockets? Just next door the Tanzanian president was shown travelling on a commercial fight heading to the same UN meeting.

    • “Promoting Reconciliation, Healing and Celebrating Unity in Diversity” ?????

      Hypocrite! Liar! Scoundrel!

      Harassing and jailing the opposition on trumped up charges is Reconciliation?

      Preventing the Concourt from hearing the petition is Healing?

      Insulting southern and western Zambians because of their tribe is Celebrating Unity in Diversity?

      Please do not take us for fools. These empty words and pious prayers are just a smokescreen to cover your looting and plundering. When the thieves that have stolen public money as according to the AG report are arrested and prosecuted by the ACC perhaps you will start to have some credibility.

      Until then we know lies when we see them and these lies of yours are there for all to see.

  10. Ba Kolwe’ Imwe’!!
    Kailii fuel has now gone up in price.
    Chagwa, & your Corrupt Lieutenants, why not keep your aircraft parked, & pray to be miraculously uplifted to all these useless Conferences you keep attending, that NEVER add value to Zambia, or alleviate the hunger, & poverty afflicting your poor docile Citizens.

  11. Shut the government and let God run it. Bloody *****s, how can God solve your ailing economy while you sit on your asses and steal the little that the country has. How can God solve your economic problems when you refuse to work by announcing unnecessary holidays… inauguration holiday, prayer holiday and so on. Manna does not fall from heaven anymore. Have people in government who can use God given brains to solve the problems. Use your brains you dimwits, that’s why God gave them to you or vacate your offices if you cant use them to solve the problems. You cant be running to God every time you have a problem when he gave you all the tools to use. Shame, let us as well appoint pastors as ministers and let them operate from their churches. GOD WILL NEVER SOLVE YOUR ECONOMIC PROBLEM…

  12. God will answer our prayers and heal our economy-Bowman Lusambo.

    Speaking on behalf of God, Mr Lusambo said he had confirmation of God’s Commitment to heal Zambia’s economy.

    At the same function…………………………….

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