Friday, March 28, 2025

Bus fares go up


Mini buses are operating out side the Kulima Tower station which is under renovation.

The Bus and Taxi Owners Association (BTOAZ) has confirmed that bus fares for all routes have gone up with effect from today, Thursday, October 20 2016.

In a statement, Association National Spokesperson Amis Daudi said this following the increase of the prices of Diesel and Petrol last week.

Mr Daudi said the Association initiated fare adjustment negotiations with the Authorities after extensive internal consultations with its members.

He said the negotiating parties included the BTOAZ, the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), the Commuter Rights Association, and the PPDAZ.

Mr Daudi said the Association will accordingly issue the official fare charts to all operators.
Below is the full statement




Following the increase of the prices of Diesel K8.59 to K11.40 per litre and Petrol K9.87 to K13.70 per litre, on Friday, 14 October 2016, the Bus and Taxi Owners Association (BTOAZ) initiated fare adjustment negotiations with the Authorities.

This was after extensive internal consultations with its members. The negotiating parties included the BTOAZ, the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), the Commuter Rights Association, and the PPDAZ,

The negotiating parties considered a number of factors and took into account the increase in the cost of operations of the passenger transport business.
We would like to announce that we have now concluded the negotiations and agreed to adjust bus and taxi fares as follows:

i) Long Distance Routes – 15% increase
ii) Inter Town Routes – 18% Increase
iii) Local Routes (within Town) – K0.50 to K1.50 depending on the distance of each route.

These increases are with effect from Thursday, 20 October 2016.

The Association will accordingly issue the official fare charts to all operators.

Allows us to thank all operators for the patience and understanding exhibited whilst the negotiations were taking place.



  1. Expected. However, it’s imperative to put monitoring and new tough route operating conditions. Most of these buses, undercut the citizen by selling for a route only to truncate it midway, necessitating the purchase of a new ticket for the remainder of the route. The bus co. Makes double for the route. This must stop. In fact could the Gov’ts nationalise bus services to bring in more money? There is room also for private business. We need more competition introduced so prices can be challenged and set by demand and supply.

  2. Yes LUNGU, the Fuel increase will help the poor becoz they will be doing PONDA-NYELELE (walking) & will exercise more making them healthy & avoid getting sick.

    Kikikikiki, PF is a MUNGULU-MUNGULU Govt. Someone save us from this PF Curse.

  3. This is the perfect opportunity for ‘Mr Walk the Talk’ to make good on his promise of last night to “CUSHION THE IMPACT ON THE POOR”. I am dying to see just what cushion he is likely to use.

  4. So many narrow minded people! You UPND lot need to stop celebrating the coming harsh times. You are an irritation to calm sensible Zambians who want to start fixing for good roads!

    • When PF were campaining using ministers depleting GRZ funds UPND warned of tough times to come….

      Can we play that song pleas ……Dununa dununa iyeee aaa eeeeeeee dunununa iye DUNUNA REVERSE

    • Nobody is celebrating the harsh times that are upon us. It is with sorrow that we have to remind the dimwits who drunkenly danced to Dununa Reverse and voted for Lungu. Just enjoy the hollow victory and suffering to go with it.

  5. Most PF zealots are at a loss for words. They do not seem to know what is happening. They were very sure that the price of fuel would come down to K5.50 as eloquently espoused by their minister of disinformation sometime this year. This can be gleaned from their unintelligible mumblings on this and other sites. One can imagine them talking to themselves, ‘But how, what, why?’ over and over again.

  6. PF members are very aware of what is going on and happening. We voted for our leaders to make decisions as long as they will put the economy back on where its suppose to be. So far so good. More pronouncements are coming that may not be pleasing and you ba UPND will continue with your shameless imagination. Definitely it will not be things as usual bane.

    • Who put the economy off-track in the first place? Zambia became a middle income in 2010 and MMD left forex reserves of $3.2 billion in 2011. Now after 5 years of PF misrule, Zambia is broke and needs a bailout. Can’t you see who is to blame here? Why should PF be cheered on for fixing the economy that they broke?

  7. Boza. This is laughable.

    You PF chaps voted on the basis of a Dununa song and your dislike for HH.

    It is illogical to trust the same driver who drove you into a ditch to drive you safely out. This country has been driven into a ditch and we needed a fresh driver to take us out and drive us into prosperity based on a clear vision.

    Now here we are still in the ditch, No well articulated vision and an unqualified person leading the one sector, agric, that would lead us to prosperity.

    Dununa Livesi!!

  8. Whats wrong with our lot how could we lose to these guys and we are busy fighting for what cannot be won via the route we have taken….its time to critically examine ourselves suppose we have a by-election now can we win the presidency using the same campaign tactics we have been using? Reality is we will be in opposition until 2021 but no one us what is going on we just read in the Post

    • There will not be a by-election, even if Lungu resigns tomorrow. The VP takes over. That’s why s/he is a running mate. We are stuck with PF until 2021. Enjoy the nosedive into hell!

  9. It will get HARD before it gets better…..The removal of subsidies is a good move. The government needs revenue so it has to use any means possible. The removal of subsidies of course will trigger inflation in a short-run…But eventually the market forces will bring these prices down.
    Good move ba Zambia….

    • I wish I could stroke your Chinena and calm you down. Don’t breakdown now! The economic freefall has just started and won’t stop soon. How long did it take MMD to fix the Unip mismanagement? It will take longer to fix the PF mess.

  10. Bwana patriotic abroad

    You say who will fix our roads,so u don’t even know where money for roads is been generated, road tax,carbon tax all taxes we pay at ratsa then the toll gates have generated millions but nothing has commenced even failing to finish a stretch at manyumbi were they are collecting money.

    So boss,forget about roads coz they ar not a priority now in zambia already they have 19 billion dollas kongole to pay for roads loans.

    Lately k50 =5L was wat I was using per day now k50 is 3.6L can’t go for work n back home, need k70. Its funny now that k20 with a bus is making sense.

    From riches to lags

  11. There is no dununa reverse here. This is Zambia Forward and all the way.
    But Transporters be serious, when FUEL INCREASE IS 38%. WE EXPECT BUS FARE TO INCREASE BY THE SAME. WHO ARE YOU CHEATING BAFIMBWI WITH YOUR PF *****S. Finish what you start.

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