Saturday, February 22, 2025

Southern Province Institutions Displaying the Portrait of Hakainde Hichilema in offices Warned


Hakainde Hichilema
Hakainde Hichilema

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) Southern Province vice Youth Chairperson Obby Mweemba has called on institutions and business houses in the Province to heed to the directive made by the Provincial minister Edify Hamukale on need to put President Edgar Lungu’s portrait in their premises.

Last week during a press briefing in Choma, Dr Hamukale directed the Zambia Police in Southern Province to enforce the display of the presidential portrait of Edgar Lungu in public places following reports that some institutions were displaying the picture of United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema.

Mr Mweemba said the display of President Edgar Lungu’s portrait in public places was law and warned of stern action against those that were trying to politicize the issue.

In an interview from Livingstone today, Mr Mweemba cautioned institutions as well as public places and civil servants against frustrating Government in its quest to bring about development in the Province.

“The Honourable Minister was very correct with his sentiments because as youths in the province we have observed that some institutions, public places even civil servants have been frustrating the works of Government and undermining the ruling party’s authority to an extent of not displaying the President’s portrait.

“The display of the portrait is mandatory because its law and this is not time for politics because elections are long gone and this the time for us to work and bring development to our mother Zambia and we only have one President who is Edgar Chagwa Lungu,”Mr Mweemba said

Mr Mweemba also reiterated that PF youths in the province were more than ready to work closely with the new provincial minister to ensure the directive was implemented.

“We are still having various meetings together with the minister so that we can put measures and see how we can support our youths in the province as you know Southern province is a very rich province and so we want our youths to be engaged in various projects through the Government,” he said.


    • Government offices are obliged to do so. Private business houses are not. The president’s potrait is displayed in public offices as a national symbol. Private business houses don’t have to because they have their own corporate symbols.

    • This is the first President in the history of Zambia who is trying very hard to be recognised. I don’t recognise him either. Well he should take comfort in the fact that he’s recognised and accepted by alleged friend Museveni who does not even know his name (he calls him Edward, I would be upset if I was Analyser and someone called me Analytical). Is Lungu trying too hard? No wonder he was bitten by bees. Which means that even the Zambian bees do not recognise him as President of Zambia.

    • HH is so much better looking that the alcoholic and HH is the legitimate president of Zambia. The PF illiterates and hoodlums want to keep Zambia back but Zambia will move forward. These PF cadres cannot think why it is only dictators like Museveni and Mugabe that are friends with Lungu. They are teaching him their tricks.

    • Ba PF naimwe akubombenifye if you really can. Why are you always talking about HH and GBM? You are now giving the impression that the two are giving you sleepless nights. Maybe trully they won. Why so much focus on them?

    • The law of displaying president’s photos in offices, having statues & huge paintings on walls was copied from North Korea by KK. It’s archaic & only leads to citizens worshiping a fellow human being.

      KK wanted us to worship him as a small-god like the way North Koreans worshiped Kim il Sung. He even started grooming his sons to take over. This time late Wezi or Kaweche would have been vice president.

      This is the same way PF00Ls worship “Edward” LUNGU as a small-god: In their eyes, he can do no wrong.

    • which law are you using you i.d.i.o.t.s….We’ll display HH’s portrait for as long as we like. why should you force me to display an ugly b.a.s.tard on my wall? Colonial tendencies are long gone! you get it!?? I.D.I.O.T.S!!!

    • Exactly! They should tell us which law they are referring to. What about us Christians (and other religious people) who display religious photos? Or those people who hang family photos in their offices. Are you going to take them down? My grandfather might not be president but he changed the course of the family when he began his businesses. So even those people in Southern province should be free like me.

  1. This is anarchy sort these guys out. This just proves that Hakayinde is tribal, have not heard that he’s hang his ugly face on walls in Eastern Northern etc

    • True, HH did not ask anyone to display his portrait anywhere. It’s the people themselves that feel that HH did, indeed, win the August 11 election. VIVA HH, VIVA UPND.

    • @2.2 Suntwe.. Which “PEOPLE”? Why don’t you simply state that “HH TONGA SUPPORTERS feel that HH won” since they thought by preventing other from expressing their will by chasing other parties’ election monitors and rigging elections in 3 provinces their “god” was going to rule the greater Zambia. Sorry, they have to bend to choice of the majority!

  2. Obby Mweemba is another attention seeker looking for job. These are lies by an idio.tic mind trying to be clever for nothing.

  3. Show proff . This is all PF lies like the lies about a bemba teacher being attacked in diamonds and today’s lies from amos chanda about HH and GBM telling people ICC will change GRZ.

    no one in SP has seen any of this lies. Every one has a camera phone why can’t a single person show this ?

  4. I think this is very shameful. What picture are my friends in Southern province painting? Please ladies and gentlemen, let us not do such things, The case is still in court. The PF will take advantage of this and start to call us arrogant. I am UPND but I DO NOT support this.

    • You are as ugly as the avatar of your photo. Look at Lungu and HH. HH is by far more cultured, educated, successful and handsome than Lungu who always look sick. Zambians are sheep and will be led by a dictator and his bastard fathers Mugabe, Banda and Museveni.

    • @jàson Nyirenda, what is shameful and tribal about not displaying Edgar Lungu’s photo in offices? It is you who is shameful by believing that it is shameful not to hang Lungu’s photo in public places.

  5. In as much as i do not support lawlessness, there is no law that compels anyone to display anyone’s photo or portrait. which law was the provincial minister basing his instructions on when he ordered the police to sort out all those who will be found wanting? Zambia is a country of laws and as such, people shouldn’t take their personal position / opinion to be law just because they are in power. Anyone here to quote for me the law that compels business houses display the said portraits. I need to learn as i have never seen such a law

  6. Why put the president’s portrait in the first place? In develop nations you don’t see portraits of President or Prime Minister. It’s 2016 not 1964 Zambian! It’s time to discuss things that add value to the economy.

  7. @JAY JAY LOW don’t display your ignorance and about the presidential portraits. In every country in the world it is a mandetory to display presidential portrait in the public places.

    • You haven’t fully addressed Jay Jay Low’s concern. From what you have written, someone may assume it’s a form of an etiquette and not backed up by a piece of legislation. You should have quoted the part of the constitution which compels displaying of such portraits in Zambia

  8. Just imagine , why put a portrait of somebody in institutions. it’s just a waste of resources making all those portraits.
    And as alluded to already, which law in zambia says that a portrait of a leader should be displayed.?
    We better be serious and start thinking BIG…….not small issues which have no consequence or value.

  9. UPND LEADERS AND YOUR FOLLOWERS IN SOUTHERN PROVINCE ,HUH… Not that i have something against this party. Just don’t understand their perpetual resilience in DENIAL.I think God should come down and speak directly to Mr.HH like he did with MOSES in a BURNING BUSH. GOD SHOULD SAY HH MY SON I LOVE YOU A LOT ,BUT I NEED YOU TO ACCEPT, MOVE ON, 2021 I WILL DEFINITELY MAKE YOU PRESIDENT”NOW WE NEED TO WORK ON YOUR EMOTIONS, AMONG OTHER THINGS….

  10. You who are saying that you have never seen presidents of developed nations displaying portraits in their countries am in Washington right now and guess whose potraits are displayed. Just go to the American embassy or any embassy and you will see for yourself. It’s law

    • Not that I don’t agree with you but please help the bloggers by citing the law which compels businesses or institutions in Zambia to display the President’s portrait. That’s how you shut up those who are “ignorant”. Maybe in the USA, there’s a law to back it up r it is just a form of etiquette?

    • Yes in government offices. But private business offices are not obliged to dislay the president’s portrait. In govt offices we do because the president’s image is a national symbol. You can force citizens running private businesses to display the president’s portrait. There is no law that backs that.

  11. we can never put LUNGU in our offices,LUNGU lost the elections period.Such nonsense can never happen is North Western Province.

  12. Is Lusaka Times a Sister company of UPND Media? Too much negativity towards the current governance, what gives? Get over it and accept and move on before you suffer from CLINICAL DEPRESSION and other CHRONIC AILMENTS. This is what harbouring RESENTMENT,BITTERNESS,DENIAL and ALL OTHER NEGATIVE EMOTIONS DOES.

    • If you close ZWD and The Post, don’t expect the anti – Lungu people to stop blogging. They will concentrate on the remaining outlets to get their views known.

  13. Come now am sure we all know about norms and custom that become part of how a people conduct business. I seem to recall a gazette notice on the display of KKs portrait it went as far as the acceptable dimensions etc. Maybe it was revoked or it had a time limit am not sure. Of course we can join our current leaderships past time and go to court to exercise our ‘constitutional’ rights to display our preferred picture of our great failed leader HH. Am not sure we have the financial muscle to hire great Martha to argue our matter but lets go for it. My friends we have larger things to address such as why our number 9 cannot score his time is up…2021 change we win simple!

  14. ECZ is the only institution in Zambia which is mandated to carry out elections and declare the winner.HH was never declared.His supporters should stop dreaming cause the man lost terribly.

    • Lost terribly ? Lungu got less than 50% of the vote and had to rig despite spending $10 billion on projects and bankrupting the goverment by using GRZ funds to campain.

  15. This is what desperation can do. Firstly cage who ever has displayed the portrait of this ugly HH. Secondly cage this ugly HH himself.

  16. The mad wish to produce a president by some tribes is puzzling. I am afraid it’s going to be worse in 2021 when HH will only manage 15%.


  18. The companies that I have worked for, private and Public have always displayed the portrait of the seating President. If it is true otherwise, offenders should be brought to book

  19. PF zealots. The law please or else close this topic. You cannot continue agitating for peoples’ arrest and fail to cite the relevant section of the law connected to this alleged illegality.

  20. Why is the PF HELL burnt on tarnishing Southern Province. You speak of National Unity, Reconciliation and Prayer yet, here they are WARNING PEOPLE like they ALWAYS WARN the OPPOSITION. Some President this one is….

  21. These are just over zealous bembas trying to bembadize SP like they are doing in EP.
    Hold firm people from SP don’t alow them to over run you otherwise your province will be full of theives.

  22. But no where in the story is it indicated that instead they have displayed HH’s potrait. Refusing or not displaying Lungu’s Foto does not mean displaying HH’s, Please mwebantu

    • LT is in the pay of PF and lungu.
      Some times they show drops of neutrality but in the main they are one of the main channels for fanning PF tribal hatred.

      Any one from PF can come and say anything about SP or HH and LT will print without collaborating anything.

  23. Cannot display a drunkard in my office! NEVER! Lungu must be jailed as soon as possible before he starts wasting our funds on his bitches and fellow thieves in his corrupt GRZ offices!

    • This is the PF way, to divert attention from their failures in running the country they fan tribal hatred.

      If they are not harassing and jailing the opposition they are spreading lies.

    • @jimmy thayi, I am with you. Let’s discuss the energy sector (ZESÇO) and the entire Nation economy than whose photo must be displayed wherever.

  24. President Lungu does not have a particularly good face face to look at on a photo but one with very upsetting ugly look which you don’t expect any one to be oking at every day it’s unfair to force people.

  25. Until the petition is heard instead of blocking it with technicalities , and lungu is decleared the winner, his picture represents that of a theif.

  26. Kaili HH will be embarrassed badly by God one of these fine days. Bushe Ba Lesa baku angalilako?

    Even display of presidential portrait mwe bantu? Bushe muli ba donkey abashani kanshi? Hiho hiho hiho hiho.

  27. Forget about them. We don’t care. They can as well hang the same hh portraits in their areas of choice. The bitter people they are and come 2021 August you will be nowhere. We will make sure you won’t be voted into forming government. You will vote for yourselves just their. If you think PF will go to sleep you are wasting your time AISHA.Moooooo

  28. Ninister leave them put its part of evidence for icc.actually nevers mumba is killing christians for money poverty and love of money at work.hh old tactics are known and will be used back on you bakalalil nishi – u gone

  29. Haha! Ati law and they cannot even quote a single statute to that effect. Does it fall under “symbols of state”??? Remember the president’s aide came up with some use.less assertion about disgrace and some waffle constituting breaking the law so the state could go after those two guys. Now it is portraits and there is no shred of reference to the law. Guys, these humble-looking gentlemen are slowly usurping the constitution they swore to protect. Careful!!!1

  30. These people won’t stop their just like that,we hve worked with some chaps who are so arrogant, and they want always to be right ,we know them.

  31. Am very tired of the nonsense from these tribal tongas!!!political giant Michael Sata used to lose elections but nobody in the north tried to put his portrat in offices.same no bemba civil servant tried to frustrate Govnt works!!!but why are tongas so evil like this?is hh their messiah?come on guys,Zambia is bigger than hh.and you f00lish tonga civil servant wake up because once you lose your job,hh wont give you a ngwee!!!tonga’s tribalism is now getting out of hand!!!THIS IS WHY ME AND ALL MY BEMBA CLAN CAN NEVER VOTE FOR HH!!!

  32. These Institutions must be sorted out as they are going too far against the Country’s Laws. I think the Law is nursing these people with kids gloves and if left like this the madness will errupt out of proportion. They have nothing to loose as they claim but as peace loving Zambians we are concerned.
    HH chances to become the president are getting slim and slim if he continues with the same madness come 2021.

  33. Tongas are greedy, useless people….. The only province that want tone display a demon who keeps claiming that he won elections without giving evidence in the con court to this day the demon called hh has no evidence…… And these tongas are behaving like this and they are not in power what more if there were in power…Shameless people these tongs are in record beating people for voting for pf in southern province without shame iam yet to hear in eastern province that people where displaced for voting for upnd.These tongas are a treat. Speak whatever you like i have said the truth.

  34. these people are so last centuary that they would rather vote for their own than Jesus Christ. and when they decide to hate you hey even vote for a stone than a fellow human being. you can ask bo sakwiba if you think am joking. they would rather put obamas pictures in their krall than their own presidents picture. thats dundumweshi for you my brother. imagine if God had looked away for a minute and their hh won with his less than 55 mental patients (MPs) and 3 paramount chiefs , what would have happened to ka mulenga and ka kunda as well as ka chanda

  35. AK47 you call others demons dont forget that there is also a demon that is forcing people to recoginise him that he was elected and then feared to be proved a winner in courts of law. now he is seeking recognition from everyone. shame on you .

  36. Blackbull stop been a fool and face the reality Zambia has 10 province your sat..anic party won in three provinces….And from the time the dem.onic leader of your lost elections he has never been to his SDA church. Blackbull let your sa..tanic leader give ua the evidence. You tongas have no shame

  37. @18.1 Spaka like lilo
    “LOST TERRIBLY” get this data:2015 elections ELC won by 27000 votes and 2016 over100,000 votes.Meaning the gap increased drastically.


  39. Madness at its best. Demi-god for morons in southern province ka? Grow up by coming out of cowdung! There is always next time even if you fail hundred times. Kalusa ni kalusa!

  40. Being handsome is not a qualification to be president. Your hungry hyena never smiles or cracks jokes. They can display his portrait but he is not known to the outside world that he is Zambia’s president. If he were to visit any country, he will not be received by government officials of that country. Hh is just playing at being president like a child, that’s how he gets an erecti-on.

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